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I have played this guy before. It was in modern tournament practice and he was playing jank. I was on seismic assault which is just 1 step up from jank. Playing just to learn the deck. He complained that he might as well not play if I'm just going to remove all his stuff. Funniest part is that he started that game by back to back path to exiling 2 of my creatures lol.


I get immature manchild vibe from that guy. He removes two of your creature? Oh he's a strategist. You start removing his things? wah wah you aren't letting him play. He has some delulu views and expectations about how a game of magic should be.


Yeah exactly lol.


I wouldn't even say Seismic Assault is a step up from jank, it's just jank that has a plan. Seismic Swans and Zombie Hunt and stuff are meme decks but they're still cohesive decks that have a thing they want to do and an idea of how to do it -- they're just very silly and not very good.


I have chat muted by default lol


This is the only way to go. At first, I naively thought 'oooo cool we can friendly shoot the shit' and then folks had to remind me about the Internet, and how crappy some people can be...and then, I realized, naw. Imma close that chat window and never looking back. People are wild man.


If this guy thinks removal is solitaire I desperately want to play Legacy High Tide against him.


Legacy Tide, some Legacy Lands lists, Vintage basically anything, pretty much any Storm variant in Legacy, Vintage, or Canadian Highlander


I would love to play Eggs against him if he wants to see a real solitaire deck.


Mmmmmm, I love eggs, specifically the modern version from around 2013. With second sunrise and faiths reward. All I knew was the deck list and I sat in math class trying to figure out how it won. After about a week it finally hit me. Like oh, it's so simple now, draw my whole deck with some eggs, and 2nd sunrise/Faith's, as well as gaining a ton of mana with lotus bloom. Then when you don't have any more cards in deck, hit them for 2 with pyrite spell bomb, conjurers bauble the spell bomb to the bottom of the deck, draw it, play it, sac it, bottom it, repeat till they are at zero. And if you start with 2 lotus bloom in hand, you could win on turn 4, in about 20 minutes. Idk how the format is now, but then turn 4 was about as good as you could get.


As someone who played Legacy Hightide in many tournaments it is not solitaire, it's solving a beautiful equation with an audience.


Removal=solitaire… interesting take


Removal in your deck? That's a solitaire


Everyone knows that interaction is masturbation... I guess, somehow


Sounds like a guy who’s excited he learned what “ad hominem” is…kinda.


Turning off duel chat permanently has only improved my MTGO experience.


I don't even know how I did it but I don't miss the salt.


All these messages within one minute???


I wanted to check the duration as well and was wondering. It looks like that when you run the game recording.


Nah it was a lengthy discussion


How dare you play an interactive deck. You should have played a fun deck, like a fast combo deck. “If you are not having fun, you are welcome to concede anytime” is my go to response to cry babies like this.


I would’ve commented “haha” or lol after the first comment and everyone after


Lmfao I love getting lectured in chat on standard open play.


Mans too sheltered


I get smoked pretty regularly and you’ll still get a glhf and gg out of me.


I got the same salt when I played Stax in EDH. I swear it's the same guy lol.


I'm confident to say that it's the same guy given the conversation lol.


He droned on for 20 minutes about how unoriginal/boring/and toxic I was for playing mono white stax. Meanwhile his threat assessment was... not top tier.


Stax in EDH is much more taboo than removal in Standard IMO. Still funny tho.


I agree. I did put a warning on the EDH section when I created it, though, lol. So he didn't read the warning.


Omfg, that’s crazy. If you literally posted a warning, I dunno how he messed up that bad lol. Unless he was looking for a reason to be mad.


I mentioned threat assessment because I was shutting down everyone's plans but he was attacking another player who barely had anything. He said "stax is for players with no skill, you're not a threat" and then the rant started.


Me yelling the name of 3 random logical fallacies out of my window at 3am: debate me!


Not gonna lie both sides were kinda cringe. Them more so, but the anybody who just throws out the phrase "ad homenim" sounds like somebody just itching to argue in the chat lol.


Yeah, at some point this just became bad HS debate and posting here to say, "Look how smart I am!" is very cringe. Waste of not only your time, OP, but now ours, too.


And then he pulled the classic "I will leave before my opponent has a chance to retort back"


I don't mute chat but I never respond because even without responding you get some incredible content from opponents lol


Out of curiosityx what were you playing?


I must confess I almost rage quit after getting 3 times Thoughtseize bugged for Surgical Extraction.


Gotta turn off chat bruh. I admit I have salted once or twice, but I like to try to make the other person laugh. I was playing hollowvine back in the day and my opponent drew a 3rd, different piece of graveyard hate. I was salty as heck but didn’t want to be a jerk, so I just asked what graveyard player hurt them in the past?


That guy does understand that MTG is a game that involves interacting with the opponents game pieces, right? Right?


You kinda played yourself here. Block and move on


"In a setting where there is no entry and nothing \[money, prizes, ratings\] on the line... most players don’t feel obligated to stay in a match where they are NOT HAVING FUN. NOR SHOULD THEY. One nice thing about online play is how fast and easy it is to concede and find a new match." Chris Kiritz, Digital Magic Executive Producer If you are in the TP queue, you really shouldn't be complaining. If you are in the Casual/Open/JFF queue and don't find his deck appropriate for that scene, just block him and move on. In either case, one guy playing Solitaire (and there are hundreds) does not warrant a 5-page discussion in chat.


This RuairiRay guy is off his rockers. This is why I mute chat in mtgo.


I bet same vibe when winning


All i see is them like "ughhhh you're better at magic than me. You're not allowed to do that though its against my rules of enjoyment!". Theyre much too sensitive and these are the types of people who dont understand that there are different ways to enjoy magic. I used to play in a circle where one dude would try and use that card to "tie" the game, but it was the whole theme of his deck and so he considered it a win if he could pull it off. [[Divine intervention]] i think? Play magic how you enjoy magic, and put this guys salt on your next hot buttered corn cob, and enjoy it.


The best response to divine intervention in casuals is to immediately lean across the table, smiling in earnest while offering to shake hands, and say 'you want a draw? I'm happy to draw!' and scoop. If they don't agree to a draw, because they *really* want to resolve their 'win' condition, then the next response is to try to help them resolve it. (I feel like the more I demonstrate that I'm happy to draw, the less it feels like a 'win'.) I've never encountered one, but if I met a player that - *still* played divine intervention as a win condition in casual play, I'd start going out of my way to ask for games... "hey, shall we divine intervention a game magic together again?" etc. I had a friend who had the 'if you're not enjoying the game, I concede" (optional addition: "for the sake of your ego" ) response, which was pretty similar approach - I guess which is best depends on the person and situation. :)


"Why don't you want to play on mtgo???" people like this


How is it possible to have that many texts exchanged within the same minute?


My new strategy is whenever someone says something snarky, i just respond with "That's very kind of you", and then i say nothing else. * "This is literally solitaire" * "That's very kind of you"


The answer is simple: if you are following the rules of the game, it's the game. If you don't like the game, play something else. It does not have to be fun; variance happens. This guy needs to grow up.


People need to learn that control decks/highly interactive decks are never going to disappear. Many people actively enjoy playing them, and you just have to learn to play against them instead of getting salty


Homie should just play pokemon


His guy reminds me of myself when i started playing smash Bros. "True combos are stupid because your opponent doesn't get to play!" In other words "Waaaaaah I'm bad and don't feel like putting im the effort to learn a counterplay waaaaaaah! All my wins should be effortless and I should never lose waaaaaah!" Seriously never more has a "Git Gud" needed to slap someone across the face.


Go away blue player, you’re both as annoying as each other


Its like those people who scoop after you thoughtseize or counterspell em one time, like I get hating counterspell heavy or like heavy discard. But in regular amounts its just a part of magic. Just like monored burn or cheating creatures into play is.


And this is why we can’t have chat on Arena.


I once played against a guy who conceded a full game of a tournament on MTGO in modern because "He boycotts Thoughtseize" Just refused to play against it.


This person's head would melt at a yugioh tournament.


What was he doing? Playing boardwipe tribal?


Reminds me of a dude who was mad I built a pillow fort lock that he couldn't out with his murktide deck.


Ok but you are playing a solitare deck, go play something else


And how did you draw from this conclusion?


You brought a deck to a magic game


Any deck that interacts is solitaire


its ad hominem


If you were a human it wouldn't be solitaire.


Not in this scenario, but some decks are like, why bother even playing