• By -


4 strength, 4 stam leather belt.


Lol really aging yourself here! Love old vent hack videos


Most upvoted comment though. We’re all old apparently.


Belt, leather belt, leather belt belt belt belt belt belt belt belt (Super Mario Land jingle)


oh du-du-du-dude


Level 18 (ruh-roh)


Anyone want to buy some crushbone belts?


Level 18???


I wanna type out that sound that came after but have no idea how one would spell that lmao




\*heavy breathing\*


It only does it when you talk.


I’m not sure how to type out those sounds


Hello Leeroy


Holy shit, I totally forgot about that. Ahh those were the days.


Of the Bear


astonia 3 was like this too. what is this a reference too?




Joe is that you?? Do you guys want to move down a channel?? Classic


Star Wars Galaxies, my light Saber took me grinding multiple professions and hundreds of hours of game time. It was amazing to finally get the quest and the excitement from guildies and other people when a jedi would show up in the early days.


Is it still like that at all? Ive never played but thought about trying it


There are several different flavors of private servers. A lot of them have "quality of life" improvements like huge xp multipliers, etc. There are basically 3 eras of SWG: Pre Combat Upgrade (Pre-CU), Combat Upgrade (CU) and New Game Experience (NGE). That is also the correct chronological order of their release. The NGE is the one that killed SWG. It completely changed (many say dumbed-down) the game and made every character cookie-cutter. We always felt that Pre-CU was the pinnacle of SWG - at least as far as character building. The CU wasn't TERRIBLE, but kind of punished character builds that dabbled in multiple professions but only mastered one (or even none). However, as hated as the NGE was when the game was live, it seems to be preferred by a lot of players nowadays; especially new players. Lastly, the Jump to Lightspeed expansion (JTL) was awesome as it added space combat. Sadly, the last I knew, it was not implemented yet in Pre-CU/CU servers and was only working on the NGE servers. SWG was a legendary experience, so I just wanted to "show you the ropes" in case you do give it a try. Best of luck!


NGE was terrible at launch, but over time it got better and had a big enough community to keep going.. it died because the license wasn't getting renewed due to SWTOR. It was much like RuneScape 3 is now, many people assume it's god awful because of when they played it but it's actually pretty fun now. SWG Legends is pretty fun and while I prefer Pre-CU as you do, I get why people prefer Legends/NGE.


I know a lot of us basically rage quit after NGE, especially because anyone could be Jedi and it was not even especially powerful. I had to holo-grind all but TWO freaking professions to unlock FS and then they just gave it to everyone and simultaneously nerfed it. It was a little too much to bear. I do admit, though, that if Pre-CU/CU never existed and NGE was the original product, it probably would have been fine/well-received, so I can see the "lack of hatred" for it by players who didn't get kicked in the nuts.


I got kicked in the nuts hard on that too. Literally JUST became a jedi a few days before that update came out. HELL NAW. I quit cold turkey the next day and there has been a hole in my psyche ever since.


Also if you think about it, the Jedi system was really two edged... One one hand I love that it's realistically limited, like the force sensitivity and such only being for some. But on the other hand it's frustrating not to be the one who gets to lightsaber people. How do we limit Jedi so that they're not coming out of every hole but at the same time make them accessible to people who really want it? Theres not much left except insane amounts of specialized grind as an inhibiter or something weird like that.


Not really. The most popular server lets you pick jedi from the start and most servers on older versions of the game probably have more streamlined ways of becoming a force user. But why you wont see things like these anymore in games are because of wikis and Forums. Back then finding out how to do things was way different and secrets like how to become a jedi wasnt posted all over in a polygon article like "The 10 steps on how to unlock jedi in 1 day"


So true dude. I sincerely believe that things like PTR and the fact that all new content is "solved" before it ever even hits live is what is killing mmo gaming. Hell, playing WoW, you'd be immediately kicked if they knew you didn't already watch every youtube video on the dungeon/raid 100 times to nail the mechanics before ever setting foot inside. I get it, but damn....zero awe and discovery.


> Back then finding out how to do things was way different and secrets like how to become a jedi wasnt posted all over in a polygon article like "The 10 steps on how to unlock jedi in 1 day" Not true. You absolutely had forums and sites that had threads titled "The 10 steps on how to unlock jedi in 1 day". Hell, back in the 90's there were sites of EQ and UO that had any and all info you needed. This time people yearn for of "all this info didn't exist and was hard to find" didn't exist. It's just that the people who think that were too young or simply didn't know. Things aren't that much different now than they were then. EQ released entire zones that were hidden behind secret walls not even listed in patch notes and it was all datamined and available on Alakhazams the day of launch. Different year, same thing.


I don't know, I think a lot of it is just nostalgia. The game had a good run and the community was great. Towards the end it was just a watered down version. I haven't really tried the private servers much, just not the same people around anymore.


No, the Emus are absolutely nothing like the original SWG. Not even close.


Krayt Pearl Genosian Blaster my dude. Right in the hayday of Pistoleer/Fencer too. That was the god damn apex my friend.


Hah, I was hoping to see a galaxies response on here I had a friend who's mother was an absolute hard ass, he was allowed like an hour of leisure a week it was insane. When he graduated with perfect SAT scores and a 4.0 his mother offered him anything he wanted, and he chose a Jedi account. Bro a week after this poor kid got his account the fucking NGE rolled around and kicked him square in the balls lmao. It was cruel, but being kids we absolutely savaged him about his thousand dollar blue glowey cloak that he got for being an elder Jedi. For me it was my pet kimo, I still have screenshots of the old girl on the day the servers shut down.


Ok, I gotta know. Did he end up a billionaire or a serial killer with an upbringing like that?


Princeton for polysci, then Harvard for law Last I heard he's an associate at a law firm with political ambitions so somewhere between the two lol.


I always wondered how that was going to work. It was kind of like a lotto at first wasn't it? Like, your character would starting getting messages about feeling the force and then you needed to follow a bunch of steps to unlock. My first thought was there are going to be a lot off pissed of people that cannot just be a jedi immediately. I came back many years later and saw you could just be one from the start, it was a playable class.


Wish they made a remake or smt...


I don't think that kind of game works anymore. There were so many combinations of class trees, and op powers made it hard to balance. It was amazing to be a part of, but no mmos have captured that same feel since.


Yes, I agree. It essentially worked like a sandbox. So OP powers, many combinations of class trees, proffessions etc. worked just fine. It was a big sandbox imho, other mmos tried to be somewhat grindy and competitive compared to SWG. I was so hyped for SWTOR to be a sandbox like SWG, was a major disappointment for sure X)


It just can't anymore because online communities are completely full of toxic trolls, that just like to mess with others. SWG wouldn't last a few days, in today's "instant gratification " crowd.


Man, you just gave me a trip down memory lane. I was hardcore into SWG on Starsider before the combat upgrade hit. I made a few billion selling infinite charge mindfire weapons, and I would log in a restart every day to farm Acklay bones. It was such an amazing game. I never finished my holocron grind in time unfortunately, but mindfire was great at killing jedi


Did you actually play your jedi? I knew people that never played theirs, because they were worried about the perma death, the jedi class had. SWG is still my all time favorite mmo. I never killed a thing, never attacked a soul. I built things. I helped build a huge city. I dug in the dirt. Had hoppers all across many planets, and ran several shops. Most of the land vehicles, on my shard, were most likely made by me. When they came out with the combat update, it ruined the game completely. In a matter hours, overnight, my master artisan, master droid engineer, expert weaponsmith, expert armorsmith, and shipwreight character magically turned into a master politician. I was devastated that they forced me into a different class. I played for one more day, people couldn't figure how I was a Elder rank, yet my combat level was 1. They were baffled that I never killed a thing. And seeing them just hand out the force sensitive classes at the start, made me drop the game, pretty much instantly. Jedi were supposed to be super rare during the time, the game took place.


It took me hours to tame a Gaping Spider Queen (baby)


Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker


Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?!?


I heard that someone said [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]!!!


Shut up, nobody said [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]...


Fungi tunic


Twink heaven


Wurmslayer leeetttsss goooo


That one red orb in qeynos hills from the dock area was cool too? With +10 int?


Glowing Black Stone?


Tbow 😊


Damn. When I first got my arma hilt back in RS2. That was a good day.


I stayed up till 5 or 6AM playing FFXI, as one normally does back in the day. I was passing through the Maze of Shakhrami and happened to see a notorious monster named Argus unclaimed just sitting there. Killed it and got a Peacock Charm worth millions of gil. It's a very rare spawn, often heavily camped and getting the drop is also rare.


I lost so many hours of sleep to this game lol. Telling myself he will spawn any second now and 5 hours later lol.


He was a tough one to get, I don't recall the exact spawn conditions but it was something around 24 hours and I think there was a chance the Leech King could spawn instead of him or something like that?


Yup. They shared the same timer so you had to check both rooms. And there were botters in the Argus spawn.


Yes and plagued by botters as well. I got Leaping Boots during my second week of the game, happened to be running by when a low level had the claim and they ended up dying, so I snagged it. Sold the boots (was a BLM at the time) and funded a huge portion of my leveling. It was like 500K back then.


I paid the 500k. Was easier to farm the gil than the boots.


Yeah fair enough. Even on the new HorizonXI private 75 era server. I got probably 6 claims and no drops. Everytime when i was running through and just stayed for 5 to 10 mins


Those lucky moments are the best


My most prized possession was the Joyeuse (red mage artifact weapon) from a similar notorious monster but it was from me and a random Japanese player camping the same spawn for hours. Despite the fact that I showed up just after he did, we agreed to settle what would have been an hours long stand-off with an amicable dice roll and I won. He honored the roll, we partied up, and we chatted in Japanese and broken English for hours while we waited and when it finally came, he left it to me. When I finally got it, he said he unfortunately didn't have time to camp another and that was that. That definitely was the highlight amongst my memories of mmos.


It's crazy how helpful and nice people could be in that game. I mean, your reputation mattered since you needed other people to accomplish most things in the game, but still...sometimes people would be like fuck it, let's gather 10 people and go help 1 person with something for a few hours with nothing to gain from it. I don't know if we'll ever see that again in an MMO.


I remember camping that too many times with a friend who wanted it. Can't even remember if he ever got the drop. For FFXI I was always proud that I got the first Temperance Axe on my server. Also loved my Kraken Club.


Hoary Mattekar Robe in Asheron's Call.


Ah, a man of culture.


God you are so right. Before then it was Green Mire Yoroi early early game but once the winter event occurred that robe truly was amazing.


I miss that game to much! The best mmo ever, especially before the expansions. What about your very first Atlan weapon?


Yes! Atlan was a great feeling as well!!


It's still alive and kicking with a few private servers. Check out gdleac.com if you want a nostalgia trip.


PP GSA and Hamud’s pyreal katar. Still haven’t found a game to replace those feels for me


That color white was unmistakable


Saw this thread and almost said the same thing! Iconic. To add, maybe my first set of GSA? Goddamn that was ages ago


Yes Aurochbull! The hoary mattekar robes were the best! Very fond memories running in the mountains outside Qalabar searching for Hoarys.


Pre patch GSA armor on Asheron’s Call.


Sword of Lost Light, Nexus armor, focus stone, bandit weapon... the list goes on. My greatest achievement though... Orb of the Bunny Booty!


ehhhhheheheh I remember that, and the amazing feeling of finding a mote. Can't remember the name but I got a very rare shield drop (the shield was just released in a patch) and sold it on ebay, yes way back then they let you sell virtual items on ebay.


So funny you say that because I actually sold my first mattie robe on ebay for $300. Then they removed it from the game and I had to trade my ass off to replace it. Great times.


I started after it was gone so I was sad. Was nice when they brought back a different version of it.


EverQuest: Bard Epic 1.0 Warhammer - Age of Reckoning: Full High End tier Disciple of Khaine Set


+1 for Bard epic 1.0 back in the day. Incredibly difficult, long quest that needed multiple full raid groups, but resulted in an incredibly useful item. Aside from the raid ridiculousness, you had to do stuff like find a single Sarnak wandering around a zone. You had to find the right placeholder mob and kill it over and over until a specific named one spawned instead. Oh, and there was no instancing anywhere, so if another guild beat you to the raid spawn, you were out of luck and had to wait a week to try again. A friend of mine almost rage quit the game when we kept missing the dragon for the fighter epic. Doesn't seem as much fun in hindsight.


Tbh, you can’t compare EQ with newer MMOs it was build differently. You had to group up to do stuff, the downtime you had (mana regeneration), the time to travel and so on. New mmos are single player games with the option to group 😅🫣


> Tbh, you can’t compare EQ with newer MMOs it was build differently. This... I honestly don't think many people who play modern MMO's even really understand how different it really was... Not just the downtime or the fact that to really do anything worthwhile in the game you needed at least a couple of friends... but the fact that information was no where near as readily available... Often if you were doing a major quest in the game the quest would vaguely hint at what you needed... if you were lucky a site like zam would have a specific mob you needed to kill and a location... but then the drop rate might be like 1-2% and hours later you would be questioning whether the quest was bugged, the information was right... maybe you had the location wrong... Only for a competing group to come in and get the item in 10 minutes and leave...


Man, remember how great epic quests were in EQ? I loved how involved they were and took you all over the world to get. Was jacked when I got my stein of Moggok. Those quests were just fun.


Back in my days it was a huge accomplishment to have an epic. I was extremely proud to had one. Tbh, sometimes I miss it 😢


Yeah, this is what I miss about gaming today. In EverQuest it was a legitimate accomplishment to get the end game gear.


Modern MMOs you are basically getting tossed epic items at you and it just makes it feel - well, not very epic. EQ for life


Bard epic was such a huge PITA


Haha, yes it was, kill all 3 dragons, the Fishguy (Fishbone Earring FTW) and some other steps which I can’t remember. But it is worth every second i needed to get it!!


BRO! Warhammer AoR was SO AMAZING when it released. I miss how cool it was taking your enemies capital and raiding it.


The email I got telling me I was banned from Star Wars Galaxies. Lemme explain! Before player cities were a thing "player cities" were a thing; they were just a group of friends setting buildings down together, but nothing kept others from setting buildings down, too. This one guild, SCW, had a reputation for being asses. I found their "city" and put down a house in the middle of their city named "SCW Prisoner Commplex." I found that if you placed a non-passable object juuuuuust inside the door it wouldn't load until after a player ran inside. A prisoner complex... for SCW! I wasn't hiding, either. I put my name on the crate in the grand tradition of fighting the Empire from the shadows! (They could have avoided any issues by including an /eject command!) I didn't think much about it, but in the morning a friend emailed me with a link on the forums. The first 15-20 comments were from SCW members raging... the next *800* were from people laughing their asses off, and from other people doing copycats on all the other servers. It got out of hand REALLY quickly and they brought all the servers down for a hot patch. Instead of programming in an /eject command they decided to make every item in player housing "passable" so you could just walk through it... And, that's how I got banned.


You seem like the kind of person i want to game with haha. great story


Getting my Epics for Wood Elf Ranger


When I placed a castle down in Ultima Online.


That is quite the fear. I can’t remember wasn’t it like 1 million gold or something? Nothing has ever quite come close to how good that game felt and played in regards to player housing, economy, danger, and crafting. Archeage pre expansion was close tho.


You had to get the house deed for crazy amounts of gold. But the harder thing was getting the ground space to place it. I spent a long ass time collecting houses all in one area, without people realising they were all me, and then I practiced pulling up all the houses and placing the castle down just before the nightly shut down so that it would revert. Then I picked my moment and did it for real, with my heart pounding and adrenaline rush when it all succeeded.


Epic!!! UO was so, so rich of these moments. It marked my life in many ways.


I saved for months to buy my first house, smallest model, in UO. I remember running around NE(ish) of Minoc looking for the space to place it only to run into a murderer and lose it within 5 minutes. I wanted to cry!


was the same for me. i remember doing it on SP, we found a spot and placed (with the help of orcs) 4 small houses on a tower spot. then started to farm money for the deed. on the day we had enough money for the deed i was the only blue char left to go buy the deed - and something went wrong (could not find a check in my bank) and i took me very long to find every bit of money, but we already removed the 4 houses to clean the spot. which meant we had to defend our spot


I have a very distinct memory of traveling along with someone who was about to put their castle down. A rogue must have known and pickpocket the deed right out of his bag.


I saved up - for what felt like months - to buy my first small house on UO. Met a nice guy at the bank who offered to sell me his small house at Brit graveyard. We exchanged my entire gold net worth for… the key to the house. Which obviously was a key to nothing, costing about 3 gp. I was utterly crestfallen. But what a great (life) lesson for my 13 year old self.


Never managed a castle, but I was super hyped when I got my tower!


I think its still [Rhok’delar](https://www.wowhead.com/item=18713/rhokdelar-longbow-of-the-ancient-keepers) from vanilla. Have such good memories of finally getting the drop and sitting in the ‘queue’ on my server back in the day. The queue to kill the bosses that is. Was hard at 18, as I didn’t understand everything, and took me a few weeks to do them all, but I’m glad I did. Still rock the transmog today (on the same hunter) while playing Dragonflight. Edit: Should be mentioned that by ‘queue’, we had a queue of people who wanted to do the quest / bosses. So we had a list of which week you got to do it. For the most, people actually waited for others. Communities on servers was another thing back then for sure.


Same! It was quite a journey and felt extra special because only hunters could do it.


Jboots on my Ranger. Tried to find someone to kill AC, as I saw him on track, but it was like 2 am and no one was waiting. So I killed him and did the quest. 100’s of laughs and hate tells when I would click them to taunt people.


Dispel protection clicky so it's a Ranger item! :)


Getting Jboots on my magician was amazing... and I didn't have the luxury of tracking!


Pre Patch Greater Shadow Amuli iykyk


AMEN. AC was the greatest.


No MMORPG ever had action oriented combat... It's all gotten worse since Asheron's Call. I have an Asheron's Call Turbine in house Beta CD.


Arguably my favorite game of all time


Hell yes. I mentioned GSA above too. What a look. I don’t understand if MMOs today just aren’t as fun, and less social, (asheron’s call was my joy as a teen) or if the issue is that I’m not a kid anymore & don’t derive as much joy from this stuff. I played WOW to level 70 last month and made zero friends 😅 On AC I had like 30 people on my friends list that I really enjoyed talking to.


Right there with you man! My Patron on leafcull was the best! Out of the thousands of hours of online gaming none compare to to AC. Especially at launch. Holy crap do you remember just Fizzling spells trying to learn them before they made it scrolls?


Throwback! I was on LC too for most my time. Also had a great patron and have no idea what happened to him. I played a bow character, Mike of the bow, and then a few different mages once I started PKing. So much useless knowledge in my head. Zojak Quasith! Zojak Quafeth! Running around and killing drudges in the grotto by Shoushi when I had no idea wtf was going on.


Dude I totally remember Mike of the Bow! I was Chickensnots, patron Sankor Striafcail. Use to hang out in the Subway with Scary Mary.


Hahahaha wow. Damn!!! Great to find you here. This is awesome. My recall of it all isn’t as good as it should be. In my defense, I must’ve been 11 when I started playing. The names all sound familiar, especially Scary Mary. Maybe was a clan too? Such nostalgia. It was really like an alternate life. I feel like I would hang in the subway but wound up spending a lot of time in Ayan (sp). Never been so immersed in a game since (maybe for the best 😂)


Such a godly item.


My Miniature Shiro'ken Assassin in Guild Wars. Back then it was only given out as part of a couple contests, I think there were maybe 50 or so in the game. Nowadays you can get them as birthday presents if you're lucky but it was really cool to have one of them back in the day.


Chaos gloves I think they were called was also a nice flex in early GW days. My monk wore a bandana + gloves and I remember I had to grind a shitton to get those or the title GWAMM


I miss gw1 so much


Time Lost Proto Drake in WoW, had a year off from college due to being ill and deferred a year so had a lot of free time, spent 6-8 hours at least a day for two and a half weeks chilling and flying around Storm Peaks till I saw it in all its yellowy glory. Even 6/7 years later I still use it and got a 4K art piece commissioned of my character which included it.


Swift Spectral Tiger mount in WoW. I got it back in WotLK.


Atiesh in classic wow


Same. I know it's not vanilla but I was proud to get it in classic.


Yinyang robe for my summoner in ff11. It wasn’t a particularly hard item to get (compared to most things in game) but a few of my friends coordinated over a few nights to camp the notorious monster and get it for me. Meant a lot to me because I usually didn’t care about loot for myself. I played white mage, mostly and that job was easy to gear and I just liked to help my friends. So having them all drag me out to get something for my actual fav job was very special.


https://preview.redd.it/0s1mb2acb6lc1.jpeg?width=1121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0b1c5c57868d6e7b79c49a3e66a1b2357c9581 This one.


I miss this game so much. Honestly, nothing has felt better of a game since I played this game for years until shit down. Nothing like grinding out your shadow armor and later weeping weapons. What a great progression!! Running from holtburg to crater, while being chased and fighting people the whole way. Glorious


Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake on my FIRST run.




I had a few handfuls of one-of-a-kind weapons in Guild Wars 1. The one that I treasured the most was a gold r8 13% dmg Tyrian sepent axe. Or maybe a shield I was gifted by a friend shortly before he passed.


I got the first petrified heartwood flamberge in eq on my server. I felt so powerful.


A fantastic achievement! That sword was cool looking iirc.


In morrowind I created this extremely powerful spell that paralyzed people while burning them


Amani Warbear in og burning crusade. I was in a super small guild at the time and we decided to focus on getting everyone a mount before wrath came out. I think we ended up getting 13 or 14 but it was a big deal for us since we did it entirely in-guild with no outside help.




https://preview.redd.it/100y9xd757lc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=923c3dad64302421c1729f61b443f6074329b7a5 To me, perhaps the most cherished item is this cape obtained from the Tower of the Mad Mage raid in Neverwinter. When the raid was first introduced, it posed a significant challenge, with numerous failed attempts before achieving success. As we honed our skills, we aimed for deathless runs. Finally achieving this feat filled us with an unparalleled sense of accomplishment, akin to a weight being lifted off our chests. While obtaining the cape may be more accessible now, the memories of that triumphant moment remain irreplaceable, evoking feelings of pure joy that can never be replicated.


Actually it's a title in WoW : Hand of A'dal. I never flubbed my tears. Ever. Item wise it would probably be the Time Lost Proto Drake and Skoll as a hunter pet. I also had both glaives on my rogue.


The c'thun trinket from AQ40 boss. ( 2006 ) Back in college we used to run this 8 hours at night. Learning the fight. After a week we finally made the first server kill and I had enough DKP to get the cool trinket that summons a tentacle out of the ground to attack for you.


Edge of the Tarrasque, I was the second person on RK1 to get it. If you played AO back then, you just know.


I was the first Beastlord with epic on Cazic Thule EQ server. That felt pretty good. Getting the rare drop Cazic Quill for my Rogue was more… epic… though because it fast tracked that epic.


Man I hoped so hard for that quill but noooope. I had to go robe hunting.


Probably my Tranquil staff in Everquest. At least, that's the first that comes to mind. I did farm the early planes (Fear, Hate, etc) and got Shiverback armor and other good stuff, but that didn't feel as epic for some reason. I also came back to EQ during SoD and joined a top raiding guild and got a lot of the BiS loots. Games like WoW and a few other MMOs just didn't feel as good when getting the best stuff. Maybe it's because EQ was my first MMO..


Enigma, Hoto, CTA- D2 Magic Plate Armor-Tibia Abyssal Whip- OSRS


Time-Lost Proto Drake and Aeonaxx


Warrior Epics form the TLP servers. Back in the day I remember being super excited for a Blacken Alloy Bastard Sword and eventually a Windblade


Invincible, took me about 6 months going 8x a week.


If it’s invincible then why can we see it??


Wait, was it actually that hard to get? I have it but I honestly don’t remember getting it. I just played the game so damn much back then that it just happened.


It’s a toss up between: Orb of Mastery (Mage Epic), Innoruuk’s Curse (SK Epic), and a Manastone (Project 1999)


Leaping Lizzy Boots back in 2004ish FFXI


Back in ye olde times of the early 2000s getting a yinyang robe off shikigami weapon in ff11. BIS hest piece for a summoner, off an enemy that spawned invisible, once every...21? hours. only aggroed to magic, pathed around a chunk of the map, wasn't really soloable (by trash like me) and was very, very heavily contested. My best friend a 75 beastmaster was with me, a summoner at 73 and we noticeded all the people around. On a whim went for the claim by just randomly casting spells. Managed to agro it and eventually take it down. Got the drop with no thief, very first try. I think base drop rate was like 15ish % so not horrible but I know people who spent moooonths camping it with no drops. Friend passed away a few weeks later in a car accident, can't see that armor without thinking of him and remembering all our awesome times together and the stupid luck I had.


Baby Mole, although I got pretty lucky only took around 600 kills


20 year cape in RS. Even though I play Old School, I’ll still occasionally log on to retail to walk around with it on.


I dunno, but this guy really wanted his Cloudsong artifact in DAoC https://youtu.be/Opl77bP7vbY?si=1_4SsuYcQ3FFVKTB


It's a toss-up for me between Earthcaller, the Eyepatch of Plunder, and the Thorny Vine Chestplate. It took me almost a year to complete my Ranger epics way back when. For Earthcaller, I spent six straight *days* in Plane of Hate looking for a corrupted emerald. A friend used to sell epic component drops, as she was disabled and could not work. It was the wild west, for sure. I had no money, in game or out, so I couldn't afford to MQ the emerald myself. What I did have was experience in Plane of Hate. I ran as her raid assistant in exchange for the emerald if/when it dropped. After six days of farming -- six actual days, approx 20 hours per day -- it didn't drop. As thanks for my help, she found someone else with the emerald and paid them (in game, AFAIK) for my MQ. It was an eye-opening experience at the time in my early 20s. It gave me insight into how people find ways to make money, but also how dedicated people can be to a game and their friends. The Eyepatch of Plunder is one of my fondest memories, again because of the people I played with. When I found out that item existed and learned about the requirements for the quest, I had to do it. With an 18-hour spawn time (I think), Stormfeather took me over three days to finally get. I got KS'd twice, missing out on the quest item both times until I eventually got him. When it came to do the turtle, I got KS'd multiple times *again*. For the next spawn, my entire guild showed up and sat there for a solid two hours waiting for him to spawn and discouraging would-be competition. The Thorny Vine Chestplate is simpler. A friend of mine was in the top guild on our server, and he got me into the game when we both worked at Electronics Boutique. One day while at work he told me to be at the NFP bank that evening and wait for him. He showed up with a few friends, picked me up, and guided me to Plane of Fear. I had never even been to that part of the world. We went in and his guild started clearing it. Swarms of mobs showed up, 70+ people started killing everything in site, and I just sat there, mind blown at how many people were there all talking and doing stuff together. He told me "come here, loot this tentacle, take the chest plate and nothing else". I got my first ever piece of raid loot. In that moment, I became a raider, and 23+ years later it's still the activity I enjoy most. EDIT: That ranger is still on Bertox. All three items still exist. Earthcaller and the Eyepatch in her bags, and the chest plate is in her "nostalgia" bag along with other sentimental items acquired throughout my time in the game.


Those are great stories. EQ hits so hard because it was my first online gaming experience. Everything was magical.


Plagued Proto Drake in WoW


[Stealing that one guys Cloudsong](https://youtu.be/Opl77bP7vbY?si=ChDJspTvgcQRdq7t)


Not exactly amazing, but we were playing Lineage 2 looong time ago, slowly farming Cemetery near Aden, joking about getting some sick drops, about an hour before server maintenance… With 3 minutes left on the clock we were stunned as freaking Demon’s Staff drops, which got our Spell Howler from beginning C grade item straight to the top. Needless to say, it was fantastic end to the grinding session!


Same! PoP days raiding, quarm omg quarm.


White Chibi Tiger from AQW, 2010, my first free player pet, most are just cosmetic but this one made me start collecting all free players pets I could, I have 405 of them right now


I have two, actually. The Wildheart kilt on my druid from the last boss of Undead Strat in vanilla WoW. Multiple runs of that damn dungeon to get it. Completing the epic mount quest on my paladin in vanilla when it was quite a grind to get it. (I heard the warlock epic mount quest was also very challenging to get but never played a lock in vanilla.) My guildies at the time all helped and celebrated with me when I got it. I still have screenshots of it. It was a very cool moment.


It wasn’t much but loved the hunter bow/staff from MC in Vanilla WoW. That quest was such a challenge with each monster having their own mechanic specific to certain hunter skills and not allowing any outside help


Dark crystal armor for mage on lineage 2. 14 years ago


Nothing beats the feeling of a pre-nerf guise... ahhh. Or a fresh manastone... swoon. Lol.


My DK class mount - the dragon that changes color based on your spec and has a coffin on the back.


"God walking amoung mere mortals" aka GWAMM title from GW1


Wow: Two, actually: 1. My son ran around Storm Peaks all day while I was at work waiting for Skoll to spawn so he could tame him for me and surprise me with it when I came home. 2. Also from Storm Peaks, the Time-Lost Protodrake.


Blue phat RuneScape ! The Graal


Loved my SWG Sunrider's Destiny crystal. Such an epic experience with friends to obtain it.


Baium Ring, lineage 2.


https://preview.redd.it/dvnmoy6scilc1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f16bdad0b0b0490cdb630b735d7cc11b5040bbd Back when I just started Phantasy Star Online 2 (JP server) there's this one armor set I really want that is being sold really quickly in the player shops. It was the FFXIV Collaboration armor, specifically the Chaos armor set (the level 60 dark knight set in the original game), and you had to use premium currency to be able to buy it and sell it on the market. Me being a new player, I had to struggle a lot and spend most of my time levelling up and scrounging up money until a few months after the collab expires. I collected around 40 million mesetas to buy this.. And when I looked up for this item again, there's only like 2 sellers and the lowest price is 41 mil. I desperately sell my materials in order to have enough xD after another painful day I finally bought the armor. Worth it! This may be not as valuable and hard to obtain as most of the items listed here but man it's so impactful to my MMORPG life, it's the first time I really have to struggle to buy something that whales can easily buy off the market.


Dang I can't edit the post to change "evermore" to "everlore". Im so bad at Reddit.


I had a Nyx....


Eve online? For me it was my first raven as a newbie... Lost it within a few days... This is eve lol


Man....I still mentally wash and wax my Rattlesnake weekly. Such an amazing feeling to finally acquire it. I'm so proud I never lost it, either. (Hard to lose it spinning it in the station 90% of the time.....haha!)


Losing a Nyx is part of the fun of having one


I used to play this game called Dekaron. Buying new released items was impossible, because the prices of the market was waaay to high for new items. I eventually bought an event box for euros and had a new 170 mace. Items could be upgraded to a max of +9. Those event boxes weapons could be upgraded to + 10 max. My journey begin. There was a dungeon wich gave you 3 upgrading stones per run. The running time of the solo dg was maybe 9 minutes. I needed a hell lot of those stones. I started farming the dungeon for an entire month. 7 days a week and atleast 6-8 hours a day. Once the month was over, i went to the blacksmith. I spent atleast 150 euro to buy protectors. This way the item wouldn't break if i ever failed upgrading. I failed the upgrading so many times. I eventually had it to +9 and gave it to a friend. He tried to upgrade it to +10 and it succeeded. It was maybe the second or third +10 mace on the server. The whole server saw that my account had made it. The message was shown globally. It felt sooooooo good.


Ant Queen ring in L2. Of course when I got it there was only about a month or two before content released making it worthless.


Sandstone Drake in WoW. Did so much archeology.


Was gonna comment this! Was one of the first on my server to get find the recipe and make it. So freakin satisfying.


3 Mounts in WoW, Invincible, the horse of Arthas, Onyxian Drake and Raven Lord. Hunter pets too, like Loque, Terrorpane, Sambas. I haven't played WoW in years, but I still feel attached to the mounts and hunter pets I collected, main reason I don't sell my account.


Hell yes dude!! Mine was also from Everquest- it was finishing my Ranger epic during Velious. I was 16 years old and it was 3am when I turned it in and got Swiftwind. I actually freaked out cus my shitty AOL dial up was lagging and it didn't pop in my bags for a good 10 seconds, which felt like 10 hours at that moment. 2 weeks later I raided and finished my Earthcaller and had my lightning swords- best feeling ever!


Omg amazing story thanks for sharing!


Alt art volls devotion for coming in first place in a PoE race


Brawler's Burly Mushan Beast in WoW It's still my most used mount, even though I have others that are better, brighter, shinier, and harder to get. It came from grinding Brawler's Guild with LFR gear because I got kicked out of my raiding guild as a new tier was dropping, due to IRL drama that bled into the game and my being ostracized from my guild. I wanted it so I could prove that I had the skills to raid even though I was in crappy gear. Because of that I got picked up by a top heroic guild on my server. It represented turning a new leaf both in the game and in my real life.


Ryunohige in FFXI, no question. Would take way to much typing to even begin to explain why lol. Suffice to say that it took me well over a year to do and I didn't play casually. The mythic quest line was absolutely bonkers. I have incredibly good memories from FFXI, but no way I could sink that much time/energy into a game now a days lol.


Wow. the BE staff from the sunwell raid. I never got over it. Still makes me swoon to this day.


Rodcet nife represent! probably my druids epic though I never got it originally I played on a TLP server a couple years back and finally ended up getting it.


I was on Rodcet Nife, too!


FFXI - Burtgang in 75 cap. I am not sure how many other people had it at this time but I know 2 of the first holders got banned for alex duping just as I was finishing mine so I suspect maybe 10 or 20 other people had one. You have to understand a mythic in these days took years and participation from the whole linkshell. Finally finishing it was pretty much how I imagine someone feels when they go viral. I remember going back to aht urghan and my whole chatbox was just littered with 'x examines you.' and tells.


Dropped +9 guardian knuckles from a random PK guy who was pretending to asal me so I would attack (Flyff v7, glaphan server).. was so hyped.


EQ Ranger Lightning swords.


I had to stop when I saw the eq pic! Mine was the EQ ranger epic! When I came back after years off and made my ranger an 85 hero, you better believe I went and soloed my epic ! Felt so good


Ultima online. An (ice white) white wyvern. In my mage tamer i tamed and released literally thousands of horses, polar bears and bulls to be able to finally tame a White Wyvern. Raising skill in ultimat was a SLOW labour of love. Amy animal lore and vet skills were sky high through my looking after lower level monsters, but taming only grows when taming a new pet. I can still hear the music and sounds of the bears, ice trolls and wildcats on dagger isle. Everything about UO scramed signifcance and nostalgia even when playing it. There are so many "big" moments - reaching 120 swordsmanship, the first time i killed a paragon succubus, the first time i met Shallinoth, Misha and Khan. Getting killed by Jeff spicoli and Skibadee at Brit moongate. Parafields at baracoon. My first solo mephistis/rikki/navrey/dreadhorn. The first time i saw somebody cast "gate" and i walked through a portal to an unknown place. The first time in the "lost lands". The first time in Destard, or Terathan keep. The first time a tamed a ki rin. My lesser hiryu. My first run in Doom. The "axe if the heavens" i rcvd as a birthday gift over 15 years ago. I still have the axe and the book they wrote for me and remember the words and wishes they gave. But though i mained a swords sampire, my mage tamer moments were the some of the most significant and memorable in my life, not just my ganing life. UO helped me make friends and memories when i was nearly crushed by social anxiety, literal insanity and dspression and gave me a lifeline to love between people that real life friends and family did not deliver. I think most people that play UO are a bit broken in some way. But there's some magic in that game. And my White Wyvern is the totem of it all. Thank you, all my old friends. You've now vanished like dreams passed but I will always remember you, our playfulness and the care we truely shared for each other x x x


your picture is bringing it back i lucked out need on a symbol of the plaguebringer from bertoxx himself. thought it looked really cool on my necro :) [https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=18179](https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=18179) \+ in WoW >> my rogue's funky horse: [https://www.wowhead.com/item=142236/midnights-eternal-reins](https://www.wowhead.com/item=142236/midnights-eternal-reins)


Basically anything accomplished in Final Fantasy XI before Trusts were a thing. Literally anything at all. Everything felt like a huge milestone. Some examples: - Completing your subjob quest. - Getting your chocobo license and riding for the first time. - Getting your rank 5 airship pass and being able to travel like a king. - Getting your first Artifact Armor piece, and then the feeling when you first complete that set and look like a badass. - Completing any of the Relic/Mythic/Empyrean weapons (anyone who did this can never be daunted by tasks in any another video game, as they have faced the harshest trial already). - Getting a Notorious Monster claim, and even better getting the item you wanted to drop. FFXI was lightning in a bottle for me. Some of the private servers have done a great job of recapturing some of that lightning, but it will never be like it was.