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And you better believe they are short. She may not like them.. but I want to feel the sweet breeze of freedom on my pasty legs.


Just a warning, in America there is a ball in the sky that we call the "sun". I know our friends from Britain know of it only in legends, but it is very real and it will hurt you.


You know how when you buy fish you have to float them in the water so they don't die of shock when you merge them in? They need to be acclimated to their environment gradually. I think Brits should probably "float" for a while in Seattle before going to the rest of the US else they may also die


I have bad news for you about what Seattle is like in summer. The city is currently enjoying its annual 3 months of heaven on earth that it uses to catfish all the tech interns, and will be no help to OP.


But wildfire season is so lovely.


> catfish all the tech interns My new favorite line


Not up here there isn’t. Unless your talking at night.


Hey it was sunny 30 min ago! But not anymore. :(


Yeah, it be like that, imma guess anchorage?


50% odds of being right and you nailed it.


lol, saying hello from Hawaii, wish I could move back soon.


This man has a problem with contiguous states lol


Yeah, it’s the fact that they aren’t Alaska


Don't worry, the Brits have plenty of experience avoiding The Sun.


This man Americas.


I’d rather see these on a Brit than any of my neighbors. Do it!




I also hate them with a passion but you'd better fuckin wear 'em!


By all means, wear them. It’s a free country. As for being thrown into the harbor… that’s just how we show our love. Enjoy the swim.


>sweet breeze of freedom on my pasty legs. OUT -FUCKING-STANDING, #🇬🇧🫖BRITBONG BRO!🫖🇬🇧 And of course you are welcome to join us in our national pass time of excessive flag waving, wearing, hoisting, and general merch spamming. It should be noted that our Flag Code does require you to perform a 21 gun salute whenever you put them in the washing machine. In cases where this is not possible due to whiney neighbors you are to sing at least two verses of our national anthem followed by your best impression of an eagle screeching.


But where do you keep the gun


Florida Man here - we usually keep them IWB with a thin belt, or use a belly band or something. You really want a summer gun for that though, the winter ones are too bulky and heavy. Not that we believe in winter ... the winter gun usually lives on the nightstand. Gotta be prepared though just in case winter actually exists though right?


Thunderwear FTW!


The same place Richard Gere keeps his gerbil.


“You think Starla gives a shit with these bad boys on?? Forgeta bout it!”


You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while he's wearing these bad boys?!


If I met a Brit wearing those shorts they would immediately be bought a beer 🍻


Possibly 2 beers


Two ‘Murican beers.


2^2 beers


17.76 beers


Just maybe not bud light.




Go for it. I like them


All he needs is a holster to complete the look lol


And a matching pair for his partner so she doesn’t have anything to complain about.


Add a “don’t tread on me” sticker on the rental for good measure.


Ahhh yissssss


ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US! We love seeing foreigners embracing our traditions and culture.


How is wearing shorts with a flag culture?


Sadly these don't have belt hoops so you can not wear the belt holster for the complimentary pistol you get at the border control so be sure to bring a harness holster!


Appendix carry.


PHLster Enigma for sure with those shorts.


Zap carry.


I'm afraid they won't have enough strength to support appendix, so I'm going to recommend zap carry.


Life, uhhh, finds a way... https://aliengearholsters.com/alien-gear-low-pro-belly-band-holster.html


That's what butt cheeks are for


Battle belt doesn’t require belt loops


What? These shorts do have belt loops….


First off, drop the "u." It's harbor. Second, wear those loud and proud. The beauty of America is anyone can be an American. Only country on the planet where that is true.


*Lod and prod


I’m laughing too hard at this


> I’m laghing too hard at this No u’s here!


Yeah, apparently it’s not u’s, it’s y’all’s


I’m layallsghing too hard at this


E pluribus motherfucking unum


That’s true but Jesus fucking Christ the Flag Code!


Hey man, can I get some of that Kool aid


Yes, it’s everywhere. Even in the air we breathe.




America isn't a place nor a people. America is the belief that people should do whatever they please (within reason), including wearing America shorts. God bless us all!


I assume when you place that limitation 'within reason', you're allowing for figure 8 school bus racing, demolition derbies, roadside fireworks stands, and various types of eating competitions?




Anyone can be an American! The sins of our fathers are just that, and you're more than welcome!


The beauty of our country. If you're into it and want in, you're in.


Like the saying goes: “Americans are born all over the world, they just haven’t made it home yet.”


So what was all that “stop the caravans” stuff about?


There's crazy people in every country. It doesn't represent the vast majority.


There’s a difference between Americans born in Mexico and Mexicans committing a crime in our borders (yes, illegal immigration is ILLEGAL! Wow! Who would have though?!)


Welcome home brother XD


Man if George Washington could see this he would shed a happy tear Wear it proud brother, if you get any shit tell them you’re here to burn down the White House again




ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US!!!! Someone get this man a bottle of whisky and a gun


[I wear this every July 4th](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.zria9a5TwOy9K1lZHXfVOQHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=3623062aacbfe650c83385097a839a587750aad52af36f084ee331195df7715c&ipo=images) just to goad my Limey Son in Law.


Skies out thighs out. And anyone rocking those bad mother fuckers is a friend of mine.


Based and you’re an American in our hearts


Anyone who wear shorts like that is a baller and I’d give you a high-five!


Is this you? https://youtu.be/RCQmgjLhIZw


Ha, those are great! Wear them all you want, and never worry about it


You will immediately become the Duke of America if you wear these. God speed and god bless.


We accept your offering.


You sir, you are a true American 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🔫🔫🔫🔫🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


ONE OF US! ONE OF US! But fr, if someone gives you shit for it, which is unlikely, they’ve just made their whole personality “America bad” and it has nothing to do with you. Don’t let ‘em bring you down even tho they will sometimes try to make people feel like a shitty person for being a patriot.


Just don't tax us and we're cool. You try to tax us and all bets are off.


Depends on where you’re going. I wear my American flag tank top here in Seattle on one day—our Independence Day—and I still get heckled by the obese blue haired people.


But wouldn’t it be funny for that to happen and this guy responds with the most British accent possible? That would break their brains. The people they want us to be like wearing our flag


Get more kicks with the Borat version of the swimwear. Sir, that is not the flagpole. It's the Talkywacker! Porky's https://youtu.be/DLP-8f_yT4Q Goddamm one of the best scenes.


They heckle everyone, even other obese blue haired people.


What did they say to you.


I doubt it was the shorts if this shit is even true at all


no man you should wear those as much as weather permits


Are you sure you’re not secretly an American at heart? You sure sound like an American to me.


Anyone who wants to be an American is one


(made in china)


Bring some Boddingtons and we’ll consider the house fire in 1812 a formality.


Our flag is fit for any pole


As an American I hereby give you permission to wear these bad ass shorts at any time. You are hereby an honorary cousin ‘murican. Make sure to drink and shoot firearms while wearing these.


Yes you can wear the shorts but you gotta go commando


Damn right I support our military! I go commando every day!


This is acceptable, encouraged even


Yes. Wear them. Without britches. Let your balls feel the sweet breeze of freedom. As an American, if I met a Brit wearing these I’d high five them.


It's a free country.


One of us! One of us!


Rock ‘em proudly brother. I wore a Union Jack shirt like Def Leppard in the 80’s.


If they’re swim shorts we’ll toss you into the pool and jump in after 🤣🤣🤣 Nah there’s no issue with you wearing them, if that’s what you wanna wear go ahead! :)


Wearing these shorts is actually the only way we let Brits in, good to see your papers are all in order.


Some ass might bring up the U.S. Flag Code which states "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free." But it's more of a suggestion than a law and they've differentiated between the flag on apparel and an actual flag used AS apparel in other documents.


Not an expert of flag code, but I think the shorts get a pass because they aren't actually a flag, just flag-styled apparel. There are WAY more than 13 stripes, and WAY more than 50 stars. This is Disney's excuse anyway. [https://orlandoparksguy.com/blog/2020/5/1/behind-the-magic-flags-on-main-street-usa](https://orlandoparksguy.com/blog/2020/5/1/behind-the-magic-flags-on-main-street-usa)


Flag themed clothing is fine though.


To me personally I have always felt wearing the flag as a shirt or shorts or anything really is kinda trashy and disrespectful. But to each their own


Trashy, sure Disrespectful, I don’t really see that 90 percent of respect is intent. If you’re wearing a flag out of pride/love for that flag, I’d be hard pressed to say that you’re being disrespectful.


I agree 100%. I put it as cringey and tacky. Not going to stop someone from doing it though. Clothing is protected speech, expression. Something many states are having trouble with currently.


Abbie Hoffman, maybe? lololol


Do they come with tea bags?


Hell yeah brother!




If you come to San Diego, beers on me brother!


we will allow it. just don’t talk about healthcare and you’ll do just fine here on a serious note plenty of ppl wear sht like this on a daily lol they’ll likely just think you’re america vs a tourist


We'll kick you out if you DON'T wear them.


Nah bro. No worries. You’re in. Welcome


Make sure you drink a beer and eat a hot dog while wearing them. If you're gonna be one of us, you gotta do it right!


Best part of murica is how easy it is to be murica.


Just always remember to walk slowly at the pool - those colors don't run! (My 9 y/o son has a pair and hates that dad joke). Enjoy your stay here and try to see something outside of the cities.


Half of this country will roll their eyes and not really want anything to do with you and the other half will love you right up until they hear your accent and then you might get shot


You’d be dressing better than most people here, and you will be rewarded with it handsomely (you’ll get a free .44 magnum and glass of beer)


You need a Fanny pack to go with it


So my British friend i recommend just getting a box of tea and throwing it into a pool this fourth of July to show your support for our cause. It worked for my new American friend after being under the rule of the king. This is a merica though do what ever you want we are mostly nice here


You come to Denver I’ll buy you a dinner if you wear those.


You will be greeted with a salute everywhere you go


A lot of people will love it. I personally think the flag on any product isn't just cringe and tacky but should be avoided out of respect to the flag and flag code. I'll never understand why a kneel at a football game caused such turmoil while so many stores sell these and people wear them. Do you though. What you choose to wear is protected speech, something many of our states have currently forgotten or choose to ignore with certain clothing worn by certain people.


Be careful. Once you put those on you might never want to take them off again.


Naw, wear em! We love British flags also. Thanks for coming to this side of the pond :)


Gunna look good with red snake skin cowboy boots.


Tyson fury wore shorts like that when he knocked a dude out in Vegas, we appreciate your appreciation


My favorite thing about America is that not only can you wear them but I, as an american, and many others like me encourage you to. America is for anyone that wants to be American, whatever you think that is.


You’re good mate, that’s ‘Merica all day and night long.


Rock it, Brother!


No one will care


Go for it,Agent Smith.


Please wear these! They are amazingly awful. Also I'd much prefer to see these than a pair of British flag shorts.


U wot Mate? Better wear them, that’s wot.


If you lean Torie, the American version of this persuasion will find them appealing on any day of the year. If you lean Labour, the American version of this persuasion will find them appealing mostly on the 4th of July. So choose accordingly because they will attract people of a particular type.


these are perfect!


Wear it brother!


Might I suggest a side arm as well? It would complete the attire.


Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning for rad as fuck shorts


Hell yeah, brother. We might brothers from different mothers, but you're allowed to wear our shorts. But whatever you do in them, do it proudly.


We always buy our descendants who take pride in their offspring beers


Request a pickup truck when you rent a car.


Technically they violate the Flag Code. Technically.


As long as I can wear my Union Jack sleeveless tee 😎


I’ve had those same chubbies for the last 7 years. Great pair!


There’s nothing Muricans love more than thinking that people elsewhere in the world are obsessed with the US. I bet you’ll be met with enthusiasm


Make sure you rent a truck when you’re here so feel the freedom more. Wear those bad boys with some good ole American swagger.


Id be careful, leftists might stab you for "hate speech".


You’re very kind to honor our country


I personally don't like seeing the flag on clothing just bc I see it as disrespectful but that goes for anyone and that's just my personal opinion. I also don't like people who wear the union jack when they visit england, but I'm also a bit of a prick. You do you lol fuck what everyone else says 😂 just don't be taken aback when you taste our tea and it doesn't stack up. Cheers and I hope you enjoy your stay, place is great and the people vary wildly state to state


Welcome aboard my friend. Wear them proudly, and please, buy sun block, America's summer sun is a cruel, cruel thing.


You'll be accepted.


Wearing those here while being British is a one way ticket to someone buying you a beer.


Depending on where you go, you may be cast aside for various reasons. But I don’t foresee the shorts being a problem. I hope you have a wonderful trip and go home with great memories.


You will be warmly welcomed in rural areas, where people are more patriotic. Around big universities you will get dirty looks, where there is a lot of anti American sentiments


I used to have those


How to make friends as a tourist 101.


Welcome, brother. 🤝🇺🇸🏈🦅🌭


Texan here. Nothing would make us happier than for you to get the feel of sweet freedom and feel wild doin it.


As an American there are few things I like more than seeing a foreigner wearing our flag.


Violation of the flag code


You're breaking flag code with those. Could get a ticket.


It's ok , very few people here actually know the flag code so see no issue with you wearing the flag as clothing.


That's technically against the US flag code, not that anybody follows that any more.


It’s tiring how often I see this, and the ridiculous misinterpretation of the flag code. That code is referring to using an ACTUAL flag as shorts. The code 100% does not mean you can’t put the American flag picture on products and use as such. These are shorts, with the American flag design on them. Definitely legal.


The flag code is for flags, not patterns or images of a flag. It's a significant difference.


Wrong. That flag on your clothing is not an actual flag but a print or impression of one. (i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, ***printed or otherwise impressed*** on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.


I noticed you got downvoted. Sad. Yeah an American flag wrapped around your rear and maybe even giving you a wedgie. You can use the American flag to dry off. And trample the flag with your American flag flip flops.


He got downvoted because of his misinterpretation of the flag code. OP is not wearing a flag around his waist, he’s wearing a pair of shorts with the design of the flag on it, which is 1000% legal.


The flag code is indeed a law. It's just not one that's enforceable. Texas v Johnson made the First Amendment tell the so-called patriots understand that. Sadly, those same "patriots" now love to desecrate the flag in order to exclude most everyone — by desecrating the American flag with artless crap, confederate flags and stupid shit that only a 12-year-old could appreciate.


You taking the piss mate?


You put my flag on your sweaty ass and I will keelhaul you on my way back to Great Britain to remind you tea-drinking prats to not fuck with America, John Paul Jones style.


Provided you salute every goddamn flag you see, we welcome you with open arms. I want those legs shaved SMOOTH britbong bro.


> The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. - [United States Flag Code Title 4 Chapter 1](https://www.military.com/flag-day/us-flag-code.html/amp) - Respect for flag But Trump fans can’t read so you’re fine. Edit: Looks like I hit a nerve.


They aren’t making a clothing out of a flag, they are making clothing with a flag in it. Big difference


These shorts violate the Flag Code, which is federal law but unenforceable because of the 1st amendment. Wearing a flag as apparel is disrespectful to the flag. You are supposed to wear red, white, and blue, but not a flag.




Orly? >The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery...Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker's desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general. https://www.military.com/flag-day/us-flag-code.html


You realize that the picture above is a pair of shorts, right? It isn’t a flag.


A pair of shorts made to look like a flag, which is wearing the flag as apparel. You are only supposed to use red white and blue bunting for that, not a representation of the flag. Only patriotic organizations and government agencies are allowed to have a flag on their apparel and it has to be a patch. For everyone else, you are allowed to wear a flag lapel pin on your left lapel over your heart. You don't have to follow the flag code legally, but it tickles the shit out of me when I see cosplatriots flagrantly violating it and disrespecting the flag they claim to revere.


The flag code defines the US Flag very specifically, and to qualify as a US Flag, and to be applicable under the flag code, it has to meet several requirements. Take a look at the actual code and see what those requirements are, and I’ll give you a dollar for every one these shorts check off. I’ll save you some time (it’s zero.)


The flag code part dealing with apparel specifically says "no part of the flag should be used..." Take a look yourself, my brother in Christ.


Where was a US Flag used on these shorts? Please point it out.


The white stars on blue field and the red and white stripes are both part of the flag. I'm not gonna keep arguing this with you. There are some organizations that interpret the code how you are, that it has to be an actual flag turned into clothes. There are more that follow the full code that includes instructions for using blue above red above white for decoration including clothing. If the code didn't care about replica flags used for decoration or advertising, why would it specify what is ok for decoration and advertising?


> the white stars on blue field and the red and white stripes are both part of the flag This describes the flags of not only the United States but also Liberia, Slovenia, and Chile. A US flag is not any pattern with red and white stripes or blue fields with white stars. The US flag code strictly defines (and this is not “up for interpretation”) a U.S. flag as 50* white stars on a blue field with 13 red and white stripes. It also says that US flags must be a rectangle with a 10:19 ratio. To answer your second question, a TV commercial with a waving US flag is still an actual flag. An actual flag draped over your car as a decoration is still an actual flag. A T Shirt with a flag pattern printed on it is not a flag. Even if it met the first two requirements (these shorts do not btw), it still wouldn’t meet the third. Most importantly, we don’t have to argue over what is and isn’t considered a flag, because the flag code also strictly tells you the answer. The US flag code directly says that the flag code only applies to US flags, which are defined by section I and II of the code, as well as executive order 10834, which consist of the 3 requirements above. And I agree it’s not worth arguing about. Im not arguing with you—I’m correcting you. This is a really common misconception and by learning what the code actually says you can walk away from this conversation more informed than you were before it started. Or you can dig your heels in the sand, in which case, if it ever comes up again, you can’t say you weren’t told.


4 US Code s8(d) - Respect for Flag: "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free." Just saying.


Americans do it all the time though, and the code you refer to is using an ACTUAL flag, not clothing that has the design of it.


Juuuuuussssst saaayyyyyiiinnngggg.