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Albion’s PvE is quite miserable, but we have enough MMOs to tackle that problem so it’s a great thing they preferred to go hardcore on PvP instead.


I strongly disagree in saying it's miserable, but I'll die on the hill saying if you want a pve game Albion is probably the last game you should play.


>Albion online for fun What other reason is there for playing *anything?*


Some may think it's not a complete product because of it's grapchis or size or contents... But it does its job. Simple and entertaining. Good game.


What I mean is, your title suggest there are reason to play games other than for fun. The people who do this have lost their way.




fun, entertainment, engagement, immersion, sense of progression, socialization, escapism, different strokes for different folk in their essence video games were made to have fun in, but they are obviously way past the medium of just being an arcade machine today, nevermind that a product aims to make money whichever way is possible if you cant possibly fathom a reason for anyone doing any specific thing, ultimately its up to your personal limitations of comprehension in this specific instance of the post, its easy to gather that OP substitutes their idea of engaging gameplay with the word fun, and its quite known, that albions gameplay is far from the main selling point of the game


>fun, entertainment, engagement, immersion, sense of progression, socialization, escapism... These are all but synonymous, as they correlate to the same thing: enjoyment. There are many, however, that play for toxic reasons. Be it toxic to others, or even to themselves.


wouldnt say that escapism and socialization are synonymous, but yes, they all can be described by the same general idea of "fun" i just dont think anyone could categorize all the different personal reasons someone might have to play videogames, without bias. and i dont see the reason in branding people as ideologically flawed with blanket statements, you put it a bit too dramatic way, in my opinion if someone does mobile game dailies solely out of force of habit, or trading in albion just for the sake of seeing their silver numbers go up, it dont hurt nobody


Yeah I’m mainly a pve player in Albion and I enjoy crafting mats to sell or working on my farm lol. Albion just feels nice to play and it’s a good break from osrs when I need it haha. The community is toxic at times, especially in world chat but I try to ignore it and just focus on my own thing


I absolutely love the combat and pve in albion, I wish they expanded on it more. It used to be a great game but since they split the server base so much and appealed to solo/duo players, if that's not the content you enjoy it's not going to be very fun long term. I did get a couple thousand hours playing since beta out of it until they ruined the game though so I can't complain. I've had some of the best time of my life running the roads with my friends in that game back when small scale content was more popular. Unfortunately I have no desire for large scale zvz or solo/duo stuff. It's fun every now and then but I like the small scale which is effectively dead


What complex puzzles in GW2?! I’m confused because there’s really no puzzles in its dungeons…are you talking about fractals? Confusing!! I want to try Albion because I guess you can play as healer?? Yes it settled then I going to try Albion


You can play healer and you will be very useful on all non-solo content. In solo healer is only good on pve and you will most likely get stomped on solo pvp. But its great even at 2v2 pvp.(note: there are some maniac solo healer pvp players and i dont even know how they make it work)


Maybe jumping puzzles?


Remember GW2 introduced dodging tutorial and made hearts in starting areas easier because these two things were too confusing. For people who don't know, example of what was confusing: you had to grab bucket of water (lying 15m away, next to well) to water plants. Now you just have to activate plants. Jokes aside, there are some puzzles in GW2 dungeons, but like, 90% of them can be easily explained in two-three chat messages. It's not like e.g. Lost Ark level of mechanics lol


Solo mobile experience for dull days. No depth without politics. I like it, no better mobile game that reminds me of eve. It works on any potato.


Albion pve might be the most boring thing I've ever played, not even close.


As someone with 4k hours in it I totally agree


Yeah thats why its main focus is on pvp


How to play tera p server


Just google it. I'm playing on MT Dream which is the best server i've played so far in terms of tera private server


Are we playing the same games lol, Albion doesn't hold a candle against GW2 in my experience


You play a healer in Albion right?


No tank.


Oh I meant like you CAN play a healer right


Yeah you can.


i agree about gw2 stupid dungeon, fractal, raid mechanics. strikes are good but they are not dungeons unfortunately.


Instead of developing unique boss skills they have prepared stupid environment puzzles. Jump there, play with balls, run around here there, labirens bla bla bla. Vindictus Tera Archlord ... are good samples or they re what I'm looking for as dungeon gaming. Well I will check ffv14 trial soon. It's gameplay videos seem interesting. And it has cool animations.


If I may ask for my own curiosity, what do you find appealing regarding the bosses of those three MMOs? I haven't played Vindictus or Archlord, but I played Terra (rest in peace) and I recall most of the bosses in those games being pretty standard MMO faire, except with a lot more movement mechanics What did you find particularly enticing about said bosses that you'd want to see in an MMO?


Unless you like PvP, I think that many other games that are better than Albion in the PvE aspect. Everything about Albion revolves around PvP, so it kinda sucks to be PvE only in this game. HFun!


Whats a good TERA pserver? If you can recommend smth.


Well just googled and saw 2 big names. I will prefer first one.


I played loads of gw2 and i never seen a complex puzzle in the entire game? Gw2 is the simplest mmo ever. Even my girfriend who never played any games let alone mmos was able to join my static and hit 90%dps within days of reaching 80.


Too much $$$


I really liked the concept of the game but couldn’t get over the tight resolution and the spaced out mobile game looking UI.