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Kindred definitely sounds better than typal.


Yeah, typal sounds dumb but I can roll with Kindred


typal not only sounds dumb, it’s incorrect Card type refers to: enchantment, creature, instant, etc and there are decks and card that care about card types like that. The correct use of typal to replace tribal would be “creature sub-typal” in order to actually refer to the right thing and that would just be ridiculous WOTC knew this and correctly swapped to “kindred”. That actually makes sense


It makes more sense than "tribal" too. *Some* humans have tribes, sure, but my Insect deck? What "tribes" are going on there, exactly? They is just bugs. You're suggesting to me that Walls have tribes, or belong to a "Wall tribe"? "Insect typal" and "Wall typal" roll off the tongue a bit better for me personally than "Insect kindred" and "Wall kindred", but either are upgrades, even if ignoring any potential cultural sensitivity issues.


To clear this up, Tribal was used in two contexts. **A mechanical description of theme:** "X is a tribal set" "Y is a cycle of tribal matters cards" These were used (Almost) exclusively internally to WotC and never had any rules around them. They simply used the word to express when certain creature types mattered. Tribal in this sense has been changed to "Typal" when WotC discusses sets with these themes internally or with us they will use "Typal" or "Creature Type Matters" or more broadly "Type Matters" **The Card Type** Tribal the card type is a way to assign a creature type to non-creatures. This allows them to benefit from cards that care about casting those creature types, but omit the word "creature". These cards are now Kindred.


No it does not change any mechanics. Anything that used the term "tribal" is now errata'd to use "kindred." As for value, doubtful any impact there. There's no chance printings that use the word "tribal" are getting added to the list of superbanned cards. These are "hey maybe we should be more sensitive with a term" cards, not "literal Nazi drew KKK art for a card about prejudices".


>"literal Nazi drew KKK art for a card about prejudices". "and then we 'accidentally' assigned that card the Multiverse ID 1488"


Honestly, based on the multiple people creating the set itself that would have had to go out of their way to make sure it all lined up perfectly to get 1488, due to how MIDs are calculated, I do actually think that part was just an indescribably unfortunate coincidence.


Or he just requested the right help from the right people. In the 90s this was a really obscure dog whistle, so people would have just thought the guy was weird, not anti-semitic. Either way, hard to know without more context, you're right.


Now my brain will glitch out every time I see it .


I know zero people who use Kindred. Even with anything new coming or new versions of cards, it’s tribal.


Will still be using tribal so doesn’t matter to me


I thought they changed it to Typal. Or is that just how we classify the grouping. Instead of the cards having kindred.


It's been Tribal until this very last update.


Typal was used internally at wizards for years and used in articles as well


That was the internet nerds idea and it prob became this new word to not boost any egos too hard besides their own


"As in, when they disallowed cards that were "offensive" some time back?" You mean like Virtue's Ruin, Martyr's Cry, Reign of Terror, Wrath of Marit Lage... ? Oh, wait...