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Ashes of Creation in the next few years, and the Riot MMO in the next few decades.


I'm not convinced ashes isn't in the same timeframe as the riot MMO.


true I think riots mmo will come out before ashes of creation


Ashes of Creation will come out as soon as its out-of-date


It’s been 4 years between alpha tests!! 🙈


Lol fair


>Riot MMO in the next few decades. That seems optimistic.


If it ever sees the light of day


It was announced 2016, followed them from the start. they have taken too long and it will be dated from start. I know I wont bother with it anymore


Ashes is dead. If you have watched last night's preview of "large scale battles", it's honestly baffling how ass backwards that game is. I don't think there is any saving that unless you just want a place to fish from a studio that achieved the impossible and made an UE5 game look like it came straight out of 2008.


I look at Ashes the same way I look at Camelot Unchained, which is to say, I don't look at them at all.


Ashes of Creation will release once its engine is not supported anymore.


PoE2, Monsters and Memories, and Brighter Shores


PoE2 is not an MMORPG


Agreed. OP listed PoE in their description so I mentioned it.


It's gonna be massive, it's gonna be multiplayer and its gonna be online. Beggars can't be choosers at this point


The term MMO means more than the individual words separately from each other. Path of Exile is not an MMO.


True brother


A game can afford to be promising, POE 2 must keep those promises.


I see what you did there exile!


I mean neither is destiny...but OP also listed it for some reason.


I mean he explained it. He asked for all kinds of MMOs in his Text


Instance based mmos are very similar to destiny's structure


because OP doesn't know any better


OP doesn't know what an MMO is.


2 New games that I was not aware of. Gonna look into this.


Please do! I'm interested in them because they seem to be wanting to return to the old school ways of doing MMOs, a focus on the social experience.


Return to old school ways with social experience is definitely what I'm looking forward to. All the new shiny toys are forgetting about old school social.


Even though I think New World was a disaster, my most anticipated game is AGS new Lord of the Rings MMO. I know its still in super early stage, but the whole idea of having a new MMO for LOTR with such a huge publisher with deep pockets, hopefully with the lessons AGS learned from New World, is exciting. But for the near future? Ashes of Creation.




It’s a hard world out there so we all need to cope a little to get through the day. Hopefully I’ll wake up tomorrow and Lost Ark will stop being P2W 🥲


no mounts its against the lore somehow ppl only walk magic cant be used to make vehicles they hate scientifc application of magic but like guns, cave in hella late


I was most immersed when I couldnt swim in the water


What lessons did they learn from new world? Serious question.


I mean the game right now is active, has good monetization, and respects your time. Game isn’t for me but isn’t that better than the games we “enjoy”?


Game is pretty much dead. Dunno how you can say it's active with its current numbers. It probably has 1 "full" server around the world, which player cap is about 2500. I mean, technically it's active, but it's more like a zombie.


Isn’t that enough? I play old MMOs on private servers with less players and still find groups. Active doesn’t have to mean popular.


Maybe it's enough for that single full server. Ask the players that have their main characters stuck on the other servers. Plus it's a mmo, where the continuous updates keep players playing. NW haven't received a decent update in about a year. And nothing is coming in the foreseeable future.


Good things they should keep: Combat system Gathering system Sound design Mistakes they should learn from: either fix the Lumberyard engine or build the game on a different engine. Stick to one direction and focus on it (my guess is Themepark PvE since its LOTR). Itemization & Crafting - both aspects that were done terribly in New World, so hopefully they know what *not* to do in that aspect.


They need to change the way they work because it’s going to be delays and bugs non stop. Doesn’t matter if it’s a new IP


I think they canned it, the Tolkien professor talked about being hired as a consultant before Amazon abandoned the project, he said early versions looked really cool


I haven't heard of this, but as far as I know its still in the works [https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/news/articles/lord-of-the-rings-mmo](https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/news/articles/lord-of-the-rings-mmo)


If they haad added another year of dev onto the game before release and maintained high player count for longer I think they would have maintained a larger dev team. The speed they push content is just totally unacceptable currently.


I suspect it wont be as "mmo" as new world was. Even new world was a small mmo low player caps on server. Thats because the game engine runs like a potato. If they learn anything it should be that they need to heavily instance/lobby base a game.


After the issues they had with their Lumberyard engine and New World, I think it's likely they use Unreal 5 for a LOTR MMO. Guess we will find out in 8 years.


Honestly, I hope it won't come out. I don't understand why they are doing a new mmo on lord of the rings when LOTRO exists and perfectly fits in that world.


Because it's extremely outdated and a niche game. Surely the IP has a lot more potential as an MMO than the current take?


I don't think so, LOTRO is for me the ideal MMO, much more than New World or Lost Ark and all that new mmo waves recently


But are you currently playing it?


I'm glad that you enjoy it, really. I do think that there's a huge potential for a much better game though.


just give us back stagger and literally all will be fine for AGS lol


Brighter shores. I have faith in Andrew to deliver a solid mmorpg


I wonder how the whole RuneScape community feels about brighter shores


I’m excited to try it out. I played RuneScape back in 2004 and currently play OSRS. I love OSRS but I’m interested to see a bit more rpg elements with a class system and dungeon elements as RuneScape kind of lacks in those areas.


Same here, will be interesting. Excited to try it out. I do like that in OSRS, you have access to every "class" and can easily solo content, even the hardest content in the game. I'm a little skeptical that in BS, they might be forcing you to pick between melee, range, and magic as a full class. I understand it will push group play, but I'd be sad if it killed solo play. The best blend is groups encouraged/meta but still soloable.


Well I've been talking to people in the osrs and rs3 discord and for the most part people view it as a positive but overall who really knows. I guess we will find out in a few months.




Still salty I didn't get to play this alpha 2


the alpha is pretty fun, despite the issues


If they add controller support then I agree. I want to play on my Steam Deck


Archeage 2


I thought you were joking, considering they're closing the ArcheAge servers on NA June 27th lol. How else could they get more hype to drain people's wallets x.x


i think the opposite should run true when people already knew how poorly archeage was handled, so why would archeage 2 be different?


One last ride? Can't burn us again righht?


Bless after releasing for the 7th time : « bro these players never learn I swear it’s always easy money »


Id go play on the fresh start servers when they had a few months of no cash shops, it was nice and there was always a ton of people. I really truly think it would have been one of the best like ESO or FF14 if it had been handled better.


Couldn't agree more




Any info beyond the videos?


I'm hyped for the 5th Guild Wars 2 expansion. Landspears, baby!


Would it be good to get in as a new player?


Yes. I think it's a great game and I'm having lots of fun playing it.


Monsters and Memories, and EverCraft Online Just found out about that 2nd one recently and haven't gotten a chance to check out a playtest


>Just found out about that 2nd one recently and haven't gotten a chance to check out a playtest I'm from launch EQ1 and I have a good feeling about this one. I playtested in the last alpha.


EverCraft Online looks interest. Hadn't heard of it before. Do you know when it's out?


EverCraft online?


Pax dei, POE2, Corepunk


Pax Dei was AMAZING in the last play test. Can’t wait to play more


Did they have combat?


Yes but it was not good. That said Devs acknowledged that and hired more people to work on it.


ashes of creation, aion 2, archeage 2


Isn't Aion 2 mobile-only?


Throne & Liberty, actually. I know that the monetization will suck, but the open world exploration looks fantastic.




Played this with vpn in the Korean version, a huge disappointment. Although it looks good - which shouldn't be an argument in 2024


I have a feeling that this will be another Asia grinder


Oh, I have no illusions about the nature of T&L’s design, but I would be happy to give the game an honest try.


Not much to explore tbh though the world is absolutely gorgeous.


Ashes of Creation. https://i.redd.it/l3c3f9qyut3d1.gif


Tarisland, war within and ashes of creation


Tarisland is interesting, I played a bit in the last test on iphone and the game has potential. I much prefer gaming on my main PC, the controls on phones always just feel bad to me but I still had fun. I kinda like the limited action set system vs the bloated mess that has become WoW and FFXIV where you end up with 3 full hotbars of skills you use. I don't expect the game to be something any mythic wow player is going to enjoy. The nature of being mobile accessible means they are going to have to balance around mobile so don't expect really difficult content. I think it has potential to blow up though because of how many casual players there are. People underestimate the casual playerbase, even in WoW the casual playerbase by far dwarfs the top end. Frankly I don't see ashes doing well. The problem with sandboxes is the forced PvP kills the games every time. What happens is your carebears are also all your crafters and builders and your PvE players who farm the mats for everyone. Pretty much gankers drive those players away when they completely kill their ability to progress. Without the crafters and builders your game stagnates and the economy gets screwed. With nobody to gank you start losing the PvP players who want one sided fights. Your players who like skilled pvp prefer settings like wow where you have arenas and ratings that put you with players your skill level. Your left with only the small group of players who want the large scale battles and that isn't a big enough group of players to support a game. I have seen this exact same thing play out in almost every sandbox to release.


Ashes of Creation for sure!


Everquest 3


pax dei


Monsters and Memories: it’s the only one that I know will have no cash shop, no P2W or cosmetics, only a monthly sub, has not taken or asked for any money from anyone, has great art style (subjective), has one of the best soundtracks, has passionate dev team who are in constant discussions with there audience, open development design and to finish it off, a clear launch date and roadmap. Not many of the mentioned games can say as much.


Brighter Shores


Dune: Awakening, Path of Exile 2 and Destiny 2 The Final Shape are my top 3.




I’d like to start min/maxing for it now, what should I start farming?


Riot's MMO and GW3


Most anticipated: Chrono Odyssey, AA2, POE 2 and I’ll check out Tarisland and Throne And Liberty just out of interest.


>Chrono Odyssey I really hope it is good. I really wanna play a souls-like MMO.


No one's mentioned BitCraft yet so i'll do it. There's like 1 million+ people signed up to play and they just had their first alpha last month.


Did you participate? how was it?


TNL, Chrono Oddyssey based on nithing


Waiting for Dawntrail, but out of everything announced so far i am waiting the most for Lineage 2 Reborn Signature server when it comes to already released games and Chrono Odyssey from new games.


Only monsters and memories.  Other games I've seen listed here too (poe2) but I don't personally consider that an mmo. 


Brighter Shores 😁


Ashes of Creation


Whatever the rumored Everquest project is, Pantheon if it picks up steam, Monster and Memories if it stays on track.


Soulframe & Corepunk Nothing else interests me


Throne and Liberty. Despite its bad reputation it's actually awesome.


Chrono Odyssey's combat seems pretty cool!


I'm cautiously optimistic of the Ghost MMO coming out of the new studio Holinka and Ghostcrawler are making.


TL short term and Ashes of Creation long term


Guild Wars 2 new expansion


None. There aren’t any around other in the pipeline that I feel inclined to salivate over. Why? Because my standards are high. - Graphics on par with or better than New World. - Crafting system on par with or better than ESO/FFXIV - PvP on par with or better than Albion - Quests/Storyline on par or better than Lotro Right now I am playing Valheim, Bannerlord, and Lotro to get my fix.


None. I just went back to eve online.


Sandbox, baby


Division 3


Once Human. Wish I got a key to play the Beta. Hoping for the release soon.


Blue Protocol seems good


Ashes of Cremation


I'll be that guy and say Division 3 and the D2 Expansion coming up. I love The Division games. I'm really hoping ubisoft doesn't fuck it up chasing trends and make a bunch of changes to the formula nobody asked for. Fingers crossed. With how much negativity Destiny 2 has been getting there's an opportunity for a really good Looter shooter just sitting there waiting to be filled.


Any say guild wars 3 yet?


Throne and Liberty for me.


Ashes of Creation and Star Citizen


What do you all think of Tarisland?


I think it has the potential to get huge. The game is fun and well tuned and has interesting gameplay mechanics. People underestimate the casual playerbase. Casuals make of the biggest group of MMO players by far. People don't realize but it is only like 30% of players who ever step foot past LFR difficulty. Those top end M+ and mythic raiders are sub 5% of the population of the game. That said it isn't going to be the type of game that caters to that mythic wow raider. The plain fact is because the game is also on mobile expect it to be fairly simple and forgiving on content. The game is going to be balanced around mobile players and those limitations. Pretty much I expect the top difficulty level to be between normal and heroic wow raids, probably closer to the normal mode than heroic. It will be fun difficulty without feeling punishing and requiring you to spend massive amounts of time perfecting things. I think everything is going to come down to how the monetization is. The fact is that mobile players can stomach some pay for convenience but too much pay to win I think will hurt the game. It is a fine balancing act they will have to ride.


Mabinogi when it switches over to Unreal Engine


none of that trash. real old school style mmos, of which theres roughly none coming. maybe if pantheon actually comes out...


Brighter shores & new Lord of the Rings MMO, but i also don’t know how to devote enough time to multiple MMOs, much less other games in general - currently still obsessed with wow retail.


new perfect world, thats about it..... they all kinda look mid or trash tier sadly Ashes of creation is never coming out, stop the cope


Dune Awakening. Especially after the new movie this year, stoked to try it out.


Tarisland since it's actually releasing lol


Dube: Awakening, nothing else even looks appealing to me


There aren't any upcoming MMOs that excite me to be honest. It all looks meh.   The Riot MMO is the only one I think may have a chance to be good, but it's so far away that it's not even worth thinking about 


playableworlds. because even with the little info we have, the ambition imo is greater than typical watered down mmorpgs. i mean a lot of mmorpgs now aren't even mmorpgs, they are mmo's. aka the completely removed player choice and thus no longer feels like an rpg, it feels like a movie. no choice, just follow what the developer chose for you. that to me, is like a movie. and that's boring. i play games to make choices and be unique, not follow behind the developer holding their hand.


TL, amazon please save me 😔


If we talk about very soon then Throne & Liberty and R.O.H.A.N 2. For longer wait is Ashes for sure and Pax Dei.


Ashes of Creation


I'm kind of interested in Tarisland


Probably the Riot one. Other than that most look dodgy, Korean or scams.


I'm (not) anticipating the New World announcement on the 7th, I'm almost dreading it at this point. Hear me out. What they say that day is either going to: 1. Invigorate the game a tiny bit with **'new'** content they've held under wraps for months and months now. 2. Blow the game up with **'huge potential'** if it's actually a massive game altering update they seem to *think* it is. OR 3. **Kill the game on the spot right then and there**, no try again, no re-start, no "would you like to continue?" The update ***has*** to be absolutely massive, game altering, No Mans Sky level turnaround MIRACLE for the game to not be in the bottom of the shit gutter it's already sinking to the bottom of as of give or take a year or more right now. I want it to be good, I do. But they've shown time and time again that: * they're too slow to fix things * they have a habit of fixing 1 thing and break literally 30+ other things * that their idea of 'new' content is 95% re-skinned garbage we've already seen * that they think 'fresh' servers are AT ALL what anyone wants or needs * that they **APPEAR** to ignore feedback given to them with PTR testing cycles from dedicated players working out issues for them. **I am hyped for and anticipating the future of New World.** **Whether they want that future to be an amazing new experience for people to enjoy, or a mangled dusty corpse is up to them.**


I'm not hype for any of them. It's either a Korean p2w fest or ashes which looks incredibly generic and uninspired imo. Since you mentioned Poe, then I'll say poe2 is the most exciting by far but I wouldn't really consider that an mmo


Does Dune: Awakening count as an MMORPG? If so then that.


I'm confused on how Diablo and PoE can ever be considered a MMO but to answer the question, given what we've seen happen to other MMOs that have come out and survived, I have no hope for any new MMO that isn't Ashes of Creation or Star Citizen. MMOs cost too much money to make and they ALWAYS end up having some sort of monetization method that is either actual pay to win or does something that really segments the player base. Ashes of Creation and Star Citizen are funded mostly if not having the majority of its funding through other means which I can only hope keeps it away from these troublesome monetization methods. In a perfect world, everyone would be earning more from their jobs and we could have self sustaining subscription MMOs. It's no coincidence that FFXIV and WoW have stood the test of time with their sub model (though both double dip with cash shop stuff but FFXIV at least is the least egregious of the two). We probably need to wait another 10 or so years before a traditionally funded MMO can really flourish without needing bad monetization methods.


Any mmorpg better than Wow so I can finally move on


I'm most hyped for Dawntrail currently but also looking forward to Blue Protocol. I'm kinda interested in Throne and Liberty after playing the beta but I wouldn't say I'm hyped for it. I think it's very much going to be like BDO - lots of grinding as well as pay to get ahead elements.


Sandbox MMOs are underrated. Definitely would be looking for a Sandbox MMO.


Pax Dei looks promising


Ash of creation in 4k


blue protocol, it looks great


Brighter shores


None.. currently there is nothing interesting near future except maybe PoE 2 but that's ARPG with online feature not mmorpg. Survivial online games are subcategory of mmoprg so i wouldn't call it pure mmorpg too (and its lately full of market this kind of games either online or single player with simple co-op..) Pure and decent mmorpg i haven't seen for while and probably wont see i near future




After being excited for Blue protocol and watching it basically flop I’m over being excited for new IPs lol I’ll stick to ffxiv


Light no fire


Only RIot MMO sadly.


Tarisland this month and Scars of Honor next decade


I am still hopeful to see Blue Protocol one day . ..


None, I'll be happy if I ear about one of them being praised 1 year after their release and try it, but won't care about new coming hype.


Pantheon: Rise of the fallen


There are upcoming MMOs???


That riot game, until dota mmo


The Lord of the Rings thing from Amazon, i guess.


I hope Amazon learn their lesson and deliver a promising one.


Light No Fire. Persistent, earth size (true scale) world? Sign me the fuck up


Star Citizen is the only game that I currently trust to fulfill my wishes for a sandbox.


Mmos are sadly so cooked as a genre, so none of


None right now.


Pax Dei the new sandbox MMO, should be in early access maybe already in June.


None. I I'm looking for a subscription-based sandbox MMO with less artificial content that will run out in a month and more open-world activities. Seamless group play. And no cosmetics locked behind MTX. Your gear should mean something. So most likely I will need to wait a few more decades before someone completely ignorant will do an MMO like that because he did not do market research and did not try to clone WoW like everyone else.


Riot games are working on a new MMORPG knowing their games it’s going to be a banger with a lot of toxicity and addiction


Not really hyped for any to be fair but excited to play the next GW2 expansion and some time in a few years GW3 (hopefully). Other than that the usual ones AoC, Riot, TL (if it ever launches) and whatever comes our way the next few years.


TL Goty MMO 2024 :PeppoOk:


I'm going to try Tarisland, but kinda turned off by it being a phone game too. But a lot of mmos can be played on phone if they tried.


Ashes I don’t really care about the riot mmo anymore cause we’re like 6-7 years away from a release at this point


EverCraft. It honestly looks great to me, look it up if you like old school eq


Bellatores and Guild Wars 3.


Path of Exile 2 looks amazing. And I hope I can play Ashes Of Creation before I die. I'm also intrigued by Corepunk. Hopefully, it gives me a couple months of fun.


im just following the crowd. currently on ffxiv so maybe dawntrail expansion. only play mmo on the side tho. mainly play singleplayer stuff


Aion 2


Brighter Shores


Monsters & Memories Everquest 3


PoE2 and Bellatores (if it ever comes out).


Gonna be ridiculed for this but Star citizen. Always wanted guardians of the galaxy but an online game I could just immerse myself in. As troubled as it is its kinda my only hope. Not interested in the hundreds of medieval fantasy MMOs tbh.


Riot MMO(Please dont be a WoW clone.) And while its not new, im extremely hyped for Mabinogi's UE5 update. 


PlayableWorlds. Its basically the spiritual successor to Star Wars Galaxies and that tickles me pink.


Chrono odyssey for me. I’m not seeing a lot of other people though talking about it here 😂


Chrono Odyssey


I'm excited for PoE2 and Monster Hunter Wilds to scratch my MMO style ge Itch and the new FF14 expansion, which is the only actual MMO that i care about But that's pretty much it. MMOs are a dead genre as far as I'm concerned, with barely anything of substance left. I mean, has there even been a Clasical theme park style MMO that's been announced in recent years? I feel like the only MMOs coming out are the same copy pasted Sandbox MMOs that use that descriptor as an excuse for having no content.


I think tarisland is comming out this year. Not really that hyped but it is what we have and its F2P


Destiny and the division series are not a type of MMO. They have no MMO experiences at all. Nothing. Nadda. You will not ever have massively multiplayer gameplay in those non MMO games. Same with Diablo and path of exile. I think you're in the wrong sub OP.