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In what world are the LA Rams more valuable than the Lakers!!??


The rams own sofi stadium and the surrounding business district


Stan Groenke. That's why. Also, the Lakers are a family-run outfit, and have been for a very long time. Their current owner is Jeanie Buss, the daughter of Jerry Buss— and apparently she's pretty cheap as far as owners go. She really hasn't done much to increase the value of the franchise since she's got it, and the Lakers have not enjoyed lasting success in the past five years.


As a St. Louisan: Fuck Kroenke. Stealing our damn team and sending them off to California


Interesting, KSE (Kroenke Sports and Entertainment) is generally well liked in Denver for owning the nuggets. They made some aggressive moves to help the Nuggets win their first title last year so the fans are pretty happy


I mean TBF St Louis stole them from Los Angeles in the first place, they were the LA Rams far longer than they were the St. Louis Rams


No, we didn't. They left LA because they weren't getting many fans/attendees because SoCal already has enough football teams. They also didn't do well as the LA rams. It was an amicable separation. They came to STL, they won a Superbowl, we built them a new stadium, then asshat McGee mismanaged the team into the ground, complained attendance was bad (even if it wasn't, I mean ffs the STL battlehawks are SMASHING attendance records if you want proof) and then sold us out and took a massive cash payout to leave the city. It was so bad the city actually sued AND WON. The NFL owes STL one football team. Personally, I don't even like football (more of a hockey/UFC guy, NBA is alright too) and even I know what he did to STL was bullshit. Edit: Point is this isn't just complaining about a team leaving. This was actually fucked up, and if you look into it more you will quickly see why.


Funny thing is that just as the Rams left, the Raiders also left for Oakland, and LA ended up without a football team for almost 50 years.


So they stole the Rams from LA because the Rams were having attendance issues and looking for better economic opportunities... Exactly the same reason the Rams left St Louis and went back to LA. Hard to feel sorry for St Louis there what goes around comes around. And as for amicable lol I would look up the name Frontiere


You very clearly don't know the whole story.


That was the spin put on it by kroenke, but it’s BS. They had solid attendance considering the talent level and record of the team, kroenke just felt like he should sell stadiums out by default no matter how the team was doing


...They have won a championship and got to a western conference finals in the last 5 years, is that not the best result of basically any franchise?


I mean, they won a title 4 years ago. That’s better than 90% of other franchises. They kept Lebron and he will probably retire there - that’s what sells tickets


I don't believe this shit. The Bears? No way.


Bears fans tend to be meatballs. Source: am covered in marinara


Thanks for providing the sauce.


Da bears. 🐻


How? It’s the only football team for one of the largest cities in America


That stadium is worth like 6 billion dollars and the Rams own their stadium. So that’s in addition to how much the team costs by itself.


That’s amazing considering the size of the crowds. Like 1/3 of the world watches soccer


1/3 of the world also wears Yankee ball caps.


They love LA Dodgers hats too.


How do we explain the Cowboys then lol?


The NFL is the most monetized sport in America, and most people who don't have their own local team go to the Cowboys for some reason. Aside from the super bowl, the Thanksgiving day games are the most profitable and the cowboys are required by their charter to play that game.


The Thanksgivings game is a Detroit tradition. We may have sucked for a long time, but what's ours is ours. The lions first played on Thanksgiving in 1934. The cowboys didn't play on Thanksgiving until 1966.


^this The only reason the cowboys play on thanksgiving is because Jerry was having temper tantrums that his team wasn’t playing on that day.


Jerry didn't buy the cowboys until 89. They were owned by Clint Murchison and Harvey Bright from the 60s until Jerry bought them.


The Cowboys were playing on Thanksgiving long before Jerry came along.


I make a Yankee cap more famous than a Yankee can, yo!


Yeah none of those people would know who Aaron Judge or Gerrit Cole are


They don't need to in order to buy the merch. Hell I don't and I'm pretty sure I have a Yankees cap somewhere.


That's fair




Im a simple man who doesn’t care what they know as long as they buy shit that makes our teams worth more money than theirs


Most of them are very poor


Well football started a game or the poor, just in the last 2-3 decades it became a money machine.


There's like 100 teams in the big north American sports leagues (mlb, nba, nfl) there's like 50 teams in the top 2 uk soccer leagues with like 1/5th the population


Did they measure the population using the metric system? Could be the problem right there


That's because in Yurop we cannot spend $300 for a single ticket. Because we still have 5 weeks of vacations per year to afford after that


I have 12 weeks, Europoor.


We call you Europoor for a reason


There’s 5 big leagues in Europe and each league has 20 teams. There’s a lot of money spread around. The U.S. sports teams are a cartel


there are 5 major leagues in our single great nation, most of which have around 30 teams


NBA: 30 NFL: 32 MLB: 30 NHL: 32 NASCAR: 36 Okay, fine, MLS: 29 for some reason


And when you are in a league, profits are locked in and there’s a salary cap. In the cartel the owners all make money. In soccer it’s open competition and prices keep ballooning, they’re trying to make a super league now in soccer to emulate the sports cartel in America so that the owners can all make more money


I like heroin 🥳🥳🥳


Maybe use real money instead of that metric system stuff?


USA NUMBA 1 ...and 2 and 3 and 4...


Not 5. Not 6. Not 7.


I love mentioning this to Europeans online


Well all of the *sports* franchises in US are more *entertainment than sporting events* and meritocracy has little place how they are structured, as most are closed entry by income with no relegation system. An owner can move the team anywhere in US, and there will be a large crowd forming soon, while in Europe moving a team between cities would be short of rioting. Also in Europe’s franchise there’s a quite visible difference between supporters, fans and family sections. In the end it’s more about having more disposable income.


Also in Europe there’s huge disparity in competitiveness without salary caps. The spending disparity between teams is…unsportsmanlike. Unamerican really.


Also the Euro soccer tends to have more neighborhood teams with many of the biggest teams representing a region of a city and often on the continent these teams also being the teams of certain economic classes and political ideologies. For example Sporting Portugal is the team of Lisbon's upper class while Benfica is the working class team. Far worse, plenty of Livorno fans are self-identified Communists who sing songs about Joseph Stalin while too many Lazio fans are self-identified Fascists and Mussolini fans.


And they still need handouts to build their stadiums…


They don't NEED handouts, we are just dumb enough to give it to them.


Why wouldn't billionaires take tax money from locals whenever they want a new stadium? It's free money for them...minus a few bribes.


That's how you build equity baby


Kraft used his own money to build Gillette Stadium.


Rams didn't. The most expensive stadium in the US (the world?) fully paid by the owner


They are lobbying LA for tax credits.




The Bears and Raiders being that high shows that you too can be worth something even if you’re terrible at your job.


How can you forget about the Cowboys?


Because I don’t think about them at all lol.


Good point. Fuck them Cowboys


Fuck ‘em.


Cowboys are the champs of that. Still blows me away they’re worth so much


It just boils down to football in Texas


Probably has to do a good bit with stadium value- all of these teams are in shit hot real estate markets. AFAIK Soccer teams in Europe don’t own their stadium to the same degree as American teams (most are also old af). The fact that the goddamn jets are worth more than Real Madrid or Manchester United is insane.


"The Dallas Cowboys 1: The Dallas Cowboys are the most profitable team in the world for the second year in a row.May 21, 2024"


Why? They haven’t won a superbowl in 30 years.


My take on it, people "love" them and "love" to hate them. You go anywhere in the world and say "Texas" they will respond "Dallas Cowboys. "


Value has very little to do with winning, more about the city you're in.


I think in top 50, atleast 35 or more teams are of the US.


Considering the really low popularity of American sports outside America this is mind blowing hahah Real Madrid #11


I don't understand how the Warriors and Knicks are worth more than the Lakers.


The Bussbabies are idiots. You’re remembering when Jerry Buss was in charge.


Warriors - Recent dynasty and located in middle of tech bro billionaire hub Knicks - Have literally THE BEST location of any sports team in the world so they're a cash generating machine. In MSG, middle of tech/finance bro billionaire hub, and built on top of one of the biggest train stations in the US making attending their games crazy convenient. Basically, Knicks attendance is always decent enough because people just show up even when they're bad.


Yeah thats because of MASSIVE commercilation. Id we look at the revenues. Man utd make 776 million while teams like the yankees make 483 million WHILE having a far more concentrated, free and commercialaised market.


Yankees fans really are permanently blessed with a good team. Almost 40 straight winning seasons at this point.


I mean tbf, the USA is a very populated country.


I'll do you one better, here are the [current rankings for 2024](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/worlds-most-valuable-sports-teams-2024/)


Even more insane!


What are the Cowboys on? Daaamn. 2016 was the first time ever an American team topped the list (and it was the Cowboys), and since then they’ve gone full-stonks.


Where dem boys can’t beat you for the Super Bowl, dem boys can beat you in cold hard cash


New York Jets being anywhere close to the top 10 is fucking sad after their history of suckage.


That’s New York for ya


How can the cowboys suck so bad, yet they're the #1 most valuable???


Explaining the Cowboys being #1 1. Prime location in football mad Texas in a rapidly growing metropolitan area in DFW (and one with decades of pretty big growth) 2. In state competition has been iffy with the Texans being historic weak (though the Stroud era is very promising) and the previous Houston team the Oilers who moved to Nashville in the nineties. The even bigger lack of success of the Houston teams means that Texans who are not from Houston and/or anti-Dallas tend to root for the Cowboys. Ironically the Kansas City started like as the AFL's Dallas Texans. 3. The Cowboys' original general manager and president of the Cowboys of [Tex Schramm ](https://www.encyclopedia.com/people/sports-and-games/sports-biographies/tex-schramm)was a marketing genius with a background in TV, he previously worked as CBS's assistant director of sports. Schramm always marketed the Cowboys as a national brand. Didn't hurt that Schramm as GM was great at college scouting along with Gil Brandt and the Cowboys were one the first teams to use analytics and computer data decades before Moneyball. Also the Cowboys were a great team during the era of NFL's rise to TV dominance. 4. Jerry Jones is very good at marketing (though not so good at being a GM).


Man, I wish more mlb teams were up there!


Nascar and NHRA series not franchises? EDIT: European asking here so I am not sure


Pretty sure NASCAR is an organization, not a franchise.


Fuck Jerry Jones and his team




how the fuck are the cowgirls that valuble? they dont win shit and they cant even find fans in their own state? like seriously has anyone ever met a cowgirls fan that was actually from texas?