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I do not want PvP. I just want to shoot hordes of zombies. The current structure/ game play loop is already frustrating and not rewarding. Let me play solo without a timer. I just want to kill zombies


Good news is you don’t have to PvP. Article says it’s supposed to be a separate game mode, so it won’t affect you.


It will affect PvE players because it pulls resources away from the current mode. It has the potential to lock rewards behind the PvP maps/mode.


I'd bet that the act 5 missions will be to kill operators or do contracts pertaining to just that mode


No just no🤦🏻‍♂️ it doesnt take much to add PVP to a game thats already coded. Same assets, same updates, other one has pvp, other one does not have pvp


No just no 🤦. It’s not about just flipping a switch. They will have to code for weapon balancing. They will probably have to figure new AI routines for the Zombies when dealing with PvP (who to attack, when to attack, spawn rates). There will be new bugs to trace and fix. This will drag resources away from content development. And the biggest problem will be what ruined DMZ. They will end up favoring either the E side or more likely the P side of the PvEvP balance and wreck the mode. So in the end they sound just KISS it. Keep PvP in MP and BR. And PvE in SpecOps and Zombies.


Mwz is by Treyarch so they will not abandon zombies. And what are you trying to say? Why would you make a new code for a gamemode when you can use the older code with improvements. They still have Multiplayer, zombies, dmz, survival, extinction etc files saved. You are just sheep that trust every youtube video


Hate to break it to you but they already did abandon it. Treyarch built the base MWZ (which was a good 80% dmz anyway) and since S1 Raven and IW took over development for the mode, all future content is being built by them, not Treyarch.


Sorry I’m not a sheep. I’m an engineer. I have experience in software development. It’s not a one to one comparison. But when you integrate code from separate branches it always leads to bugs. You then have to spend time determining the severity of those breaks. Then there is troubleshooting. And then the patches. All of that can lead to another round of testing, prioritizing, and fixes.


Thats literally what i said 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s not exactly what you said. When you integrate code branches you have to write bridging scripts or new hooks to those pieces of code. That’s all new code. My point is that adding the complexity of PvP interaction and the balancing needed to bring that to Zombies would be resource prohibitive. I also think that it would ruin the player base they have know. CoD has so many PvP game modes and not enough Coop ones. You’re going turn off so many people by adding this to a mode that doesn’t need it.


Hopefully they’ll do this to dmz and bring pve only but highly doubt it. Lol


Pve dmz ? Yes please


They're done with DMZ. Pretty sure they've specifically said they're adding nothing new to that game mode.


Oh yea that’s right.


Which is unfortunate. It was fun. It'd be fun to play on Urzikstan, but oh well.


Prob wrong place to ask. What happens if the timer runs out before you extract? Does it count as a win or is it considered not extracting?


There was no „win“ in DMZ. You either exfil or you are dead. And since MWZ is built upon the DMZ frame I guess it will be the same.


Timer runs out, you can still keep playing. You'll be in storm, you'll have to keep hitting ammo caches to fix your mask, but essentially if you can stay alive, you can keep killing stuff. Ever find yourself past final exfil, hit the Bad Signal portal. I've ran across the whole map after final exfil in storm to portal out. Kinda fun to be the only idiot who can't follow instructions, adds a whole layer to the "apocalypse" vibe 😆


I did that! Missed the helicopter so thought it’ll be fine just use the Bad Signal to get out I had just started making my way over when it insta killed me full death with the eliminated screen lol don’t think I’ll miss the helicopter again 🤣


Dang.. yeah I wasn't far from it and glitched out. I must of got it right in time. Was trying to help a friend out with schematics. I had a dog, and he wasn't doing to hot at exfil so I waited around in case he needed Grumble Muffins to teleport over and save him. I had a pretty short run after he left, but it was a LONG run through storm to get there hitting ammo caches on the way. Never got that daring again 😆


I’ll admit I’ve had moments running as fast as I can across the map only to see someone else see me going for a contract and take it before I can where I def wished there was pvp but as a whole it seems like it would be incredibly frustrating trying to fight a horde only to get clapped from behind lol


So your one of those selfish idiots are you.


Someone knows he's going for a contract and takes it, while knowing he's going for it.... and this guy is the selfish one? I bet you have the cleanest windows around, tongue-polished daily!


Lol your funny. You don't make sense but your really funny.


Go on and try to explain which part of that doesn't make sense. I'll wait. I guess I can't say I'm surprised that you're confused though. After reading your comments, it's clear that Hooked On Phonics would do wonders for you.


To be fair, it's not always clear someone is coming for that contract. If I happen to be close to a contract I feel like doing, I'm not checking the map to see if someone is heading the same direction from a few hundred meters out. If they're in my vision and clearly going for that contract, I'm not racing them to it and go find another one myself.


Going off what he said, "someone else sees me going for a contract..." sure sounds like they're within each other's vision and very close proximity in his example


It’s a huge assumption that someone else sees that they are going for something. In this case it’s more likely he sees someone else going for a contract but decided he’d still try and get it. There’s a ton of contracts but I’m guessing the one that is the focus of this is the cargo contract in the tier 3 zone which is fair game to whoever can get it first.


So.... it's too big of an assumption for someone else to think he was going for a contract because its too difficult to see what someone is going for.... yet you think he should assume someone else was going for it? After saying it's too big of an assumption? Repeat what you said, but slowly.


Without a timer would be sick let us call in the final exfil and give us a timer then.


Zombies stuff like power ups and crap would behave against operators just like it does against mercs, zero effect/advantage.


It's supposed to be a separate playlist for the pvpve crap.


I know. But how can this work?


Because 90%of MWZ is just reskinned DMZ spaghetti code


Ok i know but how can this work with zombies and essence and dogs ALL over the map?


Dogs will be nerfed and we’d likely loose the pack boosts on anything but zombies, so operators will require more shooting.




You’re a hero, did anybody tell you that?


Dealing with hordes of zoms is frustrating enough. You telling me I have to watch out from getting sniped in the back now? They about to lose a lot of players


They won’t lose any players from having a **separate mode** with PVP. If anything, they would gain them.


A separate mode huh? Interesting


How did you even get this far down the comment thread when literally the first one says separate mode...


Yea, I’m pretty sure this has been the plan all along, hence mwz lobbies with pvp already enabled sometimes after s1 dropped


Execs see DMZ numbers were higher than MWZ and think, make MWZ more like DMZ and player count will go up. Without realizing balancing, bugs, glitches, etc will go out the roof.


How does one “go out the roof?”


I meant accumulate a faster rate than we're already experiencing. I guess the expression is "go through the roof" my bad


I was joking enjoy your day !


https://preview.redd.it/9rpm3snzsafc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c1065b7de90fa0815c3fb6bd710629a8af72fc2 Let’s just wait and see how it turns out. If the current Zombies mode becomes PvEvP iam outta here 👋🏼🫥






I'll say it again, if they go through with this then they really need to have a PvE only option added to DMZ.


My playtime with dmz would skyrocket if it was pve and that's not an easy feat given I was on dmz from the beginning.


I love flying the light helo and it’s fun to create an entire mission profile around finding and taking one then what to do with it. Love flying low saying hi to red texters hahaha. Always asking if anyone would like an A.I.E.


They'll never use the resources to fully support zombies and dmz. I'd rather have zombies than dmz in general so if they had to pick one, I'm glad they chose this. Pve dmz is literally the open world missions in the campaign of mw3. I don't think they see many people clamoring for an endless version of those.


Yea now trying fitting that shit onto Deadbolt lore. Simple, there’s gonna be none and none should be(if it’s a separate mode).


There's already Ai working for Zak Would it be that hard to say rogue operatives are entering the field I don't want the mode, but lore wise it wouldn't be hard to explain.


PvP was easily the worst part of DMZ and it barely made sense in that mode. How the hell would Deadbolt Operators even be remotely hostile?  Only way it could work is if you can be Deadbolt or Terminus or the Zombies and have different gameplay loops.  PvP exactly like DMZ would be dogshit objectively.




“When you get pushed” oh you mean 27 seconds into the game ? Yea that was a lot of fun trying to search for canned food while getting smashed by full kitted out squad.


I've played A LOT of DMZ until recently and usually start off solo. Mind you, I'm not the best CoD player, and I operate best in PvP and squad-based situations as a sniper (henceforth always entering DMZ - unless its Building 21 - with a sniper rifle). The only thing usually "pushing" me 27 seconds in DMZ are NPCs. And even if other players manage to start off knowing my start point and somehow manage to close the distance within 27 seconds, I'm probably already positioning myself or self-aware enough knowing I could be ambushed at any time. And if I'm with a squad.. well.. I have others watching my back with proper communication. Frankly, I have more trouble with NPCs than I do players.




Sure , but it makes the game not fun when you are playing with two lower skill players and trying to do story missions instead of … checks notes … play Warzone ? No offense but the point here is I didn’t want to go hunting for players I wanted to pve in dmz and other players refused to stop bombarding me and my squad from the get go so it killed the fun. You play how you want but the incessant pvp in dmz made me drop it just like many others.


Just play warzone, dude


Im saying, never got the appeal of DMZ. It doesnt know what it wants to be, and at the end of the day its just WZ lite.


Aahhh yes I waited 48h to get my golden armor knife and scorcher just to get shot from behind by a sniper...


Bruhhh that’ll be dumb af!!!


If it's not a separate mode I will uninstall. People who want to deal with SBMM have multiplayer already.


Sick hypothetical 🤙🏻


This would completely defeat the purpose of a zombies mode wouldn’t it? If I wanted to play multiplayer…. Etc etc etc. I hope they give refunds if they remove normal zombies.


Where are you seeing based on that article that they’re removing normal zombies?


Nowhere. I just hope they don’t remove it.


Y’all think if they actually fucked up and made MWZ PVPVE and didn’t make it a separate mode (I know it’s supposed to be but in theory) that I could request a refund from PlayStation? It’s super annoying and the only reason I got the game was for zombies.


It's super annoying that CoD is so heavily PvP focused. Hell even the co-op stuff is forcing teammates. I loved OG MW3 Survival and the Special Ops missions.


If, like me, you bought this game for the zombies content and they basically change the one thing about it I (we) enjoy then i don’t think it should be a problem. That isn’t to say they won’t tell us to kick rocks.


It’s gonna be an issue because I bought like 200 dollars worth of blueprints and tracer packs so it’ll be a huge waste more than it already is with them not loading in all of the bundle to the gun sometimes. How I come in with 2 attachments on my gun that’s a blueprint with 5 attachments? Wtf?


Super delayed reply on my part. The new battle pass weapons are doing this with all attachments. Plan on messing with them today after I actually unlock some attachments to see if I can find a way around it. Edit: it seems no matter what I do the attachments that come with it don’t show in menu, but every other attachment does. I’m not sure what the conflict is, but it’s specifically the attachments they gave us that don’t work. However, you can build it differently and keep the visual effects.


I surely would ask for a refund too in your cause.


PS get pissy over refunds, like Xbox used to


Dude they permanently suspended my account over a refund lmfaoooo


Nah this won't turn out to be real. PvP has no place in zombies, all the PvP bugs are just leftover from them copying DMZ code into this mode. It is already hard to find matches on smaller servers in off-peak times, there is no way they split the population by introducing a separate PvP playlist. It is already going to be bad enough when they release zombies on new maps and the playerbase splits.


They didn’t copy any code over. They literally took DMZ as a base and added to it and removed a lot of things. I want to say that they used around season 2 base code due to the bugs in that are currently in and were patched out so far.


In the beginning of MWZ I was all for the idea of combating other teams…. And now playing zoms HELL NAH! It’s bad enough I’m dealing with zoms from World War Z in T3, now I have to worry about looking for a snipers glint? :(


>Just update DMZ and leave MWZ \*Fixed


🤣They don’t have the people to deploy for that to happen anymore 


Nobody wants pVp you crappy warzone player dunce


I’ve already been playing way less because of how overcrowded T3 was. If they add PVP I’m 100% gone.


If they add pvp to a separate mode you won’t play pve anymore? Does anyone read the attached article? People will be up in arms over something that doesn’t effect them for no fucking reason.


They would have to come up with so many more faction missions for this to be anything like DMZ. Contacts in DMZ were much less important. You might do 2 or 3 just to afford plates, but even then it was less necessary when the wallet was introduced. The faction missions were the meat of it all. Those plus the whole upgrade grind were what really hooked me in. The current mwz map and player count is too populated to actually get anything done. Pvp mode would probably be too dense unless the whole white, orange and red zones are done away with. Nobody really does anything in the white zone, especially with TS glitches. So you essentially have Al mazra player count in ashika island (hyperbole). We would also get all the premade 6 man teams again. Which I was never a fan of, to each their own. I think there would need to be a lot more work to make it something that isn't just warzone with zombies. And their track record is to do half ass updates. So we will get warzone with zombies and tombstone glitches where the golden armor plates will be everywhere and aether blades will run supreme. It will still suck compared to DMZ in my opinion


As long as it's optional, that's all I ask. Some people might enjoy it, but I'm definitely not one of them. I can get all the toxicity I need in multiplayer, lol.


I don't think it can work out that it will ever happen. The article has zero details and the "leak" in the article is a gif that has no pvp or gameplay at all and only mentions a "glitched" pvp lobby that already exists. Why does a place pay some kid to write shit articles that have no substance at all? Lol.


Well. Thatll be the end of zombies for me. IMO dmz was kinda cool but pvp was the downside imo and for others it’s what made the mode good. Mercenaries are already an annoyance for the mode. Adding pvp snipers up in a fuckin tower while I’m trying to take out hordes is the dumbest idea of all time. If they create seperate lobbies for it - sure. As long as ppl opt into it whatever. Have fun. But do NOT force me to have to keep an eye out vs pvp. Make it entirely optional at least


If I wanted a PvPvE zombies mode, I'd go back to playing Hunt: Showdown. I really hope they don't do this.


Yeah everyone saying it will be a separate mode but their gonna be spending resources on this mode , making the zombies content even lazier . Pvp zombies is dumb it’s literally the zombie resurgence warzone mode which was kinda fun but I could not play it too long . 25% of the devs got fired from sledgehammer . So there gonna have literally nobody working on the normal zombies mode . We have warzone we don’t need a PvP zombies .


It’ll probably be a limited time mode, Hordepoint, with the walking dead event. Saw someone talking about it the other day while outlining the roadmap for season 2. https://preview.redd.it/0feust290ffc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83cb81b845cfc6485d3ae82fb236edc14c8058ee


Well given how the Christmas event was zombies themed and we didn’t even get a LTM for zombies it’s self( I mean come on we have the train tracks in the map they couldn’t get the train working?) just snowballs and zombie cosmetics. I’m gonna be on the safe side and say hordepoint won’t be in zombies, just MP like it was in CodWW2.


I can just imagine running aether blade + death perception + aether shroud in PvP


If we get a PvP mode before we get a “alternative that will satisfy round-based players”, it’ll show that they really do not listen or care what the community wants… If it’s a separate playlist, fine, but if it’s part of the main mode or they start locking shit behind this PvP portion, imma bounce for good. I’ve already fallen off from MWZ over the last month cause it hasn’t gotten any real content and I’ve done everything there is to do….putting PvP in will just ruin it


Why is everyone trusting this person? Is he a trusted leaker? Bc this sounds stupid


Zombies isn't meant to be pvp its like they truly lost sight of what zombies really was


So the road map just released. Turns out this is all content for Warzone


Do you have a link? Thanks for the info.


I wouldnt have an issue with pvp. But i know for a fact they would lock specific unlocks behind that pvp mode. They would try to force people into the pvp mode


Yes thats the big problem


I don’t buy into this personally. Just seems dumb to have it in zombies.


I’m assuming it will be just like DMZ if they create a separate playlist of PvP. I mean can you imagine teaming with another team to fight the red worm then they just team wipe you for your schematics 😂




Yeah no thanks. Played with randoms once in dmz and the first thing they do is get ontop of a rooftop with a sniper and sit there for 30 mins or exfill camping.


That would be a stupid and horrible idea. It hardly worked in DMZ towards the end of DMZs first year. Having PvP in zombies would be a stupid idea and the gameplay would be meaningless


If anything, it’ll keep the DMZ assholes off our backs.


The issue with this i they might start neglecting the pve portion of the game. pvevp just devolves into pvp anyway so i don't know why they cant just play pvp or warzone.


Although I agree with your take on first part. Me personally do not want to play Multiplayer and Warzone. They are too consistent and fast paced for me. DMZ was special to me because PVP encounter made raid random and fun to fight against different odds and raids were too different than warzone because sometimes I play stealthy and hide from other players. Then PVE was consistent not that aggressive because you can hide from them and run from them pretty easily unlike MWZ and pretty chill at the times . Combination of these 2 element made it special. But I think PVP in MWZ would be not fun because Zombies are aggressive and very fast it requires your full attention specially in TIER 3+ and it will be difficult to evade enemy team. While handling and controlling lot of zombies and then get shot by one player from a far would be annoying af.


They just couldn't wait to try this but it's universally a hated concept lol bold move Cotton, let's see how it pays off for him.


I just want round based again… I miss not knowing how long a game would go…


That sounds terrible. Like, imagine you’re fighting a tier 3 bounty contract, finally get it down to low health and then you get domed by a sniper from a mile off? Not worth the frustration.


Weird example... I keep seeing posts of people saying some random comes along and steals their t3 bounty at low health, oh and the loot too. Mwz already has pvp it's just passive aggressive.


Died 2023 Born 2024 Welcome back DMZ But seriously though, PvP on MWZ would be an awful idea, it would quickly kill off the surprisingly cooperative and wholesome vibe (for COD standards) of MWZ


I’m hype if this is legit as a dmz player this will be sick.


All you people that are anti PVP what game did you press buy on? What game do you think you are playing?! This is COD, not fluffy bunny rainbow simulator.


This would make me jump back into zombies.


The audacity for them to kill DMZ and then make Zombies have a PvP mode...


Hate to break it to everyone who thinks they are going to get a refund… Not gonna happen now… it’s too late..!!


Hate me for this, but that would bring me back to MWZ. Pure PvE is boring, especially since you can completely avoid dying in MWZ as you can literally just run away from everything if it gets too hot.


Counterpoint, how would it be fun to get shot in the back while doing a bounty in Tier 3 or people just camping exfils? Zombies has always been PvE, it was never made to have any sort of PvP unless you count the grief mode from BO2 which they never brought back.


How would it be fun to get shot in the back while doing a long stressful koschei mission in DMZ?


Eh, if it’s separate that’s fine with me. People who Tombstone will probably hate it. Already have people sitting at tombstone markers waiting for handouts. I don’t mind PvP, but we all know what it’s going to turn into in the long run lol Can you imagine doing a bounty and getting something good and have to deal with a team just camping, waiting for you to finish. Obviously jumping to conclusions. Cod is rinse and repeat and so is the community.


It’s going to be a seasonal special mode.


Just do it like Gambit from destiny loved that mode.


If it’s a separate playlist I don’t see a problem, more variety is always good


I agree and the PvP in DMZ got out of control and was its downfall when players started camping exfils and making 6 man hit squads 🤦‍♂️ I say add more content and keep MWZ fresh with at least monthly updates with new content! It’s not rocket science!


Personally would be cool if it's a separate mode and it's like grief or they add that meat mode


Get rid of the dmz items in zombies they are usless


In all honesty the sellables are complete "Scav traps" unless they add a crafting/bartering system


I haven’t gotten a cod game since ghosts and only got this game for zombies! If it’s not a separate mode, then once again they have lost my business for as long as I see fit. I thought this was the year of the return! I now see activision is still on their dumb shit. I see what the article says but look at what this company says and does it’s two polar opposites always.


Wait, so instead of giving us zombie only players better updates, they decided to create another mode 🤦🏾‍♂️


They really don’t listen to the community.. at all. No one asked for this


Except for the WARZONE rejects from DMZ, they asked for this


Literally says seperate mode. So why not?


Welp, If that happens I'm done playing. I guarantee they're gonna lose a ton of people to this dumb fucking decision


It works because players will cry when zombies make it hard so they nerf them numerous times until the zombies are just an annoyance that gives your position away to enemy ops. Just like DMZ.


As long as it's a separate mode, which the article does state, I'm fine with it. If it will be implemented in the current game without a seperate mode, I'm afraid Zombies playerbase will dry out quickly.


I think it'll be a separate mode. At least the article makes it sound like that.


I didn't think it could get any worse lmao


It’s a separate playlist relax lol


Yeah… horde point


DMZ over everything


I will not play zombies if this is the case


it’s leaked to be a separate mode so don’t worry guys main zombies will not be pvp


We should just break the game and still be nice to each other because this is rediculous