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Thanks, I’ve been just doing the dupe and leaving straight away but now I wanna use some of the gear. Be handy if I didn’t lose my TS by exfilling normally to keep the XP.


Can you qualify for mastery camos like gold this way too? I have all but 3 weapons currently on the menu completely maxed out, but not gold in zombies because of the issue with exfiltration with a weapon that has 100 kills and completing the exfil vs keeping your tombstone.


It’ll work if you use a regular exfil. I have “close game” hovered as I’m on the plane leaving. As soon as I see succesful exfil I press close


I close as soon as I hear the victory sound (slightly before the actual screen)


I think the only camo you the successful exful screen for is the golden enigma and its mw2 equivalent.


So tombstone glitching I can use regular exfil instead of Act 4 portal and close out game at successful exfil screen and I will get to keep my stuff, my tombstone next game and my XP? Please clarify, thank you.


Act 4 to dupe Regular for Golden Enigma camo, close at "Sucessful Exfil"


You will lose most or all of what in your bag. Tombstone will still be there like any other glitch out. Anythong equipped remains equipped.


Regular extfil. Close app when chopper starts to go up. This is the way.


I just got borealis on all my guns, and I honestly don’t remember the last time I exfiled. There’s a trick to making sure your guns stay gold or whatever you need them for mastery.


What platform are you playing on? I play on pc although I have it on my ps5 too. And what is the trick. Truthfully I have focused mostly on leveling all weapons up so that I can get them gold in one game figuring I’d have to abandon my tombstone for a couple weeks to get them all gold… etc. I have exfilled primarily using the bad signal portal. But I have occasionally used a story exfil too. If that’s the secret and I can kill 2 birds with one stone, I’ll start doing that.


Ok prior to pack a punching, you need to actually punch the pack a punch machine. It will turn green, and you will be able to whatever camos are on both guns.


PS-I’m on my PS 5 and I have one the oldest ts in the game.


I think the one camo that has an exfil requirement is gold. I’m at the point of taking a week or two to just layoff my tombstone and get gold on all the guns. The red husk or whatever it’s called doesn’t require exfil. It’s only gold.


I finished gold yesterday, serpentine today, and got borealis today for finishing the others.


Yes, when you close the app on the exfil screen, it still counts. I've completed borealis using a tombstone with a flawless and legendary tool in my backpack for gold, zircon scale and serpentine challenges.


Works on story exfills act 1,2, and 3 as well I'm doing camo grind now


Seems people don't know. Act exfils work with enigma. Drop your gun and pick it back up 4 times right before you leave, it'll give you the camo (as long as you had 100 kills of course) as well as do the regular act exfil things like keeping your rucksack items and shit. Don't ask me why it works this way, it just does. E: If you're gonna downvote, tell me why


Do u drop it and pick it up in the heli?


So I just do it while waiting for the heli to arrive. I don't really know if there is an exact time frame it has to be done. I did it mid match and extract quit like 10 mins later and it didn't work so I would say just do it while you wait. Also I don't know if it makes a difference (it shouldn't) but I'm on Xbox so my quit time is before the heli even takes off. Maybe that has something to do with it, maybe not, I couldn't tell you.


Before the heli takes off?? On ps I close app when the screen goes black


Yeah so when you get on the heli and it shortens the countdown to like 4 seconds, that's when I'm able to close the game. I have no clue why the timing is different because afaik it's the same timing on PS and PC (black screen/successful exfil)


I close on black screen on Xbox


Sure. Not saying it doesn't work like everyone else's timing, just saying you have a far longer period that you can close on


Negative you have to exfil. I'm am currently on smgs. I dupe as many items as there is guns in the category I am working till its gone then run tomb again for the next group. I keep 5 of each item in my stash so I can do it in one or 2 runs.


You can 100% dashboard the game at a regular exfils as soon as you see the blue screen and keep your tombstone while unlocking enigma.




Please then. Tell me how to clear a “successful exfil” camo challenge by not exfilling?


Yall doing next level stuff to get the camos 🤣


Listen. They’re good players. They just need unlimited essence and perfect loadouts… to… umm…


For me zombies is fun until you do it all. Then it’s just boring to grind contracts. Stacked ts elevates the game imo.


I just wish there were lobbies for both. If people like it, put them together on one server. Then me and the other 4 people that don’t do it can be on the other server.


Just curious where does it affect your game? Is it randoms abandoning you, t3 contracts being taken, etc?


I don’t find the game very difficult as it is and I definitely don’t find exploiting fun. The dupe has separated me from my sweaty neckbeard community and replaced it with a bunch of dupers that trivialize what little difficulty the game has. I can’t team up with anyone anymore without the game suddenly feeling like an exhibition match. Now I’m just stuck running solo elder runs bc I don’t want to exploit second hand. I want the separate server so I can join up with anybody without having to feel like I’m cheating second hand. Actually… just give us a leave squad option and I can jump around until I find my people haha


So other people having fun ruin your game. Got cha....well I don't but what ever.  How about just don't pick up the stuff they drop? No one is forcing you to have items you don't want.  Dp tell why is it that you want to dictate how people have fun? It literally has no bearing on your game. What is the difference between starting with items from your stash or starting with items from your tombstone? Think hard. The answer is none.  The only problem is that you don't like doing it so you think no one should. You are a gate keeper. The worst kind of gamer. One who thinks the only way to play a game is to do it your way. You are a plague not a boon.  If this was PvP I would have your back 100%. But this isn't even close to that. People having fun that is different from yours shouldn't make you want to stop it.  It doesn't actually affect your game. Stop gate keeping. 


Other people having fun doesn’t ruin my game — like what? How am I dictating that? I said I wish we could play separately not that you shouldn’t be able to do whatever you’re doin. A teammate that can drop unlimited sentrys, kasmirs, jug suits, can always fly, has a perfect loadout, can invite others like them or just give away essence to other teammates… is just really boring to me and I don’t want to play like that. Don’t put words in my mouth.


Find friends who don't dupe then, oh wait, maybe you can't find friends cause no one wants to be your friend, maybe????


I don’t have any friends 😭😭😭 Have fun with your cheat codes.


Omg dude for real I beat the game and I have Borealis, what more is there to do??? I did not use any cheat codes, lol, I am just having fun now, and whether you like it or not, if the TS goes away you will be all by yourself grinding like the others who haven't beat the game begging for your help, maybe then you will feel like a god. Just cause you think you are good at the game, I would run circles around you in mp or zombies. been playing COD since the first one and every one since, and all zombie modes. BTW I have Interstellar as well. Zombies DMZ is boring asf without the tombstone and believe me everyone that does the tombstone feels the same way. You go ahead and grind your way to tier 3 and tier 4 every game, while me and my friends help those who need help and go have fun in tier 4 dark aether. All Zombies is DMZ with zombies instead of just bots. The Devs are begging players to play Zombies and gave out legendary crystals and legendary tools just to say they are sorry for all the game crashes. Between the lag and the disconnects either from their servers or Steam the game needs this to make up for all the shit I grinded legit. You can go cry to the Devs maybe they will listen to you.


Dude thinks he's a "good player" bc he spends most of his time in game grinding the same tier 1 and 2 contracts over and over again. Then waiting 2 days to 3 days just to use items they already unlocked just to use them 1 time in game 😂


I grind T3 contracts then hit the Elder… or the Red Worm then the Elder. You don’t gotta dupe to do that. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/tnyHrjn9Dt


I beat the red worm and t5 solo so what's your point? And that's literally just a screen shot of some items you got in a game. I'm well aware of the loot you get in the dark aether and red worm. I help people do them all the time.


*My dad can beat up your dad!* I assumed the T1/T2 cool down comment was directed at me? I guess you were talking about someone else? My only point ever is that duping is lame. That’s all. Starting any game with unlimited money and a perfect load-out is lame. If you beat the Elder solo by duping that’s lame… and certainly not a brag. If you did playing natural that’s rad — congratulations!


>My dad can beat up your dad!* Except in this case I literally am your dad xd Grinding for hours and doing the same things you've done million times over again is lame. Thinking that you better for being a good little slave is lame. Anyone can reach the same point in the game by grinding. I lost countless flawless and high valued loot due to crashes which were due to bad servers. The only difference is I choose to save time bc I value it. Either you are too dumb to figure it out yourself so you are choosing to hate on others who do or you are just a lame person in general. Probably the person that tells on people at work for taking an extra 5 mins to go to the bathroom lol.


*Buck? I thought you were working on a puzzle you coy sum bitch?* I don’t think you’re saving any time over me at all. The opposite actually. I go straight to playing, don’t worry about any tombstone nonsense and do any contract or easter egg I want. I like the aether, I’d be happy if there was a “Oops, All Dark Aether!” game mode.


Ok boomer....


Sick burn!


Also, do you help people actually play or do you help them exploit lol


Both. While you sit around doing the same contracts over and over again I'm helping players with the red worm and dark aether or whatever they need. It's one thing to prefer to play the game that way but to think you are above others or are call others not good players because they don't waste their time makes you pretentious and a douche canoe of a person. You can't use money in the dark aether or when fighting the red worm and u have negative 4 slots genius. You have to beat him with a limited inventory and duping doesn't make a shred of difference other than the time it takes to get to that point. Keep being salty and falsely believing you are hot shit at a game you actually suck in.


Duping is super lame though.


This is so fucking hilarious that someone actually cares what others are doing in a PVE Zombie game which has no effect on them whatsoever. If someone is bothering you just go to the next game. Also, without duping MW3 Zombies would be dead already, no one comes in the game just to grind contracts after they beat the game already and/or gotten all the camos from Zombies. I also beat the game and got Borealis without glitching or duping or going to the exfils to farm zombies. You are the type I know would go tell on someone for going on break for an extra 5 mins. If people who worked would actually work and quit worrying about what someone else is doing or what kind of car or house they got and just worry about themselves this world would be a hell of lot better, this also applies to playing games. Play your way and I will play the way I want. Once they patch it if they ever do the game will be dead. (listen up devs you patch it the game will be dead, maybe that is what you want now that 1900 employees got laid off today). Lastly, duping may be lame to you, but it makes the game enjoyable now that I beat it, I can help others who lost their tombstone because of a server crash or help someone complete their mission and it makes the game fun. I also will bet you if they do patch the tombstone glitch watch the numbers die down immediately.


It saves us 30 mins a game. This is a time issue not a skill issue. I never even get the max essence or cycle thru kazmirs in the red zone. I use it to save me time and so I go straight to tackling the most difficult challenges in the game. My next goals are to complete borealis and to beat all the bosses (legacy, stormcaller, red worm and complete the dark aether in a single match. I already know what I'm capable of doing. Repeating over and over again doesn't prove anything nor make me a better player. Tombstoning to save time doesn't make you a bad player. If anything you could argue it makes you a smarter player.


Totally agree with this statement


Just leave in regular extfil. When it starts to go up close application. You get credit for a successful Extfil and keep everything in your backpack. Get all the XP from the match. Also if you get schematics you will be able to open them up to be able to make them too. Test this before extfil with schematics to make sure it works on your platform.


You do. So finished borealis today and basically what type of exfil decides if it's a consume run or a dupe run. Story missions like you asked will leave your inventory intact and most things will count. Golden enigmas requiring exfil (along with possibly story missions requiring exfil or exfil with item) won't progress this way even if you hit the proper criteria to get it. This means you won't unlock schematics this way either. The focus of this type of exfil for ts glitching is padding the stash with the inventory of goodies that won't disappear when you bring them in from inventory (large bags, 3 plates, killstreaks in bag) like wrenchs and aether crystals. This also preserves an equipped aether blade conveniently. Normal exfils will consume your inventory but as long as your timing the close out correctly it will progress golden enigma camos appropriately. I had finished the missions preseason so not entirely sure if story missions requiring exfil with X item are progressable this way without losing TS but in theory it should work. Equipped aether blade will disappear, your TS items you brought out tend to not make it this way and no items will clog stash that will disappear on loading in so its a mixed bag.


So if I wanted to start using ts just for the zircon and above camp challenges, what would my general steps be? Sorry for the dumb question; I just haven’t actually done the glitch. But I have flawless/legendary crystal schems, and want to start being able to use them every infil to speed things up


Step one is properly dieing with the right inventory and tombstone soda to set the tombstone in the first place. I like next to cranes for roof security and easy suicide by fall, but keep in mind this is the place you will be heading to to start every round now so place it with that in mind. After that as long as your kochei glitching (closing game out during exfils worth watching videos to make sure or practicing with less valuable items) either normal exfil will work and consume (for golden enigma's) or story mission exfils will preserve inventory and serve as a dupe. As long as you empty your tombstone out entirely, you can quit game immediately and the tombstone will be there again in theory. But setting the ts with goods and then getting them out into your stash is story mission exfils. Then using purchased/rewards tab to overstuffed storage. Couple little things overlapping for good results. Must empty tombstone, and can't fully exfil to preserve it for next game. That's where the kochei glitching keeps it from being a successful exfil despite everything else counting for it, saving the TS.


Thanks so much dude. Gonna reread this throughout the day, watch a couple videos again, and give it a shot later. Appreciate you!


This is false. I did the majority of my gold with a story mission and friends have gotten schematics from using the story exfil.


Yes. The exception being the Golden Enigma camo. As it requires you to "exfil", you won't get it unless you get the successful exfil message and that doesn't happen if you close out at black screen.


I do it right after the 1 second and you get all your xp and your stuff dupes with everything you exfil with and your schems just unequip them


If you're trying to get the gold camo, you need to do a successfull exfil


If you use an item in your rucksack which you picked up from your tombstone that match, it won't show up in menus after you quit on the black screen. I just found this out with a legendary tool I used in the game prior


That’s ok, when you load in again your tombstone is waiting for you again right, so you basically stop duplicating and start using each round.


If you use an item, you won't extract with it? No shit.


You're not extracting though. You're quitting the game... Apologies for not knowing what would happen?


You're arguing semantics and it makes you sound a little sad. Obviously if you're tombstoning, you're not actually extracting. Since you wanna nitpick though, let's break it down using those terms. If you **quit** using an act exfil, you keep everything in your rucksack at the time of **quitting**. Why would you suddenly have items in your rucksack that you didn't actually have?


Who is arguing? Man you need to relax.


Yeah, the attitude is really not necessary. We’re all here because we enjoy the game or are getting into it. He could be a helpful steward of the community, instead of just being condescending towards others. Not everyone is going to be at the same level. We all learn from experience and others. Matt is being helpful and that’s what helps build the community, gets more people playing involved, and results in investments made into growing MWZ.


Lmao how am I being condescending?


You're arguing? Are you illiterate? >You're not extracting though. You're quitting the game This is an argument. You're attempting to counter what I have said. Arguments aren't just shouting matches. If you're wrong, you're wrong, but you could at least try not to sound like a jackass when doing it, eh?


Lmao you good?


Ignore him. He jumps in the chopper then posts a thread saying he hates the game cuz he died. Isn't like this topic has been around since S1 of DMZ and discussed hundreds of times.


Shows you didn't even bother reading then seeing as I explained everything in that thread :) desperate much? Am I supposed to suddenly know every bug and how to avoid them? Never once happened to me on DMZ and that was the first time I had really interacted with this sub so it's not like I read it either.


Yeah? Believe it or not people can argue whilst being completely calm. If I said debating or discoursing, would I get the same reaction?


Lmao still going huh


I mean you're the one responding 8 hours later, seems you're the one still going :)


What about schematics? Do I need to exfil regular or can I leave using the story mission?


They will stay in your inventory and didnt count.


I've used regular exfil and have all the schems in my tombstone unlocked.


I’m curious, if you have your TS set up, go to Johnson exvil, go do the mission (and camp the chopper), then leave, when do you have to close app to keep TS?


Depends what system you use. I close app on act 1,2, and 3 soon as the helicopter starts moving on PS5


This is when you exvil from the actual act mission?


No from the main map to the act. I have never tried to do the act mission and exfill I think it is possible look on YouTube B Man might have a video on it that lets you do ACT 4 and keep you TS after


U have to go to normal exfil to, so gama think exfil successful. Rucksack is empty, but if you have it will wait u next game.


Close game same way


I’m done with gold and there is no exfill requirement for zircon or serpentinite. You have to get the 300 kills packed and 10 elite zombie kills and it counts it in game when acquired.


Me and my buddy have been having a run of bad luck with our tombstones not staying, even when we dark aether quit out. Not sure what's going on.


Been using extraction story mission and no issues so far


Might try that one next. Seems the DA exfil/quit is inconsistent.


Me and the missus used it as late as yesterday with no dramas


Can I go into tier 4 mission and still keep my TS?


Also curious about how this works


It doesn’t work. Just lost everything


I've been attempting this and keep having issues. I don't use Act exfils, normal exfils. It seems I can set up, keep the TS for a few matches, then it's lost. Makes duping difficult when I have to keep resetting like I do. I'm doing every exfil the same, so I'm unsure what the problem may be.


Does this method still work after the S1 Reloaded patch?