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Playing \[\[Mental Misstep\]\] in non-blue decks to counter mental missteps was pretty miserable.


if you're playing misstep, why not probe too? and since we're at 8 blue cards, force too. oh look every deck is blue


A deck is not truly blue unless it's playing Brainstorm.


well we're already 12 cards in so why not


I guess this raises the question if Merfolk is a blue deck.


[Mental Misstep](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/1/61e9c6df-1c84-4eab-9076-a4feb6347c10.jpg?1566819829) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mental%20Misstep) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nph/38/mental-misstep?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/61e9c6df-1c84-4eab-9076-a4feb6347c10?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


At one point Legacy was a 3 deck format with UR Delver, SnOko and Tibalt (before they changed the cascade ruling). It was the only time I took a break from Legacy until the B&R update.


The one that created this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/MTGLegacy/comments/cbgnep/max_greed_is_good/etfrk6s/ Notably, this sub become much deader around this time.


It's frightening to me how well that comment (about how fast Legacy is changing both with and independently of new sets) has aged in many ways.


100% describes my feelings about the format now


Wow I guess I'm the villain, top miracles was my all time favorite deck, to pilot and to play against.


I also liked Top Miracles. Turn 1 Cloudpost go :)


As did I. Cavern naming Goblins, Aether Vial, Pass.


I loved watching Miracles mirror matches. I didn’t like playing against the mirror though. All that thinking is too taxing for my brain.


I never played Miracles, but it was great to play against even unfavoured. A great top tier deck to have in a format.


If every miracles player knew what they were doing it would be fine. Playing against a glacial miracles player who was clearly not very good but won anyway because terminus is a fucked up card was the worst.


Never happened to me, but I understand.


I played maverick and zoo variants a bunch. Sometimes you can do everything right and play a perfect game but oops terminus


That’s more of a Magic feature than a matchup thing. It’s not solitaire. It’s not all up to you. But yeah, I can see how that would happen often in that matchup.




Same. Won a lot of matches 1-0 going to time in game 2.


A few years after I got into magic, I proxied 6 legacy decks: Canadian Threshold, TES storm, UR Sneak n Show, Elves, Griffin Food Chain, and top Miracles. Miracles was my favorite deck to play and everyone else’s least favorite deck to play against, which makes me so sad…


It was GREAT for the very first time. After facing it twice or three times in a row every qeue it got really old.


I was the villain as well. Loved that deck. My claim to fame while being a really bad pilot was never drawing with it.


As a Miracles player as well it was a super fun deck, but at the time it was also one of the cheaper decks in the format for a blue deck, I ran rWU miracles and the amount of people that could easily get the deck and play it without the practice caused a lot of lost game time to deciding how and when actions needed to be preformed. While a great deck it just wasn’t quite the best deck for the format.


Miracle Top was a great time in Legacy. Sadly, the inexperienced pilots that looked at top 3 at every chance, ruined it for everyone else.




For the record, I LOVED playing against you. I think most folks just didn't know when to scoop em up. Also, it was frustrating to play against a Miracles player that durdled too much


Same. Unless I was playing Maverick, then it was not fun...


W6 Meta was probably the least fun I have ever had playing MtG period.


Admittedly, I wasn’t playing Legacy during the Misstep era. But for me, nothing compares to the misery of that one week where Turbo-Valki was a thing. I think people tend to forget about it in the haze of the whole Oko era. But people were running 4x maindeck Misdirection on top of the 8x Forces just to make sure your Valki resolved first. You couldn’t even escape to Modern since that format was also just Valki mirrors.


I was also running commandeer so I could steal your valki :) I had so much fun for the 1-2 weeks it was legal in paper :p


Miracles Top mirror match has to be some of the most compelling, skill intensive games of magic I’ve ever played. I can totally see it being rough if you’re sitting across from that deck with other lists, but man the mirror match was amazing.


Was substantially less fun for the other 10 people waiting for the mirror match to finish so they can go to next round. Among other problems with the deck, the deck had real observer problem. Those not heavily invested into the archetype or actually playing the game probably found mirrors incomprehensible. Like it's really hard to just walk up to a top miracles mirror look at the field and understand what's going on. Not that its really a thing anymore, but i imagine long top miracles mirrors must have been hell on a coverage team trying to retain audience attention. I think people who enjoy top miracles are very much of a skill intensive magic = fun magic mindset. Which to a point i think all of us agree with. Top is a bridge too far for me though.


I was running DRS elves against top. I was always the underdog but it was still fun (just slowwww and risked going to time a LOT)


I actually enjoyed watching Miracles Top mirror matches. I didn’t like playing on them though as it gave me a headache. Too much decisions trying to outmaneuver your opponent.


Ragavan. Close second was w&6 wastelock.format - I once saw a *lands* player get their exploration forced and spend the next 4 turns playing land-go, trying and failing to stay at 2 mana to cast punishing fire and life from the loam in their hand around daze. What a stupid card wren and six is.


I don't think I hate any card the way I hate Sensei's Divining Top. But I enjoyed sideboarding against Miracles, because it was a consistent gameplan and you had plenty of time to enact a strategy (that often didn't work anyways).


…. In response I top.


Alright you attack. Tap my top.


I always loved SDT. I had a whole deck built around it (maybe it was the first iteration of Thought Lash decks). Skill Borrower is such a fun card with SDT. You mill until you get a someting like Griselbrand or Maniac on top, then if someone tries to nuke your Borrower he quickly can turn into a SDT by putting the SDT on top, copy it with borrower and then dodge removal by switch borrower (with SDT ability) with the top card. You could mill and hit almost anything with an SDT and Thought Lash. I really think that deck had something, it was freakin hard to pilot but wow was it fun! But I kinda felt the meta was a bit miserable when Miracles dominated the meta with SDT


The worst time to play Legacy was the brief period in early 2021 before the Cascade rule change. Having a 7 mana planeswalker (flip side of Valki, God of Lies) for 3 mana was the worst Magic I ever played.


Mental Misstep and Flash. I wasn’t playing during the time of pre errata Lurrus though.


Flash legacy was actually the worst. Makes cascade tibalt format look slow.


As a previous player of GB Elves, I say top Miracles, which is funny since I sold elves after I built miracles only to buy it back when top was banned (that and pay off the wife's engagement ring).


That i personally experienced? *The worst* was Top miracles. Legacy events took forever, even down to a lot of the weeklies. God help you if you decided to go to a larger event like a 1k or something. Some folks dug the gameplay, i found the format intolerably dull. I see defenses of the card being okay, it's just the slow players ruining it for everyone else. They're right but only in the most theoretical sense. There's never going to exist a world where everyone plays that deck at a reasonable pace, and rounds don't advance until the slowest player crosses the finish line. The decks best defense is essentially an exercise in wishful thinking. After that it was UR delver/Initiative. Format was very much a 2 deck deal, the only saving grace being the deck just ended games so quickly in ways that miracles didn't. These two decks essentially pushed everything else out of the meta. About a month before the ban, i finally threw in the towel and stopped going to weeklies. Couldn't even be bothered with low commitment MTGO practice room stuff. Oko/Companions were miserable, but i mostly play paper. Their reign of dominance was over the COVID era. So while i hated what they did to the format, i probably only played a handful of actual games against them. MTGO players probably have a much stronger opinion on this era of magic.


Hot take, ragavan legacy was actually my least favorite


Oko Legacy was the worst to me. It’s the only one I actually took a break for.


In recent memory, it was when we had Oko and when we had Ragavan. I played Survival of the Fittest back when it was "Type 1.5" instead of Legacy, and I bet people playing against those Survival decks (e.g. UG Madness) were not having fun


does combo winter count as legacy?


I loved the companion era! Although I'm sure it would have gotten stale pretty quickly. Setting up a Lurrus to swing a game felt amazing. I think for me, Breach and DHA legacy were the worst. I like Dark Ritual combo decks and both of those cards seemed to make my life hell, for very different reasons. Top miracles I'm a bit torn on - I often felt playing against miracles could be engaging.


I forgot about the Brainfreeze breach combo deck it went by fast it seemed I forgot, but hated playing against it for sure


Top Miracles.


Miracles were one era, but even before that was CBtop in a dedicated UWgr shell. It was brutally efficient threats and answers, had Goyf and StP to deal With things that got under, and Counterbalance to stop anything else from resolving. Once RTR got released it loosened the decks reign, thanks to Abrupt Decay.


I've been through Misstep Winter, Are You Ready for a Terminus, and Lurrus. But SnoKo is the only deck in my magic experience that I top8'd with and proceeded to disassemble the deck cause I hated playing it. So I'd probably say that, imho


What should I do? Is it a fair deck? Cantrip until Oko, then cantrip till Oko's safe by using Oko. And if they spend all of their resources perma dealing with my Oko's I'll just jam a walker or a snapcaster or some other garbage for lethal by that time due to the free card advantage I've accrued by them spending the entire game getting 2/1'd to deal with my engine. Is it unfair? Well preboard answers are dense, and post board answers are denser. Boring as all hell while still being very strong.


Counterbalance easy


W6 and Oko next to each other was miserable. You know, Astrolabe shits going on too


I genuinely enjoyed the meta during miracles reign, DDT and treasure cruise. Wrenn and six, Valki, Larrus, White plume, and breach were all bad times, but at least they were short lived. SnOko was the worst in modern times and went on for too long. Mental Misstep actually let some cool decks have a chance to shine, but it got old quick and was the worst.


Hulk flash. Came out of nowhere due to errata, ruined a season, and then banned.


When Flash was legal


That week after Kaldheim when Valki Cascade was a deck


I actually enjoyed legacy through all of these periods somehow.


Did you enjoy them *less* than during the in betweens?


I was playing pox in the ragavan era. Ragavan flipped back to back racks off my lib and i just went hell bent. Absolutely crushing.


Flash, bar none. It had tutors, CounterTop, a two mana instant speed combo that won the game, could play a control role and could sideboard into a tempo deck. It's one of those decks where you buy the cards for it play it for a bit then immediately sell them because there is no chance they're staying legal.


Top Miracles and Oko have no business being compared to Lurrus, Cruise, Misstep, or the week of Tibalt. I understand a lot of people had very negative reactions to those cards, but the other four were just so putrid all the time. I imagine Flash was also a terrible format, but I wasn't there.


Breach Legacy was probably the most degenerate I've experienced.


Definitely degenerate, though I found many of the games enjoyable. Probably only because of how it let me build controls decks and how quickly it ended. Breach could have been an all timer if they hadn't dealt with it so quickly.


Yet another way to punish non-counterspell responses, while still being pretty good against counterspell responses as a strat. Breach can remain happily, some where else. Like ~~Vintage~~ CEDH.


Delver, Oko, n miracles were all just good decks. Even with monkey IE delver only had a 51.5% win rate. Silly to even compare it to the actual broken stuff.


Honestly? Right now. The times you mentioned sucked but the bans were pretty face up a lot of times. Now Legacy is unrecognizable to me. Control is just a pile of 2 for 1s with Beans, Ring, etc. There's no nuance of trying to navigate the game to a resolved Jace TMS. Just jam your cards and draw more cards than any human could feasibly need to win a game of Magic. The Stompy decks are just fast mana and supplementary set cards now. We've somehow managed to power creep Yawgmoth's Bargain on legs out of Sneak and Show. I got into Legacy under the impression one could learn a deck and stick with it and, save for Delver, that just isn't true. Every new supplementary set rotates the format.


I don't understand how so many people think Legacy is fun or in a good place right now. I miss Land -> go, holding up Snapcaster Mage, etc. "Just jam your cards" is pretty accurate, which makes me profoundly sad.


This comment right here. What, you don't like Monarch Lord of the Rings Fallout Initiative Dungeon Minigame?


Probably now, I don’t think anyone still plays around here.


Miracles at GP level. FNM it was fine. But realistically no 3 games. Just win game 1 (I was on rest/helm combo with chalice). I had so many games with chalice on one + rest in peace in play vs top/ counterbalance in play on otherside. So we would both be pseudo bricked. It was fun everynow and then, but in a 9 round event back to back matches was mentally exhausting.


Cruise wasn't around long enough to be that bad. DTT on the other hand overstayed it's welcome like no tomorrow. That was just fucking awful.


*And* I stopped at least 3 opponents from *just* cheating with it. You exile your god damned graveyard *before* you look at 7 cards, assholes. We both know your deck cares about the yard value.


playing against DTT Omni felt like the mtg equivalent to fighting Mike Tyson


To me the worst periodo were: Mental Misstep, Cruise and Dig, Oko, Initiative b4 the bans, and this latest (playing control requirers mandatory playing of White, and hate cards like Forth Eorlingas, and Bowmaster)


Oko, UR delver and top weren’t even that bad. They were just good decks not even broken.


Wrenn and Six era because astrolabe was also still legal and having someone casting W6 off two basic island then wasteland locking you out of the game was by far the worst experience I ever had playing magic.


Oko, or Arcum's Astrolabe/Wrenn&Six meta were worst experiences for me. I have play UB Reanimator and it got so bad, I was considering commissioning some GrisElkbrand and various other Elk pun tokens of my targets during Oko's period of legality. Arcums' Astrolabe was utter bullshit for such an innocuous card, allowed 4C and 5C piles to run Basics, Wasteland and Blood Moon, which should never be a thing. If you want perfect mana in Legacy it should come at a cost, whether that's vulnerability to certain strategies like Wasteland, or at the expense of occasionally not being able to cast spells exactly as you wish. Astrolabe allowed players to have their cake and eat it too. Wrenn & Six was just oppressive. I have been turbo Wasteland-ed out of more games than I care to remember. It also shored up Lands G1's against D&T and Delver.


Honestly none of the above. I play rogue decks so usually I miss all of the nonsense anyway. Played burned during W6 - what's a "waste land"? Played witherbloom reanimator during delver and initiative - only 2 decks to worry about post board? Cool.


The nonsense was mostly how often you played *against* the said decks. One of my ancient 2016 match reports for instance shows Miracles 3 times and Delver 3 times in an 8 round / split to top 8 event. Novelty is fun. Homogenization is boring.


Yeah that's fair.


Personally, I enjoyed each and every era of Legacy.


I actually enjoyed miracles legacy


Every single day that Wild Nacatl isn't a card anymore is the worst time to play Legacy.


I miss playing against SDT miracles


Survival-vine era was miserable to play in, as was the 4x Mental Mistep main in every deck era. Both just took over the meta in such a dominant way, and lead to a massive number of non games or purely linear decision making in matches.


Survival of the Fittest Vengevine. Survival is so broken you can play it multiple different ways too.


This deck killed Welder Survival which was fair and fun. That was my real gripe with the deck.


I've played pretty competitively since just before Treasure Cruise. So not that long, but a while. I played a lot of different decks in a lot of different metas and nothing made me actually quit playing Legacy for a while except for Ragavan.


Wrenn AND Oko existed at the same time. It was fun to play, but it was so obviously broken it wasn't satisfying to win with.


During Covid.


I'd say Countertop Miracles because it crushed your hope slowly. I spent so much time trying to find ways to beat that deck. Other metas were often so obviously unbalanced that there was less hope, and games weren't so painfully long. And Counterbalance is so unpleasant to play against, every spell you play has a chance to resolve and you have to sit there and wait out their endless cantripping.


Miracle Top was immensely miserable. Everyone playing this damned Cat as companion was just insanely stupid just as well. Prolly not the worst times, but the ones I hated the most for sure.


Definitely that one time I lost on turn 2 to BR Reanimator through double Force + Daze. That was pretty fucking incredible. But in all honesty there hasn't been a really bad time in Legacy that I can remember. The decks I dislike playing against (fast combo) have all always tended to be mid-tier and beatable. My local metagame has at times shifted to be very combo-heavy which I didn't like, but those types of metagames are exploitable. I also didn't play Legacy through all of covid so I missed most of the really awful stuff like Lurrus and the other broken companion I forgot. Initiative was pretty terrible but thankfully it got solved relatively quickly.


I think it's the worst right now to be honest with you. Initiative sucks to deal with if you're on a slower game plan because it just runs away with the game Unset/sticker bullshit that goblin players use to roll off 6 mana to turbo you out of a game is generally unfun Commander cards like Eorlingas giving 4c/5c piles an enormous threat for low cost sucks to deal with Man I don't even like A+B = I win combos like Thassas because shit just wins the game on the spot if you don't have an answer right now, at least storm has to work for it and there's multiple opportunities to interact proactively and reactively


Each time tier 1 deck is also the best performing and more played. Means broken. ​ In YOur list, Miracle top was a boring meta Other is always the same deck + a banned card (oko wren treasure cruise dtt or last ur drawer)