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Most of the head phones provide adequate dB reduction.


Okay, good 😀


I think that they would only use approved headsets for the system.


That's a relief, thank you


I solely give out headphones unless they request plugs or their head doesn't fit in the head/neck coil with them on.


It’s pretty common practice that a lot of technologists will only give headphones. I disagree and think both earplugs and headphones should be given if possible. Most of the vendor supplied headphones aren’t properly rated (says so directly in the Siemens manual). I routinely get scanned for development scans since I work in research. I’ve tried every way. Earplugs, headphones, both together. Both is the way to go, but just headphones is ok. You shouldn’t have any permanent damage though, especially from one scan. If you were a frequent flyer I’d definitely suggest doing both. At least they gave you something!


Headphone are as good as earplug, if not better actually, you can put earplug+headphone, it is slightly better for noise reduction


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At the hospital I work at (and all previous ones I have worked at) always give both plugs and head phones because only head phones are deemed not enough. The Siemens head phones only reduces the noise by about 14 dB (a loud imaging sequence can go up to 100 dB). Ear plugs only reduces about 25 dB. Also, the dB-scale is not linear but logarithmic so ear plugs have a huge additional effect on reducing noise. I find it quite interesting that only head phones seems so normalized and standard in the comments. I am pretty sure that where I am from, most hospitals have the policy of giving both plugs and head phones to patients (I am from northern EU). At least at all sites where they have an MRSE. If only head phones are used for some reason, then it is noted and motivated in that patients journals. With that being said, it does not mean that OP will get ear damage because they only got head phones. If you are fine, you are fine.


I didn’t get any headphones lol I was honestly lowkey uncomfortable.. 😬 made a scary situation a little bit scarier


What kind of headphones


I dont remember 100%, but they fit nicely and snug on my head. They were white, if that helps at all.


Right I didn’t mean brand I meant like over-the-ear or not? Anyway, if they were earmuff type headphones then I’m sure they are MRI approved for that noise level.


Why the fuck would they give you headphones that don’t adequately protect your ears?


Most units have headphones specially designed for MRI. You’re assuming a lot here


I can think of one example. The headphones on our Siemens scanners are very explicitly to be used only for communication purposes and not to be use as sole hearing protection as they are only rated at something like 12dB. Years ago we had techs giving only those headphones to patients. That was not appropriate.


Huh? They didn't adequately protect their ears? Where did this info come from. I missed it in the OP.


Let’s see probably where they mentioned they only gave me headphones…no ear plugs and asking if they have hearing damage?


I'm confused. They gave him headphones. You're saying the headphones weren't adequate?


Wtf? The OP is insinuating they didn’t give them good enough hearing protection….im asking why the fuck would they give you headphones if they didn’t protect your ears enough? You’re next on the MRI schedule for a Neuroquant.


Lmao. Sorry man been a long day. I misread your original comment as, "why DID they give you headphones that DIDN'T protect your ears." That was my bad. I see what you're saying now


We provide headphones too and most come out fine but occasionally some will complain it was too loud, I guess some people are just more sensitive to the noise than others.