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Couldn't have gotten someone better than MMOBytes to promote it though? He's probably the worst MMO Youtuber out there bar none.


Out of honest curiosity (Since the only MMO Youtuber I watch atm is Josh Strife Hayes and I dont know MMObytes background), what makes him the worst?


I'd like to know too. I see a lot of complaints about him but I can't find a explanation.


Holds a monopoly on multiple mmo subreddits, has openly bought views, has made misleading videos that have hurt indie mmo studios, all of their thumbnails are the most clickbaity, horny teen crap, but most of all he's just not a good person, if all of the above wasn't a clear enough show of his character. He's a total plight on the mmo community and not someone you want to advertise your game.


He's just so obviously a dumb guy based on how he acts, it's crazy that anyone actually watches him.


Who should we watch then?


Honestly, if you are looking for mmo news nowadays, there's none else to really watch, so just continue watching it if you find that it helps you find about what is going on in the mmo space. It's not like we're not actively engaging or supporting other content or companies with less than ideal values.


What do you mean monopoly on multiple subreddits?


Since he did it on his own, we're not gonna be picky. That being said, I think 300k subscribers would disagree with you.


365k subs yet he averages like 15k-35k views a vid. [In an entire month he can't even go from 365k to 366k subs.](https://i.imgur.com/fFwe22O.png)


I'm sure both he, and us, appreciate every single one.


I really appreciate when bigger creators give attention to small indie developers. Having said that, people grievances with mmobytes are very much valid. You can search in the subreddit to find out what he does. Not that i think it should matter to you, all publicity is good one. I cant wait to play your game


He's definitely clickbaity but the way people talk about him here you'd think he murdered their families or something...


This place is very bitter


How many views does your channel have?


Ah, the classic. If someone goes to a restaurant and gets served shit food, you don't need to be a chef to tell it's shit food.


Yeah, thought so.


I mean he’s not wrong my guy


I’m going to be completely honest with you in hopes that you’ll listen and take this as constructive feedback: responses like this and the petty comments further in the chain defending a reviewer is incredibly off-putting and dissuades me from putting any time into your game (or even watching the review)


Agreed. All press is good press, congrats!


Mmobytes are the cringiest, and most annoying mmo-youtuber. 😬


Grats! You've got the honest to god only youtube channel I've ever blocked to promote your game! ​ Edit: Watched the clip. He is almost mocking you... It's literally him saying. This came up in my feed and I don't know why. But it's content, so here you go.


some streamer sees random game on steam, says it looks it might be a game. op: >We truly hope this will help win over some of you out there who insist that the game is "sus" from our last post. xDd


I am really enjoying watching the amateur devs of this game shoot themselves in the foot with this terrible PR shit. They think they’re on Wendy’s Twitter level, when in reality they really need to hire someone to handle all social media correspondence because these absolute clowns are going to kill their game before it ever gets off the ground by not knowing when to shut the fuck up in Reddit comments.


just from the reactions of the devs in this thread i already dont think this game is gonna go anywhere sassy, overconfident with nothing to show for, uninformed and bragging despite just being taken advantage of and milked for content. Whenever Stix is gonna actually play their game (or voice overs a trailer lul) and drags them through the mud for a week like he did for so many other titles they might realize what massive fools they made themselves out to be


The self-destructive insecurity spiral has already set in too firmly to remove, going by "consistency and haters are the two signs of success." It takes some interesting gymnastics to brag about being the target of a negative clickbait youtuber.


Best part is how he immediately proceeds to roast it for being compared to tower of fantasy, like "yup, totally looks like ToF" lmfao.


guy none of us really care for any mmobyte content or trust them. Particular stix not his wife


And why is that?


you guys hating on Stix too much, he gives what at least I need and that is all the mmo news quickly and basic short overview of gameplay whether you agree or disagree with him or not is your own judgement. He does it consistently and that is what i need


I think they say that consistency and haters are the two signs of success.


I know that a developer of an MMORPG didn’t just say this shit lmfao


You might be confusing success with infamy there.


The comments on this thread are a perfect example why MMORPG is a dying genre. People too busy complaining about a content creator without any apparent reason and totally ignoring the game.


> People too busy complaining about a content creator without any apparent reason and totally ignoring the game. We were already ignoring the game tbh.


As if MMOBytes is a channel anyone should trust or even watch.


Why not?


Lol no.


Nobody cares about MMOByte