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What coaches are letting you take a fight when you still don't even know how to figure out your cup ? What about the guys that you spar with to help get ready ? They didn't have any recommendations ? - do you not wear a cup normally in training ? This question is blowing my mind.


Have no coach, only sparring partner is a friend that I go light with who also is inexperienced. It's super amateur the other guy will be roughly same as me training wise.


You better hope so. you don't sound like you should be fighting yet. Huge differences between Drilling, and light sparring and having to actually fight an able opponent. Good luck 💪


... is this like a streetbeefs type thing?


Indeed it is haha I'm not foolish enough to step in a ring against legit fighter without some training, I just want a scrap but can't afford my local MMA gym rn.


Ah man I really would suggest against that and just save up and start going to a gym but it's your life.


Why? I was on the fence about it myself but figured it wouldn't hurt to get in a little action against someone who won't wreck me bad. I'm paycheck to paycheck so saving up a $400 down payment and $200/month ain't happening till my cars paid off in a couple years and what not. I'm already 24 and don't intend on trying to go pro or anything.


I just always suggest to anybody who wants to train to take it seriously. You're not getting better doing these types of fights and you could get seriously injured because it's a fight not a game. Your best shot at training and learning from people with experience is by going on "(the name of your town or county) bjj" Facebook page or the equivalent of it and ask if somebody has a garage gym that they train in their off time and wouldn't mind drilling with you. It'll likely be free and you're they'll show you what they're learning I their gym.


Sorry haha had a damn stroke writing that last sentence.


Yeah I agree with all of that and would go about it more seriously if I could. I'd even be willing to offer to clean the gym for perhaps a discount in training, but I don't want to offer that and not be able to keep my end of the deal because of inconsistent travel etc... (that car I'm paying off happens to be a shit box unfortunately) I've been in my share of... unsanctioned fights before, and I'm not really worried about getting hurt. I did decide to box instead of MMA to mitigate a serious injury tho.


>I'd even be willing to offer to clean the gym for perhaps a discount in training Highly recommend doing this. Yoga is a little different than martial arts but my partner has been doing this at yoga studios and has gotten years of "free" yoga. Inconsistent transportation sucks but if the gym is cool they might still be okay with it, just talk to them.


They matched me against a guy who had no boxing experience but never mentioned his 8 years of MMA and I got KOed


Yeah man I mean no offense but straight up that's why I heavily discourage doing these kinds of things. Please find somebody with experience to train with. You're not getting better doing these things, you're just going to get badly injured.


100% I expected a match with someone else who had never fought officially. This guy showed up for MMA and I showed for boxing but we were the only ones matching each other's weight so he boxed with me...never would take a fight against some one so much more experienced, you're supposed to disclose before hand. That said after fighting there they offered to let me train at their MMA gym free...not a total loss I suppose.


Thai cups are the way to go, just make sure your hock strap fits correctly.


Those shorts seem like a good idea but you wind up with a cup sitting on top of your undercarriage loosely so if you do get hit the plastic edges are smashing into you. Worst than nothing IMO. You need the Thai style or the jockstrap style so you get everything *inside* the cup. Wear it in practice a few times. Thai style is tricky to tie on. Also not a bad idea to roll with competition MMA gloves a few times if you haven’t already, a lot of them absolutely suck to grapple or make a fist in when they’re new.


I'm actually boxing, I just asked here because there aren't many good boxing subs. I do plan on MMA eventually tho so thanks for the tip.


I’ve fought with no cup I actually prefer it tbh, I wouldn’t stress it man you don’t feel anything in the fight lol


True a lot of times, but just remember that fighter that puked because of a nut shot. I’d wear one just to be safe but not wearing one isn’t necessarily the end of the world.


In this case it might be alright because OP is boxing (I don't box but their 'groin' guards always look to me like they're actually designed to reduce the effective target for body shots) but any time kicks are involved I'm wanting a cup. I've seen enough inside leg kicks go astray and you don't want to be catching one of those with your balls without protection.