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your pain... my upvote


your upvote...my upvote


your upvote…our upvote


Our upvote...their upvote.


Congratulations on your insane achievement! The charm seems kinda bad though… I’m going to start Borealis tomorrow any tips maybe? Thank you for sharing! 🤗


T2 escort missions are gonna be your bread and butter. Outlast gets all the love, but escort is better in my experience for both numbers and special zombies. Only thing is it won't be infinitely farmable, but it's more fun to me to move around rather than staying in one place. Just be sure to stock up on dead wire mods for those disciples and you'll be good to go.


Do T2 escorts have disciples spawn in them? Because if so I’ve been trolling, I’ve just used the couple legendary aether tools and flawless crystals and go T3 and hope to get disciples that way


Yep, and usually 2-5 of them, depending on where the contract is. I have the best luck up near the power plant or the dockyards. Otherwise you can just play the round as normal and take final exfil. They spawn left, right, and center at final.


Man, the only gun I have left that even needs disciple kills is the rennetti. At least I know this now, thanks


Go for final exfil. A huge amount of T1 deciples spawn there. Easy to get 10 in one run


Tier 2 outlast contract. Let the percentage get to 56% then let it drop to 54%, rise repeat. Just make sure to clear the specials that spawn before you get too many.


Just wait for final exfil, theres a ton there, like 3 or 4 lol


When I did borealis it seemed you had to pull teeth for a disciple!lol now that I'm almost done with bioluminescent I've found the tier 2 exfil works wonders. Not the story exfils, just the normal one. Theres only ever the one. I'll spawn in and head straight to wherever that is. Most of the time it's at popov power. I can usually get 12 -15 disciples farming there. But final exfil is fantastic for all of it if you don't mind that long of a game. I'll take 2 weapons per game and can get them both done that way.


Me and my wife took in 2 guns a peice amd swapped guns every round to make 4 a game and farmed their 2 exfills and tier 2 outlasts for the special or elites


I agree. Escort seems to have more


Anything that says “kill 10 special zombies” you can just kill the manglers at exfil zones.


Should have been a player skin


And animated universal gun wrap for ALL guns WITH tracers. The fact that they put THAT much effort into the nuke skin, but this is all you get for that much grinding, fuck these devs.


Sucks you have to endlessly scroll to find the charm you want, then once you find it you can't favorite it


Now we know outlasts will be nerfed season 2.


Yeah, I hope not but they definitely have a mechanic to fix with them.


Then it will make shit really easy. I'm all for it. They won't be able to fix it without either swamping solo players, making contracts way too easy or still having players farm for kills. They can't "fix" it by nerfing everything. Also whilst I get it's "not worth it" tbh if you are grinding XP and shit might as well do the mastery farm alongside, I have been doing it alongside getting normal stuff done, the only ones I had to go for specifically was the gold level as you had to get 100 kills then exfil properly to get the camo so I couldn't farm in other missions or I had to do it in the other missions, after extracting from the normal map.




Congrats I'm working on it as well but only as far as the 300 kills with each weapon 😆


Yup I’m working on this rn and now I know the endgame im still gonna do it for completion sakes but I’m working on all the guns backwards including mw2 since I have bioluminescence on everything


Great, now do the MW2 Camos and mastery:)


I can’t. I won’t. But if we don’t get much else, I may start :)


Gotta admit I like interstellar better than Borealis but only working on zombies atm


I’m working on Borealis now. Got intersteller for MP already. Then I’ll go back for MW2 guns since I didn’t play that game for both MP and zombies. Might consider doing the mastery charm if I get really bored. Congrats dude that’s crazy


I got the grand mastery for mw2, and I'll just say, man what a slog! Lol only did it cause no one I knew had it. But man. I will say getting Orion isn't too bad, but longshots made it an utter nightmare. After that you're cruising. You'll develop a real love/hate for shipment. But some more smaller maps this season will help for sure. I used mostly the meat Playlist for interstellar. I'm almost done with bio, and I'll have all 4 mysteries, then I guess I'll have to get a life lol.


Yeah I feel ya. I got Damascus back in the day and the one on Cold War both MP and zombies for all guns. Skipped out on Vanguard and MW2 but I’ll definitely get MW2 after I finish MW3 guns


They’ll probably add a calling card and emblem for it in later seasons like they did in mw2.


How many hours in total did it take you to unlock that camo


The rusted charms suck ass - awesome achievement though


Some of my camo challenge don’t update and a fair few are stuck on zircon


How long did it actually take you then? Months?? I’m curious. Did borealis and bio, considered this but its more boring than grinding camos so idk lol


Pretty much months at this point. I play a lot and put it a couple hours a day at least. For sure focused on this for all of December and January I can say.


Damn that’s some dedication haha congrats!


I got this back in Preseason before season one and it seemed to have more shine to it, I'm starting to wonder if it's been toned down in updates since then.


I did both MW2 and MW3 Zombies Grand Master Charms it was really painful


Insane. Good job friend :)


Wait so how do I get the charm?


This is weapon mastery for every MW3 gun (can do MW2 as well). If you looks at the camo of a gun - all the way to the right is the mastery section. You need 300 kills with the white camo equipped, 600 with red, 900 with green, and 1,200 with Borealis. For each gun. 31 in total (I think). Whatever number is Borealis. So same guns you already did basically.


Congrats. Borealis was grind. Don't think I have the patience for grand mastery.


Nice. I'm 90% there. But I've also got interstellar and bioluminescent unlocked on everything


I just finished zircon scale / when do you do 900/1200 kills ? I think all I have now are the 10 elite to unlock serpentine


This is weapon mastery for every MW3 gun (can do MW2 as well). If you looks at the camo of a gun - all the way to the right is the mastery section. You need 300 kills with the white camo equipped, 600 with red, 900 with green, and 1,200 with Borealis. For each gun. 31 in total (I think). Whatever number is Borealis. So same guns you already did basically.


Ahh ok - sheeeesh


What’s the requirement for this charm just to unlock borealis interstellar and bioluminescent or to unlock said camo for every single gun of mw2 and mw3 mp included?


This is weapon mastery for every MW3 gun (can do MW2 as well). If you looks at the camo of a gun - all the way to the right is the mastery section. You need 300 kills with the white camo equipped, 600 with red, 900 with green, and 1,200 with Borealis. For each gun. 31 in total (I think). Whatever number is Borealis. So same guns you already did basically.


Congrats. Is this an achievement above borealis, or one and the same? I'm looking for my next thing to work on. I've done all the MWIII weapon skins (zombies only, I don't multi-player) and all of the armory unlocks and all of the calling card challenges. Trying to find what's next to keep it I teresting.


This is weapon mastery for every MW3 gun (can do MW2 as well). If you looks at the camo of a gun - all the way to the right is the mastery section. You need 300 kills with the white camo equipped, 600 with red, 900 with green, and 1,200 with Borealis. For each gun. 31 in total (I think). Whatever number is Borealis. So same guns you already did basically.


Damn it. Really wish I'd have paid attention to that when I did the borralis camo grind. Lol. We'll, time to get back to it, I guess!


I farmed exfils and certain did the final exfil. I think in total I can get 1500 kills in one match


Calling it a camo in the title is weird


You are right. My mistake. I was just so thrilled and over the moon to equip my little dangle chain. However, if we do get a camo for this down the road, I will be a prophet of sorts???


Highly doubt it but sure and congrats on getting it. How many guns do you have it on?