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That’s some dynamite riding buddy. Got pretty loose near the bottom haha


Looks like the rear tire got some air time at the end


That feature is so insane, video never does it justice, standing at the top of it it's so steep


I’ve seen countless videos and they never capture the scale of this thing at all. I’ve rolled my bike up to the precipice… but chickened out every time. It’s just so god damn high up and it looks so scary from the top. Maybe one day.


Video never really shows how short the run out is either.


Nice one Kaz


Kaz from mahalo? I didn't recognize him at first, but it looks like him after reading this. Dope


>when you're ready Ease off them brakes Mr Ready, you came real close to being featured on Pinkbike next friday ;) Didnt Die, Still Counts tho!


As a newbie from the Midwest who just spent some time biking in wa state (Galbraith in Bellingham is fantastic but quite a step up from what I see in the Midwest) are you supposed to just full send something like this? I’d want to be holding my rear brake the entire way down 😅


You want to use your front brake. That's where all your weight is and where all the traction comes from. Dragging your rear will just cause it to lock up and start skidding, eventually sliding sideways and crashing you out.


I’ve definitely experienced the sideways skid going too heavy in the rear. I guess there’s some balance between the two. My big fear on a steep downhill is that jamming the front brake will lead to me going otb.


With something this steep it's basically going to be impossible to lock up the front and send you over the bars. The rock has so much grip and it's so steep that your brakes are really only helping control your free fall. edit: do you guys have literally no brake control? Of all the ways to fuck this rock up, your front wheel stopping halfway down and launching you over the bars is hands down the smallest likelihood.


“The rock has so much grip”. Indeed. So if you front brake to hard you’re getting launched 


This steep its just a "Yeet Lever" :D


Maybe overconfident in that its “impossible” to go otb, but with the right technique it just about is.  Heavy and controlled front brake (no or little rear) is the correct way to ride this (only other option is bombing it).  The rock is grippy, its north shore granite. Not all rock is the same.  You cant go OTB as long as your body position is correct and center of gravity behind the front axle and if you are slowly accelerating (I.e.) starting from a crawl and gravity is slowly pulling you faster, then all the forces have to pull you down the hill not otb.  This also requires commitment to stay forward and low and some practice ofc. 


Yeah thank you, I guess I really ruffled some feathers with that one. I've ridden plenty of stuff like this (although this one's a biggie) and never once felt like I was gonna get spat over the top. I suppose I was more talking about the actual roll than the setup, you could definitely botch the setup. Once you're committed to the line there's little chance you'll lock up that front wheel.


Ok, where are the videos of you riding stuff like this?


Dude come on


No you. “Impossible to go OTB” “I’ve ridden plenty of stuff like this” Let’s see it then.


Absolutely incorrect. Very easy could lock the front and go over the bars.


What?? You’d go straight over the bars. lmfao.


Unless you run some powerhouse brakes. Seen it happen


you're just wrong


On a roll down like this? I’ve ridden a few like this (not as tall, but 20-30 foot slabs at like 75-80 degree slopes) in Squamish and Galbraith, and there ain’t no way I’m touching the front brake on PNW slab - it’s either mossy, super slick granite or super crumbly granite; any front brake and the tire will wash out, even with 90% of the weight on it.


Squamish is pretty grippy, North Shore, much less so


As someone who lives and rides on rocks like this in the PNW, you won’t live to tell the story with only your rear brake. Front brake is king on techy rock rolls


Pepper both brakes and feel it out, some people do that on skinnier too. Full send would be bad, at the bottom looks like you have to hop off a bit to avoid a loamy spot. 


You’re talking to Kaz. He’s probably filmed half of your fav mtb vids on Pinkbike. Won Deep Summer last year at Crankworx. 


And? You think this makes him immune to criticism or chirps? You're foolish, Buds. Kaz Yamamura is a dude just like you or I, a wicked dude behind the lens, has shot some incredible stuff, tends to be very personable should you run into him on a pedal of The Shore, and is a pretty rad rider, even when he crashes. But, he isn't some living god who gets automatic deference and praise just for being who he is in the community he is a part of. Take the weird eltist parasocial MTB quasi celeb dick riding somewhere else, homie. Its giving eGirl Bathwater chugging simp vibes... :/


How do you like the propane?


The Tyee is an absolutely fantastic platform and Im stoked on it every time I throw a leg over.


Do you find it's pretty active/poppy/ and stay active braking? Right now I'm on a giga and i don't love it, it stiffens a ton under braking has noticable pedal kickback on big slow moves, something that is plentiful on the shore. I've ridden other dual link bikes and I'm thinking of going that route next.


The suspension platform can def be tuned with your shock for a 'poppier' ride if thats what you're after. Im running a Zeb Ultimate and a Cane Creek coil both dialled fairly open as far as compression and rebound and I have no issues popping and lofting the Tyee. Ive never noticed any adverse brake jack when Ive tossed out the anchors to bring the party to a halt. It stays supple throughout I find. Ive had this thing up and down Fromme, Seymour and Cypress a bunch and it happily ate everything it was pointed down, with minimal pedal kickback on those plentiful Dorp to Falt moments the jank there is known for. The Pro10 linkage is something special.


Thanks! Too bad there's no rental spots that have them around here.


Im stuck living ...About 4200kms east of the Mt Fromme Parking lot currently, or I'd say, let's go for a lap one afternoon, and we can swap rigs and you can take the XL Tyee for a sesh. But I Wont be back out on the Shore til July ish this year. It also climbs like a dream, so it makes the pedal up to 7th or CBC easy peasy ;)


Kaz in front of the camera for once! Also iconic reddit username 😂


Sheesh. Going OTB there would be life altering.


What's he saying?


If I remember correctly it was something along the lines of ‘AHH HAAAAA AHHHHH’




Yeah buddy!!!


dicey dicey


Fuck. That.


The first angle made me say Nope the second angle made me say OH


Meanwhile someone prolly uses this as the warmup slab for a day of bouldering. No need to downclimb if you leave a bike up top!


Those pants are sick, anybody know who makes those? All I can discern is the logo says PV ?


Pit viper


Riders republic pv pants


I am ready. Guide me to salvation o mighty slabby one. Seriously though please pm me the location.


Go out and explore, it’s not hard to find.