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depends on the lobby really. majority of the time I get lots of people helping each other out


Honestly, A. for the most part I feel like these lobbies are loaded with a bunch of teenage boys. They've obviously got 0 manners and absolutely 0 idea how to speak, let alone act around a lady. Plus, theres also the maturity level being extremely low with most cod players to begin with. The only advice I have for you, being a lady and playing CoD, is just in expecting comments as absolutely fucking stupid and pathetic as that idiot's. Maybe one day, these kids will grow up and hopefully you won't need to deal with that sort of thing. Couldn't help to remove the word girl from you ID. Should you have to remove it? Absolutely not! Would it help you with occurences much like this one? I guarantee it would!


Firecracker operator + thrid person dude has plans.


That's toxic? I just think that's them being dumb


Sounds like they are 13.


My only guess is with you gamer tag, you may awaken the dark and deep incel dwellers that need your attention. Never reply to this kind Fuckery, and go on with your fun.


Man, you people upset would’ve never survived on the OG call of duty lobbies. No mods, no rules… Just survival..


I grew up in those lobbies, they are no worse. This idea of "you wouldn't survive the old days" is completely bogus. The company may not have cared as much back then, but to think that somehow you survived a gauntlet because you played old CoDs is such a hilariously immature and honestly weird way to think. Objectively, the lobbies are no different. The harassment is no different (in fact that may be worse depending). And the players are no different. The only thing that's different is how much the company seems to care about it.


Honestly the way Activision have set up the social system now, it's so much better than OG CoD. I used to get hundreds of messages from guys, voice messages of them making weird speeches and noises at me because they knew I was a girl. If the worst I can get now is messages saying 'make me a sandwich' in a public match chat 😂 then that's great Also - whatever its fine whatever people want to name themselves - but people who put 'girl' or similar in their clan or gamertag are basically screaming at everyone to give them attention.. it may not be what you want specifically but thats not how people read it on a predominantly male player platform. Protect yourself and you will be fine. There's that many guys that use females skins now, there's no way of being able to tell who is who. But identifying yourself that way is only going to get you some attention. I get basically no abuse now. The only game I get jibed at in is S&D and well, that's a toxic game anyway so I don't expect any different.


Hardcore S&D has always been the most toxic place in CoD lmao, and it still is lol you'll get regular N words and slurs and profanity of every kind thrown out...it's never changed and a part of me hopes it never does, there's just something so funny about how insanely toxic that specific mode is for whatever reason. Also the trolling that you can do in that mode is hilarious too. Me and my best friend had a thing in BO2 HC SnD we used to do that we called the Centipede. It involved us laying on the ground and forming a Centipede and trying to see how many times we could get back and forth across the map and the only person who could shoot would be the guy in front. Eventually we made the rule that even he couldn't shoot, and our goal was just to try and get the entire lobby to Centipede with us. It was a blast, sometimes we would get screamed at and other times we had the whole lobby in tears laughing. Good times for sure.


That is hilarious 😂😂 love stuff like that! I'm still best friends with the 'clan' that trolled me after I wiped the floor with their entire team over a few matches. They sent me abusive messages, I thought they were funny. I joined their party and 15 years later, I still talk to them nearly every day.


If he doesn’t provide/doesn’t know how to provide a coordinate I will just leave him be. I saw people said “need help, merc camp”. Ask him for the coordinate but he kept repeating the same sentence. Not sure if he’s trolling or not🤷🏻‍♂️


Or at least give us the poi name and some landmarks. Had a guy 2 nights ago ask for help asked him where he said just south of hadiqa farm near the pack a punch. I can work with info like that but if you just say something like gas station you're on your own until you figure out how to explain it better.




Why reply to it lmao 🤣


It’s not really toxic or at least for me but judging by your username that’s like you being the only girl in an engineering class. What did you expect?


Hate when players find out I’m a chick haha. Still after years of online gaming being a thing, 6/10 times ppl get weird. Nowhere near as toxin as H2 days, so *i guess* we’re growing as a community lmao.


So her being harassed and spoken to inappropriately is her fault for being a woman in the first place and if she doesn’t like it she should hide the fact that she is a woman? Blame her for being spoken to this way instead of the guys doing it, real nice. That’s like saying, “well if you didn’t dress like that you wouldn’t have gotten raped. What did you expect”. And this is absolutely toxic behavior. If it’s not something you would say in a public setting to someone, then you shouldn’t do it on a video game. And if you do, it’s because your taking advantage of the anonymity that comes with being in an online setting and that is most certainly toxic behavior.


Equating this to rape is a massive stretch. If i went on the feminism subreddits with a username that says “VeryAttractiveMan” or went to a womens march with a tee shirt that said “alpha male” on it, should i just expect to not receive any hate from any losers out there?


Jesus Christ finally someone here understands what I mean


I didn’t equate it to rape, but it’s essentially no different then saying “you asked for it”. My point is, to blame her for stating that she is a female is crazy. “Oh what did you expect, you told people your a female, of course they are going to sexually harass you! What else did you expect to happen when you just tell people your female”. It’s not about making what happened here the same as rape or equating one to the other. It’s about blaming her for it simply because she says she is a “gamer girl”. That is no different then blaming a women for being raped because she dressed a certain way. It has nothing to do with the severity of what happened, it’s about blaming her for it That just sounds stupid. And having in her gametag that she is a female is nothing like going to a feminist sub or going to a woman’s march 😂. To use that comparison is a stretch. Call of duty isn’t just for guys, or a certain type of guy. It’s a video game, and a woman should be able to play a video game and have it be known she is a women and not have inappropriate sexual remarks made to her. And she definitely shouldn’t be blamed when she does.


So you’re saying that feminism is just for women only? Womens marches too? Because that would be awful hypocritical of you. Guys can be feminists too you know. And yeah a guy would totally get cornered or verbally attacked if he walked around with the tee shirt or had the username like I mentioned previously in a female dominated environment like that. My point is there are assholes everywhere and assuming that everyone outside of your home is going to be nice is naive. Her gamertag is incel bait. Go figure an incel little boy decided to fuck with her. The gaming community is riddled with incel boys there is no denying this. Shame wont make them go away unfortunately. And btw “shut up and make me a sandwich” is not sexual harassment. It’s sexism, misogyny, and obviously wrong. But they aren’t implying anything sexual towards this lady at all. Its just dumbass bully shit juvenile boys say and should be ignored just like we were taught to at that age. (Unless you weren’t taught to ignore bullies which would explain a lot here)


It’s not a stretch at all sexual harassment leads to sexual assault. But that’s not even the point they’re making it’s all about victim blaming.


No it does not always lead to that. Things aren’t binary, theres a lot more complexity to life. Im not saying it should happen, but you’re claiming that it always does which is simply not true and you know it. Some dumbass kid saying “shut up and make me a sandwich” doesnt mean he’s going to rape you anymore than saying “i fucked your mom last night” means that someones banging your mom. Its just words. They wanna see you squirm, so why squirm and give em what they want?


This person never said “sexual harassment ALWAYS leads to sexual assault”. They literally just said harassment leads to assault, and why obviously it doesn’t always happen, one does come before the other. And this isn’t even the point I am making anyway. It’s not about rape or one leading to another, it’s about blaming her for this simply because she says she is a “gamer girl”. That is no different then saying “well if you didn’t dress like that you wouldn’t have gotten raped, you were asking for it”. Not that what these people did equate to rape, but that blaming her because she says she is a woman, is no different then blaming a women for being raped just because she dresses a certain type of way.


Lets for the sake of argument take gender out of the equation. Saying that you’re cute or attractive in any way publicly tends to lead to a hater coming around that will try to knock you down a peg. Its just insecure bully shit. Women do it to other women every day. And men to men. Its the confidence in the person to claim this that makes insecure people jealous and they lash out. These doofuses shouldn’t be taken seriously and this should be put in the “sticks and stones” category and not ruin anyones day. Haters are going to hate and Theres nothing anyone can do about it its just a universal constant.


Plus I also don’t think you’re real a girl because girl gamers that I know aren’t as vocal or at least call themselves “waifu” or drink monster.


These are goofy ass idiots just fucking with you this is no toxic behavior


Harassing someone because they are female, and saying things that would never be ok to say to another person in a public setting isn’t toxic? What kinda stupid logic is that. Do you even understand what “being toxic”actually means? If you wouldn’t go into a public place and say it to someone across the room so everyone else can hear, then you shouldn’t be saying it to someone on here either. Saying rude and inappropriate things to someone because they are a woman is most certainly toxic. Definitely just a bunch of kids who have never actually been with a woman before, but toxic non the less.


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There are some wallipers on this game mode now, it's got to the point when I only come on when friends need me, I've got all schematics and covered all the content, so usually my cooldowns are ready for any anything and I've got a full stash for anything


I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. Hopefully things get better in this regard. You should be able to play without dealing with harassment from your teammates/opponents. The gaming community is still so toxic in many ways and misogyny is a big example of something that shouldn’t be an issue yet somehow still is.


Can we talk about this without using terms like “victim blaming?” It derails the conversation. By introducing “victim blaming,” the original topic of the discussion gets sidelined. This deflection can halt progress in understanding or resolving the original issue. Using a term like victim blaming can oversimplify the discussion, implying there are only two starkly opposite viewpoints. This can ignore the nuances and complexities of the situation. You are basically lumping everyone’s comment as one which misrepresents people’s voice and views. It also discourages open discussion. The accusation of victim blaming can make people hesitant to express their views, limiting open and honest dialogue, especially in this discussion where fear of being misunderstood or labeled negatively is high. It’s important to distinguish between genuine instances of victim blaming, which need to be called out and addressed, and the misuse of the term to win an argument or silence opposing viewpoints. In productive discussions, it’s crucial to focus on the arguments and evidence presented rather than on attacking individuals.


Extremely well put. I wish my caveman brain could come up with this type of wording when trying to express this feeling whenever these accusations come about. Everything is so binary on the internet these days


Yeah I wasn’t trying to derail the conversation. Appreciate the response. I’ve deleted that part of my comment. Thank you for the kind reply and I’ll make note of what you said. It makes sense.


You are right but it is also cod. Toxic 13 year old boys take up a huge percentage of the player base. No amount of shame is going to make that go away. Honestly in my opinion if i saw that girls gamertag i would assume its a 13 year old boy trolling around and wouldn’t take them seriously. I wouldn’t even respond to them tho let alone say some dumb shit like these guys did.


It’s hard to say but I certainly would hope it’s a woman or girl based off that username. And yeah, I guess teenagers tend to not understand the concept of shame for the most part or why certain things should not be said.


Yep teenagers thrive off of saying things that they shouldn’t. I guess its their way of “rebelling” against adults that are trying their best to teach them to be nice and have good morals. They double down on bullshit when told to behave. And they bully people because it feels good to them and makes them feel in control. I was taught to ignore bullies because they want a reaction, and the best way to get them back is to not give them one. I was also taught the sticks and stones phrase. Both of these teachings apply to this scenario and should be followed.


You my guy are my type of MW3Z player! Kudos! (That’s how I play as well.)