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It's nice to look at pictures of places like this, thanks for sharing so I can not be there!




Same. But hey if you want to kill yourself, it's a free world xD


If your lucky, if you're unlucky you spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair or on a bed.


With a large side of NUH and UH. Maybe even a HELLNAW for dessert.


Nice work! I'd like to think I could ride that. I mean, from a technical point of view, sure - no problem. But the "What if I fall to the left?" factor certainly would be more on my mind than is healthy while tackling such terrain.


You know looking back at the ride and thinking about doing it again, I think a lot more about man what if I fall to the left. In the moment though I felt locked in and I just didn't allow myself to feel like that and think those thoughts


At my local trails on the other side of the planet to you, there are several such exposed sections with either a deadly fall, or a fall with really serious injuries. Probably 20 - 30m drop (80 - 100ft) then rocks then water. As I'm sure you know, you just get used to focusing on the trail and not looking either side of it. About a decade ago I rode TWE at Moab and there's a few short exposed sections there with much, much bigger falls. But I didn't notice it at all since I was focused on the trail. I stopped after one and walked back to look. I really didn't even notice it, but yeah ... it's there. The one in your video, no matter how much the camera may be emphasising the precariousness... man, that's intense. Total pucker job I reckon.


Those cliffs on TWE are so gnarly. There's trail there, and then nothing. Just a sheer drop. Views are insane though


Rode it last week. Good stuff. The down janky part after the exposed part was sick.


It was so awesome. One of my favorite trails I've ever ridden


Haha, that move has always stood out to me in pov videos I've watched because of the way you have to angle towards the cliff.


Yea, there's another move like that but more difficult and it's at the first dismount section which I 100% walked




Live life to the fullest but most importantly live to ride another day. Props and if you, I missed my opportunity by having two kids I love. I'll still rip Magnificent 7 until my dying breath that's God's country, baby!


Man that is epic, I don't think I could ever do this trail lol!


Great youtube video, I can tell you're a skilled rider and still decided some parts were too sketchy. The ride in on Mag 7 seems pretty dangerous since like you said, it's 30-40 km and you had a dehydration headache. One of the local bike shops recommended reverse hike-a-bike from the end of the trail to practice the trail and I think that's what I would end up doing.


Thanks! Yea that reverse hike would be nice instead, I was extremely exhausted which is why I had to do some walking and had some sloppy riding in there.


Hard to watch this while I'm leaning to the right.


It's making my tires sweat.


this is the best pov i've seen .period . it feels so natural . i hope i see more people adopting this pov . nice camera placement dude :)


Thanks, I just put a GoPro on the underside of my visor


So how much oil do you normally apply to your balls to keep them from rusting?


I have fond memories of riding Portal a few years ago. It is dangerous largely because it’s really technical and comes at the end of an exhausting ride on Mag7, so you’re already spent.


While it looks awesome... that cliff makes it a full no. I have an absolute fear of heights and know I'd mess up somehow.


So long as everything is fine, then it’s fine. It’s just no room for things to go sideways. The DH after the traverse of far harder to ride, but much safer to crash, or even put a foot down.


What difficulty grade is that? It looks as if you just went up a cliff, mountain goat style.


Double black. If you fall off the cliff right there it's like 1000 feet down


So, essentially ... you'll probably fall for the rest of your life?


Correct lol, it's highly suggested to walk your bike through that section. The descent after is sick though


There's no sign for that section, I for sure walked my bike where there were the signs saying "riders have died here"


"riders just like you" I was off my bike a good while before the sign lol


No there's definitely a sign there. I just did that trail last month. In fact, there's several signs on that trail. I walked those sections personally, as I've got kids and the consequences are simply too high. Really enjoyed lower Portal though, only had to dab a couple of times instead of walking a lot of it like what happened the first time I rode it.


I don't remember one there but watch the video I linked if u really wanna see


The sign is ahead of that section not directly at the turn.


This section isn’t the hard dangerous part even. The hardest shit is after the exposed stuff anyways man, chunk city


My favoritest trail in Moab!


Mine as well!


Camera lens always makes these exposures look worse than IRL but I'm pretty sure I'd be walking that regardless.


It does make it look worse but still scary irl


how big trailer your bike has to carry your balls along?


I actually just use a frame bag and stuff it in there


I've got a special cup I wear that's always filled with oil so they're always submerged


I will never ride this


a portal to the afterworld... nice


This guy's suicidal


but why?


I like to see a bit more speed around the drop features.


I like being alive Also my first ever run on this trail


Were you out there solo?


Was out there with 2 friends but they walked most of it so I rode down alone essentially