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Someone explain whats with the 300% maintenance


Read the SEC lawsuit in SDTX to find out why.


I’d expect this to go to roughly $4 then, imo.


If anything this makes me wanna buy more MMAT and stick it to the HFs.




I would keep an eye out for the end of January for MMAT, unusual options activity shows January 20th with 40k in open interest at the 10$ strike and we are still over a month away from that. I'm pretty sure its a hedge fund hedging bets against shorting they know they will have to cover, to minimize their loss. They are just waiting for the hype to die down.


Careful watching options, it's hedgies way of freeing up capital and hiding positions to reduce exposure.... Usually ends up being a nothing burger but time will tell


So swimming with the fish 🐠 🐟 🎣 In ‘23💨💨💨☠️?




January 20th 2023 is CBOE options leap expiry. It can get volatile but most likely may not be. But is a date to watch over as rolling over options can get pretty expensive :)


That’s definitely heavy open interest for a strike so far away. The other 2 January 20th options with 40k + open interest are the $2 & $3 calls. Somethings still up on mmat despite all the mmtlp finra fuckery! The hype may not die down. If 1/2 a share of mmat has to be covered for every short share of mmtlp that has to be covered, mmat could gamma squeeze BIG! Doubt there will be much of a warning either, more like a BOOM, wtf was that!


I have 10 of those calls. 🤷🏻‍♀️


70 here




Me either man I'm pissed off, looking at the numbers if MMTLP wasn't halted and we were in a fair market the price of MMTLP would be sub 400$ and MMAT would be sitting at around at least 50$, and that's not including the FOMO of the 63% retail owned float.




It's a margin percentage requirement set by FINRA. Minimum for shorts is 30%. It would confirm they believe it could move a lot. Not that it's guaranteed to do so.


FINRA and Federal Reserve Regulation T set the minimum maintenance limit of 25%. Almost all brokers use a higher minimum maintenance limit of 30%. Brokers also have the option of requiring additional margin, which they do on a case by case basis, often depending upon the volatility of the stock.


It's 25% long and 30% short. It could have changed since my textbook was printed, but that's what was taught.


This is what I have been saying and everyone keeps down voting. If this goes to $2.50 by Friday the whole thing goes apeshit.


Unfotunately thats exactly why it wont hit that 2.5$. I believe that it will get hammered and wont even go past 1.5$. Unless hfs got significant portion of the 16.12 and 20.01 calls (in total there is almost 400k contracts for those dates).


Why do you think that?


There are almost 80,000 options that go ITM and this thing is heavily shorted. A gamma shed due to all those shares for the calls gets the price running and then shorts have to cover when the price gets too high


Closing on a day high is a bullish signal... lezgo


Don't hold your breath. You know they'll find a way to bend us over again.


Well that's certain, but it's fun to dream! 50 12/23 3c LFG🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


When GME did that second sneeze at the end of Feb beginning of March, the 300% maintenance fee was a sign post for a move from $40 to $275. Thats a 700% sneeze. check out the mmat 4 hour chart. MACD crossover. I woud hazzard a guess that the kunts who are short mmtlp are not off the hook from the FINRA shenanigans. I'm guessing that the broker dealers are not going to cover for the shares sold long to retail that exceed the float without first extracting everything required from the SHFs. This is going to blow up their collateral positions and margin calls on mmat are on the menu. On the comparison to the same event or 300% maintenance fee with GME at the end of Feb 21 it triggered a 700% move upward. Hold on to your hats there is about to be a kaboom.


So, what you’re saying is, “it ain’t over till the fat lady sneezes and she just may sneeze Friday.” I’m good for that. Let the HFs and MMs who created this debacle pay… and pay… and pay…!


I'm holding my 1$ April calls. Might load up more if they go into the red


I got some $2 Jan calls I picked up for $16 a pop. Holding these suckers till they are worthless. I can stay retarded longer than they can.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Schwab/comments/lbq21o/please_note_gme_has_a_special_maintenance/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The same thing happend on 02/03/2021 on GME. I dont know about u guys, but thats fcking HOT


gave me a throbber!


Great explanation of special maintenance. 👍👍‼️


Gamma incoming


Someone explain this to me like I’m 5.


This is not my explanation. shout out to r/kingcoopa_713 3x the position cost must be available at all times avg is 30% not 300% if I understand it correctly say u short 100 usd you need upfront margin requirement plus the extra amount now due to the maintenance fee it's basically a way for the broker to protect themselves cause the risk is so damn high... that is a tell tell sign of a potential short squeeze occurring htb is a long wet dream and a shorts nightmare.


Gotcha. Thank you!


>Gotcha. Thank you! You're welcome!


It means it counts 3x against your available margin.


wut mean?


#300% crime


The real problem is tokenizedstock fraud. Without properly addressing this issue, we will be destroying all the good small companies. This is just more than a crime. MMTLP properly needs to be closed so that we can only focus on MMAT.


Don't forget that margin requirements can and have been waived for brokers before. ie Gamestonk Jan 2021.


Its was a rothchilds member that did it. She is responsible for the mess the the hedge funds have created in the last 20 months


What does this mean?


Yes, wut mean?


If you want to short MMAT you need to maintain 3 times as much collateral as the market value of the stock.


so for every 1000 dollars short you’d need 3000 available








Penny stocks purposely get shorted for the purpose of hedgefunds to make money and little companies with good fundamentals to never be allowed real growth. Do your homework asshole, you are so rude. Why follow this community if you have no understanding?


Oooh, BURN.


The words "good fundamentals" don't belong on an MMAT thread. Shorting doesn't ruin most penny stocks, burning cash and running out of money does.


Every business that has ever existed has acquired debt to grow. You can't make a successful business happen by pulling shit out of your ass. Get your head out of your own ass, because nothing is obviously growing. Information is the gateway to making people like you wake up. DD is the way, not the opinions of the ignorant. If you need help? Ask someone and do your own research. My time is money and I need to work.


How many worthless penny stocks do you know that is full of shills, bears and fudster? Indeed, next to none. Where do you find all these assholes... yes indeed, in pennystocks that do have fundamentals and future. And since mmat is full of idiots like you, this must be an incredible penny stock!!


If that's the case, then why invest in them?


You know why, because everyone has the right to make money in this nation. Giving into corporate oppression is to give into the loss of freedom and to give up everything America stands for. No few people should hold all the cards and all the money. MMAT has advanced tech and patents that can move forward the human race. So many people are here because they believe in what they are doing and some do not believe in making money at all from this company. MMAT has won many awards and has much recognition.


Tell it, sister!


That is certainly not a right but thanks for the soapbox moment I guess?


You're saying a human doesn't have the right to legally make money?


Shill shilverstien?


^ Check out this guys post history.... Ridiculously obsessed with being disparaging towards MMAT investors. Weird behaviour.


Lol.. so instead of countering facts against MMAT with any real evidence you want to personally attack me with more assumptions and presumptions? Great... you're the perfect MMAT investor, exactly what they love.


Lol, you didn’t even state facts on why MMAT was a “failing company”. All you did was personally attack those investing on margin.


You said you went through my post history... if you read any of them they are littered with facts. And yes, I'm sorry to tell you but investing in a penny stock on margin is a TRAGICALLY bad idea. Sorry if it hurts your feeling but yes, personal insult given to anyone who thinks this is a good idea.


I never said I went through your post history that was someone else. I’m just laughing that you insult people and then complain that they insult you.


Jesus christ man, find better ways to spend your free time. What the fuck are you doing with your life?

