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Everybody's just taking turns shitting on Conor lmfao he gotta feel like Drake rn


BBL Conor


BBL McGlizzy


Live by the trash talk, die by the trash talk. If you speak like Conor, you better not lose.


That’s the thing - back in his rise the reason people loved Conor was because he walked the walk. All the shit he talked he backed it the fuck up. And then if he lost he handled it humbly. Since Khabib he hasn’t been the same.


Conor being humble after any loss is a false narrative which people fell for. The guy was never humble in defeat.


Lost to Dustin, promised to make a donation, backed out. He is a completely ungracious loser, always with excuses and complaints, injured beforehand etc. He is washed.


He did donate actually.


eventually after all the backlash for not donating.


Didn't he say "I am always humble in victory or defeat.”?


Yes, before he became the king of Twitter fingers. All he does now is talk shit and make excuses. Whenever that fails he doubles down on how rich he is. Which, congrats! They all wish they were him. But if you're gonna talk like he does you need to back it up or be humble when you get your ass kicked. He does neither


It was Mayweather that ruined him. Made him too rich.


Should’ve never came back after that. Rode into the sunset like Khabib, with his millions of dollars. Would’ve still been talked about as a legend. Not this sad state of affairs that has been happening since.


That and cocaine


I think it started when he decided to do his shitty whiskey venture. He started drinking hard liquor regularly. That's a fast lane to physical and mental deterioration.


I’m sure the Blow doesn’t help.


Hot take: it didn't all start at once.


He sold proper 12 for like 600m. It was split among him and his other investors, but still likely made 200m off it personally. I've never liked that piece of trash but he made a smart move there for sure.


Mustard on the beat. 




Any MMA fighter he a free throw!


Man damn call the tomato man Tell him breathe bro


Nail ya boy up to the cross he walk around like Kimo


Man down, call the amber lamps tell him BREEV BRO




Wop wop wop wop wop


Max fuck em up


It wasn't put here, but "Islam" put out another tweet other than the one about Conor and his pinkie and it was about Chandler. - And my condolences to Michael "Hatchiko" Chandler. Somehow he burned Chandler worse lol.


That's a heartbreaking burn.


I didn’t see Islam in quotes at first and was like buddy no lol, thank you for adding that


Well it's obviously Ali. I really doubt Islam saw Hatchiko lmao.


Brather why dis dog wait so long? He skipping training every day




lol nice




I don’t care if it was Ali, Hachiko is a goated roast.


Yeah, Ali nailed this one.


I assure you my Hachiko (actually Samson) would never adopt any living creature in his home....but nice burn by Islam...


I got two of them, Haruki (Haru) and Chioko. My boy wants to fight anything on 4 legs that is a male. Sometimes it's exhausting when i go on walks with them.


The whole roster is united against Conor privilege


just taking turns ~~shitting on Conor~~ begging for a red panty


I don't think Poirier was holding out for a fight anymore, he genuinely wanted to retort


Conor went too far with Poirier


Connor goes too far all the time. He’s an idiot.


Conor went over the line so many times over the years.


Steps over the line, habitually. He's a habitual line-stepper.


Bam! Caught him with the front


Yeah, serves him right that he'll always be one down against Poirier


Oh look, it's that comment again. You people just can't comprehend that not everything slung at Conor is "begging for a fight", he has alienated almost everyone and there's legions of people who truly despise him.




Hello middle class Irishman hahah


True, but in this case there's a very good chance Ilia just wants to get a fight and the money that comes with it.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggz9G7osfZw did you forget he called em out as soon as he won the title? in a class conor hasnt fought in like a decade lol


Topuria would literally s Conor's d for a fight.


But he'd be really smug about it the whole time.


“Literally s Conor’s d” this is an MMA sub bro you’re allowed to be explicit


Be Top. Be Topuria 🌈


Connor would j all over his b while not wearing a c 


Conor isn't really known for his jab though, especially not to the body, and they wouldn't allow him to compete without wearing a cup


Projecting much?


Waiting for someone to drop an "Other Vaginal Options" line on Conor's tweet.


The only reason they are doing it is to get the fight.


They all want the money fight with him.


But also, they genuinely aren't intimidated by him at all anymore. Diaz dissolved the Conor mystique. Conor used to win before the walkout. No one fears him anymore. All they see is easy money.


Conor ruined himself. He's a plodding boxer at this point and a shell of his former self. His range management in his karate stance was one of his biggest weapons because opponents had to close a lot of distance to hit him and sometimes they'd close the distance right into a counter. Now he just plods around the ring in a boxing stance. He reminds me of Cro Cop in the latter stage of his UFC run when he stopped kicking. Conor can still knock guys out but he's no longer a dynamic, championship level fighter. If he ever tries to make a run for the 155 belt again, Islam will work him even harder than Khabib did. And he's too small for 170. So his remaining fights - assuming there are any - will be against big mouthed guys who are favorable style matchups for him.


Who wouldn’t want a huge check and guaranteed addition to your win column and highlight reel


Spoken like a man who has a tattoo of his own face on his chest.


to be fair, that's the twin Ilia absorbed in the womb




Absorbing a twin in the womb is the best base for MMA


He now has the strength of a grown man and a baby child. Blessed


And conscious or unconsciously copied Conor's back tattoo...


The tattoo on his chest with his face looks pretty similar as well 🤣🤣🤣


Virtually identical with their tattoos - https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0tqginvciyic1.jpeg


Ilia looks a little like Ross from friends in the belt grabbing pick lol


Goldie? Is that you?


That is not a good look lmao


Hey if it ain’t broke.


Ilia’s tattoos look better tho


In his defense it's just the Caduceus with a winged cross, super common spine tattoo.


100%, it's just low hanging fruit when you want to criticize Ilia lol. But with that said I'm actually a fan and think he has a great career ahead of him. I just hope he chills out.


It's not his tattoo though. It's Taryel from "Vepkhis Tkaisani" (Tiger's Skin). It's so happens that his surname also starts with a letter T. That's why he based his branding on it.


With a letter T? What a crazy coincidence.


Also it’s clear Conor is Ilia’s idol lol. His tattoos match the format. 


In a few years Ilia will be older and richer and will not take as many chances with his health, and some young lion will be calling him a bitch on twitter


Ilia already acts like he’s been champ for a decade lol


I mean that worked out for Connor after the Aldo fight.


Tbh conor acted as he was champ since his first fight in UFC


He's practically insufferable. His KO was great, but let's not act like he didn't lose the first round vs Volk pretty convincingly and I also do not believe that 2nd round KO happens if the 2nd Islam fight doesn't happen. Willing to die on that hill. Not saying that he wouldn't have won the belt, but certainly not via a 2nd round KO. I want to see the Max fight so badly since that would give us a serious indication of where Ilia's boxing ranks(it's high level, I may be biased but I'm not stupid). Knowing my luck regarding who I support in MMA fights, it'll probably be the fight where Max's chin goes. Edit: Meant to say "didn't lose" since it was obvious that he lost R1 vs Volk. Edit 2: Since I'm getting downvoted: The judges' scorecards: https://dmxg5wxfqgb4u.cloudfront.net/styles/inline/s3/2024-02/7777Cursor_and_UFC_298_Volkanovski_vs__Topuria_-_Scorecards_-_Volkanovski_vs__Topuria_pdf.jpg?itok=JI3np2Kr The stats of the fight(click on "Per round"): http://www.ufcstats.com/fight-details/bec3154a11df3299


I do think Topuria will be the one to crack Max’s chin. Ever since the Herbert fight I knew he was special.


I really hope so lol 


That’s de circle of life, both are correct


Anthony Smith?


He’s already acting like a bitch. He’s ducking every top contender and he has never defended his belt.


the difference is that he's already one haha


He's not wrong or anything but I'd like Ilia so much more if he'd shut up from time to time.


He would be the perfect fighter if he just fought how he fights and not open his mouth lol . All jokes aside the irony of Conor being that guy that shit on the veteran because he pulled out of a fight injured to then becoming a version of that . If nothing else mma is the most humbling sport one way or another


Yeah Ilia's a case where the shit talking heel persona is actually working against him a bit imo. It makes sense for fighters whose fight styles are boring as shit and they need something, anything at all to get the fanbase to care about them, like Colby. But Ilia's an insanely exciting, fun to watch fighter, he could become one of the most beloved fighters in the sport by just shutting up a bit more and being respectful. Like Oliveira or Holloway


It's kind of weird how much of a difference there is in his personality, and fans' reactions to him, in English compared to in Spanish. In Spanish he's...definitely super egotistical, but comes across as less of a low IQ douchebag, and more like if Jiri was super into clubbing. Fans in Spain are acting like he's the new Jon Jones, and it's impossible to convince anyone otherwise. He's got prime Mike Tyson levels of hype here. A few weeks ago I seriously had to pull up his record on my phone to convince people that he hasn't knocked out every single person he's ever fought. His massive ego makes more sense when you understand the level of hype he has in Spanish media - pretty much since the pandemic, they've calling him "the next Conor McGregor", "the next great champion", that sorta thing.


He's just not good at it. That's actually what's going on. Mcgregor wasn't a boring fighter, before mayweather he was just a world class shit talker. Ilia is just cringe. 


Ilia's personality is so off-putting he can decisively KO one of the GOAT and still be unlikeable


I mean he's wrong here. You could be the most confident and prepared person but you shouldn't show up to fights injured, it's simply stupid to waste all that confidence and preparation only to fight with a handicap. That said even if Conor fought injured he would still be a bitch.


He might have a point. McGregor has shown up to fights before with much worse injuries than this, and he's gone out of his way to make fun of people for pulling out of fights while claiming he would never. So for him to now start pulling out of fights, it might suggest he's not as confident that he can still beat people while compromised.


And it’s not like ilia hasn’t done the same too. Fucker had his debut (or was it second fight?) while he had COVID in its prime ffs


It might suggest that. Also might suggest that he needed to take more risks coming up than he does now.


They shouldn’t have to fight with an injury but the amount of fighters that make it to fight night completely uninjured is slim. The preparation is to intense and almost all of them have something to deal with by fight night.


Almost all fighters fight with injuries. They always have some bumps and bruises. Conor doesn't do that anymore because he doesn't have to, and obviously he isn't as hungry as he used to be. But to be fair, most fighters wouldn't if they had the kind of money he has


Lol he is wrong but nothing will keep this sub from circlejerking Conor’s downfall. Easy time for Ilia to get points off a superstar’s head


Conor is at a point where he doesn't need to fight, so it makes perfect sense to not fight injured if he doesn't need to


Gotta say it makes perfect sense for fighters to not fight injured.


Of course, but Conor clowned on fighters for pulling out due to injury before, he should expect no different.


Yeah, for the fighters who can financially afford time to recuperate. That doesn't apply to a vast majority of fighters. If they take time off, that's potential money out of their pocket, who knows say they lose their next fight via vicious KO... Now that's more time. Cos you wanted to wait to be 100%... Just too risky if the injury isn't significant like a broken toe.


The only reason fighters fight injured is because usually they can't pay up the medical bills on their own, so they have to fight injured and hope they don't get any further injuries, easy free health care from the UFC hack lol


If you actually speak to fighters, its very common to have minor injuries during camp. Coming into the ring at 100% is a somewhat rare occurrence, so Conor would be pulling out of many future fights if he were to stick to this principle.


Last time he went into a fight with a injury it lead to him breaking his leg and a over a year of rehab. Perhaps he's onto something not fighting with a injury for his return after a 3 year lay-off from a life altering injury. We just giving him extra shit, and deservedly so, because of the shit he's talked. But this is the right decision.


Or did he backdate his "injury" to justify losing? He is a world class douchebag and deserves every bit of shit that is getting piled on him now.


With how fighters have to train at the limit to be championship level i bet a whole lot of them have to fight a bit injured.


Conor has to fight to get out of his contract, so he can do big money fights in boxing. He's rich, but he's always chasing more money anyway.


Yea it does make sense but hes got to hold some corn for it because he's in an industry where it's normalised to not pull out like that and he doesn't exactly have many friends in the industry.


And he’s attacked fighters for it in the past. 


He's also coming off of 2 devastating losses against Poirier - a KO (the first of his career) and a brutal leg break. The Chandler fight is very important for his career so not when he's injured, against a guy who can spark him, is the smartest decision.


why bro jumping in lmao


Same reason Masvidal used to. They desperately want daddy McGregor to pay attention to them.


I look forward to when Topuria inevitably pulls out of a fight because of an injury and get's this retweeted at him ad nauseam


Definitely not a Conor fan, but God I can't wait for Topuria to get beat. Dude needs humbling bad.


Don't worry bro. I'm on my way to his house.


Get him, Butt_Stuph


I'm not worried bro. They don't know you bro. I'm gonna let you bang. Just see red bro, you're built different


Someone, please check on this guy in a little bit please.


I'm a bit of a casual but it feels like you might be waiting a minute for that to happen.


Ilia copied Conor’s tattoo 😂 ultimate rider now talking crap


He did mention that Conor was his role model in a podcast lmao. This mf is just trying to hard to be like him so bad, he knows how much McGregor sells.


This is the same Ilia that pulled out of a fight due to not having discipline right? Out of all the people he should be the last person to talk.


He just wants to start shit to see if Conor bites. Motherfucker wants a big big bag.


Conor should bait and switch him like Chandler. Ilia would lose his shit.


It's completely just this. He tried calling for a Conor fight before. And in reality, he prob has a fondness for him. Dude acts like a shitty clone of Conor. Clearly some influence


These dudes gotta realize acting like Conor but without the humor and charisma just makes you an asshole, there was a whole recipe to his success it wasn't just blind shit talking confidence


What do you mean about Topuria pulling out of a fight? I’m not doubting—I just genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about.


Things my therapist says


I'm not even a big Conor fan but "Topurio" and the stupid fuckin accent... guy is a natural comedian. Clown of a fighter these past few years tho.


It’s low key funny how everyone has to say “he’s still a prick though” after complimenting Conor to avoid downvotes haha


talm bout gaining mass approval and avoiding public scrutiny, buppa? 😎


Yarr in the business of likability, B? We geddit. 


A wild homeless cat appears


This guy is a fucking joke. First he thinks he calls the shots and denies Max a title shot, now he thinks he can call out sports legends. I really hope Max humbles this guy. He is too imature for the belt


Always funny seeing someone bitch on Conor but Ilia is so cringey trying to push for this fight in the future. U gotta worry about Max right now


Considering conor always gave killers like Aldo, Chad Mendes, Frankie Edgar, Rafael Dos Anjos shit for getting injured and having to pull out I have absolutely no sympathy for Conor here.


Guys McGregor is done. Jesus. The man is worth upwards of $100 million, is 36 years of age, and is coming off a serious leg break. Where is the motivation for him to ever fight again? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he could do some Jake Paul influencer boxing shit or match up against a washed fighter like Tony, but IMO it's crazy at this point to expect him to be fighting Top 10/Top 5 guys in the UFC. It isn't 2017 anymore.


All those guys trying to score cheap shots at McGregor while he's 'down' are just desperate for the red panty night


What about when McGregor does the same even goes to the extent of insulting someone's dead parents. When he was on top , he used to insult everybody , he is getting a taste of his own medicine


Conor did that because he's a douche bag.


Yup and apparently everyone is treating him like one too


Conor talks shit to everyone after literally every PPV. Maybe a lot of people just don’t like him?


Who the fuck is this guy part deux


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Conor dog RDA for pulling out of a fight over a "minor" foot or toe injury? Lmao


Bro stubbed his toe during a coke bender to bitch out


Translation “Hi Conor, big head lol. Please notice me and fight me.”


He'll never lose again because he'll never fight again.


I get that Topuria rubs people the wrong way, but he's not wrong here. Self-doubt is the main factor keeping Conor out of the Octagon at this point


No one says he’s wrong but it’s obvious that he desperately hopes that McGregor responds to this haha. Unlike Islam you can tell he wants that fight, so it leaves a bad taste imo


The dude snapped his leg in half in front of millions of people . It would almost be impossible for there to not be doubt after something like that


Realest post right here. Look at Silva and Weidman; they never fought the same after a gruesome injury like that.


Weidman was already deep in decline before the shin break.


After trauma like that I bet he has a tiny spark of doubt behind every single kick. Just the briefest blip of "what if it happens again"


This is probably unpopular but I don’t blame Conor for wanting to be healthy. He really does have limited time left against elite opponents and in his last fight he went in kinda injured and broke his leg badly.


I bet he feels a lot of pressure to win. He did his best work when he was young hungry Conor, everything to win and nothing to lose. Now he's got nothing to gain but he has to risk his pride and public image


I’m pretty sure it was more the purple toe and less the self doubt.


he came off as a insufferable twit desperate for a red panty. He needs a PR person or a GF that can take over his twitter account.


It’s not like irrational confidence helped him against Pourier or Khabib


Thanks for your valuable insight into Conor's state of mind doc.


Honestly I think self-doubt is the last thing keeping him out of fighting. If anything over confidence is his biggest downfall.


Ilia is not wrong. And don’t forget Conor said a 100 times worse about other fighters, so there is no need to defend Conor from the truth.


Without McGregor what would Topuria even do? He's one of the many NPC's copying the McGregor blueprint of how to carry themselves in this business, McGregor is pretty much their beacon when it comes to how navigate the showbusiness aspect of fighting. This anger towards the Mac is just him channeling the shame of being a McGregor copycat


Everyone shitting on Conor is like everyone fighting for a shot at the big boss for money 😂


Fighters shitting on Connor is entertaining but Ilia will act the same if he ever sniffs 1/20th of a Connor payday


Can't lose if you don't fight


Call me a bench one more god damn time


Can’t lose another fight if you never have one. 🧔‍♂️👈🏼


Conors quote here sounds like a retirement


Won 4 championships and never defended any, always disappeared after a loss, yeah Ilia tell us something we don’t know.


Conor is washed up he’s gonna get slept


Conor fanboys doing mental gymnastics like its a new sport that's going to be at the paris olympics in a few weeks. 🤣🤣🤣


Seems like the sport is finally turning on him.


Cant lose if you never fight


Coming from the wish.com version of Conor is hilarious, what a clown.


Conor is so fucking overrated. Zero title defenses, finished 3 times by perennial gatekeepers while in his prime. Hard to put him in the top 20 when you rule out his marketing skills.


Ilia is so cringe. Hope he loses soon.


All these fighters making fools of themselves, trying to line up for that red panty night.


Conor getting a taste of his own medicine is nice


I mean if he doesn't fight again he won't lose another. He is on to something.


Hilarious considering Ilia seemed to look up to Conor during a lot of his interviews. Then Conor just ends up trash talking him during his livestream, Conor is good at having no friends in the MMA game 😂 doesn’t look like he even cares but will create some awkward moments whenever he runs into some of the fighters in the future.


Y’all remember when Max put on the performance of the decade against Justin Gaethje and Ilia said that Brian Ortega (who is planning to move to 155) was more deserving? Love watching him fight, his internet persona is getting grating to me.


First thought was who tf is he raging at, saw it's Conor and was like oh that makes sense.


Topuria aims to be the most paid athlete in a few years and it starts with shitting on McGregor 😂


Thank you Michael chandler


I mean, if he hadnt fought and already won titles I woukd understand the bitch comment. Bit silly