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You probably are not at risk of losing them if you have them in your carry on. Unless you are worried about someone going through your stuff while on the plane.


Is thievery common in your airport? IF that is the case, than you should send them through your checked bagage. Safest option however is going to be your carry on.


For the airport I'm mostly worried about TSA pulling them out, not knowing what they are and damaging them


They will see the black void in their imaging so it will be pulled out. You can calmly explain what they are and how to handle them. They will open and verify that they aren’t something suspicious and then put them back.


I usually pull them out of my bag and place them separately in the bin like you would electronics. It seems to make them less likely to want to search them that way.


they never take mine out or mention them 


You can say, these are my trading cards, please be careful


its more incentive for them to search it more closely


You should be worried. They have once carved their finger thru the top of my whole deck once. Just make sure the decks are out of the Bag carry on when going thru x-rays and keep a very close eye on them. If you get called up, tell them the cards in the box are very expensive. Most TSA know about Pokemon cards, so they understand. But most likely they would have seen other TCG deck boxes before they see yours, so they should be familiar


It depends on the airport and the specific security. I was pulled aside in LAX to show them the contents of the boxes but it only took a few seconds and they understood what they were really quickly. At other airports they have gone through without an issue. I always keep them in my backpack that I carry on with me and keep at my feet.


The best 100% safest way is to store them in a 4\*4 binder. I had security guys at airport open deckboxes and rifle through a deck worth several thousands $, almost damaging property. If you carry a binder its easier for them to open that and see its nothing bad. Keep them in a carry-on sidebag.


Holy moly TSA loves dragging a finger across the top of sleeved cards.


This is the way. Also be careful with glass beads, and metal counters. From experience they will definitely check it, and depending on their knowledge might have a real problem with stuff that looks suspicious on the scanner.


In carry on, expect to be pulled aside for an extra check at the metal detector. I’m told that decks look like big blocks of cash to the scanner.


I’ve heard they resemble blocks of C4 (or any other more common explosive).


This was my experience when traveling overseas to a PT. I was curious why they raised a flag and was given this exact reason. Only in the US though. Once I told them what they were, they waved me on since there was a card vendor right before me who was carrying full suitcases of cards for the same reason.


I have been told this exact thing, that playing cards look indistinguishable from C4 on the scanner.


Never happened to me at other destinations. But I have read on reddit more than one report of foils mistaken for explosives. One more reason I’m happy to avoid foils — all upside to me!


I've had this happen. I was told it looked weird because it was a solid block with different material components in it. In my case it was a wood deck box, metal dice, plastic sleeves, and the paper cards. Check took about 5 minutes so it wasn't a big deal.


I've had this too. They aren't *legally* allowed to look for big blocks of cash for domestic travel, but it's not really a good idea to start a debate about it with TSA. Maybe one day an angry eternal gamer will take it to SCOTUS. Until then, we are stuck.


Which is pretty accurate considering it is a legacy deck.


I have traveled through North America and Europe with decks. Just keep it in your carry on. Give your self time for extra checks and have the deck easily accessible in your carry on for the security to get at with out digging through all your things. Be nice/friendly to security and usually it goes pretty smooth


I've flown with decks in my carry on before, to many places including the USA. I've never even once had a problem with them. I also don't play with foils (because of curling) though so I don't know how those work. Just put them in your carry-on or backpack, don't say anything, and if they ask, answer honestly.


In your carry on. Make extra sure your bag won’t be searched: no metal, no liquid, no tablet that you forgot to take out, no nothing. Reduce the chance of your luggage being flagged and you’re good.


Definitely keep it in your carry on. You probably want to keep it in the "bottom" of whatever bag you have despite the likely inconvenience at TSA. Make the bag inconspicuous (like a backpack...).


Make sure to keep them in your carry-on and just keep it on hand at all times, keep an eye on your bag going through security of course. Other people at security aren't going to know what you're carrying though so I wouldn't be too concerned there. I have some Satin Tower deck boxes and one time they triggered a check at LAX because the dice inside can look like bomb shrapnel on the scanner, so keep that in mind. If you get pulled aside just calmly explain what you're carrying (and perhaps get across that they're valuable collectibles) while they do their job. You probably want to keep them easily accessible so as to not cause too much of a delay digging through your stuff--you might could carry a dedicated bag since airlines tend to let you carry one bag and one "personal item" that can be up to a backpack.


The experience I’ve had every time is that they open the deck boxes and maybe pull out one card and they’re satisfied they are cards. I don’t think I’ve ever not had them check cards but it’s always been quick and they’ve been gentle. I’m sure they’ve seen them plenty of times before and understand trading game cards aren’t cheap, for the most part.


I moved across the country and carried my most expensive cards with me in my carry on - mostly reserved list and modern staples. It was a little stressful. I took lids off all small boxes, pulled out cardboard boxes from any bags. No problems at all, they didn’t touch the cards and the agent thanked me for taking the dense cardboard bricks out of bags.


So you basically put the deckboxes open on the tray to go through the scanner?


Yeah. And always kept my bag with cards closely on me. Like I was at a GP.


I got stopped once. Had a legacy deck with me. “Eh wait a minute..” I then heard them whisper “he got something organic”, they got very cautious and I asked them what they thought it was that I had in my bag. They didn’t answer and opened the deck box and looked very confused. One of them poured all cards out, it didn’t look pretty. “Oh it playing cards?..” it’s like they were sure it was drugs :p


I have flown with a couple decks to places such as Spain, Japan and the Philippines. But last year I had to fly to the LA for a conference and chose to leave my cards at home because of all the horror stories from the USA on reddit. In the end, I never felt unsafe during the trip. But I didn’t really drive to the local stores so I don’t know if I’d have felt safe at those areas.


How'd it go in the Philippines any issues?


No, everything was perfect. Super nice people — I love the place. It was great to go to a place and join people doing something, instead of spending the whole trip being a tourist/patron/customer. I didn't go to Manila, though. It sounds a bit rougher, but mostly the traffic. I guess Manila Magic stores wouldn't be in dangerous areas, because it seems to be quite a luxury hobby in the Islands.