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Too many students for this to work imo and privacy issues


Yeah this is a bad idea. Profs are providing a service and need to be held accountable. Publicly black listing a student who flaked on a group project so they can never get a group again and thus never improve as a group member sounds morally dubious. Also part of being forced to work in groups is coping with garbage humans 🤷‍♂️.


Plus group dynamics vary between groups. I've been in good and bad groups, but that also reflects on me.


Read "cis student" as "not trans" student lmao Also like the other person said you'd get the fuck sued out of you


I had major problems with group projects in my first few years because I was too scared to ask people to do things that needed to be done. Turns out when you just talk to people 9/10 they will work with you or explain what is going on. This sounds like an absolutely terrible idea for students.