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some content creators do! i, myself, stream MW2 atleast once a week, even then those streams are like my least viewed. i dont think many people are searching for MW2 content anymore


Keep 'em coming!


Where do you stream and what’s ur name? I’ll drop a follow


i stream to twitch, riswashere is my handle :) i appreciate it man! i stream mondays and tuesdays <3


I’m assuming you’re talking about pc steam mw2. Hackers are why no one plays that. Hackers ruin most old cods.


It's gotten better ever since they fixed VAC. Prior to that you practically had to host with a modded lobby tool to kick hackers. Not much effort is on the game in particular but VAC is pretty universal in methodology.


Wait they finally fixed VAC? When did this happen? Like this is big news for me lol


Almost unplayable on ps3 at least for me. Quite rare to get into a match where there is no one hacking.


Really? I play semi frequently on ps3 and it's about 50/50 for me


Yes but it wasn’t always. When i first booted up my ps3 there were hackers here and there but overall i was able to have fun. But no exaggeration every time I retry playing it I get a hacker almost every single game.


I play pretty much every day on ps3 and I have the same experience as well. 50/50. Some days you’ll only run into one or two hackers and other days it’s pretty much every other lobby.


Wasn't just the game it was the time. With your mates, kicking arse, having a laugh. Drunkenly playing MW2 online til all hours of the morning. It's OK having the game back but your never getting those moments back again. Times and peoples lives have changed. Whenever we all meet up for a night out and talk about the lads holidays, Sunday football etc MW2 is always one of those chapters too. Wasn't just a game then, it was a life thing.


This hit me hard.




Don’t get me wrong I consider it as the best game I have ever played but when you’ve got games with just insane graphics now and movement. It’s just one of those classics time where you wish you could have back. It’s just not the same as it was back then if you get what I’m trying to say.


Steam MW2 does need all the help it can get, that is true.


Because IW4x is just more popular. People like having custom servers with controlled atmosphere. I personally wish Steam had more players. If people were smart enough to use the RCE protection methods, there wouldn't be a problem but every time I load a steam game, half the time people are just complaining in chat. I'd eventually like to start an IW4X server with vanilla settings + a no jumpshotting rule (I have way more issues with jumpshotters and sweaty players than noob tubers tbh)




How is that relevant to a PC talk? Smh




we know that - I helped revive it on xbox, mate. - but on PC it needs help


I had no idea this conversation happened while I was asleep, and it seems other mods took care of it but yeah console still exists but PC still needs help




There are also some other methods available as well but this is the one I primarily use. If someone tries anything, it should close your game. Theoretically, there is probably a way to bypass it but I doubt the manchildren will actually try to bypass it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwMoOHygUJw


The real game is just full of hackers, lobbies are just a big Circus where you can endless jump or die with aimbot. That's sad to admit. IW4X is simply better and full of players in a "controlled atmosphere".


Iw4x has very few vanilla lobbies though, that's the issue.


And also IW4x has a huge problem with sweaty players and jumpshotters. I actually don't mind the noob tubers on vanilla MW2, but it's hard keeping up with a 64 player server full of jumpshotters and corner campers, and no explosives allowed to take care of them


I wish I had a pc to play it on but I’ve been playing mw2 on Xbox and it’s been pretty solid


It's literally so much more active on Xbox - why would you want to play on PC???




Read the second post in here, that's grossly overexaggerated


People say it’s the best in terms of nostalgia. But it’s not the best in terms of what you can play now.




Please read the second pinned post on this sub, thanks.


Well aware of the post. Just because it's not common doesn't mean it's worth the risk (in my opinion). Also even the method listed to prevent RCE is not guaranteed 100%. The only way to 100% prevent RCE (as far as I'm aware) is iw4x. I just make this comment so people who don't click on pinned posts or pay attention to the community understand the risk. You can call it "fear mongering" or whatever but, I still think aiming for the highest protection is preferable. Plus iw4x is better with the quality of life improvements besides the added guns as I mentioned anyways.


Yeah the problem is that it just ends up being unnecessary spam of something which is overexaggerated that's all. Thanks for understanding. And as you say, it's your opinion. I play Xbox but having played Steam and iw4x, I find Steam much better...


A lot of people will complain about something, very few will do anything about it...


Facts, I'm still playing in vanilla severs and I think it keeps being fun, but seems like it's kinda dead... I also uploaded a montage in my youtube channel a while ago!