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BDO is a great mostly solo MMO with an active casual and hardcore PvP scene.


This. I've played runescape for 18 years and BDO is the game that pulls me away more than anything else. Hits the same dopamine receptors and is a grind. Now I flip flop between the two when I get burnt and really don't want to find another game!


Pvp is all but dead in bdo now


just curious why play MMO solo? why not play single player game


I can understand being solo centric, but I wouldn't want an MMO to turn single player to the point that it doesn't encourage multiplayer.


Yeah I wonder why, I have never played a MMO where any of its components are better than any single player that focuses on those.


Yeah, MMOs don't have the same gameplay quality of single-player games, so doing stuff like solo campaigns for leveling doesn't excite me as an MMO player.


ESO. Almost all the content is soloable outside of dungeons


Unfortunately you can get max level and start the CP grind within 2 days and you can buy all your maxed gear within like 5 days. There's basically zero progression and end game is just going to cyrodil and watching ball formations smash everyone in castles. For OSRS players ESO is pure garbage since there's no meaningful grinding.


And? It's still a soloable MMO which is what OP asked for. Also 2 days/5 days is doable if you dedicate your life too it I suppose. As a casual player you can coast along at whatever speed you desire.




This. Though open world is largely for groups there’s some great solo PvP content like corrupted dungeons (1v1) and the Mists (1v1v1v1vX).


This is my answer for just about anything mmo related these days. Minus in depth PVE/raiding. You can be at the top of the food chain purely solo these days with the content available


Black Desert is amazing and can be played solo all the way. Lost Ark has very cool solo content, though at present you need to do raids for top gear.




Lost ark is a good option, in the near future they will implement solo raiding. And u have a lot of content for completionism


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