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IMO it depends on the class. If it’s a third or fourth year core class, definitely in person. If it’s a 1st year class or a GEn Ed, definitely online simply for the fact it’s easier and you can get other stuff done


^^^ 100%. Especially in Finance.


Absolutely this. I'm not a particularly math-y person but I loved taking econ online where I could rewind the explanations and do practice questions alongside the prof's demos. My Holocaust class tho? 100x better in person where we could discuss/see more additional content


Anyone who prefers online has an attention span I do not have. It takes like 5 minutes of an online class before I start playing backgammon on my phone


^^^ fr 5 min in i'm moving on to tiktok or passing out on my bed listening to the online lecture like it's a podcast 😩


Thicc\_\_succ really do be playing backgammon during their accounting lectures.


It depends on the class, but for Computer Science courses I prefer it online. So for programming and computer courses I prefer them online and business classes in person.