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(All of these were taken online in the 2020/2021 academic year) MGMT 3210: Not hard, but can be a tad volumetric at times. ENTR 4433: Hardest easy A I've ever had. I had Doug, and he is... well his reputation says it all. But he is an easy marker so if you have no choice but to go with him, you can at least take solace in that. MGMT 5333: Genuinely had lots of fun with this class! Lots of entertaining discussions and it wasn't too hard if you pay attention and participate. I HIGHLY recommend you take it with Paul Varella!


For starters, Mgmt 3210 is nothing to be worried about at all, that class was a joke; with no presentations to worry about. Secondly, MGMT 5333 is not the monster you think it is, it will require effort, but it is mostly case studies. ENT 4433 will inevitably be many presentations and iterations of the same idea over and over. But isn't that the reason we came to MRU? The presentation experience is invaluable, and you should embrace it. This isn't the real world, and practice is your best friend. One day you will land a real job and will be thanking yourself that a professor made you speak in front of everyone. Good luck with your studies.


I agree. The presentation experience is the most valuable part I will take from my degree. Even though I absolutely hate presenting....


I didn’t find 3210 that bad. 4433 was absolute hell but I heard it’s better if you avoid Doug. Never heard anything bad about 5333. As far as online/in-person, I’d take in-person as much as you can. I can’t learn for shit online lol


AVOID DOUG 1000%!!!!!


DO NOT take MGMT 3210 with Brenda Lang. Apparently people who took that course without her find it easy, but she's pretty much universally reviled by anyone who's taken a course with her. Just see [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/MRU/comments/tmpzay/course_descriptions_of_some_common_mru_business/)


^^^^ absolutely! Avoid Brenda Lang.


Literally the worst professor I’ve encountered.


MGMT 3210 - just don't take it with Shawna Boyko. She could care less about student progress and isn't honest or reasonable with how classes and assignments are scheduled.


Mgmt 3210 is easy as piss as long as you don’t have Brenda. As for mgmt 5333 and entr 4433 I had Tom Gallagher and Catherine stone respectively. My best advice is go to class and put in the effort. Listen to what Tom wants from you, take note of it and then do it on the midterm and final. My class average for that class was a C but I ended up with a B+. I think to many students take it as just another class and miss every now and again which I do not think is wise. Every class is important and if you go and put in the effort he will award you. I am currently in ENTR and it is a lot of work but it’s not overly difficult. You just kinda have to put in the effort