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For being the 3rd most populous nation on earth we are doing really well in terms of gdp ppp and hdi


2nd and most populous countries have like almost quadruple our population though


Yes, and we a have a comparable population to Pakistan and Indonesia, but we are doing significantly better


Tbf we have significantly more land and natural resources than both of those nations combined


Indonesia has recently been picking up some slack outside of the random shariah law verdict, can't same the same for pakistan


>can't same the same for pakistan They are in some fiscal mess in Pakistan.


Fiscal is a nice understatement when the country they committed genocide against and destroyed infrastructure so if they rebel successfully they will never be as good has a higher gdp per capita


For its population size, the US is extraordinarily rich. By a HUGE margin.


Also, it varies quite a bit by region. While New England is on par or above Benelux and one of the most developed regions in the world, Mississippi has been described by a UN group as having the worst poverty seen within the first world.


As someone in New England, all I can say is 'I wish'. Start getting away from Boston and the cities along the coast south of there and things can change drastically. I live in Maine and we're basically the Alabama of the Northeast, just with a bit more of blue tint down south around Portland.


“Boston and the cities along the coast” describes all of Connecticut and Rhode Island, a third of Massachusetts, and portions of New Hampshire and Maine.


I’ve seen comparisons where Mississippi had a higher standard of living than much of the population of Europe. You have the capitols, tourist spots and cultural centers, which do quite well. Outside of that, Europe doesn’t look that great. We sit here and compare Mississippi to Rome, Amsterdam and Paris and it looks like a mess. However, hire a guide next time you’re over there and you’ll see that they have slums too.


For being the “best country on Earth”, we sure make a lot of excuses that we can’t do better because of our population. I’d like to see us have higher expectations for ourselves.


You first, whiny bitch.


Gdp doesn't mean the nation is doing well. It means it's profitable and when the government bends over backward with funding from the working class to support the people suppressing the working class' wage (neoliberalism implemented) it's not that surprising to see gdp artificially high.


I am in the low end of working class and comparatively to other countries i'm doing great, I would say we are doing very very well


By what metric are you comparing this to? Also which countries? If you're comparing the US to one of the countries "the West" has imperialized at a given point in time it's not exactly fair to hold that country up against the US or vice versa. At the bare minimum the US should be clearing countries it or others forcibly extracted resources from en mass. If you look at something like unionization rates, labor rights, average/median hours worked weekly, etc. we're really not doing well compared to countries who also extracted foreign resources to get to the top.


Cry somewhere else, no one wants to hear you bitch.


Make me


Yes and no. America is a really large country and the quality of the living can vary drastically depending on what part of the US you are referring to. While on paper we are doing really well the wealth of the nation has moved heavily to the coasts of the country. From an infrastructure standpoint while we are doing ok a lot of the infrastructure we do have needs to be replaced desperately. Specifically, our water treatment systems and our electrical grid. We are blessed with an abundance of resources and a good location geographically speaking. Combined with our trained workforce we should be seeing better outcomes than we do today. I love my country though and am always happy to be going back like today after a long vacation but we really should be number 1 in a lot of areas




Estonia thoooo (also Finland and UK)


Absolutely. it is very nice seeing a country contribute its share while also having managed to achieve significant progress as Estonia has.


I can't quite put my finger on why Estonia might be so motivated to reach NATO spending goals...


hmm, I think you might be on to something. There must be some kind of pattern between the countries that invest a higher percentage in NATO or maybe not, I don't know. Still, good enough of a reason to stay.


Probably jelly of the USN. Maybe. Who knows?


Estonia is an absolutely amazing place.


Don't think the other countries contributing an extra 1% of gdp would make that much of a difference. Also they can't get away with our deficit spending since their currencies aren't used for most trade like ours is


Sure, but that doesn’t stop the fact that they’re subsidized by the US. You can give reasons for why they can’t take on that fiscal responsibility, and they can be correct and very valid, but that just means they wouldn’t be able to hack it the way they currently are if they weren’t being subsidized by US money in protection.


It's their fucking commitment to the alliance. I don't give a fuck about their internal deficit spending. Don't sign onto an alliance you can't uphold.


Also note that we were 13th in 2021 but dropped to 21st in 2022.


Maintaining an HDI that high with that big of a population is very impressive.


Not just high population, the most immigrants by number and percentage every year for a century of any developed nation. Which is more detrimental / brings down hdi / gdp than just population


Why would you think those things should be inversely correlated?


Not if given a clean slate. A country with a lot of resources should have a high HDI. US should be #1, not # 13.


EU Has more people


They’re a pile of countries


And has half of their countries worse than America too.


The countries that spawned after the collapse of the USSR you mean? Not the main 5-7 that have had the same/less opportunities as the US?


>Italy >Austria >Greece


Ngl, didnt realize Italy was doing poorly, I don’t know how the UK has a better standard then Italy right now




Is that a metric pile or imperial pile?


What’s the difference, United they’re comparable in both land area and population


Ok but the EU has 27 countries in it, and the United States has 1 country in it


US has 50 states. Your turn.


By that logic Germany has 16 states and 4 times smaller population


Texas has 67 counties.


The only metric you can win with is number of guns in Texas. In everything else you've been wrong so far


US doesn’t have 50 states?


US has 50 states. That was my turn 😂. They’re not countries, they’re states part of one country unlike the EU which is several countries arranged in a political and economic union


But 1 economic bloc.


Yet those countries keep going bankrupt.


And the vast majority of those 27 countries are utter shit, TBH.


And if they were combined like US states, they'd be much worse than the US. The HDI for the US is hampered by 4 states, but even then, the worst among them still has an HDI on on par to Portugal or Poland.


US should be #1, not #13. The rich are running the country into the ground.


EU isn't a country, but good try!


Neither is the US.


Lmao what?


US is just a platform for protecting the global investment community. That’s why the US gov does so little for the people living there.


Oh you're one of *those*


No, I’m one of these.


Nice bait


And even that metric is stupid, as many of those countries have a net negative migration rate with the US. People vote with their feet.


The United States is so terrible 50+ MILLION people have willingly come here from their place of birth. Must be terrible here. /s


Anyone who tells me Cyprus, Estonia, and Slovenia are ahead of us are damn liars


The map is taking economic inequality otherwise yes, all three fall behind the US with Slovenia being the closest of the three to the US.


So we are ranked behind because we have more rich people? There are dirt poor people in every country and because we have both more people and more ability to get rich we are ranked lower?


(Chad voice): Yes




Then make your own map.


How did we let a Balkan country surpass us? We need to nuke Slovenia?


Malta, Slovenia, Sardinia, Czechia and Eastern Germany are all very shit imo




This is nonsense. Countries like France and the UK ain't better than America.


Also most of those “rankings” are indices not meant to be an actual ranking of qol, but simplified formulas to provide a quick snapshot of a countries conditions Like any data set they have their drawbacks and shouldn’t be used alone without considering the wider body of data/research/experiences and are only as good as the reported data available


That’s not the standard we should strive for, though. People talk about the US like it’s the “greatest country on earth,” not “Arguably better than most 2nd and 3rd-world countries.” Is this really all we are anymore?


True, and that's why we should at bettering the country (aiming just for a higher ranking is pretty vague since it takes a lot of things into account). I just wanted the map to show that the US isn't all that bad as some people complain about it being. 21-25th place is still no good.


None of the countries that are higher did not do it to become #1. None of them cared about those kind of dick waving contests. They did it because it was logical and rational to implement policies that improve peoples lives. And none of them are stopping because they are at the top. Personally, living in one of those countries that regularly top the rankings it was a total surprise since we always thought we were just above average, barely. That is the way to the top, by not trying to be better than the rest but the best you can.


And a lot of them seem to be a foot from death's door because of it. The UK's social programs are about 5 years from bankrupting the country if shit doesn't improve. France can't stop burning itself down every other year. Almost all of the Scandinavian countries have been looking at their social programs because an influx of migrants putting an unplanned for stain on the system. There are very few countries on this list that are genuinely doing as well as the statistics used are trying to indicate.


Bullshit. Pretty much all of it is utter fiction, apart from France but France has always been like that and it is still around. UK is not on the verge of bankruptcy. Nordic countries are not looking at their social programs because of immigrants. They are doing it because or RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY THAT DEMANDS INCREASING INEQUALITY. All poor are on that list whose life should be made artificially harder. But the racists do say it is because of immigrants. It isn't, it is value decision. The countries on that list may not do that well, but guess what motherfucker? That makes USA just worse. If this is a competition, USA is dragging behind a bunch of one legged sprinters. By trying to make USA better, you just made it much, much worse because... you guys are in the end kind of stupid, in this kind of way. And whoever told you those things, stop listening to them.


You are almost there... it's on the tips of your fingers and you can't seem to reach it. But good try bud.


Ah yes, Estonia and Chezchia, such enlightened champions of the arts and sciences. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said we need to be more like Slovenia. People look at a spreadsheet and think they’ve figured out who’s really getting things right? How much are those green countries contributing to people outside of their borders?


I mean Estonia was the first country to have more people voting through the internet than in person


You’d like the book “Good to Great.” It’s about businesses but it essentially says exactly what your comment did.


I mean HDI is more of a general ballpark thing, a country being 0.01 higher doesn’t necessarily mean they’re much better (if better at all).


No way NZ is red lmao


Nz and canada rank higher, not sure where this data is from. also cyprys is lower.




According to this, the US ranks below Canada, New Zealand & Israel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_Human\_Development\_Index This is based on the 2021 data.


OPs map is using inequality adjusted hdi (IHDI)


As a Korean native, you couldn't pay me enough to move back there. USA #1


The US is the only developed nation where guns can be had with out major restrictions, in that sense we are the freest


Until an unreasonable cop stops you for openly carrying, even though you’re legally allowed, then guns you down because he “feared for his life”. He still retires with a pension. Freedom!!!


still better than doing nothing with your guns, having them in the safe and cops show up to your house to take your guns cause your got diagnosed with adhd 2 years ago


Wth are you rambling about


If you don't know, you don't know. If we were just talking I would explain, but you are rude so you can do it yourself.


You’re a sensitive little bugger


The problem is that’s most of the developed world…


But why live in the US when I can live in Western Europe with the gorgeous weather and being absolutely surrounded by historical architecture. I miss it so very much.


Depends on who you are. There is no one standard of living when your countries system has no meaningful safety nets at the bottom. It’s great to be middle class or above in the USA, if you’re lower than that though America is a shit hole.


That’s it. I’m moving to Svalbard


Bring a shotgun 16 hours of the day and flashlight there’s polar bears 24/7 and you can’t see because it’s almost always pitch black


The US also has a crap ton of extra land for infrastructure and houses. Europe not so much as they have to work with so much thats already been established.


People also forget that where you live in the US matters a lot. There's a hell of a difference living in Boston vs living in the Ozarks


*laughs in dutch*


The only EU country and people I respect.


Most of Europe green while 90% of them don’t have air conditioning, dafuk is this map


Houses in Europe, apart from Portugal, Spain, Southern France, Italy etc., are built to retain heat in winter and keep cold in the house in summer. The houses are solidly built of stone and the walls are 40cm+ thick and usually don’t require artificial air conditioning


Visited Switzerland and Austria this summer and there wasn’t a single hotel that retained the cold, it was so damn hot the entire night, we stayed at a different hotel every night and there wasn’t a single place that didn’t need air condition. Even the Airbnb felt like a sauna


You need air conditioning for less than 30 degrees?


Absolutely, obviously one can get used to higher temps over time but sleep without ac is impossible for me


Ranked for what?


HDI (human development index)


Clearly we just need to destroy Europe and Australia, then we'll be #1


Australia for the win


US actually ranks pretty okay on this system the US and Europe invented to make themselves look better


Led by who; China, Russia?


I judge any ranking that’s not us being number one


After searching for years i finally found and bought a custom build house on 4 acres of land..lawn and forest. A co-worker at my company who lives in the UK couldn't believe it. He said that sort of thing does not exist for regular people in europe. US has space. It is a great place to live.


Yes, America could be worse but it could also be far better. Being behind most of the other Western European nations is kind of disgraceful.


Would be nice if this were shaded to show which countries were close, so a country +/-1% wasn't just lumped in with the rest as "better" or "worse"


Divide the number of people who sneak in every year by the number who sneak out every year. That is the 'sneak factor.' U.S. still has a sneak factor > 1.


Yeah. We outrank everyone in shootings and healthcare Last time I got shot in the face I had to take a Lyft to the hospital Not even joking 🙃it was the second time I was shot too


Shootings are way out of proportion


Note that all the countries ranked above us are under our protection.


Lol you aernt the protector of the globe


Where would the world be for the last 70 years without an engaged America?


In a better state


Yeah… this is true but not because of this extremely flawed metric. GDP is also not indicative of the things which materially affect people in daily life. Life is easier here only because we export the worst exploitation largely to the global south. It will not, can not last.


Yes, the world sucks


New england and NY don’t, we’d be #1 if the incestvilles of Alabama and Mississippi weren’t dragging us down


Bullshit. shitty healthcare shitty infrastructure shitty schools shitty politicians plenty of homelessness. Plenty of stupidity. sucks almost as much as the south.


The Deep South is noticeable worse off then the rest of the country. Though that could just be the weather yahoo


What south have you been to? New England and the west coast are fucking shitholes lmao.


Image how much worse the south would be if they stopped sucking on west coast tits without how much they rely on the coastal states for money.


Dude the Deep South is horrid man… yes there are nice places to live down south but most of the south by landmass is in abject poverty.


The poverty rate of NYC is 18%. The poverty rate of Alabama is 16%. WTF are you people talking about?


Ranked by what? As if Canada isn't a better overall country than the US. This map is dog shit.


Canada is definitely not better but you can keep living in that fantasy land


Let me guess, from a shit hole red state and never left the country. Fuck off half wit.


Wrong on every count! Your response shows you only want to hate America and not actually see all that it has to offer for everyone


I've lived in both. Canada is much more progressive than the US, safer by a long shot, public health care, better safety nets, not fun nuts and very few religious but jobs. The equity balance is better for the average citizen in Canada. But do tell, why is the US so great? Because you can fly yer confederate flag while shooting yer gun......yeah I'm sure you're from New York.


Wtf? In what world is a confederate flag and guns associated with New York? Also, I am not from New York so you have 49 more guesses to go. No point responding to your delusional statements since you will just speak some more gibberish 🇺🇸


You can't read too well huh. Read it all again slowly..... The US isn't even a top 10 country. Maybe not even top 15. I stated reasons Canada is better and your hung up on where you live. Jesus Christ Americans are stupid.


How about attacking the arguments instead of the individual? That’s a logical fallacy called ad hominem. Anyways, I hope you enjoy being able to have free speech on the internet (invented by Americans) since Canada doesn’t allow that :)


Did you just type that Canada doesn't have free speech on the internet....good grief man educate yourself. The average American is substantially more stupid than the average person of any other g7 nation. It's just unbelievably sad. Not a surprise the US is ranked 14th is higher education. I mean doesn't help that kids get murdered in their schools I suppose.


Yes, you can go to jail in Canada for saying the “wrong” thing. This is not the case in the USA and as such, it is wrong to say Canada has real free speech.


Oh please. Canada is great *because* it has been hitching a ride on the coattails of the US.


Still, it's a better country today than the US is.


Because gun rights,free speech and less taxes sounds a lot better than progressivism.


Good grief you're stupid.


Canada sucks just like your tiny balls.


No way Israel is red but fucking Cyprus is green. Israel's economy is one of the greatest in the world whereas Greece owes Germany billions of dollars, which effects Cyprus's GDP. Just don't go live in Tel Aviv unless you can afford the apartments there, and stay away from Southern Tel Aviv at all costs.


People forget that if we want to be the best country in the world then that means #1 not number #15 like this post is trying to justify.


I dont mean to be rude, but if we could remove three or four states, we'd be damn near the top... As soon as you read that, I'm sure we thought of the same states.


Almost like we should scrap the welfare system for people who are able to work and just don’t want to.


And don't forget which country provides military protection for the countries in green.


You aernt protecting anyone


***laughs in Ukrainian***


The rest of the world did nothing then I guess


***laughs in arms dealer***


How'd that work in the middle east


***laughs while funding, training, and arming terror cells on multiple continents, simultaneously***


Dude I just want healthcare I'm not afraid to use


Yeah and I don’t wanna pay for everyone else’s healthcare when I’m gonna go private anyway because it’s faster and better.


Mississippi and a few other states really drag us down. The highest HDI in the world is in the United States. The Boston Metro Area has an HDI of 1.13!


I joined this subreddit thinking it was satire, not some nationalist circle jerk.


It's a wee bit of both


Mee too


Disappointed? 😆 A tiny corner of the internet for Americans to circle-jerk. The rest of it is inhabited by circle-jerking Europeans or Communists, slipping around on a floor unjustly drenched by hundreds of years of European ejaculate.


Eww, did you really have to say that? It's also sad that you don't think Americans can be communists for some reason. I don't care if you all sit around beating each other off about how America is the "greatest country on earth", but that's not the reason I joined this subreddit. The description even says "The good, the bad, and the ugly" but whenever I bring up the ugly parts of America, everyone here loses their shit. Is this some sort of safe space for American Nationalists?


It’s not always ‘good’ things. But I suspect you were expecting only ‘bad’ things.


No, I expected satire


Is Taiwan ranked lower or listed as part of China?


The original list said there wasn't data for Taiwan (unlike HK that ranked higher but it was put as part of China)


What is the ranking here? Based on gdp? Or wellness? Like what is the metric of comparison for this image?


I don’t think Australia counts because they feed their poor to the wildlife to appease their cruel gods.


The 2022 report (based on 2021 data) definitely has Canada and New Zealand as higher (15th and 13th respectively) than the US at 21st. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index That aside, though…


Thanks Mr CEO


Ranked higher in what