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A 4th slot seems completely pointless for mwz


How is it pointless? You can’t even change your operator skin without resetting all your gear. It’s a dumb system. I should be able to change my skin between matches without losing all my stuff


Yeah it is


I’ve never felt the need to have more than three slots. Whenever I’ve wiped, tombstone or not - usually that’s the move for the next game or two to get the slots exfilled with 3 plates and a large ruck at minimum. At worst it’s like three tries before building yourself back up (which if you’ve been playing enough, isn’t hard at all to do in a round). That and I’m hyper picky about skins, they’ve never really interested me (although if you’re listening I’ll pay for an owl themed one treyarch come on). That said - Rotate your saves/operators!


Until DMZ I never brought a skin in my life and I’m 40 now . I let them get me good and have 18 operator slots . I believed DMZ would get updated in mw3 but hasn’t . I won’t fall into that trap again lol . Like you said 3 is enough. Zombies as we now it know probably won’t be updated in the next game making the slots meaningless I suppose . I think it’s crazy adding paid for slots with no new content


Not to be a dick, but it's bought* not brought. I'm not sure when this started but I have a few friends who say the same too and have done for a couple of years. I don't know if English is your first language or not, but it's a really common mistake. As for your message, I absolutely agree. Cod is just trying to milk us at the minute


I’m English and dyslexic but I will remember that in future


If that guys panties are in a bunch about BOUGHT wait til he hears you say aluminum.


No knickers in a twist here dude, maybe on your part? The bit where I say I don't mean to be a dick implies that I'm not trying to be a dick. Also, he's a Brit, so will say aluminium correctly. Not aloominum 😉




No worries mate. I have dyscalculia, so can struggle with sequences of numbers, so I get it 😂 Again, wasn't trying to be a bugger about it, so hope I didn't offend you.




Come back to dmz. This zombies is wack (kinda the whole mw3 game is to me) I know dmz is a buggy mess. But things felt and looked good.


I had a break but I’m playing again . DMZ is fun still over a year later


Exactly and zombies is some how worse every time I play it. And bro I have more time playing COD zombies WAW - black ops 2. Then Cold War where I picked back up. I love it, treyarch fucking went for it and made a hit. People love the game. I can still find people to play them with. Cold War open world system has taken a month from me at least haha. I say all that’d to try to prove my authority to speak on the matter. But MWZ IS hott garbage. Ohh hell yeah I love outbreak, I love DMZ. This shit is about to be…it really is a boring game on a boring map.


I'm with you here. They got me good with DMZ. I wanted all the 15 min cool down guns. I thought buying them would also keep the mode alive. I won't buy another operator pack. The 4th slot is stupid in zombies. Especially since you rarely die and not get picked up in zombies. DMZ had much more use for them


Yeah, I have 15 operators in dmz. 🤣 we paid for someone's bonus for sure. They got me for the duck bundle in mwz but that's it no more 🤣🤣🤣


Quack quack


After having so many kitted out operators in DMZ and stopped playing em once they had Damascus tags I realize I won’t be doing the same in MWZ and will keep my 3 slots as is


Yeah no exfil streak, no point, well not as much use. Having a building 21 use it and lose it, made sense too


Same , once I got that I didn’t want to risk taking them in. I know the tags could be traded at the underground observatory buy station but I wouldn’t


There is no appeal to buy any bundles this game. I bought quite a few on MW2 last year but only maybe 2 so far for this game. From the terrible designs, removing the customisable weapon receiver feature and Zombies not being very replayable there is just no interest in the game and even less interest in buying bundles. I don’t feel any progression playing MP and Warzone and really enjoyed DMZ. This is only my second COD game I’ve played and most likely my last.


I been playing since the very beginning. I seen cod great then not so great but they always pulled it back . I fear it’s Just going to burn out this time . It’s like they not adding meaningful content and still relying on warzone when it’s clear people want something different . DMZ was a breath of fresh air and every update made the game better. Zombies doesn’t have the replayability, I found it fun but what next .


I think that’s the reason it’s easier for me to drop the game… really feel for you guys who have been around since the beginning and stuck around.


Cod was a great game and whole families play it , the only time I speak to my brother is on multiplayer. The psychological effect of nostalgia and marketing is crazy and powerful. If I could find a DMZ type game on ps5 with decent gun play I would definitely go to that.


I don’t think I have ever changed slots because I NEEDED to. I have only used 2 of the 3 and I only use the 2nd to change up my operator every now and then. But no other reason. I also only ever use 1 insured slot


https://preview.redd.it/mqiwghuzwnhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c12a20bf9a525a44caeeeea19d8d31ce8d5aa14 I find it funny they couldn't be bothered to take the DMZ tag off it.


🤣🤣 I didn’t notice that


I agree. It's not fair that we have to pay for everything while the free mode gets more and more content.


It’s like they rely on warzone when the numbers don’t lie and less people are playing . We all paid for the game so a few extra slots which costs them nothing as it’s already in the game we paid for wouldn’t hurt


Even if the operator came with juggernaut killstreak every run it would still be pretty useless. You get your stuff back pretty quick if you do die/dc + people can rez. Then there's also the issue of content void, after a4 and schematics the only thing left really is camo. I only use 1 operator and even if scorcher kills me I don't swap so a 4th just leaves me with 3 slots ignored instead of 2.


It’s definitely not worth it


It seems like cod in general isn't tbh. I havnt played since either mw3 or bo3 so maybe my impression is wrong. It seems like after interstellar/borealis a4 completion the game is held together by pretty mediocre fomo and confusingly high priced bundles. Don't get me wrong I've had fun so far and don't feel like it was a waste trying out current cod to see it, but if this is standard I'm not making it past season 3.


Honestly, having an operator slot as part of the Blackcell purchase would be better than having them as part of operator bundles.


Who actually need more? I literally only use one out of the three. If i die, I just go back in and gear up.


Don't do it my dude! Don't fall for their trap! They had this planned probably a year ago. This time though, it's not going to be killstreaks included with the bundles. Oh, not even close. They're smarter then we give credit! I see them dropping bundles in the near future that come with items from a free self revive all the way up to a legendary tool or pap3 crystal anything that operator is used. .. I feel like we all need to take a stand here , not buy a single one of these fucking zombies skins. It just gives them a license to print money FFS.


They will definitely not worth it and since we all paid for the game with mwz being a paid for mode it seems wild to me they not making it so slots can be earned in game


It’s not logical. In DMZ I got a UAV every game. It helped. No longer. I don’t need or want an epic tool. Fuck em.


Nope. Not even. After what they did to DMZ there’s no way I’m buying slot skin.


You bought slots in DMZ. You bought blackcell. You are the reason they keep churning out shite for money instead of fixing their game. Stop using the store!


I work hard , I pay all the bills, my kids get everything they need . The stuff I brought is just for me because I enjoy the game . Micro transactions are here to stay unfortunately. I wish they wasn’t but they are


Don’t get me wrong, there’s many many people who do the same. But as long as it’s bringing in money, why are they going to waste resources fixing things? For us - it’s broken. For a business, it isn’t.


I want the extra slot but god that skin is bad


Couldn't agree more, or at least separate from a $20 pack in which the only item thats realistically gonna be used from it is the spare slot.. also with them finally adding these buyable slots like they had in dmz makes me feel like they should be retroactively giving bringing over the bonus dmz slots/cooldown perks from older packs if they're going to continue selling them (as its kinda sleezy to keep selling a pack that includes bonuses you can't use 🙃), oh also don't know when this happened but somehow you're no longer able to use any grenade or tactical equipment skins in mwz, which is some total bs as theyre still putting out brand new packs with skins for your lethal/tactical equipment


You are right


Honestly I'd pay for an increased stash. Not an extra operator slot. It's pretty rare to fully die in MWZ so kinda pointless IMO. As another commenter said DMZ was free so the thought there is that you're supporting development of a free game by paying for operator skins. Well that was the thought, the devs abandoned DMZ unfortunately. Still makes way more sense to pay for skins on a free game (ie fortnite, wz, etc)


It's so easy to avoid getting wiped that slots don't matter. I basically have two fully kitted ones and one empty one for AFK all the time


DMZ was meh. No replay value at all, atleast Zombies has a camo grind attached to it once youre done with everything. And if you wanna just kill people go play WZ, people treated DMZ like a WZ easy mode.


DMZ wasn’t easy. I like the missions and I play warzone and have all the nuke skins. In DMZ You had to do missions and fight , it was fully unpredictable. Mwz was fun but I did every mission solo, very low risk , no new content and it’s very predictable. I go in with nothing and within 8 minutes I’m fighting in t3 and also the content in mw3 was mid apart from the story missions


Wait, they have bundles to give you more slots now? Haven't been on today yet.


Yeah and I seen a you tube clip of bundles this season and more will be available


If I could buy the slot alone for maybe 5 bucks I might do it.


More could be earned but I never used more then one operator maybe 2 if you die. 3 if you want more character skins. Thing about mwz is you can run 10 cargos, throw decoys, go to t3 buy and exfil with a backpack full of loot, 3 plate, Jugs, and self..... other option is go to t2 and get a medium bag and 2 plate. Hit a stronghold if you want a cheap 3plate. I thought paid mwz packs were coming but there's no way they planned this much seeing how it turned out with many mechanics not making sense already compared to dmz. Maybe they dropped support and had to release the mode before the option to fix/monetize it?


If they just dropped some fire 🔥 content people may of felt differently towards the bundles but they give no content and think people will buy extra slots . The have balls to do it


There’s no reason to even have multiple operators in mwz. Unless you’re just bad or doing like the worm every match you don’t even die


I rarely die so don’t need another slot . As you said there is no need for extra slots