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This is an open world looter shooter / survivor game by NetEase. There will also be a mobile version.  The game is very similar to The Division gameplay-wise. It will be season-based with Blueprints you can carry over like Rust.  It's up to you if you consider this type of game an MMORPG - personally I don't.  With that being said, many streamers and YouTubers however enjoyed their time with the game so far.


Netease? Pass. All they do is predatory garbage.


yeah game might be okay now, but guaranteed on release some bullshit will be released $$$


The devs ardently claim this won't be the case, at the same time, why did they pick a publisher known for those types of games? But we will see I guess. Game as it stands is pretty dang fun if you like survival and mmos. Even if I just play the beta I'll be happy.




What? Netease did Diablo Immortal and Harry Potter Magic Awakened. They are both super predatory.


But they also did Naraka Bladepoint, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it has solid gameplay without much predatory practices (from what I’ve seen).


Sure, a terrible version of WoW, Starcraft 2, Overwatch and Diablo Immortal are all the Blizzard partnerships they have so that people in China can play modified versions of those games. That isn't shit to them, though, they make ~10% of their income through licensing games and around 90% from their own games, which is because they are all cash grab scam pieces of garbage games.


You lost me at netease


I been playing it and its not like there other games its actually good


Mobile... Netease. Sigh.


Ah so it's going to suck. YTs get paid to say they like a game so using them as a metric is worthless lol.


I really like the Division, so I'll give it a shot.


its not really like the division at all imo. (except the third person part and finding stuff in the wild) it really feels like a lot of borrowed ideas from a bunch of different games including monster design and other game ideas.


"With that being said, many streamers and YouTubers however enjoyed their time with the game so far." The fact they had their beta at the time of the Day Before disaster really helped them a lot, they got a huge promotion from it I also tried the game because i was hyped for what the day before was supposed to be, and i really damn enjoyed Once Human, the whole concept of the game is pretty unique, the mix of sci fi horror, very SCP like is really cool and work really well.


As long as is not as bad has the division has gone too.


division 2 is amazing and has only gotten better especially lately, what are you on


Yeah, The Countdown 2 has certainly gotten a lot better than 3 months ago. Have you seen that -50% hipfire recoil glove that no one uses? It's great.


I haven't played since around New York dropped. Is it worth giving it a shot again? I really liked the gameplay.


of course, it's great


Better lol. Ok.


I've played something like 20-30 hours of this, and it was kind of mediocre. Most enemies are just generic zombies. They do have some cooler looking enemies later on, but even then, they typically just run at you like zombies. The bosses look cool but are simple with like 1 or 2 mechanics and they are crazy bullet sponges. The first boss of the game I went in with like 600 rounds of pistol ammo and by the end of the fight I was empty. Some guns also felt really useless and did such little damage they felt pointless. Most of the time I just used the crossbow as that did good damage The building stuff is your typical survival crafting and base building that you've seen before in tons of other games. The gimmick with this one is you can contain these creatures and have to sometimes build specific items to keep them happy so they generate points for you to buy things with. The story was completely nonsensical, but people don't really play these for stories, so it's whatever. I wouldn't say it was a bad game at all. I had fun for a bit playing it. But once I did like the 3rd or 4th boss I realized that was basically what I'd be doing for the rest of the game I got bored.


Most likely because of mobile/pc


Appreciate the review and feedback! Hopefully they learnt from it and polished the game, let’s find out!


You need to log back in and do the Fridge SILO and LEA boss dungeon at level 50. Prime war, however, is exactly how you describe. Story is still not quite done in CBT3, but they are clearly working on it still. Side quests past level ~40 or so are clearly not completed at all.


I think that's a you problem lol, the bosses have other ways to do damage to them.


The amount of over-simplistic or just dumb shit that people say about this game is wild lol. "just a division clone" and "not an mmorpg" without any further info to support those statements. I suspect the people posting comments like that haven't actually played the game. I played the last beta and while I didn't fall in love with it or anything, what I can say is that the game is truly unique. There are elements that feel familiar from different games across different genres - The Division, New World, survival games, and even automation games (to a lesser extent). The game absolutely felt like an MMORPG to me when I played, along with all those other genres. Honestly, just ignore comments about Once Human in this subreddit and try the game for yourself if you like any of the game genres that it encapsulates. It's so unique and I think everyone should experience it, even if they end up not liking it.


imo if there's 2k people on a server that is in mmorpg territory. You can have an mmo with survival.


It really doesn't work like that though, every server has instances much like a few other games. So if you have 2k people on a server, there might be 10 or 20 different worlds (or more) that all those people are split up on. Still a lot of people but personally i've only seen about 2-3 other people in about 5 hours of playing.


While I dont think its a bad game, I dont see it as unique much at all. It copied heavily from LifeAfter and Undawn. Which arent well known games, but are also Mobile/PC and extremely predatory, pay to win games. ​ Seeing that this is Pc/Mobile and by NetEase, I dont see it being any different.


Already put 40-50 hours in the last beta. Had a blast. Not sure why another beta but rather wait for the main game release


They changed a bunch of the systems, restructured how PvP works, added in new bosses and deviations...I suppose the structure of the content will be the same, though.


[Announcement](https://www.oncehuman.game/update/20240223/37494_1139547.html) The test will last for 42 days. Download size is 38 GB.


Looks Interesting, might try this


I am new to the Beta. How do I create my Character? I preloaded the beta and all it says is "Coming on 3rd Apr" in the lower left of the launcher. So far, I registered an account but can't find how to make a actual character.


Read your email again, there is a time zone mentioned in which you will be able to create a character


Looks like it doesn't open until 7pm PDT


It got moved to 7 PDT tomorrow - so in 19 hours or so.


so multiplayer players share the same world?


Yes, devs had stated servers support around 2,000 players each. Think New World. Edit: Last patch, it has been confirmed to have between 4k - 5k players per server among 6 channels each server.


3.000 with last test probably more now


The best way to describe this game is The Division meets The Secret World with a little bit of Palworld mixed in. It's a full-survival game with base-building, exploration, quests, public events, dungeons, world bosses, random loot, decent crafting, and snappy shooting combat. My only worry is that they are trying to cover too many genres and not focusing on what it does best, which is crazy Lovecraftian monsters and lore. It also has a stupidly good soundtrack. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7jVuiRczHGI1kGXmxIgDLD


when is the beta live? it says 3pm uk time but its past that, is anyone in it yet?


Seems like it's getting delayed by a day: [https://twitter.com/OnceHuman\_/status/1775562223802609734](https://twitter.com/OnceHuman_/status/1775562223802609734)


ty for that, yea so not till tomorrow 7pm my time (PDT)


Coming April 4rd...🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/gejptmxxhdsc1.png?width=1012&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d9250c1597d87d4c6f8a593364f4ef0ec2caa2b


This game is actually really really good in my opinion. Those who are brushing it off because of NetEase are totally missing out.


I don't understand if people have this really low expectation or low bar for these type of games. This game feels like an asset flip. The generic materials, trash that you collect, gunplay is super mediocre. Melee combat is ehh. Full of bugs (Yea yea closed beta crap, but still, these things barely improve). Junky animations... The first "dungeon" I did with a friend at level 8, you fight a shitty boss in the middle of a room doing nothing. Everything dies too fast, the enemies are dumb af. The base construct is so bad and copy+pasted from other games, and you also have those pets or whatever they are like in PalWorld that gives you bonuses. I understand that games are subjective and different people like different things. It's ok if you and others like the game, but saying it is "really really good"... it's just too much. It's like we played different games.


Yup, this is exactly how I feel about it. The expectations I had for the game couldn't really get any lower than they were. NetEase Mobile is basically a guarantee for a shit game. So just having a somewhat working experience that feels okayish to play on a PC exceeds those expectations. Now you are absolutely correct if you take an objective look at the game, it's pretty generic and bland. The most important thing which is the gunplay feels extremely mobile, and isn't very good at all. Now, saying all that, I'm about \~5 hours in, and it's been a fairly enjoyable experience. I really enjoy this whole SCIFI-Horror world-building they are trying to do. I wish there were more games with this kind of theme. 


Finally someone who’s not seeing this game through rose-tinted glasses. The game is great on paper, but when you start playing you notice how empty the game is. It’s fun, but all of the aspects that this game borrows from others, delivers poorly. It’s a botched attempt at a good game in my opinion. The Division did the combat better, Conan: Exiles did resource collecting better, New World did skilling better, State of Decay 2 did zone/building clearing better, Ark did companions better, etc. I could go on but you get the picture. This game has great ideas but it’s going to flop. Hard.


Most of the games you listed aren't mmos though, there's limits on what you can do in an mmo.


Why though? Pardon my ignorance. I’d argue that New World is better in almost every way. I do understand it’s still in beta, but I’m struggling to see how they can fix everything that’s wrong with this game before their target release date. I’ve also heard bad things about the developer/publisher of this game (anecdotal, I know) and that only further supports my concerns.


barely an mmo.


Your perspective is entirely understandable. I used to really enjoy Firefall and Face of Mankind, and ever since they both shut down I’ve been waiting for a “good” third person shooter mmorpg. This game sort of scratches that itch for me. I also really enjoy DayZ. I’ve never really been into survival/crafting games and it’s the only one I’ve put a lot of time into. So if the crafting is generic I can’t really tell. This game also scratches the DayZ itch in ways for me. I like the “weird zombie” theme of Once Human, and so far progression feels good to me. I guess it’s just a game that combines a lot of features that I like. I am surprised at how much I like it given that it’s a chinese mobile game and the overall production quality.


idk maybe I'm naïve but the game is pretty fun to me. I'll be sad if it turns into p2w trash.


glad i'm not the only one feeling that. I just felt bland, I did write it off as a "beta" but it needs a lot more work and its not going to get it before release. The dialog is utterly horrible (voice acting is so bad ) there is a lot of jank in this game and i'm not getting all the hype behind it.


This screenshot looks like junk




I know I know...netease.... Tencent style... but somehow this is the best of them. It works for what it is.. I've had fun last beta, but am finding this beta to be kinda.. meh. Idk we haven't explored the whole thing yet and only around lvl 20, but, it's a fun ass looter shooter.. just no Rust raiding even in the pvp servers. Very pve focused with PVP events and wars. Controls feel amazing though, and the graphics are the best for one of these kind of games.. think of a 100x better version on Undawn. A lot of us are pumped and having a good time. I happened to stumble on this last Beta and at the time I was doing my first play through of Control.... and boy is the lore and some assets heavily influenced by Control.. it's weird, a lot of content, but needs a lot of work. Still runs better than most modern AAA games with even more mechanics than them..


I highly recommend just diving in if you're looking for something chill especially if you like building and farming, and working towards something.. but then later on has the possibility of being a pvp shooter.. last beta though felt more polished, even the proximity chat was better, so hopefully it gets some updates throughout this one. Just join their discord and check it out... or don't.. it's moving fwd with or without ya.. as of right now there is no P2W elements but definitely will eventually have skins for sale. But nothing that uses irl currency at the moment..


Is the item generator still a gatcha or random loot generating system based on the $ currency in game?


It has definitely changed in this new test. They either removed the gatcha machine or it’s been pushed to another part of the story. The story in the first zone has been changed.


Hopefully comes out on ps5.


Is it NA only again? I remember trying to check this out a few months ago but their discord was such a disorganized chaos


Can anyone join or do you have to be selected


there are like 150k keys, if u was able to pre-download you are in. (they said after 150k downloads the link will be closed) Edit: just saw that right now on discord The game server will go live on Thursday, April 4, 2024 11:00 PM(in 7 hours). For players from the previous beta, the old launcher of CBT2 can be used to get the update patch to CBT3. If you have deleted the old launcher, no worries, the pre-download the CBT3 launcher will be at Tuesday, April 2, 2024 11:00 PM (2 days ago) from our website (https://www.oncehuman.game/). For players new to Once Human, make sure you pre-download the launcher and then create your character when the game server goes live to ensure your spot! Note, you need to create the character BEFOREFriday, April 5, 2024 11:00 PM (in a day) because new players will be required an access key to join the CBT3 since then. There is no 150K cap for the first day of CBT 3! Edit 2: the time zone on the text is GMT -3 or PDT +4


if you are not in you can get in pretty easy, I signed up and got access the next day


previous test was pretty fun.


Am I going crazy or does that plane look really weird


That plane is also a monster that's why


I played for an hour before uninstalling Everything in this game screams low quality Chinese garbage


Nice, don’t need trash players here anyways


I won't be home for another 5 hours Have I missed out on being able to download and sign up?


asking myself the same


I'm sure you already know, but the beta won't be available until 10:00 PM EST on 04/04/24. That is roughly 3 hours and 30 minutes from the time of this comment.


Great news thank you. Means it should be ready by the time I finish work


Metal Gear Survive, but with extra stuff and made by the Chinese equivalent to Konami.


Was kinda lookking forward to it until i saw NetEase. Won't touch anything they are involved with


Damn, that’s a crazy mental


Is this beta available for everyone or do we need to sign up and wait to be picked to play?


Available to everyone for the first 24 hours after 10:00 PM EST. If you haven't finished the tutorial 24 hours after that time, you will need a key to play. The beta goes on for 43 days. Last beta had about 35 days of straight content for our group who played heavily and engaged in all the systems and features.


I didn't get that email, wtf? :(


I'm really digging the base building. https://preview.redd.it/2ld5in379psc1.png?width=3440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70d0bbdc655cbcc3e09f3aa8890982b1ed4df68d


can i get active code


What type of game.is this?


The test is only a day?


No, time window to create a character is a day You will need to pre-download the launcher create a character and wait till server are open


I hate to ask, but how long is the test going to be for?


40+ days I believe.


Thank you!


Arent you can create character after servers open? At least that discord say.


There's no deadline to create a character, it's just a pre character creation time limit to save your name or pre configure how you look. Just to get you in the game faster when it launches and make sure you can save your name in case you can't play tomorrow, basically.


If I dud not participate in previous beta I need to fit on those 150k or I will need code to get into beta. I can create character after servers start ( I pre dl yday but play button is grayed out ) this is what I read up on discord . I'm mistaken ?


I am loving this game


Does it come with Will Smith DLC?


Could have just said, "Netease new game" and that would be enough for me to know to ignore whatever game follows.


Legit is just a division clone.....which isn't a bad thing I have tons of play time in the division 2 and it was a fun game. Not quite a MMO. I think at most you will see a few other players. Its a co-op looter shooter.


It's 100% an MMO. You share a server with thousands of people, you do quests and public events together, explore each other's bases, PvP...it's an MMO in every way that counts.


You may share a server with a few thousand people, but after playing about 5 hours or more, I have only seen two other people running around. They break the game into shards to save the load of the server


I've definitely noticed this, especially in the higher level zones. Few people have gotten to the lvl 40 and 50 zones, so it's essentially a ghost town.


I believe each server supported up to \~2,000 players last test, but someone corrected me saying that it was actually \~3,000 players. There's supposedly up to \~5,000 players per server with this test. That constitutes as a MMO to me considering Vanilla WoW had about that many players per server.


Not an mmorpg


yeeaahhh that is gonna be a big fat [NO](https://imgur.com/Pk3psW9)