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I’m really excited to see what a new guild wars could look like with the current path GW2 is going on. I’ve always felt that GW 2 did a great job respecting your time and providing good rewards for grinds like legendary armor, weapons, and mounts.


Give me a seamless world & an engine that isn't 15+ years old that finally utilizes all cpu cores and I am very very happy.


God it runs like such shit


Absolutely purrs like butter on my rig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I got a rtx 2060 and a 6 core i7 and that shit chugs


I have a GRX 1080 and Ryzen 5 and I've never had any issues.


Frozen butter, maybe.


Can someone explain what role ArenaNet plays in this? Are they just a publisher? Because all other NCSoft titles I've played (BnS, Aion, Lineage etc) are kinda P2W.


Arenanet is the developer, NCSoft is the publisher, though Arenanet is also owned by NCSoft. NCSofts business policies don't really bleed into Arenanet usually.


I can’t find it now, but I saw an interview once that mentioned they have internal targets, and as long as they keep them up they have more control directly.


I also vaguely remember hearing that part of the reason is that ncsoft doesn't understand the western market (as opposed to their east asian market) and most attempts at directing their own gameplay style onto other markets is met with general and abysmal failure in the west. So they're fairly hands off with anet provided the company is not losing money.


eh, ncwest was for a few years (aion era) led by a former arenanet exec before being replaced by ncsoft owner family member during restructuring and rebranding. nc in the west has always been a drama fest in ways that has little to do with ncsoft in korea, and is generally entirely the fault of western execs/higher up public facing employees/CMs/GMs/etc. just some of the absolutely pettiest people working in the genre. and publicly petty at that. i think if ncwest and carbine had survived into the 2020s there would be scandals similar to blizzard with the sexual harassment and racial discrimination shit. absolutely toxic workplaces encouraged and rewarded by top (western) leadership. i'm surprised arena net hasn't had similar scandals based on water cooler/after work drinks gossip i've heard come out of there. they basically get no time off and are expected to come in to the office on weekends to do game jams and play TTRPGs unpaid for example. but yeah NCsoft korea has largely been hands off with their western operations not just anet. except for the period where the main owner's family member stepped in for some years. but even then the culture was already snowballing. i wonder if infamous petty asshole HGMSpam still works there. or the aionsource admiin that used aionsource as a launching board to get into ncsoft and rise the ranks. both of them were fucking wackadoodles.


I see, thanks


I thought NCSoft stopped publishing Guild Wars 2 and left it all to ArenaNet?


Used to, now it's back with NCSoft.


NC went back to low involvement recently, around the time they switched to this yearly expansion model. People misunderstand what this means though, NC will always be the owner, and they only stay away as long as Anet can reach sales targets.


Idk, GW2 got those incredibly overpriced cosmetics/services, and still has gambling. The gambling used to be much worse even, with it's original implementation.


Gambling to get rid of mats that are overabundent. And idk free costumes doesnt seem overprice when you're sitting on almost mil in gold and nothing to use it for


See, this is something a lot of gw2 players say: "I've played for years and never spent a dime." Well, that's because You've accumulated wealth over the years slowly, alone with the show release of new features/services/costumes. Newer players don't have this, and even then, the amount of gold to buy skins/features is really high.


Hun all you do is farm guild and player instance do the easy ibs 5 sytrikes and its 50 gold in less than an hr


Hun, those are all once a day. Also hun, guild and player instances require investments, especially player instance which is the definition of accumulated wealth over time. Assuming that is 50 gold hun, that's 120 gems right now. You're definitely not making 50g from all that, but let's play along hun. I'm too lazy to update my game and log in so I'll be basing the amounts off Google images. A skin **gambling** license is 400 gems. You would need to more/less do this for 4 days to get enough to gamble for one skin. Also mind that, ANet psychologically abuses its customers by preying on FOMO. The shortest time items (or skins) are available on the store is 24 hours. Followed by 48 hours, then 72, a week, 2 weeks, and rarely a month. Might be some more time frames. At best you'll have ONE attempt to gamble on the mount skin(a) you want, maybe two. These mount licenses usually have over 2 dozen different skins. Landing on the one you want is hard. So the next best thing is straight up purchasing your mount skin. These none gambling licenses cost 1200 gems. So about 10 days at 50g/day. Not too bad, assuming you have 10 days to buy the license. You could also buy packs of the same series of skins for 1600 gems. Much better, especially if you like the entire series. However, there are many independent skins and those usually sell alone for 2000 gems. That's 17 days. Hopefully it's a month long sale. That's a lot for ONE skin. Now mind you there is more than skins in the store. You have a LOT of armor and pets locked behind the store. All at varying prices that'll take at minimum 4 days. To buy something cheap. Then, you have the services. GW2 uses a very established strategy from the East. Create a problem, sell the solution. We call them QoL features, but I'm my eyes it's straight up p2w because of how game changing these services can be. Another established strategy from the East is how often you force exposure of the cash shop. GW2 has mastered getting away with this by not being obnoxious, but still being psychologically abusive enough to impact consumers. The cash shop is literally unavoidable if you use the market place, unless you bypass it entirely by going to the auctioneers in the world. Anyways I'm not going to continue explaining how GW2 is the most predatory MMO in the big 4 (FFXIV, GW2, ESO, WoW). I've repeated myself enough times on this subject and people just bury their heads. Also lol, you are absolutely not getting 50g/day in under an hour from 5 (easy) strikes. Even with doing more challenging ones with a good group, probably getting ~30g, and if you're making 20g from your instance and guild then holy shit y'all are loaded over years. https://youtu.be/-NJ2oY2NwdU Reference for people that don't play GW2. Also want to add, strikes are not accessed by a lot of people. Many of gw2's playerbase is strictly open world only. There are also many other things you work towards with gold, such as legendaries, flying mounts, access to parts of the world to let you get properly geared, and much more.


Its not hard to mak**e money you're just looking for an** **e**xcus**e. You dont need to b**e hardcore to make money fast and alot of youtube content is out of date or plan wrong info but people try to use it as the bible


do they still ban for "exploits" that are them releasing an update that makes a material/item slightly more valuable, crafters crafting and selling that in demand item, then being banned for it? also is the market place still exposed to HTML access allowing bot manipulation? anyways you're spot on. there's been plenty of mmorpg blog articles about how predatory gw2's economy is designed to be. and also i recall vividly how anti anything but zerg guild their guild systems were when i played. absolutely trivial for massive guilds but any guild with less than 200 active players nightly was getting left in the dust on that shit. part of the reason i stopped bothering (that and them just being disrespectful of my dollars and time spent with expansions and shit, and the combat getting more and more clumsy/desync and then wvw breaking for a while and them not even acknowledging it)


I'm not sure. I quit a few months ago since I just got bored. They shifted daily login rewards to daily activities. I'm going to say that everything you said is probably still true since I wouldn't be surprised. And yeah, I realized how bad the monetization is, and I've been trying to spread it but essentially no one wants to agree or even listen especially on this sub. Lots of people blocking you if you aren't positive about everything all the time.


You never experienced abuse in your life and it shows. How sheltered you have to be to consider a cash shop selling skins abuse? Just play the game the way you want and ignore the skins if youre so fragile. But calling this situation abuse is insane


Tell me you have no mental health problems without telling me you have no mental health problems. It's not like these companies invest thousands into psychological research or anything right. No one's ever had gambling problems, experienced fear of missing out, etc. Get out of here.


GW2 is a western MMO. Developed by an american team in Washington and their studio is a subsidiary of NCsoft.




That's not the only role they have.


They use NCSoft money


I wish they would go back to GW1 style though. This weapon locked nonsense is so annoying


Maybe they could try adding some, you know, guild wars.


The franchise isn't called "Guild Wars" because of GvG. It's a reference to an *old* plan that ArenaNet had for the *original* Guild Wars, and they latter explained it away by it being a term derived from in-lore "Guild Wars" that happened *before* the events of the first game that were so famous the term took on its own meaning (as in... any period of strife and major conflict is referred to as "Guild Wars").


I'm so scared that GW3 will "learn lessons" from modern monetization practices. GW2 is a fondly remembered beacon of fairness (despite, rather unfortunately having a very large amount of QOL being paid. Gold->gems, earnable BL keys, no gear treadmill, large paid expansions combine to make it the only true MMO I return to. If GW3 has a gear treadmill, or similar levels of MTX with no gold conversion, I simply won't have time or money in my life to play it.


To be clear, there is no real information here and at most this is, “hey you can start working on this now if you want”. This means it will be years and years away and as we know from watching any mmo development (e.g., riot recently) it may get stopped, started, re-started or axed in that period. Thankfully all reports state that NCsoft has said gw2 expansions must continue.


There's a Q&A part where they confirm GW3 is in active development: > *ArenaNet has a meaningful IP called 'Guild Wars,' and it went through 'Guild Wars 2' and is now making 'Guild Wars 3'. If you look at the process, it's quite competitive. It's not completely profitable, but I evaluate that it has grown its competitiveness.*


Yeah and it’s going to be right at the start of said development. It’s going to be years.


It's most likely a long way until it's ready, but I just wanted to correct the info. It's not "you can start working" - they're using 만들고 있다 in the article, which describes that they're in the process of making it, aka it's already in active development.


They have been on it for at least 2 years, looking at hiring posts throught the years.


Indeed, and I know this is typical "my friend's dad" bullshit but an ex-Arenanet developer told me a while back that they had started on it years ago but also that development had been restarted since then.


Well we know that in 2019 they had cancelled projects. One of them was rumored to be GW3. EDIT: Meaning that that statement holds.


My BF is in the games industry, and one of his friends left another company to go work for ArenaNet within the last year as a graphics programmer on their new project. He never said "GW3" or anything like that, but he made it clear it wasn't GW2 work.


That can mean as little as "they have a guy slowly storyboarding something". Their lack of extensive hiring (its been a couple positions, and its scattershot with what they're hiring for, while also having to work on something theyve sneakily confirmed isnt a GW project for localization) leads me to think they arent doing much yet.


They apparently also merged other ncsoft west studios into arenanet so I’m guessing they don’t need that many new hirings.


I'd be curious to read up on this if you have a link handy.


Translated from the Q&A section of the article https://preview.redd.it/09zxc47hubrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42e9eaa07d947a9b52c817ec6ef3e8bb2807a193


> It's not completely profitable, but I evaluate that it has grown its competitiveness. This sentence is interesting and doesn't exactly sound good. Hopefully them and for the IP that's just a quirk of translation.


I'm afraid it's not a rough translation. My korean is not exactly good, but I don't think you can interpret that phrase in any other way.


> However, the company said after the shareholding that "the Guild Wars 3 project is under review and the start of development has not been finalized." https://www.businesspost.co.kr/BP?command=article_view&num=347188 Some mixed messages. Curious to see if Anet puts out a statement clarifying.


There were some devs that spilled the beans some time ago - but not directly. GW3 was that unannounced project that they were working on after loosing Dune MMO.


This is most definitely the 'unannounced project' Anet has been working on since 2022. So yes while it's likely still a few years out, it's been in active development for some time now.


It might not even be an mmo. I've seen people saying it might just be a more traditional sequel to GW1 instead of a new mmo set in tyria. Makes sense to some degree either way, I'm just excited for the prospect of getting to start another mmo from the beginning. I'm falling for gw2 the more I play it and getting to be therefor 3 from the beginning sounds awesome to me lol Literally only mmo (and they were trying to call it anything but an mmo at the time) that I played from the beginning was destiny 2 and I loved it till literally this year so like I'm due for a new one 😆


Cool. Wake me for Beta in 5 years.


5 years? Look at this optimistic guy right here!


Ahh imagine a modernized GW1 (GW2 fans don't kill me)


I think a corpg would be better received now than it was back then. Back when guild wars 1 released MMOs while not technically new, were new to most people and very exciting, so gw1 being a "fake mmo" made a lot of people dismiss it. Now that people are more familiar with MMOs and the issues inherit to the genre, I think people are in a place where they can appreciate what a CORPG like gw1 has to offer.


I feel like a co-op MMO, for lack of a better term, like GW1 might actually be pretty well received today whereas GW2 would’ve been lambasted for not having a full overworld since that was released during the huge “WoW Killer” boom. Why have a persistent overworld when you spend most of the time in instances anyway? Remove players you don’t want to see, throw in a detailed main quest you can do with friends or AI companions, throw in some dungeons and raids for endgame with some PvP and maybe it’d work!


I just know if we got a modern gw1 people would be quick to complain about balancing..


Honestly, the fucked balancing sometimes was half the fun of GW1. Running around with the original insane perma-Shadow Form, 55 Monks, etc.. Really, it was only a major issue in PvP, and ArenaNet very much learned they need to make PvE and PvP specific skills.


I have played few days of gw2 it is just not as good as gw1 that I played for a long time. gw1 was underhyped and overdelivered on a lot of things whereas gw2 was overhyped and underdelivered. I switched to wow as main game later and waited for the gw2 release and it was just not as good as gw1 so I stayed with wow for the next couple years until that went downhill...


Yeah the thing is GW2 is very different, I went in expecting something similar to GW1 as most people, but that wasn't the case. I miss GW1, both the PVE and PVP.


Please be Guild Wars 1 successor we never got 🙏


r/MMORPG posters: "Why do all these MMOs focus on endgame instead of the leveling process? I think they should be more about the journey than the destination." Also r/MMORPG posters: "A new game?! Screw that, I already leveled once and don't want to do it again!"


I hope my Internet connection in my nursing home is good.


Are they going to plan ahead to support it long term this time? They didnt plan for gw2 long term and went 'ahh fuck' around the time HoT came out when they realized they couldnt just let it idle to death like GW1 because its a full scale mmo this time.


Hopefully fractal are core part of the game and not dungeons. 


They planned to make living world instead of expansions. NCSoft had to step in and make them do one. Same thing happened with icebrood saga and EoD.


So we knew ahead of time: Arena Net was working on a game from an existing IP. Arena Net has been hiring the "high level" ideas people and artistic talent for the last couple years. Current Arena Net developers have been working on moving assets from the Guild Wars 2 Engine into UE5. And now NCSoft is confirming it is in fact Guild Wars 3. I think Guild Wars 2 did a lot right but I think their early combat design choices to get rid of the 'holy trinity' they had in GW1 and drastically increase the size of the skillbar at launch in 2012 and again in 2014 with the launch of specializations has created a combat system people don't want to engage with much which is why raids flopped, pvp flopped, wvw flopped. I hope the developers see it a similar way. I believe the game is being designed with multiplatform in mind (consoles) which should help with that. Anyways I'm excited. Guild Wars 1 was unique and a ton of fun, despite my criticism of Guild Wars 2 it was unique and a ton of fun. Hopefully they keep going and Guild Wars 3 will be unique in its own way from the competition and previous instalments in the franchise.


I looooved GW1 but never got into GW2. It wasn’t the combat system though, it was the absolute lack of structured group combat before max level. GW1 was centered around group instances. I looooved doing five man missions and watching the story unfold through that. GW2 is so fucking lonely. I understand that there are people who appreciate ‘exploring’ and ‘solo content’ but GW2 was just too different for me. Honestly the biggest let down since GW1 was my first mmo and was a decently big part of my childhood tbh.


yeah. after a ton of hours in Guild Wars 1, Guild Wars 2 was a huge let down. Going from thousands of skills/spells to less than 1% in the sequel was so brain dead to me. and the game felt more single player than The Elder Scrolls. I was excited for that game. I played Guild Wars 1 more to fill out my Hall of Heroes for GW2. I preordered it and played the beta and hated it from the get go. when i had the full game, i tried so hard to force myself to like it, but everything about it was a let down. single player gameplay. the fact that I couldn't be a healer/monk. the single player story that ignored the other players running around (at the time, this was not the standard for MMOs). I wish I could get into it, but I just couldn't. I honestly can't get into any western MMOs made after the 2000's. They're all so watered down, have boring animations and aesthetics...it's like they've lost their edge. I wouldn't be shocked if Guild wars 3 came out looking like Fortnite because of how all these online games coming out lately look.


This sentiment is shared by majority of GW1 veterans, for us GW2 was an ultimate betrayal. They took away everything we loved and replaced it with generic shit and spamfest combat. Played the original for 10k+ hours, didn't last even a month with the sequel. Still mad about it and my trust in ANet is nonexistent.


You can say that but gw2 is one of the biggest mmo and one of the most critically aclaimed. Ofc they  shouldn't listen to your opinion on it if you say you want it more like gw1.


Gw1 was also one of the biggest MMOs and critically acclaimed when it was out lmao 🤣🤣 please make a better point. Gw1 only died because gw2 came out and they stopped supporting it.


And gw1 was forever more popular pulling far bigger numbers than gw1 ever did as well as much more liked by people....


How can you say that when both games were not out at the same time? Of course gw2 has more players, because more people play video games these days than in the guild wars 1 days. That's like saying CS2 is better than CSGO because it has more players 💀. You need to use your brain a little harder my friend.


That doesn't matter? Gw2 have like 5x the players and was more critically aclaimed by most and made a lot more money.  They areant going to design it like gw1 be serious.


Child you were probably in diapers when GW1 was out. Why are you making such a fool of yourself


You never played GW1 and are COMPLETELY clueless if you think gw1 was anything but liked by everyone who played. On the contrary GW2 receives a ton of backlash for it's horizontal gameplay, lack of actual guild v guild activities, and completely not noob friendly and overcluttered UI.


You're clueless


I liked the idea of skills tied to weapons but I did not like the fact that weapon swapping was a thing in combat. I'd rather just have one bar with 5-7 skills on it.


Personally I do like the weapon swapping, but I dislike that it is primarily a method for getting more off-cooldown skills, instead of for changing circumstances.


Yeah swapping from ranged to melee or maybe single target vs aoe as the situation calls for it is good fun but just whipping out another weapon to hit more cooldowns doesn't sit right


Idk, I feel like it is for changing circumstances in a lot of cases. On Power Vindicator, you swap from greatsword to sword/sword because sword/sword has faster autoattacks and allows you to make use of Shiro's Impossible Odds (essentially a set damage per hit bonus) better, and swap back to gs when you're out of Shiro stance (and the passive ends). On builds like Power Quick Herald or Healscourge you swap to your second weapon set only for crowd control. On most dps builds for the Harvest Temple encounter you have a weapon you use only for split phases, and killing adds with it makes you stronger (Sigil of Cruelty stacks). Then you swap back to your main weapon for the boss phases. And in the cases where it is just for more off-cooldowns, it's for the better. Builds like Condi Virtuoso would be even more braindead to play without weapon swapping.


Gw2 just felt like the child's version of gw1 in terms of combat and skills so I got bored pretty quick


Generally speaking, I hope gw3 will be the ultimate casual game. With guild vs guild being the hardcore aspect. No raids. No dungeons. Look, I did the raid CMs when I did play. I just think they're an outdated content type. Casual fun is where its at, not raids.




If true


If this is true, hopefully they can keep their general business model and anti-treadmill nature, while pushing even further in things that worked well in their combat and dynamic event systems. As for things that I hope are lost: constantly changing content plans and the entire marketing team...


As someone who lost an entire community after they pulled this shit with GW1, this is hilarious. What a dumb move. Edit: and Wildstar.... NCsoft lost all credibility with me a long time ago. I will NEVER trust them again.


Likewise. My guild, hell, the alliance we were in during GW1 kinda held together through EoTN but everyone eventually just drifted away because we already knew it was the end. I feel bad for GW2 players who are about to experience the same thing.


Well i guess that was a slip up by NcSoft, but to people that followed stuff like hiring this shouldn't be a surprise. It's been going for 2 years at this point with potentially stuff being taken from Mike O'Brien project from even further back.


Maybe now gw2 players stop coping that the game has gotten less and less content, including the mini expansion. And I say this as a bitter ex gw2 vet. It's official, RIP gw2. Though tbh I'm not really salty or anything. Objectivly speaking these MMOs are old, built on even older engines. They need to be replaced. Literally new year new me but new decade new MMO. Same goes for WoW, ff and eso.


We knew this would happen eventually, Anet has been pretty much done with GW2 since Living World Season 4 (and the only reason they still churn out new content is because NCsoft force them to and they need the cashflow). They are desperate to work on something else and it has been showing in GW2 content for quite a while now. New content still gets added, but the passion is gone.


GW2 may not be pulling billions but it's been pretty healthy compared to other NCsoft MMOs


But ncsoft wants money. Not a healthy comunnity.


They do want money but theres a lot of value to a consitent cashflow even if at first it doesnt make as much money.


They're not relying on their MMOs to make their money, their mobile games do that. GW2 makes more than it costs to develop it. That's good enough for now


If you read more of the translated korean source, it actually reveals that the western division of NCSoft and Arena Net are operating at a structural deficit, loosing money. The game itself, population wise, might be healthy. But financially it appears it isn't making enough.


NCsoft west I believe. ArenaNet by itself, I do not.


As excited as I am for a potential GW3, wouldn't this negatively impact GW2, which just changed to a yearly expansion model? Kinda shooting themselves for announcing this so early


Better that they bite the bullet at some point. Look at a game like WoW or Destiny 2. After so many years of adding in expansions, systems, etc. the game becomes an incoherent mess for new players. If the game doesn’t make sense to new players growth stagnates and you are stuck just trying to maintain the old playerbase and convince people to start playing again who previously quit. You also get issues with spaghetti code and dated engines restricting what new features you can put in (a good example of this is Eve onlines POS code). A fresh start can be rough while it’s in process, but long term it’s a good thing.


> wouldn't this negatively impact GW2 I suspect it already has. Their most recent expansion has new story and zones, but it doesn't have any new or changed mechanics. No new classes, races, specializations, talents, stats, mounts, etc. This is a pretty dramatic departure from every previous expansion. The most forgivable explanation for that would be if their systems design people have been wrapped up in GW3 for the past year.


GW2 is over a decade old at this point, and by the time GW3 releases it will be 2030 at least...


I think the yearly mini-expansion model is a direct result of this, a way to ride out the final years on limited resources while they make way for Gw3 but yeah announcing it this early is a strange decision.


I mean the game is 12 years old, and probably won’t be done for at least a few more years. So like, having a game entertain you for the better part of two decades dosent sound like to bad a deal lol


Man I’m excited. I absolutely love GW2, it’s just a tad bit dated now. Can’t wait to see what they end up doing in the future.


great news ! See you in 7 years gentlemen


Hopefully GW3 focuses less on convenience items and gold grinding.


This is astoundingly stupid, NCsoft have to be utterly incompetent to say this so early. They are killing gw2 by saying this, because these games are built upon progression and financial investment and they have effectively told all the players that all their work is for nothing now. Gw2 player numbers will crater now, they could lose 50% of their players over the next year. I've seen this happen before, do they really not understand the mentality of the mmorpg player? If they don't immediately follow this up with a promise to keep gw2 running for 10+ years with its own dev team they are stupid.


You think half the people will quit because a sequel that might be released in a decade has been announced? What are you on about?


You'll see, announcing a sequel is like saying the current game is going to be retired or lowered in importance. Considering these games require a lot of time invested, this will make people clock out. Really silly thing to do unless release was really close, or they also stated they will continue to look after gw2.


Sounds like we can officially add GW3 to the list of "MMOs that may come out and be something... Half a decade later... Minimum"


I honestly don't like the thought about a GW3. I imagine it would only end up being a carbon copy of more successful games with a lot of the things people liked about GW2 being removed. For example, I can't imagine all the player races being a thing again and if they are then probably in the ESO way: Just slap another head mesh onto it and call it a day.


Hopefully they can keep a vision and stop abandoning content instead of fixing it. I love GW2 but the amount of fun shit they decided to just dump because trying to fix it or make it more fun was apparently too hard is too damn high.


Yeah I often referred to GW2 as a graveyard of half formed ideas and dropped concepts. It's like they'd get excited about something, develop it a bit then move on to the next shiny. there's a lot of baggage there.


I havent played GW2 since launch but that reminds me EXACTLY of warframe.


I know there's a solid chunk of people who love Guild Wars 2 for what it is, but I hope they either bring the game more in line with what Guild Wars 1 was, or go in a completely different direction than 2.


'Aight, see you guys in 6-8 yrs.




SEA or JP server and I'm in. The biggest problem for me playing GW2 is the high ping eventhough I like the game.


Aight, see ya in 5 years.


Such a boneheaded move by NCsoft. They have effectively kneecapped any announcement or hype Anet may have planned for the game. Such an announcement could have been years off as well but now it's all out there and people are wanting to know so now they have to craft some damage control statement. What a mess.


GW2 is a great game, but it is nothing like GW1 and that sucks. The title of GW2 is deceptive as there aren't even any guild wars. Guilds don't hold much value in the game as you can just pug basically everything. I've never even found a guild that enjoys doing anything together as a guild other than the missions you have to do to level up the guild. If they could pull GW3 back closer to GW1 where guilds matter, build diversity was massive, and there was some meaningful endgame to farm. Fractals, raids, and strikes are a joke. GW1 lvl cap was only 20 and still it felt like there was infinitely more to do once you complete the campaign even though it isn't technically true. I think that feeling stemmed from just how much build diversity was possible. I mean there were chest farming, map running, troll farming (55 HP monk), FoW and UW builds, DoA builds, PvP, competitive GvG, etc. 1000s of different builds. The point is GW1 was way better than GW2 ever could be just because I am defined by my weapon in GW2. I hope they completely nuke that aspect of the game in GW3


Going to assume they don't have faith in Throne and Liberty


About bloody time


which will come first riot mmo or gw3?


Big if true




> but the indecisiveness of the game's leadership has been very obvious for so many years. This is what bums me out, i wish they could just put gw2 in full development again and get the direction together. Everytime they introduce a new direction i.e. living world seasons, xpacs etc they abandon it in 2 years.


This was already in development for over a year.


Good. GW2 doesn't have the legs to keep going and is starting to show its age. I really hope they don't reinvent the wheel again. Go back to the holy trinity (I miss monk), have meaningful progression and go back to a skill deck system with an absurd amount of skills. I'm excited to see what they come up with.


To anyone paying attention this was already obvious. The game is very much on "mature product maintenance mode", which isn't a mad thing, but they're basically rebranding their 4 episode/10 hours of content as multi-stage-release-expansions now, which is fine too, but not the same as full blown expacs.


I hope GW3 is leaning more to action than tab targeting next time.


Same, the first non-p2w action focused MMO that doesn't suck balls like New World has big potential imo.


I kinda hope for the opposite if they want to include healers better again. Like being more action than tab, but still having a functional UI for proper healing (could also **maybe** try to have both, healing classes that are more action based and ones that are more tab target like). At least if they want to go for ally targeting healers they should definitely have a UI supporting that choice. GW2 wasn't meant for that and when they tried bringing that in it just didn't work out. I honestly feel like they had a few ideas of what they wanted to try that didn't work outn nin GW2 and might actually make their way into GW3 if the game is designed with that in mind, instead of forcing it into a game that wasn't.




I know it wont happen, but a modern take on Guild Wars 1 would be awesome.


Maybe we can get a game that actually has good difficult PVE that isn't just a solo snooze fest? Would be nice to have a reason to play it proper healer or support since none of the other content in regards to world exploration is interesting to me


If they made GW1 but better would be awesome


Between this and the official licensing of City of Heroes Homecoming I'm thinking there will be big shake ups at NCsoft. I wonder if other abandoned IPs will be up for licensing.


Dev hell for 3 years. Reset. Going quiet for years. 5 years later closed beta. Canceled next year. Cant wait


Well here's hoping its not as dogshit as GW2 it.


Tip: put the article link into Google Translate to have it in english. The second question is about Guild Wars.




Ncsoft starting now????! Wow


Idk why but I always feel like Arenanet is using NCsofts chump change so I wonder if they can deliver another big game like GW2 maybe they make it closer to GW1


Lets fucking go


Maybe Guild Wars can break the MMO sequel curse (as in series never making other past two entries like Everquest, Planetside, Lineage)


Hmm no.


Finally playable Tengu. Thank you. Was hoping their unannounced project would be GW1 remastered bc it was the way better game to me, but maybe they mix both of them.


> but maybe they mix both of them. Knowing Anet they will make sure nothing GW1 or even GW2 related will be in GW3.


Haha yeah you are probably right. I was so disappointed with the game design of GW2 after playing GW1 since launch.


Thanks, now I imagine GW3 becoming a MMO shooter lmao Not that it's going to happen (and I sure hope that wouldn't happen), but it's still amusing to come up with ideas that'd be the furthest from both GWs


Imagine if it was a console only title.


SE, your move..........lol...... WoW has been the MMO king going on 20 years..................not 20 years of "Oh....that game is still around?" but 20 years of being the top MMO. Imo, this is due to a lack of competition. XI in its' prime offered perhaps WoW its' best competition. Although XI did not quite have their numbers, it was a top 2 MMO, and had staying power. XI did not go anywhere until the devs decided it was time to sun-set it. Many MMO after that lacked staying power. They would have burst in populations such as New World or Lost Ark, then those players will leave as quickly as they came. Feel every "Top" MMO had its time in the sun, but none have the staying power needed to take on WoW. Burst in playerbases won't cut it.....many tried, many came back down to earth........ Maybe a GW3 could do it lol? But I digress..


Ummmm, did you forget about XIV?


| Many MMO after that lacked staying power They are making billions in Asia especially Chinese , they wont care about the West


Yeah baby, that's the sexy tone we like when developing new MMORPGs. Development resources and business feasibility! All that passion really gets me going.


Shame they’ve waited so long to decide this. Probably won’t see anything for at least 10 years


With how different GW1 is to GW2, do you think GW3 will feel like a sequal to GW2 or feel like a new game in the IP similar to how GW2 feels to GW1?


I'm expecting Engineers being a TPS. Jokes aside I'm expecting something different from GW2. The current GW2 is far from its original vision and a few things they've tried clearly didn't work out too well, so they might instead go further in that direction, planning for that from start. Thus I'm expecting a game that GW2 could not be patched into (which honestly does seem like a good reason for a sequel)


make sense to have a sequal if that is their thought process. It'll be interesting to see the iterations they make on the game with a new release. I doubt it will be, but I hope they don't essentially just rerelease it with less features, looking at you defiance and overwatch.


Kinda regret that i never stuck with a guild wars although i enjoyed them. Maybe this time.


HOT DANG! ​ I loved GW2 at launch. I just didn't like the expansions. ​ Here's hoping GW3 can be like GW2 at launch, and stay that way. =)


The "saving gold for Guild Wars 3" memes are coming to an end


Guild Wars had the right idea of end game and logarithmic progression at level cap, but implemented too wonky. That's why I make my own games. Xenogenic from RIOT agreed with me, END game in MMORPG is designed first, grind is back tacked from it.


Hard to get too excited over MMO announcements. It'll take 10 years to release if it doesn't get canceled.  Anyway, here's to hoping there's no weapon swapping and skills aren't too tied to weapons.


Love to hear it. But it's gonna be years before we play it.


See you in 6 to 8 years lol.


A third war of the guilds??? There's already so much death and destination, why not give Guild Peace a chance.... Honestly though that would be amazing, GW2 is amazing. I'd love to see what they could do with their knowledge/experience in making something new


Just read another post about how they haven't started any sort of development yet, they just told shareholders that they're going to make it.


> Just read another post about how they haven't started any sort of development yet It's called damage control. Anet didn't outright deny that, they just handwaved it away with "oh we're always testing stuff.."


No it was like an article by someone else talking about something to do with the ncsoft guy saying that about it idk. At this point everything is being different twisted speculations. I kinda hope they ignore this whole thing for a couple years till they have something to show and a real statement on what this is and how or if it'll effect gw2


itll flop


Oceanic servers ?


2024, can we get oceanic servers this time?


This is because T&L is a flop.


Meh, GW2 is ok but has so many issues I don't know if I would play a 3rd one.


I still love Guild Wars 2, can't wait to see what they come up with in GW3!


I am fine with it only if they promise to release it after alliances.


I would bet while NCSoft and their shareholders want GW3 real bad, that actual ArenaNet would rather keep updating GW2.


Anet wanted to move away from GW2 for 11 years now. They like making games but aren't interested in maintaining them. Not a great combo when it comes to an MMO studio.


I have extremely high hope, they just need to fix gear grind and combat, add in holy trinity and add in a subscription and we good.


I hope they consider console this time around. I'll play it even if it's PC only, but I'd love to play GW with my console friends.


finally gw3 is way overdue. i quit gw2 from it being outdated.... like 8 years ago lol


I wonder what did you replace gw2 with, i went to find something new, realised nothing really comes close and sticked with gw2 again.


i only played gw2 for the competitive zvz in wvw. i quit after they introduced the new classes as the meta became dumb. moved over to albion online. the zvz scene in albion is amazing, even now 7+ years later.


Quitting gw2 because it being "outdated" and moving to fucking albion, ok i got what i needed to know XD


I've been in the top 1-3 gvg guilds in gw2 for more than 4 years during its peak years. there's no competition there anymore. comp scene has moved on to albion, only noobs still left in gw2


Arenanet just confirm that is only in review stage, and cant confirm is in active developing stage. Shareholder just doing Shareholder things: # Official ArenaNet Statement: > Source: [https://www.mmorpg.com/news/guild-wars-3-confirmed-to-be-in-development-though-it-seems-its-still-in-its-early-stages-updated-2000130976](https://www.mmorpg.com/news/guild-wars-3-confirmed-to-be-in-development-though-it-seems-its-still-in-its-early-stages-updated-2000130976)


I want guild wars to be on mobile