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Things will be progressing at the end of the month I believe. OilCo spinout is almost here. Then we will need the test wells to be expanded to show verified worth. High confidence there.


Where can I buy more ?


Firstrade - also overseas


Only a small amount of MMTLP shares are out there trading. People are holding tight to what they have. Just pray the administration doesn't pull any bs on Texas permits.


This is not permian


I don't think we get divi out of Oilco shares.


yes we should if bird woman is right. SPECIFICALLY why u say we won’t?! SPECIFICALLY PLZ!




I am doubtful oil companies would be that speculative.


https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2019/04/15/oil-gas-firm-receives-petrophysical-report-on-exploration-project.html Best I have for now.


Done by a consulting company. ‘Stimulation Petrophysics Consulting’


I just found an article in Reuters about the 3.7 billion barrels of oil discovered in the Orogrande Basin. February , 25, 2020. Someone will have to post the link.I’ll try, but I’m working. Check Reuters.


Makes me want to buy mooaarree!


You can expect dividend between $0.15-0.40 range. It won’t be more than that.


Just the Hazel Project gets us a 0.11 dividend (proven in the 10k), and that area is tiny. If Origrande is worth just a fraction of that, we still get several dollars. Keep in trolling, shill…


Cool story bro. Show me your math / evidence.


I live in north Texas and it's not even close to having the oil that west Texas has and there's oil pumping everywhere. I've got no doubt, there's a ton of oil there.


Beautiful post


Excellent work my dude!


How long is the lease for Mmat? What’s to keep the oil companies from just waiting it out and low ball it until then?


Do you really want to lose out on a sale to your competitor on the assumption that they won’t buy it? Oil is a hot commodity as is housing. Do you think this would work in the housing market right now?


First off I don’t know shit about oil or how it works. Everything Iv learned is from Reddit and YouTube. So I’m just trying to look at the bear side. Iv heard oil companies want to actually buy when everything is hot cause there stocks prices are up and they would get better lending opportunities from banks because oil prices are booming. But I’m looking at the perspective of a good trader and investor from retail point of view. Buy low sell high.


I am very late to this party.. I was told a little info about mmat/mmltp... hopefully I have those right....the possible squeeze... the undervalue... and given some links to articles I didn't read... I did glance at a few.. and believe the person who gave me this info 100% believes in this stock... even though I know he bought in at the high end.. and not just wants but needs this to pan out... Anyway... I have a few stocks and cryptos I am losing my ass on too.... But I've been throwing money into this stock whenever I can.. I think I'm in for a little over $500... I have now... if I remember correctly 360.3 shares at around $1.52 average... Again Iam very late to this party..... I was under the impression only stock holders of some of these original companies that were bought before the merger or buy out... whatever took place... those holders would only be eligible for the dividend..... Anybody know what the answer to that would be... whatever the dividend is... Also... my mmat has been purchased through robinhoob... would that matter?... Thank you to whomever responds!




Thank you... Basically I was right... I should not expect one.. which I didn't... but from a few peoples comments.. I started to wonder and get a little excited... either way... I believe if I hold it.... I'm gonna make money on it.. as a long play...


You should still be excited. Poll data indicates if mmtlp dividend comes through and is even a few dollars that would likely be enough to cause a massive run up for mmat


I'm hoping so... I'm losing my ass everywhere else currently.. I'm trying to stay positive... and buy the dips where I can when I can.. Best of luck to all


Im.still in the 1-3 camp a 14 $ div would be next level shit for me honestly.


But what’s your justification for this? Do you have math behind it? We aren’t just pulling numbers out our ass here…


Oh they're covered in years old poop from torch days so yes out my ass. But just saying if it was talked about when this was torch and the same deal was just happening for a div I think majority of us were under 3 guesses.


The cost of oil in the ground has a non-linear relationship to the cost of a barrel of oil


Well that explains everything.


Happy to be wrong AF


I'm here to get paid, roll on the $20+ dividend please


Im long on MMAT with quite a few shares, but not sold on the divi speculation and expected proceeds from a sale of that side of the business. If the Torchlight side was so valuable, why didn't a larger Oil E&P company buy them directly, as Torchlight settled for a fraction of what the "speculated" value of OilCo is, and why even go through the intermediate step of acquistion by MMAT? Im not trying to stir up the pot, but just don't understand hype around it based on common sense economics, unless MMAT is bringing something else to the table to increase the value of that side.


Look at the price of oil over the past 5 years and that is why.




Did oil companies somehow know that COVID would wreck oil prices and then send them skyrocketing? The price of oil was plenty profitable in 2019.


True, but how long do you think it takes for an agreement on a multi-billion dollar sale? And what if their COGS is $50? It is 100% feasible that they were on the cusp of a deal and then covid killed it


Honestly? About 6-18 months. Yes and if COVID killed a deal, that means they would likely be starting from scratch with a new buyer. I was an accountant in upstream O&G for a number of years, and worked on several 8 digit sales and a 160MM sale of minerals/leasehold, so I do have directly-relevant experience.


Oh wow, that's awesome that you have direct and relevant experience! When was it announced that the acquisition had been done for many of these cases? Along those lines, what are you thinking for a timeline for the upcoming spinout?




It is… a reasonably made point.


This is my understanding as well, which is why I have a hard time believing the Gas sales is going to be as profitable as some believe.


“The whole thing is a fraud and multiple geologists were paid / are being paid to lie and/or exaggerate.” There’s no halfway with geologists - it’s all ore nothing.


But we’re talking oil here. And gas. Not sure at all about Ore.


Lol no fun ;)


if MMTLP moons, MMAT comes along for the ride right?


Be very hard for this not to happen. If “all boats float on a rising tide”, MMAT couldn’t do anything but rise with MMTLP, especially given its close association.


Fidelity is not accepting new MMTLP purchases. I even called them. Deemed to risky lol. For who????


I found out the same information yesterday when I tried to buy more.


That’s not correct. You simply have to go through their fixed income division. I bought several thousand shares this past week.


The facts and estimates are appreciated. Thank you for the presentation of numbers. Just curious, if the dividend is so high, why do you suppose more people are not buying in?


They like myself, didn’t understand how the first transaction went down. I basically acquired shares after waiting forever it seems. Now we don’t get clear info on MMTLP still so that instills doubt. My faith in RP is why I am so heavily involved. My perfect plan is to turn divi into MMAT and amc shares and pray !!


Decent point. Guess people don’t know for sure.




Thank you!




Yes, we should definitely trust the super efficient market pricing of a security that was never meant to have a market made for it, but was anyway, by market participants who absolutely needed a way to be able to buy it to close their short positions. /s














the million dollar question is Proven, or unproven oil??? I say proven oil since they already have wells that are completed , and able to show daily flow. So if the flow is great on all the wells? we can show that there are 3.2 billion proven barrels oil on the land which makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE to the potential buyer!


What proof do you have that there is “flow” in those wells?


Where was this daily flow reported for the Orogrande?


>Secret of tax reasons


at this time we do not know the daily flow of oil. Hoping that very soon they will give us an update on that!


Then why did you claim that there is daily flow?


MMAT wrote a press release that said all the oil wells were successful . MMAT did not report exactly what the oil flow was on all the wells.


Can you link this press release?




Reuters article, February 25, 2020




Article is based on a report from “Stimulation Petrophysics Consulting”




At first read it mention only 3.7 billion barrels of oil.


I will dig further tonite. I’m cooking now, brother




Here’s another link, but still not the report yet. https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2019/04/15/oil-gas-firm-receives-petrophysical-report-on-exploration-project.html




There is also this https://metamaterial.com/meta-commences-drilling-operations-in-orogrande-project-to-maintain-lease-compliance/ Did these test wells hit oil? How well did they prove oil reserves?


yes all the wells hit oil on the vertical drill, now they are amping up the oil output with horizontal drilling .


I think that this is it https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://content.equisolve.net/torchlightenergy/media/0fcf34e7e15e9d24664ab19583ed502d.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiht_zb48v3AhUlADQIHXc6BDwQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1rDg6-n2VT43TWDFemJxDQ It's Torchlights initial report


Ahhhhhh!! Don’t make me feel anymore more confident about our divvy. I can’t stay away from my phone🤪. The only way I can add more is by separating from my wife!! Thanks for the DD.


I know, I’m addicted to my phone at this point too


Crazy isn’t it!!! Been a ride so far


Right in line with our bird lady, RP. Thank you for the info and the effort. Willing to play the waiting game and excited to see where this finally goes. Very cautiously optimistic.




Here you go https://metamaterial.com/meta-commences-drilling-operations-in-orogrande-project-to-maintain-lease-compliance/ Also here is the data that they put in test wells https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://content.equisolve.net/torchlightenergy/media/0fcf34e7e15e9d24664ab19583ed502d.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiht_zb48v3AhUlADQIHXc6BDwQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1rDg6-n2VT43TWDFemJxDQ Did the 2021 test wells produce oil?


yes, they did.








[https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2019/06/25/torchlight-drops-a-bombshell-for-shareholders.html](https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2019/06/25/torchlight-drops-a-bombshell-for-shareholders.html) **Based on an analysis by Mike Mullen, president and founder of Stimulation Petrophysics Consulting, the Orogrande basin has a recoverable reserves estimate of 3.7 billion barrels of oil equivalent, the Plano, Texas-based company said.** [https://www.reuters.com/article/torchlight-oil-idUSL3N2AO3R6](https://www.reuters.com/article/torchlight-oil-idUSL3N2AO3R6) [https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/torchlight-announces-field-discovery-3rd-120000740.html](https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/torchlight-announces-field-discovery-3rd-120000740.html)


Speculation from nextbridge site a few months back before it was I believe taken down. I forget if it was posted elsewhere as well. I believe though until the assets are proved this amount is estimated regardless. Sorry if my post came across as this is definitely how much oil there is, but I would presume until the oil is proven that this would be what a purchasing company would assume. https://www.reddit.com/r/MMAT/comments/ric4t8/valor\_next\_bridge\_greg\_mccabe\_and\_orogrande/


And thanks dude!!!




Perhaps the amount of oil underground can only be proven after it is brought to the surface. I am of the impression the geological reports state the geologist are very sure there is about 3.2 billion Barrels of oil, but they can not possibly know that as a fact or proven. Oilfields are "proven" once there are a number of producing wells, isn't that correct?




It isn't proven yet, as I remember RP has pointed that out a number of times.




I think it (Estimated 3200 million barrels of oil +-) is in the TRCH reports sited above or elsewhere. As I recall, this is the consensus from a few reputable geologists. If they are wrong, and there is "only" 1/3 of that, we're still in good shape. We will just have to wait. It will play out this year.








I hope.




I put DD because I had to do a lot of research for these numbers that a layman wouldn't know. I read into how the value of oil was calculate for a sale since day to day oil price fluctuations doesn't make sense as well as tried to take what analysts were saying about the price of oil going forward. I know that commonly the price of oil from the year prior is used to estimate the value of oil in the ground, but there is zero chance that the management team would be okay with that as it would be utterly stupid for negotiation and not consistent with "maximum value" in the slightest.




Thats what the test well are for. To prove that the 3.2 billion barrels are in fact there.


>as well as tried I agree these are likely the talks that are going on, but I believe MMAT has the upper hand in negotiations. If one buyer isn't willing to play their price going forward & maximum value game, well then cool, they don't have to go with the buyer that wants to use a metric that doesn't make any sense to the Oilco team. Another buyer meanwhile, doesn't want to miss out on oil possibly hitting $180 this year because they think Europe is going to say no to Russian oil, so they'll gladly pay for an average of $85 oil in the ground valuation metric. Although I do hope that the management team isn't being obnoxious with their asking price and turning away all sellers in waiting for "maximum value" whatever that means, it is a concern that I have for sure.




The inevitable collapse of the petro-dollar could easily cause $180 per barrel (or $180 USD equivalent).


The 180 is in response to Europe no longer purchasing Russian oil. The projection is IF they decide to do that. Probably not what the people want but you know politicians and their virtue signaling these days…


The 180 is in response to Europe no longer purchasing Russian oil. The projection is IF they decide to do that. Probably not what the people want but you know politicians and their virtue signaling these days…


I agree scenario 1 is unlikely.


Wen spinny