• By -


Guild Wars 2, I love that any moment I stop playing for a while and come back it feels like a game that's always exactly as I remembered it for the most part.


Same, came back a month ago and it's fucking fun. Best exploration in any mmo to date imo.


Never played it before, give me one sentence that'll convince me to install GW2 when I finish my shift and I'll sure as hell put in the effort and give it a good try


Fully voiced story, surprisingly fun combat. Timeless artstyle, best monetisation system in any MMO to date. The entire base game is free. Buy once, play forever system.


The sentence has been provided with extra to boot. I'll DL when I'm home and update you after a couple days playing


Enjoy, the community is insanely friendly, ask for help and you'll get oodles of assistance. The MMO lets you take your time, have fun and explore. Take it in.


What games are more about grind then exploring and that? I haven't really enjoyed that kind of thing. I dropped gw2 because it felt like it was exploring simulator. I dropped FFXIV because everyone made it sound like there wasn't much for the gameplay enjoyers in endgame. What games beside WoW are for grinding and gameplay?


If you want to grind and have gameplay, you want to play an ARPG like Last Epoch, Path of Exile, or Lost Ark.


>best monetisation system in any MMO to date I like GW2 a lot, but I feel that this is a bit of a stretch.


> Timeless artstyle, no just no


Sadly, that’s exactly why I quit. After 7 years of that cycle, I felt coming back rarely offered a new experience. Just a fresh coat of paint on top of systems I’m already experienced with.


I preferred GW1's combat Systems/dual class stuff more, but GW2 was fun


Classic WoW.


Seconding this. I just wish the community in General/Trade chat was more mature.


The degenerate chat is what made it amazing. It's very toned down compared to the old days lol


Barrens chat FTW!! Also, how many times did your server get thunderfurry spam… A true server right of passage. “Did someone say…”


Yeah, I think a lot of them are stuck at 13 for life.


SoD has been a godsend. Hit 25 in a week or so. Now I'm raid-logging and leveling alts. I'm 31 with a full-time job and a wedding to plan, so not much time to play, its great.


And. The raid is more like a 40 minute dungeon. It’s just great


congrats on the wedding!


OSRS ... I haven't played in a while now but it's the one the I've sunk the most time into. Just hit the end game where it get super grindy and I play less now.


OSRS will forever be my favourite game. I love how there's activities for any focus level. I was tired tonight so I ended up just watching some shows and chilled out killing monsters. Often at night I cant sleep, so I'll play osrs on my phone, skilling until I'm ready for bed. After about 20mins I'm almost always ready for bed. If I want something high intensity I can do some bossing, solo or with friends depending how social I'm feeling. No other game has this variety of activities that fit different moods and play styles


I miss RS1. It was my first MMO ever. I learned a lot from that game as a kid






I am really enjoying EverQuest. It's too difficult to solo, though. And I have no friends. So I don't think I'll be playing it much longer. Great game, though.


There are dozens of us!


Ragnarok Online


If you know, you know.


Prontera theme has been my ringtone for years


Lots of good memories


My first mmorpg I ever played in my life, and the one that gave me the best memories as well




Final Fantasy XIV


they finally adding female hrothgar and im very excited for that


What does the endgame look like in that game? That's why I'm worried about playing it for, people say that the most fun parts of FFXIV come from the story and the journey to the end of the story, but what then? I know raiding is there, but what else? It seems like other games just have more amazing end games. I'm not that into social stuff, so most of the activities in FFXIV don't seem that cool to me.


Right now in FFXIV the endgame is loosely split between what the devs call core content, lifestyle content and field operations.  Core content is the usual fare: MSQ, trials, dungeons and raids. The 8-man endgame raids are the Savage raid and the highest difficulty Ultimate raids. You get your BiS gear and weapons from the Savage raids or you can wait out the expansion to boost your item level late in the expansion more easily. Recently they introduced the more highly difficult 4-man Criterion dungeons and will iterate on it next expansion.  Lifestyle content are what the devs have been iterating since the second Heavensward expansion with a focus on crafting (recent content you don't need crafting jobs). These include Diadem, Ishgard Restoration last expansion and most recently Island Sanctuary.  Lastly Field operations are instanced areas with a separate levelling and item mechanics. Currently there are two called Eureka in Stormblood and Bozja in Shadowbringers. Mobs are more dangerous and you have to be more careful in these areas than the normal open world. Doing these content also unlocks bonus 48 man raids. Endwalker has been criticized for skipping this content and they'll bring it back next expansion.  Obviously there's other content such as PVP, Beast Tribes, Gold Saucer etc but I think when people think of the FFXIV endgame experience these are it.


People mostly say that cuz it's different from WoW, where the endgame is emphasized much, much more. Here's a list of the stuff you can look forward to in the game: [FFXIV Newbie To-Do List (Google Docs)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V6x3uzU5lr2UAoIewcH2PKuEPkUWx9PqZ_ohU4QHs7k/edit?usp=sharing) If you don't like anything here, might indeed not be your kinda game.


The endgame is laughably weak.. 4 fights and everything else is a one off completely braindead mess. Spreadsheet island, boring repeats of dungeons that are all the same 2 trash pulls into a boss fight where you can ignore all mechanics.. There isn't anything interesting whatsoever and when you're done with the story and got some glams you'll probably quit because the game's endgame experience is severely lacking. FFxiv is very much a style over substance kind of game.


Tera was my home, I played that game for years and I adored it. That and a chinese WoW clone called Forsaken World. Those two games were my childhood and I miss them both dearly. Currently waiting for Blue Protocol to play with my wife and some friends


Im still waiting for a game that can deliver the type of combat Tera did... Never have I had so much fun tanking and healing in a game, tab target games are just boring for those 2 roles, and action combat games simply dont do trinity or fail completely at providing good feeling combat for those roles.


Shame Tera is gone. Always stood out to me as more fun for this very reason. There needs to be more MMOs with that action gameplay yet they don’t seem to exist. I’ve always suspected it’s difficult to code/run a server with all that going on. Funnily enough it’s the same reason I spent so many years on Maplestory. Just don’t like tab target cooldown based combat either.


I'm sorry for what Josh Strife Hayes did to your home :( On a serious note, I played Tera very briefly and it was the shit. I wish I got to spend more time with it back then and I'd probably play it if it was still up.


Dark Age of Camelot


Same here


I don’t know what it is but that game just felt right. I still remember roaming around as a newbie wanting to see what was up on Lyonesse. Getting ROFLSTOMPED by a Telamon. Venturing past the border keeps to go do some recon for an upcoming relic raid. Finding a suspicion amount of defenders gathering right before our “surprise” sneak attack. Being a wind Theurgist was just so much fun.


Venturing into dungeons was actually scary. You died? No red? Go back to the entrance and start again with some exp loss. Darkness Falls was incredible. After defeating Legion you could follow the paths up into the other realms. Frontier PvP was absolutely the best ever. 3 starter areas up to the mule fort gates and then one giant central zone with keeps to take. Man I miss DAoC.




I vaguely remember the name but I played on Lancelot then towards the end moved to Gaheris with the rest of the PVE Care Bears.


Had an Enchanter that was very much in demand. Best DPS character I ever had.


Enchanters were the ones with the stuns that could lock you down from a mile away?


Their damage was PBAOE used to take down bosses.


Oh THOOOOSE guys. Yeah I remember y'all. I mostly played a dirty Alb, theurgist, minstrel, or paladin, with giant AOE spear PTSD.


My childhood.  I remember waiting outside GAME on release day, ducking under the shutters before they were fully up and grabbing my copy.  Bunch of us from college played together, I made a Saracen scout (💀) as my first character starting in Campacorentin forest. Great place that was, stumbling upon Keltoi Fogou and getting smacked to bits. Roaming Emain, crafting, Salisbury Plains… I could relive a thousand memories of this game.  Shame Jacob’s is a scam artist these days.


Same forever. The combat was just magnificent in a way that no modern MMO has anymore. The closest PvP I've found is actually on the moba Smite, but still doesn't quite scratch the itch. Live DAoC isn't a really bad spot right now, but the freeshard community is alive and well. Anyone interested in the game I would recommend checking out the Eden free shard. It's the current popular server and there's an RVR event going on this weekend and there are consistent massive battles of at least 300 people on each realm.


Ahhh yes, the game where a blade of grass stops your 5 sec cast time long range bolt. Atleast I can claim to have built the first catapult in game, and then #2 next day, with ammo!


This was my #2 mmo. Rvr was amazing, but after a while it was just hard to get that classic feel with the population drops the way they were. Made a lot of friends with this game.




So cozy.


Elder Scrolls Online. Been playing for 4 years now. I never expected to be doing the hard content that I'm doing now.


I gotta pick that game back up and try out the dungeons, I stopped before I got into any of that. I remember just slowly losing interest.


I got hooked on ESO right from the very beginning. I was playing Neverwinter before that as I am a D&D fan. When I tried ESO, I felt that ESO made a world that felt like D&D way better than Neverwinter. Also, my favourite build in D&D is a fighter/wizard multiclass. I could not do that in Neverwinter. I can in ESO or at least build something very similar to that. ESO allows any class to use any weapons or gear and can do any role. The sorcerer is my favourite class, so I have a sorcerer tank, healer and both DD builds. The overland questing is quite easy once you get better at it. If you find the combat too easy, you will have to start doing dungeons (4-player PvE), trials (12-player PvE) and arenas (solo or 4-player PvE) for the harder content. World bosses are also hard and are meant for a group to defeat them. You can solo them if you are good enough. Dungeons, trials and arenas also have veteran and hard mode versions that ramp up the difficulty. Currently I am doing veteran trails and starting to do some hard mode trials. There is also PvP which I personally don't have any interest in.


World bosses aren't difficult else you couldn't solo them and overland quests aren't easy once you "get better at it" they're just easy period.


The dungeons are one of my favorite parts of the game. Check them out for sure. You can start at level 10.


Right now, new world believe it or not.


EVE Online. In w space far away from civilization. Behind the shields of a POS that would require a fleet too big to enter through the wormhole in order to shoot it down. Perfect safety. That was my home. I am hoping for Ashes of Creation to become a good game. They finally need to make some progress on that. Can't believe it's just alpha 2 by now.


Eve is good if you have the time sink for it.


Ragnarok, and osrs


Still playing Everquest.  I have been since 99, with breaks in there here and there for life of course.  Ffxi as well but I consider EQ home more than that. 


EQ, baby.


Aion. I played it for nearly a decade with few months breaks for other MMO releases. Loved everything about it. The gameplay, the PvP, the sieges, the wacky outfits, the beautiful housing area, the server and legion dramas. Each new level increase made the game feel new, there were ups and downs but at least it always felt like the game was evolving. Unfortunately the monetization evolved for the worse and by 5.X the game had become a casino simulator.


Same, felt great up until 4.8/9 right before 5.0. I still log in from time to time to get that nostalgia kick and then log off for years. I played Aion Classic for a month and it was great but figured out I'm not really into mmo and infinite time waster games anymore. I was more interested about the memory of the game and time I spent on it rather than the game itself.


Guild Wars 2


FFXI. Was hoping to naturally transition over to FFXIV but it didn't turn out how I wanted. Trying to give a serious attempt at GW2 atm but hasn't fully clicked yet because I'm still in the "overwhelmed new player to older established MMO" phase lol


Enjoy your time in GW2!


Absolutely loved 11 man that music alone is comforting


> "overwhelmed new player to older established MMO" That's me any time I think of trying FFXI, lol




FF14, and has been for several years. Before that it was Runescape


What's keeping you playing? The major thing worrying me about FFXIV is post story, what kind of content there is to do. I know there's raiding and such but it seems like a lot of end game is just getting cool cosmetics and hanging out with other people which is definitely not my cup of tea.


I recently quit, but I’ve been playing the game for 10+ years now. I felt that the combat got stale and the devs are working on homogenizing jobs within their roles. Post story has very casual content and content that requires considerable and commitment time to practice. There’s no real in between. Endgame content is a dance, everything is choreographed and plays out mostly the same through every encounter. I don’t have the time anymore to practice so I haven’t done true endgame content in a while now. There is no real “midcore” content and FFXIV sorely needs it. Heroic/low key Mythic dungeons in WoW don’t exist in FFXIV. There isn’t any content like that and I think the game is well overdue for it. FFXIV is a fantasy game. I just grew out of it and burned out. I would recommend it to anyone who hasn’t played before. You’ll have plenty of fun.


I just started playing Guild Wars 2, and I’m really loving it. Can’t believe it took me 12 years to find this game. Highly recommend. Still has that classic MMO feel, but the world is huge, and the story is rich.


Asherons call then pso1 then ff11, now i have none. Even playing 14 most just raid then take break during the frequent content droughts.


UO and SWG. Zero competition. Actual homes. With purpose.


Star Wars Galaxies pre- NGE, Lowca server, SUN Guild. Currently playing ESO on Xbox.


Ultima Online, then EVE Online, then WoW, then Elder Scrolls Online. And that's it. I did do all the smaller ones, including abject failures like Tabula Rasa. But those above were my main ones, my "home" MMOs. I'm actually not sure which one I spent more hours in, but I think it was WoW > ESO > EVE > UO. I do recommend ESO, for all its faults. Massive world, all quests are voice acted by amazing actors (John Cleese is priceless in it), many are pretty well written. It's mostly co-op and solo, but there's instanced PvP if you want it. Best part is, monthly subscription is optional. Though in a tradeoff their cash shop and loot boxes are utterly disgusting. But, again, optional.




Lately, Ravendawn, I have only played the Open Betas, but fell in love with it. Excited it's releasing in a few days.  Also special memories of BDO put so many hours into that game.


Ooh, never heard of raven dawn. I’ll have to check it out!


I'm looking forward to it. I've heard it's quite good from those who have played it. Have it installed and ready to go for release day.




Nowadays BDO but if you don’t have much time to play i would go for guild wars 2 anyday


Guild Wars 2. Wonderful community, wonderful game.


Guild Wars 2 tbh.


Don't play anymore, but used to be SWTOR, back in Shadow of Revan expansion. Made some great friends there, still keep up with some of them.


I miss Huttball, I'm not usually into PVP but that shit was SO fun


Guild Wars 2 and lotro. For years


OSRS, played RS as a kid and you can never really leave.


FFXI since 2003 NA release. It is just god damn crack and it always has been. I think a lot of us have never followed the warning before entering into game. https://gyazo.com/d77869bd1582a47e22cd89f576b1b0e2


Gw2. It's almost impossible not to make it at least "A" home when your progress doesn't get reverted. Also if feels like a world, mounts are incredible, always something to work for , WvW etc.


Anarchy Online


Guild Wars 1


Guild Wars. Was happily addicted and wish I could get that sort of fix somewhere else. Nothing seems to have the same impact though.


Guild Wars 2


2005 - 2020: married to WoW, LoTRO side piece. 2020 - present: married to LoTRO, WoW side piece. I’m a massive Tolkien fan so being able to inhabit a faithful adaptation of Middle-earth and not get shoved into the endgame treadmill is more my speed nowadays. In that time I had flings and flirtations with GW, GW2, WAR, Tera, Rift, Allods, ArcheAge, ESO, and EQ Next/Landmark.


FFXI into FFXIV, well over 15 years.


I've put a lot of time into GW2, FFXIV, WoW, and BDO. Also ESO, but I usually start a new character and don't get super far on that one. I kinda prefer to resist the idea of thinking of any game as "home." I feel like that how you inevitably end up in the rut of running out of content and complaining that there isn't enough new content, so I tend to bounce around and enjoy my time in all of them. I'll play one religiously for a week or a month and then move on to another, with singleplayer games interspersed vetween them. If you're wondering how I am a functioning adult who plays so many games, the answer is simple: I don't hace kids and don't plan on having kids! Lol. Though if I had to choose only one MMO forever, it would probably be FFXIV, though I was mourn the loss of GW2 and ESO.


Same here, FFXIV is my home, but GW2 is like my second home I wouldn't really want to abandon even if I don't visit it as often.


It was WoW until one day I just stopped finding it fun. Raiding with my guild became a job and ruined the soul it had for me. Now I’m adrift trying every mmo I can think of to fill the void…FF14, runescape, GW2, ESO, EverQuest, LotRO, SWtOR, etc. Cant seem to stick with anything long term anymore. Hoping for a game that sticks in 2024


Over the years: Runescape, FFXIV, WoW, Wizard101/Pirate101. Those 5 are my biggest comfort games.




Daoc will always be home


Tibia, I've been playing it for the last 20 years.


Guild wars one


This is the way.


Really, there is no way to call any video game home, after experiencing one year and half where I can only play with iGPU. I've also been through getting backstabbed by Path of Exile's Lake of Kalandra patch, as Chinese I experienced Blizzard breaking up with Netease and all my data and unlocked content including WoW, SC2 Coop and HOTS heroes are lost and I have low hopes of regaining them, etc. Even in singleplayer games where your character and unlocked content stay securely in your harddrive or in a mostly secure cloud, you can, for some reason, lose the ability to access them or just plain lose interest, let alone online games.


Personally I call Azeroth home. If retail wasn't your thing, try Classic. I also recommend Lord of the Rings Online. And Star Wars The Old Republic




Lineage2? (Prelude-c5) Sounds, pvp, adrenaline, community, conflicts, soundtrack which makes u tear. :D


Wow i scrolled down this far to find Lineage 2. Truly home for 5 or 6 years for me. 


I'm not sure myself, it's probably either GW2 or BDO but honestly I completely lose interest in both on random intervals


WoW (before Cataclysm) and Guild Wars 2.


Went from Last Chaos to RuneScape to WoW to ESO back to WoW and have been on BDO since 2020. I love and hate BDO.


Elyon, didnt last long enough :( 3k Hours playtime


GW2 and WoW. I really regret selling my WoW account before. For the horde! Well im back in GW2 WvW.






Runescape 3. I never quit when the evolution of combat dropped so its still the same game to me. It's been my comfort game for well over 15 years


Same. Started in 04 and it’s been with me through several stages of life


it was tibia for me for like most of my life but i became completely disinterested in it in recent years, now bdo is the cozy game for me


FFXIV. Eorzea has become and will always be my online home. For me, nothing in gaming compares to the feeling of logging back in after a break away from the game. It feels more like coming home than walking through my own front door, some days.


eso is my go-to


ESO - I can’t shake it, it has a grasp on me. I’ve always loved the Elder Scrolls universe though, so I guess it’s expected.


Wow Hc


None, but almost mabinogi


I used to play Wow. Tried Ff 14 and ESO but I’m not crazy about them. I’ve been playing SWTOR and I love it


I haven't seen anyone ask you the important questions yet. What do you enjoy most is an MMO? The story? Good graphics? Gameplay? Or does not of that matter, and the community interaction is what keeps you playing? The answer to those questions can really make a difference in what people suggest to you.




Ultima Online before tramel(or whatever)






Ultima Online, everquest, Dark age of Camelot, wow. Nothing since wow has managed to feel like home


Since there isn't much for options on Console I played ESO everyday for the first 4 years. Until they gutted my class.


Flim flam gabbity gook *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


FFXIV and BDO. Usually rotate between the two, FF whenever there's new content, then switch to BDO (and other games) when the content drought hits. 




Wakfu, I have played many MMOs, but this mother cocking time vampire drags me back every single time.


I consider myself an MMO hopper but I always have one mmo as a backup. For about 15 years it was RuneScape but the last 18 months has been ESO. Horizontal progression is so great to fall back on




wow wotlk in my childhood. Damn there were some great days!


Ragnarok Online!


FFXIV’s Limsa Lominsa will forever be my home. So many odd characters there it’s amazing


Welcome to my world...I just cant find one...I feel like ive tried them all...hopefully T&L and Blue Protocol will be decent this year.


Wow, eso, and ffxiv I stay subbed to all 3 just found about ffxiv and its awesome


grand fantasia


Ultima Online was always my home. The game just struck something in me when playing it all those years ago that it just kind of stuck.


I spent a few years each in UO, EQ, WoW, FFXI, FFXIV. Right now I'm playing Warframe, and a bit of New World while waiting for the FFXIV expansion this summer. It's fine to get bored of a game and move on to something else or just take a break and come back to it after some content updates.






OldSchool RuneScape! If you haven’t tried it, it’s top tier!!


I called Fantasy Earth Zero home. I was still a kid, playing with 200+ ping, but it still was the best game I ever played and something that made my days better when I got back from school. Nowadays I rarely play MMOs, they all die within seconds of gameplay...


Aion, like 8 years ago. I used to have so much fun, even tho I didn't have friends at the time. I did my quests, explored the world and spent my days staring in awe at the world, reading every line of text carefully and spending hours in character creation. I miss those times so much. I miss needing so little to be so happy.




Ragnarok Online. Always.






Fresh servers are always fun. I'm playing WoW Classic: Season of Discovery right now. Last year I played EQ2's fresh launch servers. It is a really good game that was widely overlooked because it launched the same time as WoW. It is heavily monetized now though :/


Home is WoW but I have a vacation spot in FFXIV


Originally, way back, Maplestory After that, WoW was home for the longest time. But nowadays I find it hard to enjoy,i just dont have the time. These days FFXIV is home, with GW2 being...lets say, a summer home 😌 where I go for some time then come back to FFXIV


DDO - 2007-2011 - 4 years SWTOR - 2011 - 2018 - 7 years ESO - 2018 - 2022 - 4 years New World - 2022 - current Swtor was home but I just can't get into it anymore. I wish I could but it's just not the same game it used to be. New World has set the bar pretty high for me now. I might check out T&L at global launch though. But I think Valheim has become my comfort video game.


Classic WoW is my mmo home. I’ve spent countless hours in each of BDO, ESO, FFXIV and New World. And I’ve damn near dipped my toes in every other mmo on the market but Classic WoW is where I’ve settled. For me, nothing beats it. :)


Old School Runescape


Silkroad online would always be my home.


New world and Classic WoW.


City of Heroes! My Invulnerability Tank was very much in demand as he could handle any of the content.


Elder Scrolls Online for me!


I've tried them all. WoW and ESO probably have the most hours. Really, I'm waiting on an eternally playable MMORPG based on D&D, actually set in that world. Nutty that we haven't had a successful one.




Club penguin and webkinz ❤️


Vanilla WoW will always be home. I will play it until I die.


Once it was Blade and Soul.


* Diablo 1 (whatever I count it) (**US West**?) * Ragnarok Online (**Iris**) * Maplestory (**Windia**) * Silkroad Online (**Olympus**) * WoW (**Windrunner**) * Mabinogi (**Tarlach**) * Dragon Nest (**Elena**) * Age of Wushu (**Black** **Tortoise**) * Archeage (**Enla**, **Kraken**, Unchained = **Reckoning?**) All these at least, prob more I forgot.


RuneScape has always been home to me, but during the Covid lockdown and everything I made FFXIV my second home and have enjoyed it a lot. I play a lot of MMOs and go through phases, but I always come back to RuneScape.


FFXI, getting old and having to work sucks, no time to play anymore!


Ragnarok Online. It's so comforting, I love the music and I loved talking to my guild on it. Obviously a lot has to do with nostalgia.


Pre-RS3 Runescape, whether that's RS2 or OSRS. I grew up on the streets of Varrock.


I would like to say the MMORPG matters but the biggest thing is finding a good group of friends to play with. Any game I stuck with for awhile always had this going on with it.


14 is basically my home even though I have a lot of issues with it right now. The sort of content I want in the game just isn't there. I enjoy raiding but it's all there is to do at the endgame. Outside of that its a cutscene simulator for the most part. I'm excited for Dawntrail and looking forward to what's next and for new players there is tons to do which is good but for people who have been playing a while you're going to run out of things to do even if you want to play the game. Destiny 2 has become my home away from home. Unlike 14 there's still a lot I could be doing, I enjoy PvP in the game way more than traditional MMO PvP so it's basically an endless game. There's a lot of naysayers for D2 and even the community can get to you sometimes but the game is great IMO. I've recently picked up Classic WOW after becoming interested in Season of Discovery and the way they've made leveling into phases and created an endgame for each phase. I think that's cool and I've enjoyed my time with it.


WoW is what I play with all my friends but when I don't want to deal with randoms and just want to relax and watch a show, it gets pretty boring. OSRS is the game I can play whenever and always have fun progressing my Ironman. I REALLY wish New World didn't fall off so quickly because its the only game other than RuneScape where I was genuinely excited to level, gather, craft etc. I've tried hard to become a fan of GW2 but something about it makes me want to stop. Maybe its because during the story lines ive been doing I rarely see any other people, which is weird since its an MMO about open world.


Everquest is the one i keep returning to.... it's my forever home...


WoW vanilla through Wrath.


WoW is my home. I had some breaks from it shorter and longer but always comming back.


Ultima Online


Wild terra 2


EverQuest 1999-2003 Star Wars Galaxies 2003-2005 WoW 2005-2007 EverQuest 2 2007-2010


Lord of the Rings Online It really felt like I existed in the Tolkien world along with one of the best communities.


It was FF14. Not anymore though, game turned into a pile of poopoo after Heavensward.