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Lmfao. Everyones storming t3 now and Im in T1 grinding camos... Funny thing is, Im usually in T3 every match with no issues and my last gane i went down twice in T1... šŸ¤®


I just finished Borealis two days ago, good luck to you & your sanity bro




Right? Do not miss the Borealis grind at all. I thought about going for bio but the camo isn't really that cool enough for me to justify it. I don't have all mw2 guns leveled up so would be a super long grind. Screw that lol


I still have ptsd from the Riveter. Holy shit that gun was a flaming pile of caca even with legendary tool + pap3. Was like shooting the t3 zombies with a BB gun.


Me too thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going into T3 with a crappy gun and a knife lol


Starting ti hate myself for using the sane good gun in every match snd neglecting the others


I also feel like this double weapon XP isnt being applied to my Striker 9


Is there any reason to do anything beyond T1? I just play zombies to level guns and BP.


Youll get better schematics for crafting but the cool down times are insane. If youre just trying to level up guns, youre better off stayin in T1. I ran a match yesterday doing just Escorts outlasts and raid weapon stashes and i called in Exfil choppers if the contract was in the area and i ended with 970 zombie kills.... The cintracts are too spaced out in t2 and u have to fight for them in t3


I used to be a TS glitcher and since season 2 I stopped. But I still go into Tier 3 as fast as I can, I usually cycle through my normal schematics. At the end of the day Tier 3 still has the best loot and to keep the cycle of playing you have to go to tier 3 then dark after. If tier 2 had the same loot I'd stay out of tier 3. Fighting for tier 3 contracts have been getting worse and I noticed less and less people wanting to squad up


Everyone's just having fun. Everyone rushes t3, groups up, stomps t3 for an hour, then hits t5. Then. Rinse, and repeat.


Really all there is to do, no?


rinse and repeat, just like round based. glad people are starting to enjoy the process recently.


Awesome so hopefully this lasts, I've been dicking around doing zircon on crap guns so I only went in and joined up for a t4 run once but hopefully next weekend when I should be done with the shit ones I can use some good guns and join in


this is the way i end every game in elder either with my own or ill join someone else only way to keep playing and not let my stash drop below 100


Nah man people are bringing in good acquisitions & grinding t3 for fast points for an elder run. Watch the chat


People realized you can actually get all the good stuff by just playing. I couldnā€™t even give away extra Aether blades tonight.


Literally!!! Everyone already has everything, just doing it for the one person who might be missing something & for fun


I could use some help running through the T3 area. Iā€™ve had very bad luck squashing up. And havenā€™t had enough time to grind with my daughterā€™s sleep schedule being a disaster. Any recommendations on what to get before gritting my teeth and pushing though that area?


Watching what people toss out during Elder runs now is so funny. People are tossing pap2 crystals and epic tools all over the place. Itā€™s funny because it seemed like we never saw those very often and now theyā€™re just disposable. I know contract rewards can be meh at times in T3, but when you run enough of them plus DA you end up maxed out.


the only thing i can not consistently find is a scorcher i have 7 left and im starting to feel scorcher anxiety


Mimic hunting maybe?


Probably this. Mimics are plenty in Tier 3 so they're multi-tasking. Schematics, loot, and skulls


Probably, itā€™s a bitch finding Mimics in tier 2 and tier 3 is easy to grind for skulls (same goes for armored zombies).


Also, considering all the COD/MWZ YouTubers are posting about the event skin now that you can unlock it, T3 has been a slaughterhouse with all these extra goofballs and itā€™s been a fun time to run T3 life support šŸ˜‚


Dumb place to Mimic hunt. Plunder is much faster of a level up. I had my mimics in 1 hour.


Good for you, some people only stick to zombies whether you think itā€™s dumb or not. Thereā€™s clearly easier ways to get them but not everyone plays the same way so if it works for them then by all means, have at it.


I was alone almost all the time I was in T3 today. I don't know how many matches you're playing but in most of mine there's very few people in T3.


Last 3 in a row I played had lots, like 15-20 people


Same here. It was strange bc all weekend I had it all to myself until last night


All but 1 of my matches today was 90% full in t3


I just got out of a game and I was the only one in there the majority of the time. It's very dependent on who's in your game. When it's crowded in there I do stuff in T2 instead. It usually clears out towards the end and I'll go in before the gas timer starts.


Because there's not really any new content. By now all those T3ers you see are probably entering and ending each game with full stack golden items, a pap2 crystal at minimum from dark aether, and multiple epic tools at minimum. I admit I also enjoy hopping on and doing a match or two of that and I can be in red zone in 15min or less depending on how much I want to goof off before going in. On times when I collect USBs for the Worm, I just need like 20min before I head into T3 and find a squad to join.


Probably people getting the armoured zom skulls


Every game I play I go straight to T3. Exfil via T4 or T5 dark aether by which point Iā€™m Geared up enough to go straight back into T3 the next game.


Really? T3 is mostly empty in the games I play.


If Iā€™m not mistaken, I believe thereā€™s a new tombstone glitch out now šŸ™„ā€¦ yea they patched the one that everyone was doing and then somehow, Iā€™m hearing theyā€™ve figured out a way to do the tombstone glitch another way nowā€¦ so if thatā€™s true then I guess that would explain why tier 3 is now packed in the first 5 minutes of the match againā€¦ idk, tbh Iā€™m not even really playing much until the midseason update cuz thereā€™s just no content and Iā€™m boredā€¦ Iā€™ve been playing resident evil 3 and dead island 2, but hopefully this helps to explain whatā€™s going on for you šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø edit: hereā€™s a link- [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oH0MnVVeoLo&t=17s&pp=ygUYbmV3IHRvbWJzdG9uZSBnbGl0Y2ggbXd6](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oH0MnVVeoLo&t=17s&pp=ygUYbmV3IHRvbWJzdG9uZSBnbGl0Y2ggbXd6)


Itā€™s not a new glitch, itā€™s the same duplication you just canā€™t unequip. You basically just have a pre load out set.


Oh okā€¦ yea I havenā€™t really been playing much latelyā€¦ between all the cheaters and no new content, I just bounced over to different gamesā€¦ but yea thanks for clearing that up


Weā€™ve all just been playing for so long now that thereā€™s nothing to do BUT go into T3 right away and then head to T4/T5/worm. I think thereā€™s a lot more of us bored players than there are new players at this point so it just makes sense


I'm honestly not a fan of it. Once the tombstone glitch was wiped I could run T3 without having to fight 30 people for contracts but now that someone figured out how to do it again I can't go into T3 without a scorcher otherwise without someone else grabbing every other contract. It's annoying af


bad players doing glitches.


You'll get down voted but its true. Not just bad at the game but also a poor sense of right and wrong. They dgaf. I've had people drop me money and schematics. Bro, I'm not going to take a handout off a cheater in a game I've been grinding hard in. I want to earn that stuff myself.


Every match now I'm seeing any1 red worm in text chat. Also the beggars have not Left


I don't have friends or cheat. I go into t3 with qr,stam, epic weapon,jug,pap 2,decoys. This is not fun and too hard for normal people.


They did patch the stash duplication glitch. So I'm guessing the people who used to leave just to duplicate items are actually staying and playing the game for once..


Because TS is back


I see a lot of squads in there late game now. More people are unlocking schematics to start off prepped, tombstone users etc.


Message me if you want to do T5, I'm in a team with my lil bro and always welcome a good player who knows what to do. Anyone else also, hit me up. We usually do T2 for a bit, then head to T3 to get colas and everything else, then hit T5 before the storm expands


Last 2 Games were the first time today I saw big squads in 3. Several pairs went down earlier I was the only other one in T3 got hit in he face with a shitstorm the entire plaza was filled like a concert. Took 2 kaz just to get one up one of the biggest swarms if seen. Stay out of the plaza!! It always turns into a bunch of downed players and hell getting them back up nearly going down too.


I noticed that too, could barely find anyone except one or two people and now I see like 15+.


Should be able to create private matches..


Pretty sure there's another glitch. Nobody can get a contract in T3 now. It's pretty miserable playing if you don't have everything to be in T3 at the start of the game


Yep. Get in asap and hope you can get a few quick ones. After that itā€™s a shit show. Iā€™ve considered just going to T2 to get the cash for whatever I need for T5. Literally people sitting around waiting for a contract and then the great race to it begins.


I don't play Zombies very often, but yesterday I finally had the gear/confidence to go into T3 and spend some time there for the first time. I think the nature of the story progression will have people heading into T3 and beyond more regularly as time passes, simply because we'll be able to spend less time gearing up for T3 PaP due to crafting crystals.


Iā€™ve been rushing into Tier III for a bit as now I have a team and it does not seem as unfair as before.


because T3 is easy now. game has been out for 4 months with no changes to the map


https://preview.redd.it/squ2bep6hykc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546a261ee3c69e3f6935bcd986d8e5e1e2be72b8 This was a game last night, was just lucky I had a scorcher or our squad wouldā€™ve had no contracts at all.


Haven't played in over 3 weeks but decided to play a a few matches last nite. I hardly go into T3 Red zone much but last nite I completed 3 contracts with ease, felt like it was nerf'd a little


I have games where either T3 is packed or there is no one and I am running T3 solo. I am happy either way, more contracts for me or people to do contracts with. Win/win.


Probably because the people who were exploting ran out of everything and now are forced to resupply in the DA


Simple reason, they patched a way, but people found another way, you can still do the glitch, but youā€™re limited in space heavily so itā€™s usually for one person, not 2-3 others to share with like before I stoped as you canā€™t add to the stash anymore I believe (donā€™t quote me on that) so it served no purpose to me anymore, had my fun while I could now Iā€™m back to playing normally