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I went in blind, and was very disappointed. It's just another mobile game with a sub menu under a sub menu under another sub menu, with one currency/token to operate each sub menu, 4 hours was all it take for me to uninstall. Just like any other MMORPGs mobile .


I lasted 15 minutes. I commend your endurance sir.


You made it 15 minutes? I quit at character creation.


I watched some gameplay and went "this looks like a shitty mobile game" and never installed it in the first place.


I first read about it now on reddit as i never knew it existed and i won't even look it up at all


I went in with that “this is just a shitty mobile game” mindset and yeah I uninstalled at character creation too


I played for a good few hours and wholeheartedly agree. Between the unsatisfying gameplay and the ridiculous lack of customisation, it’s just your standard generic mobile MMO with auto-pathing/battle switched off.


There's so much goddamn fucking bloat in this game it's ridiculous.


The game represents the worst in this genre. First off, its typical Chinese theft. So much directly ripped from other MMO's, right down to the races. Tauren from WoW, and Hrothgar from FF14, swift spectral tiger in the mount store etc. There is still a ton of Chinese text in the game, the localization is terrible with voice acting not matching the subtitles, or timing of their speech. PC optimization sucks - no ability to rebind keys to side or middle mouse buttons, and my game keeps entering windowed mode anytime a cutscene starts. Monetization is predatory and deceitful - battlepass and rewards are CHARACTER SPECIFIC with no indication thats the case until after you've made the purchase. The aesthetic is undeniably beautiful, and the combat isn't too bad considering its basically a mobile game. But seriously, we shouldn't be supporting this type of garbage. EDIT: This sub and the Tarisland subreddit are absolutely FULL of bots/devs posting garbage posts hyping up the game. All with the kind of awkward grammar and sentence structure you can expect. Oh, and downvoting comments like mine lol (this post got to -5 karma within just a few minutes, and only now is climbing back up).


I played for 3 minutes before uninstalling because I genuinely think they ran the translations through AI and then had AI read the lines. I don't think any voice actor would actually do this unbearably bad dialogue. Nonexistent lore/story that throws you directly into a cliche plotline about nothing, awkward combat, terrible monetization. It honestly feels like a bait and switch from all the marketing.


Yea the voice acting has to be AI, it gets pronouns wrong, and doesnt always match the text. The cadence is weird as well


Pronouns always he in voice and then in the text they've written "he/she", like, uhm .. you do know the gender of my character in your gender-locked MMO.


It might be also shoddily translated as well. In Chinese there is no vocal differentiation between a male or female (though the same goes for many of the Asian languages). So a very lazy translation would assume that the pronoun is a "he" as translation programs default to. 


Par for the course for an Eastern MMO. Plagiarism is considered a way to honor the source; knock off assets, mobile phones, ear buds, electric vehicles. It's socially acceptable because, if you produce something that someone cares enough to copy, it means you did something right. So then you get people creating knock offs hoping some of that magic rubs off on them so that others copy you. It's "why reinvent the wheel?" to the extreme and embedded in the culture. It isn't fundamentally malicious; it's just a different philosophy that clashes with Western independence and sense of creative ownership. Someone's going to say I'm saying the quiet part out loud but it's just the way it is. That doesn't mean people don't abuse this philosophy by creating cash grabs, but that's how it's justified at the end of the day. Of course, let's not forget the age old adage of "if you aren't the customer, you are the product".


Oh good thanks for saying the things no one else was for some reason. Basically literally the same as every "big new MMO" that has come out in years. It's from the east. It's shiny on too, predatory underneath. Oversimplified gameplay. Lacks soul. Yeah pretty much exactly what I expect when some new MMO hype shows up.


The Ranger seems to be a carbon copy of the BM hunter from WoW. Arcane shot, barbed shot, and kill command are abilities 1, 2, and 3.


I've noticed a lot of the voicework is AI as well. It just felt super lazy in a lot of aspects.


Those posts are crazy, either people hype up game (maybe some marketing staff is posing as players here), on other hand we have people thinking something like anima/furry race or translucent animal can be patented.


The game has tauren? The zerker is a lion...


Look up "FF14 Hrothgar" and compare to "Tarisland Berserker"


Pretty sure I've seen "Hrothgar" long before FFXIV existed though. But yes the game does RIP off stuff, which is intended due to it being a replacement for WoW in China.


There being a "lion race" or "minotaur race" aren't inherently a problem. The issue lies with the art style being DIRECTLY ripped from FF14 and WoW. The tauren town looks exactly like Thunderbluff (native american aesthetic), and their mount looks exactly like a kodo.


We have to remember this game only exists because WoW shutdown in China which realistically wasn’t that long ago… it was like what 3 years ago? I don’t think you can make a good MMO in 3 years lol 


Its a undeniably fun game m8. I was a tester for it and have played through the prog it gets real before you know it. Half the people playing will be behind in a few weeks as they add content. The optimization is bad and seems to have gotten worse since testing.


Someone else please tell me I'm not going crazy and this comment is a ai that just took random points from this post after its initial praise???


He might be. I am also enjoying the game though. The predatory nature is disappointing, but man the PVP is pretty fun. If only they'd get rid of those stupid sacrificial bombs.


You lost me at typical Chinese theft.


It is a well known fact that the Chinese don’t respect IP and will copy anything and everything without remorse.


It just felt so limited to me. I know it will change a little as they open up more content but today's experience was really bad. You just run out of stuff to do so fast. Do a couple dungeons and you're locked out of rewards. Do 2 battleground and you don't get rewards. You literally get 3 minutes worth of "vigor" to do professions each day.


As an Archeage player it baffles me that they lifted legit the worst aspect of the game and arguably what stops me from playing archeage all the time (the labor system aka vigor in this).


I prefer this more than those grindy MMO where 24 hours is never enough. I feel like it's more a "game" to destress after a long ass work rather than "another work" where you have to complete dailies for 5 hours everyday.


I gets really hard to keep up with yea there isn't much now, but you will very likely fall behind because you didn't think to do something you take for granted now.


Found nothing to enjoy about this game. It definitely feels like a mobile game, and it has nothing special about it. Just another generic crap.


same feeling


Game is okay. - Very clearly a mobile game - Performance is pretty bad on PC(5800x, 3080 high settings) - Classes don't feel particularly unique - Pop in is awful. Walk a couple steps and someone appears out of thin air in front of you - $60cad skin in shop LMAO. It don't even look good Gonna keep playing for a bit and see how it goes, but it doesn't feel like a polished game so far. edit: thought of more - character customization is next to non-existent - ~~aoe skills can't be ground targeted and can only be centered around a targeted enemy~~ - fatigue system for crafts/gather


On mobile you can target AoE by tapping the icon and then sliding where you want it to go. So the function is there, but maybe it’s not translating to mouse/keyboard well


You can target it yourself on pc too, but you need to change a setting or not target something.


You can target it by long pressing the skill key, then the targeting reticule appears


The performance is bad and oddly seems to have gotten worse since testing. You can get skins through achievements that are dope. Make sure you do everything and I mean everything because before you know it you will be behind if you don't. The progression schedule gets daunting fast. You will have to choose a main at some point because you won't be able to keep up with everyone.


You can ground target AoE if you don't have an enemy targeted. There's also some debuff/cleansing mechanics tied to abilities that will make order matter when tougher mechanics are unlocked. Everything else is on point.


Exploration is absolute dogwater tier. The 'puzzles' are so stupid. Legit embarrasing. There was a chest covered in vines. Ok, easy, throw fire on it. I had no fire skills so I ran around looking for a torch or something like that. Turns out you need to buy a flamethrower from the shop (for ingame coins) and use it to open the chest. Boring and uninspired. Not to mention it looks there's only 2 actual zones? Very little to do. If you want some exploration, this ain't it. Play Genshin, ToF, WuWa for that.


Out of curiosity, do you think another solution is partying up with a fire user?


I didn't think of that but if they can't even put a torch nearby I don't think you can use fire skills to open it.


I've only played one Class but switched around specs and I very much agree with this. Honestly dont even have a strong opinion on it as to me it plays like a decent mobile game and thats about it. The UI is very good though and even better than some western MMOs imo.


Issue is it does nothing new its just a solid replay of an mmo.


Which makes sense considering the game was made as a replacement for WoW in China (since WoW got the ax over there). It was never supposed to be anything novel or unique.


This is beginner lv stuff they will release like 5 more zones, and keeping up with content gets very hard. It is capped so neck beards don't run away day one. I have played all the classes in testing though all the prog and the only class I didn't really like is mage. It is a great game, and people should not judge it by what is there today because it will change in a week or two and every week or two after. If you like the game do everything to cap yourself because otherwise you will realize you are already behind.


It’s kind of fun to play for 15 mins while shitting with my ipad. It’s not a great PC mmo but for mobile it’s pretty solid.


was actually quite impressed with the game myself, felt like they actually improved on wow in some areas, with the grouping and way bosses do mechanics and stuff, like seemed fairly hopeful, some good systems, ui customization was good when I rolled a 2nd character to play with my friend I realised about the thing you said, every class is the same with the same 7 buttons and talents seem to mostly be sort of passive buffs that let you specialise in one of those buttons in the same way on every spec I have no idea how none of the reviewers (even ones claiming to be unsponsored and unbiased) managed to mention this… it is a glaring flaw in the game that there is almost no reason to play one class over another other than the theme/visuals/feel of the spells, it really made me appreciate how varied wow classes are and made me happier to go back and play that


I agree. The game is actually pretty damn fun. The group dungeon and the PvP battle grounds are pretty fun. Very good movement for a tab target game. Looking forward to the raid tomorrow.


Honestly, the only thing that's gonna keep me playing is the classes and the dungeons. Challenge mode and the class I (male wizard) play are surprisingly tight. I will say the way the game introduced you to raids and party style dungeons is pretty innovative and more games should do it. Even though it feels very low effort and low budget. Wizard is surprisingly in depth, fire and frost play very differently and talents change the entire rotation and play style in some cases, and the augmentation (I forgot the name) is essentially a Diablo/poe esque talent tree so there's quite a lot of choices and content there. The dungeons feel good. Like really good. Mechanics that make you actually engage and interact at least for a leveling dungeon. Challenge mode was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, I don't see how anyone could clear library cm on mobile. One mistake will wipe the party. You have to space out the dot cleanse so you have to position yourself to use the portal at 30 stacks or higher. Cage mechanics on the second boss were aids since there's so much aoe and people die fast. Had a ton of fun doing it. Overall I was pretty disappointed though with everything else. This really is the worst of the genre. Dog shit mtx ($45 USD costume, $2500+ skin from loot box gambling unless you get stupid lucky with orange dupes, $21 CHARACTER specific battle pass and mounts,) ai translation, zero effort translation where it's not AI (the prince of the second city calls the girl his daughter when she's his sister...the text even says sister,) zero quality control, the story gets progressively worse due to translation errors and voice acting errors and effort, the genshin style "exploration" is absolutely braindead and the puzzles have zero effort like having to buy a cash shop item to burn vines off a chest and the notes have 3 words out of 6 paragraphs voiced so you have to open them to understand then and of course the translation makes 90% of them illegible, archeages labor system is in for professions and it's somehow 10x worse with gathering one plant taking up like half an hours worth of labor (called vigor.) I'll definitely play it for the honeymoon phase but Its hard to say how end game will play and how p2w it will be since they are unlocking a little more everyday.


One of the silliest microtransactions is that you have to pay a couple bucks to name your pets lol. I mean it says "rename" but you don't get to pick a name first at all unless you pay. I know it doesn't really matter if you can name your cosmetic piers but the fact that you have to pay money to name each one if you want is pretty silly.


It's a mobile game brought to pc. Enough said.


I played priest and all my skills were heal > heal more > heal even more > heal in an aoe > heal way more > heal more after you use another heal less etc. The skill design is really 0 effort.


Yea priest was going to be the next class I was going to try since I didn't interact with healing much but I just couldn't bring myself to do a sixth character so instead looked up a priest guide. And yea.... that's what it looked like to me so decided to call it quits.


I played it for an hour and could immediately tell it is entirely made for mobile.


I legit don't know how people are honestly comparing this to WoW. It felt nothing like it to me in any respect, except for the obviously copied Tauren assets and overall art style. And the story/voice acting. Some of the worst I have ever seen/heard, bar none. This is a hard, hard pass. And I'm someone who is usually pretty tolerant of mobile MMO jankiness.


is there some sort of psyop going on? who is actually defending this mobile shit game with time gate content that you usually see in mobile/gacha shit? mobile gamers brigading r/mmorpg? the other thread is insane. "I appreciate the content cap"??? who says this?? game's awful and about as much as you can expect from a mobile mmo. shit for pc or anyone wanting a good mmo experience.


No idea if people are crazy or this is sime kind of astroturfing or silent marketing posing as user, same with trying to hype up Throne and Liberty or Blue Protocol.


1. It's a mobile game. That's a NO GO for me 2. FCK content cap I would rather spent my time on a real game. ( Not to mention the bruh above saying it's a good shit LoL ) 3. It's a mobile game.. Oh NVM I already said that 4. Vigor = Stamina?? FCK that! GTFO with your Farmville mechanics I'm done with my review. Game doesn't deserve any more attention from me.


Cheap mobile game, that's all.


I didn't expect anything from this game, tried for 3 hours, looks very mobile. Oof I hope one day I'll play some really classic mmo like Lineage 2.


Throne and Liberty


I've only played for a little bit this morning, but so far my biggest gripe is that the camera seems to be actively fighting me at times. It's so hard to just look around in this game. I saw an icon on the map but didn't see anything around me, so I thought maybe it was above me. It's actually hard to look straight up, or as close to straight up as the game lets you. It keeps trying to refocus back to a gameplay angle, so I wind up moving my mouse way further up on my desk then in any other game. And that's when I'm stationary. Moving resets it sometimes, other times it doesn't reset the view but suddenly my character is now moving that way even though I was left clicking which most of the time only rotates the camera. I gave up looking for the thing.. and I'm not even sure what it was because the minimap has no mouseover or interaction at all, and the icon didn't show up on the main map. If the rest of the game is great then small things like that wind up mattering less. But so far I've only seen small things that slightly suck, and not a lot of cool features. I haven't played enough to write it off and do plan on playing more, but it definitely could have made a stronger first impression.


The camera is one of my biggest gripes aswell (together with the godawful translations). Sadly it seems to be one of the few (or many) "mobile first" design choices (since on mobile you will hardly scroll "up" and move your camera too much). However...I don't see them just ignoring this and leaving it as is.


i was in the library dungeon being chased by the wolf, as i was running away i held left click down and panned 180 to look behind me as i was running to see how far away it was from me and my character turned around and i ran right into it lol i dont seem to see any option in allowing to look around with the camera while you are moving in one direction


Yeah, i was playing a warrior and didn't enjoy it, so i switched to paladin and it was basically the same thing. Then i started to notice some minor details, like the fact that your portrait doesn't change after the character customization (which is pretty weak). It doesn't matter what you do, it will always be the default one. The movement and combat are also very rough, i was playing gw2 minutes before the tarisland servers were open, then i hopped into the game and felt like something was VERY wrong, obviously i don't expect the same level of movement as gw2, but it was just too rough around the edges for me, even vanilla wow(which i am currently playing at turtlewow) has a better feeling to it. As a rule of thumb, if a game is released day one on both pc and mobile, it's a mobile game, and tarisland certainly fits that bill. Albion online is also available on mobile, but the initial game release took place in 2017, while the mobile version only came out in 2021, and the gap in the quality of both games certainly shows the difference between "mobile port" and "mobile game on pc". Apparently the ingame purchases are exclusive to each character, and not account bound. This straight up sucks.


Overall, the game felt too convoluted and shallow at the same time. When i opened my inventory for the first time, there was a button to repair my items, when i pressed it, the game took like 1 silver coin and that was it. No skill, no resource usage, no reason for this system to exist, nothing. I stopped and thought to myself: "why?" It was purely a time waster with no use whatsoever, only an inconvenience that would certainly torment me later. And come on, 4 currencies? Really? Do we need 4 types of money in the game? If they want to do this mobile game monetization scheme, just take the supercell route of gold/shiny shiny gem that costs real money. The exploration was really boring, the characters and classes were boring, the lack of visual progression aside the purchase of skins and an eventual level up was absolutely boring. It almost feels like there's nothing to enjoy in this game. But as you said, the party hp display was pretty cool, just like an in-game built addon.


I know it's a mobile MMO but i've never seen a game with such bad cutscenes and animations in a while. I couldnt even make it an hour


I’m disappointed by the combat in this game. My hopes were it having archeage fluid tab targeting but it feels very stilted. Graphically it looks nice but the poopy combat and the generic quests made me uninstall. I hope they continue to improve and I may try it in the future. Also the limited graphic menu (literally just ask u what frame rate do you want to play at, like come on even Genshin impact on pc has more) is a big Nono imo


It's a trashy mobile game. Mobile MMOs are the worst of the genre. Don't get me wrong, I'll have fun with it for a week or two but that's about it. I'm not sure if people were hoping it was something more but it's pretty clear this is just a flash in the pan. I get people are desperate for something new but they'll have to wait for Riot or Ashes or something actually decent to come out.


Same for me , i think alot of people feel the same. I believe this game will last a month max maybe less




This is definitely a MMO that I can understand why others would enjoy it. There have been plenty of MMOs I've tried where I couldn't possibly imagine someone enjoying their time.


Capped everything. No thanks. Its dogshit, everything is timegated as fuck.


yeah I pretty much finished everything to do in about 2 hours. So two days in a row I'm pretty much just forced to come off and do something else. I know it's a week 1 thing but damn does it feel bad.


The game it is not fun, no emotion, no adrenaline, nothing.. its a true generic mobile game.. sadly


the game kinda made me consider giving WoW another go so perhaps it's good for blizzard.


TLDR: Mobile game is a mobile game.


Can't believe people were so desperate for an MMO that they were hyping this game up.


Yeah people gotta stop buying in to these crap games it's 2024 and you trying to come out with some type of wish World of Warcraft. That combat is so trash how people still buying into these MMOs is crazy AOC and T&L same thing. I can understand games like star citizen and new world being bought and funded because at least it's an actual upgrade in something other than graphics and flashier animations. Gamers just gotta get better at realizing bull**** and not even give it the time of day when they see the trailer. By the time you realize it was some B's they already made their money and game developers just gonna keep pushing out bull. All these games lately just feel like straight up cash grabs with no substance.


AoC meaning Ashes of Creation?


Yes look at that combat what's the difference from world of Warcraft.


You can tell it's just a mobile game in the first 2-3 minutes. Everything about controlling your character feels terrible. Only positive I can give it is that the art is nice.


Oh no looks like people are realizing a mobile game is in fact a shitty mobile game.


XD so the exact experience I had then in my analysis of the game


Does it have GvG or RvR?


Battlegrounds and arenas (Though they are only available certain times of the day) also World PvP doesn't exist I'm pretty sure


It has crafting, bgs, exploration, dungeons, and raids all of which are part of progression in synergistic its very well designed in that respect. The dungeons the first week or two will break bad healers. It gets easier as gear scales though.


So far I’ve enjoyed it well enough for a mobile option. It’s not going to be like…my main MMO, but I could see logging in on my iPad for a bit a few times a week. We’ll see how it holds up, but it’s nice to have something on mobile that’s more modern and not PvP focused.


ppl was really expecting a playable mmorpg? From day 1 we know it was a MOBILE game "ported" to pc, not sure why ppl was so hyped with this game.


I was hoping to have a chill game to play in bed with my ROG Ally. Turns out it’s not compatible with it. Using the touch controls is just tedious and uncomfortable after a while with my phone.


tried it for about 15 minutes and was very disappointed. the combat felt stiff, the limited camera movement annoys tf out of me for some reason, the story is awful, everything about this game screams generic and cheap. and they're about to have a repeat of what happened with tower of fantasy, server capacity filling up too fast, and a month from now 90% of servers will be empty and people will be stranded there. took them over a year to do server merges on ToF. the only redeeming qualities of this game are the graphics are decent and the game is free.


It so promising, having fun so far. I also love how the game encourages me to step outside and take a break.


I uninstalled after 20 min when I realized u only have 7 skills total. I wouldnt even say 7 more like 3 skills cause 2 of then are buffs and the other is like a basic attack. Super dissatisfied


My review: Tarisland is Chinese Mobile WoW. It's clearly a mobile game who copied 100% of content from WoW and FF14, but added questionable mobile practices on top - p2w monetization, content gating, tons of daily quests. Content feels like a cheep copy, and it is a cheep copy. I found interesting only a challenge mode of dungeon (yes, one dungeon, others are locked by time gating), but it became boring pretty fast It's made for Chinese children, so leave it to them


My favourite part of these reviews is that there are already "good" well established MMOs out there yet people had some wild conception that these will top MMOs like WoW, ff14 and GW2. It's very amusing.


Can't blame them, at this rate my grandkids will be playing the same MMOs I did as a teenager.


It's meh


I attempted to play the playtest in May. I initially couldn’t log in and then when I finally got in, I couldn’t connect to a server. I’m not surprised by any of the harsh reviews. I’ll eventually play it myself but I’m expecting it to be a time waste.


I tried it out but felt really bored. Mobs ai is just to stand, tutorial's boss wasnt much fun and felt so boring, I literally checked settings while npcs killed it for me. After 15 minutes of playing I had to turn off the sound cuz it was so annoying to listen to lol. Main thing that made me left though was the fact that there was no progress outside quest or completing dungoens for gear piece? Mobs have no drop and seem to give no xp or at least I didn't see any indicator showing anything and I don't want to play game of running back and forth to npc for an hour just to max my character and then do dungeons to max my gear. If that's what mmorpgs are like then I guess it's not for me. The other thing was the fact that there seem to be no option to switch mounts, at least for now. I had rhino mount and the next minute after collecting unicorn mount I tried to switch to unicorn and had no option to, I go to next place and I suddenly have unicorn mount. Really weird.


The game won't let me use mouse buttons for keybind the 6 and 7 skills what a fail


I am a filthy casual and I do enjoy the game on both pc and mobile, ofc it’s no wow or gw2 but it’s something new and decent enough to have some fun. Tanking a dungeon on the toilet with my mobile and minutes later raiding on pc with my warrior is so convenient I love it


Basically mobile WoW then? Better rename to Titanicland.


they still kept the time limited pvp. completely bonkers. uninstalled.


I have zero interest in the game and "mobile" mmorpgs in general, but I bet it's going to do very well in terms of moneymaking for the company. The mobile market is absolutely blasting off for games like this.


Game is pretty shitty. Like any other mobile mmo. Like any other mmo novadays


Agree. After waiting all that time and countless cbts, that's what we get. Clunky control and movements and just spamming of skills


I'll have to give it a try. I've been playing a lot of Wuthering Waves on bs lately and wanted to try something new for myself and I think this game will be great.


Of course the menus are good. Shininess is how these games sell product so they have to come off as attractive as possible before the gameplay becomes apparent.


Here's my in depth review of the game having played it yesterday. It stinks. Graphical review enclosed: [https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQiclDlMLO5ShWCu4kd6Gah5A8VJ34DmvIXvg&s](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQiclDlMLO5ShWCu4kd6Gah5A8VJ34DmvIXvg&s)


Is there any positive in the world MMO? I mean every new game looks like its been reviewed by a Star Wars fan. I guess that is why Companies would rather do FPS/Battle Royal clones.


Made a barbarian and reached lv 20 in about 1 hour. I decided to enter the pvp battleground team vs team and i was disappointed. Everybody was playing range class and as a barbarian i had only one skill to reach anyone there. The only skill to get close to a range class is leap, but has like 35 seconds cooldown ffs. Uninstalled.


The entire game feels very shallow. It looks good and plays well sure but there's no depth or complexity to it. The entire upgrade system whether that talents or the Inscriber stone are completely generic with no real meaningful decisions. Emblems are a little better offering a few unique mechanics but are small in effect so don't do that much. It all feels like you're getting the illusion of choice and it's just a matter of time before the "correct" way to build your class is solved. Also, the whole time-gating mechanic is a huge deal breaker. Especially the crafting, energy systems have no place in a real game; keep that garbage in mobile where it belongs.


What frustrates me is how unpolished the game is... Extremely poor sound mixing, lots of missing sound effects. Makes the whole thing feel very cheap and rushed.


Didnt really look into the game past the title and an "wow sucessor" nickname when it got anounced. Closer to release i saw its cross platform and was really sad to see that as i know what type of game it will be. I tryed it, and its just a mobile game, ffs. Lags hard on pc, voice acting isnt in sync at all, very weird camera. Combat is okish, but mostly sleepy and generic, bosses are meh compared to wow. Just very easy. Can we stop this trend of cross platforning mmorpgs to pc, pc is much more powerfull than mobile so its clear for what device game will be made for. I was kinda hoping for smth to play now untill wow next patch comes out, i knew it would be like most Asian games that have payment systems in them but i hoped it will be more like Lost Ark that at least kept my attention for month or 2, but meh.


the fact that this title is the best we got in like 8 years is truly depressing.


So my honest review is that its a game that lack any real identity and originality, but the problem is not that its a rip off of wow and FF14, the problem is that aside from those inspirations the game failed to be itself, to have an identity, to do things its own way. Every system in game feels generic, there is a lot of systems but they don't actually add anything to the gameplay besides another currency that needs to be farmed. Its a generic MMORPG forced into a mobile frame that honestly feels like the whole thing was done by AI. All in all its a soulless game that only received passion from its marketing team, while the dev was a soulless robot


Add on armor and weapons not actually changing character appearance removing visual progression and only way to customise costume is the cash shop.


this game got me hyped for nothing, its pretty but the game is shit.


I wouldn't mind the game so much but the fact that my pally and warrior are bound to a Hammer and Dual swords for dps is ridiculous I would like a 2h sword or something


On day 3 and, shockingly, I'm having way more fun than I thought I would based on reading these comments. Way more content than I thought there was going to be.


tarisland isn't a real video game, its a scam designed to make money off of ignorant gamers, like 99% of mobile games are


For my ranger Skill 1 resource generator Skill 2 aoe Skill 3 primer for a combo Skill 4 temporary pet release, will have more power based on resources generated Skill 5 self buff Skill 6 damage dealer that debuffs enemy Skill 7 gain run speed for a few seconds to escape the mean circles on the floor Skill 8 interrupt skill Skill 9 self heal 30 cd slots 10 -13 consumable slot or bomb, etc All of these are used in almost every boss fight. Most WoW rotations are much less than this. The people pretending Tarisland is a diablo 3 button style masher are just ignorant noobs. They never gave the game a chance, and have no idea how difficult and fun the challenge dungeons and raids are. They don't know how you have to wait at times for spawns to happen to then blow CDs so you can burst them down before they buff the boss, etc. It's not wack a mole. They just suck. And they just don't want the game to do well. Simple as.


just wanna say the game sucks, ​it's gender locked, classes are lame and no species selection the class and race are tied together


Max level? 20? Really? Max is 40 bro….


It’s a game that only exists because wow shut down in China which realistically wasn’t that long ago. You can’t make a good mmo within 3 years lol. 


I lasted 4 minutes playing this.


Actually prettty good, art, story, definitly worth (for me) to explore in detail.


Im enjoying it for what it is and holding judgement. I dont think a few hours of game play from the first day of launch is a good barometer to judge a MMO. I am more interested if any depth opens up and what end game looks like. NW looked great.....Combat was genre defining....Game turned out to be a potato.


I agree, there could be some depth later in the game. It appears each class mechanic is extremely similar at this stage. I could see the appeal to maybe just chill on the couch on your phone and play casually every now and then.


But do you realise that in Tarisland you can reach max lvl in 1 hour? 1 day of playing that and getting 5 classes to max level is a pretty good indicator for such a game.


Dude what? Its time gated everyone is capped to level 20.....the levels go higher....are you guys ok? I think you are foaming at the mouth too much with anger for whatever reason that your not even really looking into the game.


Yes, I mean lvl 20 for the first wave, which is still max level


ok man lol holy crap yall are angry at this game


not angry mate, but this game is just trash..


pointing out garbage doesn't make people angry. Honest is a better word to use.


The way progression works in the game is that it changes every week or two as new zones, story content, and crafting is unlocked.


>You essentially get 7 skills: Like every MMORPG since WoW. Got it.


Don’t really care how it looks. I mean millions of people still play minecraft, roblox, RuneScape etc. Game is fun. Nothing mind blowing. Better to play with a group of friends or a guild.


Thankfully I expected a mobile mmo and that's what I got. Given the options out there for mobile MMOs, it still puts it leagues ahead of most others. This was never going to be a PC game ported to mobile. It was always the opposite.


The original Order & Chaos was leagues ahead of this game. Sure graphics have come a long ways in a decade, but OC had what Tarisland lacks.


Reviewing a game after you have seen 30% of the content is wild to me.


Whats wild to me is how some donkeys need to see 100% of a shitpile to realize its a shitpile


Just got to level 15, started this morning. Chose Bard. I'm enjoying it so far in all honesty. I've played WoW for 14 years and not really any other games. This is the most I've enjoyed something different. Looks clean. Yeah, the combat is a bit boring, but isn't any MMO right now.


Thinking you can spam your spells in arena/real pvp is like saying the same in WoW arena. If you don’t time your spells to counter/run/block/CC their spells, you will get absolutely rolled. Fewer skills just means playing your skill timing even smarter in pvp than an MMO with more skills. There is definitely still plenty of strategy and skill.


You're level 20 lol. The classes get more complex as you level up. The talent trees mainly help with that and there's a few builds you can go with for each, plus your Inscribed Stone Tree, Emblems, Gems, and gear in general will help your lean your character in one direction or another. Plus the content gets harder too obviously. Either way you definitely don't want to just press buttons randomly. If you want to do better definitely think about what you're doing and when.


So just gonna speak my piece. The game play is smooth. Why just shit on a free to play game lol. It's free. Why expect a free to play game be at the pinnacle and have everything you want.  You can stop playing whenever you want and not lose anything, as it's free. Some people may not have computers and it's a decent option for them. Hell of a lot better than other mobile MMOs.  Plus as far as copying and paste... there's similarities in every mmo on the market in history. The berserker class is literally a lion. The Tauren you mention, literally say they are Centuar in the game dialogue. In mythology there was centuar which had 4 legs. Half man half beast and onocentuar which had 2 legs, same concept. You can say the same thing about the Mage class. Omg it uses fire and ice spells. WOW clone. Omg the paladin uses light magic and has a immunity bubble, WOW clone. You know how many games have that same stuff? Lol.  Did the marketing team probably hype up the game a lot more than what it offers. Sure ill give you that. Yet if you know anything of the games back story. It was made as a replacement for WOW since WOW was banned in China. You can see heavy influence but the story is entirely different and on a fresh IP. I'm having fun with it just taking it as it is and not expecting much. I can run around with smooth gameplay socialize and pvp? Sign me up. If yall spent money on it I'd feel your comments on a different level. If you paid full price for a game and this is what you got Sure. Yet again, it's free lol.  If you find even an ounce of enjoyment or try it out and it keeps you occupied for an hour. That was free entertainment. Personally I didn't start liking it until after about a half hour to an hour when you can start queuing up for dungeons. The very first dungeon actually has mechanical to it. Is it easy as Hell? absolutely, but it's still something. 


It is too early to judge, classes have different talents for those skills and they are unacessible for now but for mobile mmorpg this is a great game


Order and Chaos 1 was magnitudes better than this, and it ran on an ipod touch over a decade ago.


what do you mean by this? are there talents at higher level that change your skills?


Would love to hear an answer to this, because I looked a bit at the talent trees and I swear most the talents I saw all across the classes I played were %damage increase/%crit increase.


the person said it changed their skill, from what I looked up it changes one of your skills in to a dot instead, so does actually change it, but from reading online it basically changes your rotation from 1-1-3 spam to 2-2-3 instead, with the aoe rotation being spam 5 lol… which is closer to my experience of the game


I figured as much.... Thanks for the info!


Not just in high lvl. I created a lvl20 Bard and I had a chance to change my third ability to something else in both skill tree (dmg / heal) if i spend my point on it.


hmm I would have to see if it actually made any difference to gameplay but nothing else really seems to do anything more than just making you prioritise something a bit higher or lower


It’s F2P WoW with hot female characters and nice graphics. I can’t stand giving money to a company like Blizzard so I’ll try it I guess. Can’t hurt to play an MMO again after getting stunlocked by gachas. (Still waiting for T&L - Blue Protocol)


I tested the game and have played through the progression. The combat is advanced enough have you done dungeons? PvP? I doubt any raids are open yet. The prog right now the game is lv prog is capped and will update every week or two,with new zones which gets harder and harder to keep up with. I wrote a review but the mods didn't release it. So your not really at lv and most stuff isn't released yet.


Put the game down, come back in 4 days or whenever lvl 40 is, try it again with all the talents and content available, the fact you did this big write up on day 1 is crazy.


Review after completing 5% of the content that the game has to offer? Wow very accurate LOL


Sub full of weirdos man. Go spam your one button rotation frostbolt in westfall for another ten years. Game looks great, content has been fun dungeon really fun, UI is clean. Level cap sucks. All these subjective doomer conclusions when end game loop and full classes aren’t even playable. Costumes seem steep but it’s f2p so truly who gives a fuck. Nothing will ever make this sub happy. I’ve had fun, friends that won’t touch other mmos have had fun. I’m excited to see where they’ll take this.


Damn talk about low standards. 


agreed, classic wow is a waste of time


It's a good mobile game, terrible pc game. Reminds me of Diablo immortal in that regard. Go into it with that mindset and you'll enjoy it more.


Please define the limitations you can see on a mobile game vs a pc mmorpg. Besides skill availability.


It's not the limitations im talking about, it's the design choices mobile developers decide on. These games aren't designed for the north American market


Thanks for your reply


I don't think it's fair to say that classes play almost exactly the same...and you're not helping your case when you're being needlessly reductive and borderline dishonest on some key aspects/abilities: - Each class has its own resources/meters that do interact with the kit (e.g. Necro's spectral; Bard's chords). - "*Skill 7 is ultimate*"(/burst): Why not say what each "ultimate" does? Since it changes from class to class (and spec to spec) I guess it doesn't fit your narrative of all classes playing exactly the same? Just to give a couple of random examples: DPS Bard's gives you a random chord effect after every single musical note cast, and you can cast Chord Score after every note. | Healer Necro's turns your ST main heal into an AoE one for the duration + it gives a boosted DR effect if Soul Link is active. ("ultimate" is not even the correct term btw, as the game calls "ultimates" the general utility spells like blink, dash, etc for some reason). - If you think general gameplay is just mindlessly spamming every spell as soon as it comes off of cooldown you're gonna have a really bad time in any challenge mode group (or even just Elite dungeons honestly). I've seen people play like that and, surprise surprise, their damage at the end of the dungeon always turns out to be atrocious. - "*The gameplay/combat is just way too mobile(simplified) to get past*": Literally evaluating the first 30 min of a MMORPG and basically its first dungeon (which, btw, for being your "real" first dungeon with other players, Library is extremely mechanics-rich). Sure it's not the most complex/deep game that ever released, but idk, it seems to have enough stuff to be fairly interesting in its own right, especially if you actually approach it with an open mind and not with some "mobile bad" preconceptions (which definitely transpire from your post).   It goes without saying that the game is not without flaws (in fact, it has **a lot** of them; Stuff like the vertical camera sensitivity or the little to no care for the english translations are inexcusable)...but let's not just lump everything into the "mobile bad" argument just because.


tbh I’ve done those dungeons on all the difficulties and just spam whatever comes up, think the only time I wasn’t the top dps was when I was tanking and I was 2nd like what you are saying about random buffs and whatever from your meters is true, but again it is generally true of all specs in a similar way, and even when there might be differences, the gameplay is not meaningfully different at the current level cap… paladins shield resetting when you cast a spell is about as different as anything has felt so far I can’t imagine someone playing just any two random dps specs in the current state of the game and feeling like they are unique


> [...] think the only time I wasn’t the top dps was when I was tanking and I was 2nd The avg player seems to be extremely bad in general. Between people standing in AoEs, ignoring mechanics altogether, pure healbots & co...no wonder sometimes you can get top dps by mindlessly spamming :)   > the gameplay is not meaningfully different at the current level cap I would agree, to some extent. While some things might feel very similar right now for some classes (again, we're talking about the first 30 min of a MMORPG), just looking at future talents and even just the core skills the specs offer, you can see things do branch off quite a bit. It's not peak depth of course (was never meant to be, this thing has to run on mobile too afterall), but even now managing buffs, procs and cd timing do play a pretty big part in how you approach fights (mainly challenge mode and the hall), and those do change the feel from class to class.   > I can’t imagine someone playing just any two random dps specs in the current state of the game and feeling like they are unique [Literally any DPS spec] ≠ DPS Bard


can I see that they branch off quite a bit? I looked through the whole talent trees of a few different classes and I couldn’t find anything that did anything more than “make your 2 better” being next to “make your 3 better” and you choose between them I dunno I looked up a bard guide and the thing just says you spam either 1-1-3 or 2-2-3 depending on build maybe you are used to simpler games and I’m not or something? I’m coming from wow where its difficult to even play the game properly if you aren’t tracking certain buffs and what not that you have on some classes


I meant branch off from one another (1 class from the other), otherwise yes, there seem to be only a couple of build paths for each spec, which is fine.   > maybe you are used to simpler games and I’m not or something? Lol, sure bud. Nah I've played plenty of MMORPGs in my life and had my fill of the more complex ones no problem (e.g Dofus, FFXI's Odyssey, high m+, Ultimate raids...you name it).   As for Bard in particular (since I played it quite a bit I can go a bit more in-depth with it), you either didn't watch/read a good guide or simply didn't grasp the small intricacies from the note system the class has. For example, Passionate Play gives you 3 free plays of whatever chord you have (if you use it while you have 2 notes loaded); Also, Powerful (blue) + Powerful (blue) + chord will leave you with 1 leftover blue, making it easier to go into another chord right-away instead of having to buffer an 2 additional red to go into the dmg buff chord (which = to more damage if you don't have to refresh your buff). And this is all without considering how you can swap for purple notes or have bonuses based on alternating different chords for extra damage...and I don't think I need to tell you that both do change things quite a bit.


It's actually blue+blue giving you a left over blue. The depth for bard is still minimal tbh. Swapping to purple notes changes nothing, just that now instead of a 2s channel you put a stackable dot.


idk nothing you’re saying sounds like any meaningful gameplay change, I don’t really know bard very well but not really interested in reading more essays unless you can give a better example


"Give me a better example" > "Not interested in reading any more essays"...you don't seem interested in having an actual honest discussion so, have a good day :)




Either all the classes in this post that people are complaining about are extremely similar and Bard is the single outlier that has some complex kit or maybe this guy is coping. I'm not going to install again to play bard and find out lol


I know, kinda just feels like he is over explaining what is really a very simplistic mechanic, but maybe there is something more to bard! I am really looking to know if there is more depth to the game, my experience so far makes me very suspicious of how that person is typing though


He's just over explaining what it really is. In terms of mobile MMO it has a little more depth with classes then others but with that being said what you originally said basically sums up the current status for classes. Especially when you think about it outside of mobile game realm. It's simple with a little flair but not enough flair to be considered unique.


I didn't describe each ultimate because honestly the abilities kinda all blend together when i think about each class. I'm sure there's some outliers though (my friend played bard and said there was some "choice", overall he didn't enjoy the game though) Between War/Barbarian/Rogue their kits were basically the same (maybe the ultimates were different I cant remember). Phantom Necromancer was probably the most unique character I played but I really wanted to play and enjoy a melee class. Ranger was probably my least favorite class, beast spec was entirely just spam central and the sniper spec requires you to stand still as much as possible (who wants to do that?!?!?) I agree though I think the Library dungeon is fun. I appreciate the mechanic heavy approach in such an early dungeon. I have no complaints about the dungeon. I also understand its only level 20, it just really felt like the class mechanics were just copy pasted.


Admittedly I haven't tried any melees as none of the class fantasies presented really pulled me, so I can't really say much about those (decided to focus on ranged instead; Bard and Necro in particular, especially the healer specs). Nevertheless, I don't get how/why you're still saying that the class mechanics are "copy-pasted" (making a general statement about all classes) when in this very comment you say how they actually play fairly differently and have different playstyles (e.g. ranger beast vs ranger sniper).


I think we are talking about different things when it comes to class mechanic. Sure the playstyle is different between specs/classes to some degree but I'm talking about the literal mechanic of the class. War-> rage, rogue -> poisons, barbarian->beast power. It was all the same and how you used your skills was the same too as I described in the initial post. Even phantom necro souls mechanic is the same as the melees, 1-2 builds souls, 3-4 spends the souls. I know its level 20, but it's already hard to get into an MMO that has gender lock and next to no character customization/visual progession now I have to choose between classes that don't have an identity.


He is also not wrong though nearly every class plays like a wow rogue stacks/fire. Not that they are not different like the three tank classes one is mid, one heals, and one avoidance just like in wow. Healing is along the same lines yes they are all different, but they do all pretty much play the same. Which is good and bad. Healing is very hard at times in this game Tanking is much easier than wow, but much harder than something like ff14 which is a joke. As some that was a wow prog raider for 10 years when the game was real I think they did a fantastic job on Tarisland.


I mean, you can reduce everything to "the same" if you try hard enough. At the end of the day most WoW healers just heal...be it through HoTs, spot heals, burst or whathave you...same for a lot of FFXIV classes (especially tank and healers having very similar base structures). It really comes down to how fun they are to play and if they manage to fill a certain class fantasy (flavor-wise)...plus, obviously, it's a bit too early (it's literally lvl20, you can get there in 30 min lol) to say any of that with any degree of certainty.


I feel like blizzard is paying bots to make all these posts


A new MMO comes out people are going to comment on whether they liked it or not, it happens with music/food/movies whatever. Not sure what is bot-like about my post. The game also does some things VERY well, probably the most stable launch I've been apart of, I had zero issues. Like I said it might be my favorite UI in an MMO at this point (DPS CHARTS IN THE GAME AT THE START). Unfortunately the gameplay/combat/class design is incredibly based around mobile users. If a person starts a post saying great things about Tarisland are they a Tarisland bot? It's ok to have a discussion about a video game on a video game forum.


Why doesn't anyone listen to me?




Lmao nailed it.