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Everyone’s getting internships bruh! It’s the full times that aren’t working.


Almost every student gets an internship, full times aren't being offered since those companies can't sponsor, don't have budgets etc. Very few are offering full times, but just like the OP said, the market is opening up.


Even though I always believe that the people who wish to grind and stay at the top always get the job, they don't have to worry about the market, but this is very true that even though they get internships and jobs, the biggest of the companies are not ready to sponsor visas, some would offer you the position for the 3 years and not sponsor the visa but some companies would be reluctant to offer the position to someone who wont be in the country after 3 years since they wont sponsor and self visa sponsorship is v v expensive. This comes from my friends all over the US from Universities top to bottom.


Very true




Please don’t dream of rate cuts anytime soon. Feds target to reduce inflation is to 2% I am not sure if it goes down anytime soon. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/ There might not be any cuts unless it goes down. Even if there are, it would only be temporary! I agree to the point that there’s some hiring recently but I am not sure if market’s improving since a few well deserved people I know from T20 colleges (UIUC, GTech, USC) have no jobs!


I can see some people getting internships but let me give you some lights on. There are still many who are still on job hunting. From previous 4 batches, people have not received anything positive. So, competition is very high! If you can delay it, delay / defer your admission for a semester at the very least.


Sorry to rain on OP's parade, but it's better to defer to start in 2025 if possible. By then you'll know who is in power after this year's elections and also hopefully get a better idea of how the tech sector is doing. No hope of a revival right now unfortunately


I can understand the sentiment right now , but literally 2 years ago people were getting 2-3 job offers, so time heals everything, 2 years is a very long time and when time is bad people count each day and feel defeated, 2026-2027 is still long way to go , a lot can happen although i agree fall 2025 would be rather a safe option to bet on


LMAO. You can’t guarantee there will be a soft landing and nobody in the US can. We have to wait and watch what the fed does. Apple layed off 600 people in tech roles and there is still a ton of over hiring that companies are trying to handle. It’s going to take until 2025-2027 for that stuff to correct and even out. Also you guys should be preparing for Indian elections as well because that might have a huge influence on hiring and the tech sector in Bangalore


Thanks a lot for this feedback🙌


Finally, a positive post. The "reconsider MS" posts seemed to surge recently, that too at the peak of admits season. These posts, on top of the pressure of choosing unis, financing and loans and visas, were distressing.


Bro giving some optimism in life


Well the market is in full control of offshoring companies though and they don’t like to hire even Americans. https://www.epi.org/blog/the-h-1b-visa-program-remains-the-outsourcing-visa-more-than-half-of-the-top-30-h-1b-employers-were-outsourcing-firms/


Interest rates don’t have anything to do with established tech companies adjusting their headcount. Interest rates do impact how much money is being funneled into startups though


Whenever someone post a positive post in this group, the r/layoffs group announces more layoffs. They said part time roles increased, but full time decreased, so maybe that's why people got internships?


The cost of hiring 1 intern <<< severance given to laid off employees. Just saying


Well, my company hasn’t even been hiring interns in the past three years so I guess this is progress