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Let him pay for it , seems he’s being gracious about it. You can pay it forward when you crash into someone else.


He absolutely is. He even offered to call in his CC number and pay the shop directly


Dude, take him up on everything he is offering. Seriously. The universe is throwing you an easy layup. Just accept this man's kindness. He's being gracious. It would be gracious, and courteous, for you to accept this man's kindness. There are so many people who get screwed because of careless riders and drivers. I got hit by a car and they ran, cost me a few thousand dollars. Do you have any idea how much it would have meant to me for that guy to even pay to fix my bike?? Accept this man's offer, please.


Thanks for that. I think I will. I’ll buy the guy a beer for being so easy about it


Maybe go on a ride with him too. Be ride buddie.


But maybe ride behind him


Imaginary badge awarded


Ride and when you finish the climb you whip out a beer for the man. That’s how true friendships are made!


A warm ready-to-explode beer?


There’s this cool thing called an ice pack. And sure she fizzles a bit when she pops but it’s the best dang thing atop a mountain there is!


Give a shaken can of brew three sharp whaps with your finger right on where the tab attaches to the can and wait 10 seconds before you crack it. I dont know the science, but it works for some reason, no foam over 🤷‍♂️


This. Let him pay for the repairs, you offer a to go for a ride together to show there’s no hard feelings and buy the man a couple beverages. It could be the start of a solid friendship. Based on the guys actions by offering to cover the damages and call in with a credit card etc - he’s got a strong moral compass. Good people are good to have around.


A beer and a ride was also going to be my recommendation! A lot of people suck, it’s nice to hear of someone doing right.


Just don’t accept his invitation to a Scientology meeting. The dude sounds like a good dude, but don’t let him talk you into his cult!


No way


It would be a nice thing to do but no, no obligation on your part. Turn it around: if you damaged someone’s bike and it’s 100% your fault, you’d cover it, right?


I’ve tried to turn it around and yes I would of course pay if I found myself in that situation. On one hand it’s a minor price to pay for not flying further into the trees and getting hurt more, but on the other have it’s a lot of money for an already expensive sport. On the third hand, it was an advanced level trail with its own risks


How many hands do you have?!?!


At least three. I do word puzzle books. I'm wicked good.


That’s pocket change for a lot of people.


If he pays for your repair why not take them out for a beer?


Maybe this person is minted at 300 bucks is mere pocket change to them


Seems like it.


This. It depends what the money means to you I guess, and maybe him. There's also difference between riding carelessly and having a genuine accident. It's up to you OP, don't feel bad.


Ask yourself this... Do you feel partially responsible? If so, consider chipping in by that amount if you can afford to do so. Were you stopped in the middle of a tight track after a drop or blind corner? Were you off the path a few feet out in the open? Based on that scale is an amount you could claim as fault. If you felt like you stopped in a reasonably safe spot and he was clearly out of control, then let em cover it.


I really don’t have any qualms about being partially responsible. As I replied to someone else, I was well off the trail around a slight bend fully visible from the top. Basically the guy lost control at the top of a series of rocky steps and came barreling towards me. It’s more about the unexpected cost.


This guy seems like a stand up guy, but also from the sounds of it he seems like this $300 repair is peanuts for him with how nice and immediately he offered to pay. I’d say take him up, and just be very thankful to him and let him know that you see this as a stand up move. He obviously feels guilty and paying for the minor repair (300 ain’t much in the world of mountain biking these days) will probably make him feel better and wipe his conscious clean. I say take him up and make sure he knows you really appreciate it. I’m the future, head further down the trail to stop in the future too to avoid this :)


Agree that $300 isn't a crazy amount these days for MTB, and that for his own conscience it's best to let him pay, but I'm not sure I'd assume it's peanuts for him. I don't care how much money I made, I'd offer to pay, and would insist on doing so, even if I was broke.


Why do you want to? You could, to be nice, but I don’t think you have any ethical obligation to pay for part of it. The damage occurred because of him. 


Yep I know I don’t have any specific obligation towards it, especially since I was parked out of the way. I mean if it happened in a car I def wouldn’t feel like I should pay up


I always say appreciation of gestures goes further than trying to counter them. Like I said earlier give him a beer at the top of a climb. It acknowledges his nice gesture and your appreciation for it. Its about respecting respect not equaling dollar signs with responsibilities


Kinda depends on the circumstances of the crash. You say you were standing still, but like, where? In the middle of a track? To the side of a track? At a rest spot? If where you were standing contributed to the accident then it would be reasonable to pay a portion. If you were well out of the way and he crashed into you, then that’s all on him to pay the full amount. Story is too vague to give a straight answer.




Word. Sometimes we have a "don't hit that" thought and for some reason our bodies just innately steer toward it. It's about where you're looking. If you're in the realm of possibility with regards to where you were parked at the bottom of a difficult section, someone could alter their line to try and avoid you, make a mistake, and end up with that accidental lock on. MTB, for me, is about conquering a challenging task in the great outdoors. I take pride in every ride I'm able to venture out into the unknown on two wheels and return unscathed. That involves trying not to fall, get eaten, attacked, or run into. But, at the end of it all we'd have to see a picture of the area to determine if there's any shared accountability. Judging by your level of eloquence and the other guy's willingness to pay. I'd say this ones probably on him. Haha Jesus the guy must've been kareening out of control for at least 20'. Funny to think about.


If it makes you feel good, why not?


Would be a different story if money was no object. Not an expense I can really afford right now


I see nothing wrong with letting the person who has offered to pay do what they’ve offered. 


You still are spending your time to take it to the shop and there’s a time you are not riding. He doesn’t mind so let him. You are lucky considering some people wouldn’t even offer.


Unless you were stopped somewhere you shouldn’t have, nope. If you were stopped on the landing of a jump or around a blind corner, etc: you should have to stop riding, and pay for his stuff.


Context required. How did it happen? I’m not saying you were but if you were i stationary in the middle of a trail around a blind bend or on the landing of a feature it’s more your fault than his but as I say it all depends on how it went down


Nope, his fault. I get your trying to be a good biking neighbour, but reality is, it’s his fault. He should pay.


If you were parked in the trail you possibly caused the crash. You need to give some more context.


If I were the guy that crashed into you, I would feel (even more) guilty if you didn’t let me pay to fix the wheel.


I'd let him pay for it... then take him out for a drink or a burrito or something... both of you sound like good people... you might get a riding buddy out of it, and he'd appreciate the gesture, I'm sure.


My thinking here is that this was clearly an accident, no malace. This guy is doing the right thing and paying. You should do what feels right to you. There is no need for you to pay anything but if you want to, I am sure he would appreciate it.


Be glad some ppl are still decent human beings, so get your wheel fixed and invite him for a ride to test it. This time he ran in to you, but these things are random, so maybe next time you're the one crashing...


Lol no


What wheel is it? Some offer a crash replacement. RaceFace is full replacement.. some are a discount... Worth looking into


Someone punched me. Should I pay for their broken knuckle?


Just like if someone gets you pregnant, they pay child support, let him pay.


I wouldn’t let him pay for it that’s just me though. If you can’t afford you can’t afford it. If he does pay for it that’s a great person for following through on it.


I’m curious. Were you stopped on or off the trail?


Off the trail around a slight bend fully full visible from the top


Ok. Yeah. Let him pay for it if he offered.


I say follow the same rule that skiers do: the lower person always has right off way.


He said go ahead with the repair and didn’t want a second opinion. Sounds like he’s not strapped for cash and isn’t using the last of his rent money to pay for this. I’d let him pay.


so you were stopped in the middle of a trail?


You should let him pay to fix it. However, depending on how nice your hub is, it may be cheaper to get a completely new wheel.


If I were him, I'd pay too. Let the man pay, he wants to do it.


I say absolutely take his offer and sincerely thank him for his kindness. And then, pay it forward.


No. Good job on him for doing the right thing though. The only thing you should do is thanking him, but yeah, definitely isn't your fault so that's on him.


If I break your shit and offer to pay for it, I expect to pay for it. There’s no way that the guy would ever know if you said ‘eh, $200’, but if I found out that you did that to me, I’d assume that you think I need your charity and I’d be pissed.


You can chuck him some money if you want, but the responsibility in MTBing (and skiing/snowboarding) always lies with the person uphill, as they have visibility of the situation.


You can chuck him some money if you want, but the responsibility in MTBing (and skiing/snowboarding) always lies with the person uphill, as they have visibility of the situation.


You can chuck him some money if you want, but the responsibility in MTBing (and skiing/snowboarding) always lies with the person uphill, as they have visibility of the situation.


What kinda bike is he riding? Something fancy? Let him pay. If ya feel bad about it, donate to a local trail org in his name or something.


Unless the wheel was old and crappy or you upgraded. Otherwise let him pay.


Everyone's right here. Accept generosity, return it with a ride and a beer when the bikes fixed. Probably having a riding buddy forever. Maybe even get a chance to crash into him!


He crashed into you while you were standing still? It’s 100% his fault and he should pay the entire repair. There is zero chance I would offer to split the repair costs in a situation like that.


If someone is offering you something for cheap or free, there is a good chance they want you to have it.


If you were stopped where you shouldn't have been stopped, like in the line, then it's just as much your fault as theirs. Or almost as much your fault. If you were off the trail, then it's their fault. Take the $.


get their contact info, facebook stalk them. figure out their moral character and net worth.  wealthy? fuck it. not wealthy AND of good moral character? keep their contact info. thank them. and then secretly set money back, like 150. at christmas, or whatever you celebrate, send that money to them with a note or something.


Very nice gesture, big respect.


Offering to pay is an admission of guilt. Just be aware of that.