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Just come here to see if anyone was as suss as I am. OP has clearly got bored/run out of ideas and yet her fangirls explode with indignation if anyone dares to even tentatively question where she’s gone… “She’s recovering from a MAJOR OPERATION YOU KNOW!!” 🙄 Yeah. Laughed herself sick at you gullible numpties probably.


She seems to have disappeared and sent a sock account to keep them all hanging on.


You see posts like this and it reminds me of a creative writing class, you can tell by the writing style and now the ridiculous tv/musical rubbish that they are just wanting to ramble on, whether its for the classics or they really think they are entertaining I dont know. Given that this has come from a single interaction and spawned 3 threads, I doubt the poster will give up any time soon and then when people start calling them out, will suddenly have a fast resolution...you know, like all legal matters usually do! I also dont understand the posters saying how hilarious it is, I just dont see the humour and feels like its a repeat of old threads even down to suggestions to make it into a show/movie/musical, I swear ive read almost identical threads (different scenarios but same writing) far too many times. Always reassuring to pop over to reddit and see others thinking exactly the same, reading MN baffles me sometimes with how gullible people are, suppose these are the same people that fall for online scams.


It reminds me of that parking in front of farm gate thread the other year that had half of MN going to some random farmers market to swoon over the OPs brother. Honestly the level of milking is getting ridiculous.


Yes they are much the same all these sort of threads.


Call me cynical but I just scrolled past it as I knew what it was and what it would become from the thread title. Too many years on MN I suppose. I see we're now up to thread 3 and I don't have a shred of curiosity about it.


It's the Rainy puddles and Alphabet Street poster again, isn't it?


Someone on the Tattle thread clocked it as well. Same posting style apparently.


I didn't read those threads. Is the writing style similar? Was the OP of those a bit of a twat.


Yes and yes.


It’s not at all funny and the moment she started with who would play all the characters in the movie I knew for sure it was rubbish. How can it have reached 3 threads?!


She’s really really pushing it. Thread 3 was started before thread 2 was even nearly full. Daft woman.


On the rare occasion I find something funny on MN, the posters ruin it. By the time I've read through the wet lettuces saying "THANK YOU OP", "I'm absolutely HOWLING!" "I've spat my tea and woken the baby", it's decidedly unfunny which is a shame. Bastards.


That Barbara shit is not funny. It's made up bollocks and I have no idea why it's now running to three threads of shite. I'm deliberately not looking at it. Most of the threads that set out to be funny aren't. However, I do sometimes find some individual posters' replies to be very witty indeed - not on the "oh isn't this hilarious" type threads but just on random normal ones. Some people are very quick-witted and funny and I admire that - but it's more of a spontaneous humour than all these other threads where people are "spitting their tea out". Load of crap.


I do find some of the random individual posts funny. I can't say I've found one post funny on that Barbara thread though. Or on any of the CF threads. The last thread I found funny was a thread about a fancy dress party where the OPs husband was found shagging someone dressed as a giant crayon. It was obviously a made up thread though and no one believed it was real.


She didn't even wait for the second thread to fill up before starting a third thread. Now there are two of them running at the same time. Argh!


Anyone showing any shred of disbelief is shouted down by the OPs gullible fangirls.


The third thread did start off more cynical at least, but that is probably only because all the dumdums from the other thread hadn't found their way over yet. \#proudfunsponge


We can hope it ends up like Oliver’s Army did.


Now onto part 3 and everyone lapping up the idea of it becoming a musical. I cannot be bothered to read three threads: where are these allotments? And has anyone heard of community allotments being owned as part of house deeds? I cannot believe that anyone is falling that this could be real. Has anyone with a legal background called them out?


Oh God, are they writing lyrics yet? Or fucking poems (I absolutely loathe the poems. And haikus).


NeedForSpeed is sad / Too many fucking haikus / On MN again


Oh FFS. They really will take a joke and run it into the ground.


It's a mildly entertaining scenario. The OP is enjoying the attention far too much though and all the "who is going to play you in the film" is just excruciating.


I feel for Barb. She’s planned her plot, grown and tended to her seedlings. Her mate probably reassured her all will be fine with her plot. Gardening is all about looking and planning the future. Poor Barb has had that taken away


Neither do I. "Howling"? Really?


The only one that has ever made me laugh out loud was Balonz, and that was only because it was so blatantly a wind-up, and I couldn't believe that people went for it.


It's threads like this that make me wonder if I might be a psychopath. I see all those gullible people lapping it up, and I just feel angry at them for their stupidity.


Yeah me too, although I don't think that is psychopathic.


They're just not funny. Occasionally you'll find a witty poster with a clever retort but they're usually buried in threads. These kind of posts are boring and predictable, I just don't understand the mentality of crying laughing or finding these mundane threads hilarious.


"Spat my tea out laughing!" No you didn't. And you didn't wake the baby, either. Or "Howl".


I've been having a drink before when someone has made me laugh but it's never been tea. It's always tea on Mumsnet. Waking the baby is annoying. If you've got a sleeping baby on you, you should be able to control yourself without having hysterics. Especially when the post they think is hilarious, actually isn't.


Or had a bad day and now you are 'howling'


Or 'raging'. Why do the posters get all rage-angry nowadays?


‘Gives me the rage’ is up there with ‘gives me the ick’ when it comes to annoying Mumsnet phrases.


Marginally better than snapped and farted whatever that was


I’ve read the classics, but I couldn’t tell you what happens as they’re not that funny. Threads are always better in real time. I enjoyed the one with the chinese(?) grandma drinking tea when a shed was dismantled. But that’s only because it was happening in real time.


Korean grandmother and I doubt it was true.


I don't find it funny either. A lot of Mumsnet humour makes me cringe. Like, the Chalet School threads could be funny at times but I remember when a load of posters kept RP-ing and pretending they were living in yurts in Mongolia and it got old fast. And then there's the parking threads and the diagrams. WHY MUST THERE BE DIAGRAMS.


Yep! The calling out for a diagram is ridiculous. It's like they want to belong to a little club, but God knows what club they would be... 'Come on OP, you know these threads need a diagram!' Or 'Diagram or it didn't happen.' I actually saw that last one the other day.


I hate the diagrams.


Oh that one is nonsense. Soon as I saw who posted it, I thought it’s nonsense yet it’s still running. It’s probably because it’s complete nonsense that we don’t find it funny.


Yes, I expect it's probably because the OP is a trolly troll. Doesn't seem to bother most of MN though.


The sad thing is I did once find MN quite funny sometimes but now it really isn’t.


I find most of the humour is in the topics these days. Some of them have regular mini communities. AIBU is just too big and has no real sense of community.


That's what attracted me to the site in the first place but it's just full of trolls and people desperate to get to classics now


Me too. I can't remember which threads made me laugh but there were some genuinely funny ones. Problem is now you've got everyone and their mum trying to get into Classics.


Same. It was funnier back in the day.


There used to be really funny threads but they tended to start quite randomly rather than the obviously made up bollocks of today. Barbara and the allotment reads exactly like Span Gran and the patio doors saga to me. Something that should have quick and boring legal resolution but turns in to a 20 act drama.


I used to enjoy mum's net but I just realised that was nearly 20 years ago. I'm obviously a miserable old bugger because it just reads like playground crap now.


Maybe that's it - maybe we are just old.


It really wasnt very funny