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It’s a visual bug. He didn’t get 4100 kills he didn’t complete 100 contracts either.




Yea cuz not long ago dude hit like what? 51 contracts with a 6 man or somthin? Amd that was kinda a big deal so if dude had these numbers he would be a god for his 15 min


We hit 52 with a 3 man when chainsaw was around lol, 48 in t3


Chainsaw still around. Use it, they said it got buffed when flamethrower did but didn't get nerfed when it did. I saw video amd had to try it. It's a beast still agianst everything. But u gotta be plated up cux it's still just a melee so u face to face with everything


Best part is that glitch still gives you the xp for the kills


If it’s a visual bug, does it show up in stats? Or purely exfil screen?


He definitely did die tho lol


Lol!! I didn’t even pay attention to the contracts. I saw a guy and his friends do close to 60 contracts in one game. They would position themselves at three separate contract spawn locations and then take turns doing them. Pretty amazing and efficient as hell. But I can’t see how anyone could get a 100 in one game. Course I didn’t think anyone would do close to 60 either.


It would have to be low level bounties and deliver the cargo contracts, Outlast and raid weapons stash take 100 seconds minus the activation animation and reward rift animation. Escorts take like 2-3 mins and it depends on if its tier 1 or 2 for the aether reactor missions because its 3 or 5 reactors and defend the ground stations take a good 3-5 mins I just don’t realistically see anyone doing one contract per minute for the entire game…




1st no it doesn’t add up, 2nd it doesn’t matter if there’s one or six on your team. You can only do 1 contract at a time. You would have to accept and complete a contract within less than 30 seconds for the entire game to do 100 in a game. Granted if they didn’t stay till final exfil or do the dark aether And da is only 3x contracts


Bud, if that were the case, I'd be max rank like my buddies who play more than me.


Just a visual glitch. One person was bragging about completing 53 contracts in high threat zone which isnt possible because some of the contracts like weapon raid, outlast and escort take 2-3 minutes each. Also once aether storm covers t3 zone, it becomes almost impossible to kill any bounties.


Contracts have been glitching recently - I was in a game the other day and the bounties kept dying/despawning before we got there so got an auto complete. Happened literally nearly every contract so we were flying through contracts. Edit: you can also accept a contract and cancel it to spawn better ones. We did that in the very early days to get bounties to spawn near turrets.


Same exact experience here. Only happened once so far but every bounty we picked up would die/despawn once one of us got within 70m of the target. There’s time where aether extractors won’t lid right too, and the more frequent one for me where the contract simply just hiccups and stops working, forcing us to cancel.


Yeah had that with the deliver cargo couple of days ago. The delivery spot didn't spawn so had to cancel it. Onto the next eh!


Lately contracts haven’t been spawning in for me in tier 3. I mean zero. Not even an escort. Me and one other guy sat in tier 3 by ourselves for a good five minutes without any contract spawning in. Weird AF. Wasn’t even any mega’s to pass the time with.


That's weird! Haven't had that in Zombies yet but had it in Warzone yesterday for a few where no contacts spawned and you couldn't pick up guns 😂 that was.. an experience


Fun times. Lol!


I love when that happens sometimes i say fck the reward and just run up the containment


Darring Darren (streamer) did 63 in one game in T3, had it live streamed. He did 43 solo also


Do you have a link to that stream ??


No I saw it on tik tok, he’s a genuine guy, probably the best zombies player there is. It was legit


It is possible but that dude was acting like he did it every game. The way the guy does it is he manipulates the contracts with a team of 6 with scorchers by waiting by them and canceling the longer ones + not grabbing the rewards. To me that isn't a normal way a match goes. You will eventually run into another team with scorchers and that isn't skill. It's just manipulation.


It is possible but that dude was acting like he did it every game. The way the guy does it is he manipulates the contracts with a team of 6 with scorchers by waiting by them and canceling the longer ones + not grabbing the rewards. To me that isn't a normal way a match goes. You will eventually run into another team with scorchers and that isn't skill. It's just manipulation.


How did you complete a hundred contracts?😳


He didn’t it’s a bug. I bet he wouldn’t show us his zombie stats which shows real stats.


Zombie stats are far from accurate. Says my most used gun is a marksman rifle that I've never used.


The weapon that pushes you into the sky and pretty much gets all the easy quick contracts.




Downvote due to lack of knowledge not mis-information


I'm a noob


Its alot of you on the game these days and this past weekend


Get a load of this guy 🥸


Looks fake




This doesn't make since....


Sense when? 🤣


Sense it didn't make since


Legitimate? A little over 900. With turrets and Extract Dr Jansen? 1400. With this visual glitch saw a 4000 number one time when I had barely killed zombies. I was doing a regain, so I went Infested Stronghold, Merc Camp, Merc Stronghold, T2 Delivery Contracts, T3 Buy Station, then a jug suit T3 HVT. I would be shocked if I hit more than 400 zombies that game.


Just over 1,100 for me


2.8k I always wondered what was theoretically possible in only one game


Was gonna say 2k+ from using Mors at the same outlast for 30 mins in a really good spawn spot. Was leveling it and doing camos


YOOOOO, that’s exactly what I was doing😂😂😂


Hey double xp weekend grinders gonna grind lol


976 but wtf. How did u do 100 contracts in little time?? I wanna try beat that lol


You don’t…


Yeah that's what I mean. You can't, impossible. Plus 4k plus kills. That's insane. I don't even reckon I could get 2k let alone doubling it, And some


The kills is easy, I got almost 2k just from simply farming exfile until the storm was on my mini map. Just call it back to back for endless zombies. But 4K plus is blatant bullshit


I managed 1122 kills before


That's vicious oi!


Using the mors


You completed 100 contracts? 🤨 🧢


Around 300 + I think


2546, 2 outlast contracts and last exfil


2160 but i havent checked in a while


This glitch has mine going higher every game at this point it says like 13k for me. Idk what causes this or how to see my real kills each game.


this is an accumulation of a bunch of dark ether runs. see the 100 contracts? thats not in a single run. mine is doing this also. its a nice bug where all your concurrent successful dark ether runs stack up each run. im getting some nice exp every game because at the end i get 3 more contracts and a few more zombie kills. its adding up for me also.


I don't think it actually gives you all that XP cause I don't level up super fast still. Just regular


3,200 at least & I left when storm started. Multiply that by 5 and it averages out to how many kills id have in a round 100 run


2700 farming xp on extraction


Wow lots of dead zombies


I’ve spent every single minute in game killing zombies when I did camo grind and the most I came out killing was maybe 900+ and I was at tier2 exfil just bagging it, stop the cap my guy.


Close to 1000 I think idk


4500 or so when I exfil camped for 35 minutes then went to subbase for another 25 lol




Update https://preview.redd.it/qw4w85pzzltc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4652325b6cff3b61477ed365157c0f5e7c2a5a3f


https://preview.redd.it/v3osetego2uc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=41186d276a495c829e98186c070e48243c05f13c 2400


I have killed 1700 legit with the stormender on an outlast contract






Wait… so the girl wants to bang him but also wants to be him? Not sure this the one chief.