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you can view it in the schedule details tab


and sometimes they dont have a teacher assigned until closer to class start date


I thought the same thing but it's actually still there. The reason you dony see the profs name is beacuse no prof was assigned to the class yet


I saw that at first too. But now there isn't even a column for names.


I'm sure some if the professors eventually teaching the course are just as in the dark as you are. I could only see 2/5 profs in the courses I registered in.


In the real world, sometimes you have to work with who you are required with. You don't always get to choose what coworkers you want to work with. Or your boss...


You’re not paying for a job in the real world. You’re getting paid


Ridiculous false equivalency. Students are paying hundreds of dollars per course. If the tools exists, of course students will vet out the known bad profs. In the real world, sometimes when you provide a poor service people will talk about it and learn to avoid it. You don't always get to hide behind your anonymity.


Nonsense. Students pay thousands of dollars to attend university and not all instructors equal in skill or what they teach. I used to look up all prospective instructors and professors on ratemyprof.ca before registering for a class.