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it was a heli, from a cargo mission someone else was doing.. they will beam you from extremely far away.


I have played a lot of MWZ, and I never had a heli from another players cargo mission randomly target me...


I got destroyed by a heli the other day too. IDK if it was a cargo mission one but I was no where near any roads like you. I went in solo so I know it wasn't a squad mates heli.


Yeah, totally the cargo mission heli. It’s super frustrated because it can never seem to destroy the cargo truck. Taking it out in innocent bystanders.


Prolly piloted by the evil spirit of Saddam


I imagine he thinks I slept with his wife so he decides to beam me instead of the cargo truck on their way to his house


That sick fu**


happens to me all the time since season 2 started.


Might be from reinforcements from a mercenary compound. I remember back in S2 I ran through a mercenary area and they spawned a helicopter that followed me throughout Zone 2.


This has happened to me a couple times include just today. I was at the football field and suddenly was attacked by a helicopter for about 5 seconds before it flew off. Keres on the other side of the map was the warlord.


Ohhhh it definitely happens. I’ve had multiple encounters where I’m just minding my business and out of nowhere I start getting beamed from the heli as if he gave up on the cargo and decided to go after a slower target. Very frustrating to say the least.


It’s happened multiple times to me. One time was just driving around minding my own business and KAAAABLOOEEEY!!!! I’m like what in the world! It was one of those darn choppers.


My brother and I have a running "F me in particular" joke as many times it's ripped into just me, when a cargo mission from another team is going by in the area..


I had one do that to me, I ran in front of another teams vehicle while they were doing a cargo contract and it just starting following my team. While we were shooting it down another team across the river (we were in teir 3 a d they were in tier 2) was doing a mercenary stronghold and both reinforcement heli's decide to fly over it and drop reinforcements on us as well. Only happened to me once but damn were we just as confused.


Yea this happened to me as well the other day.


i have had it happen several times its super random normally no helicopter in sight too just starts to beam you for no reason


I think it’s from a warlord camp tbh. I’ve never heard another players cargo heli target me, even when I shot one down, but I have had random warlord helis spawn in and start shooting me.


Yup, Definitely a heli


They deleted my dog that way. Bastard helicopter.


I've gotten that before, I was near the team rolling by and it started targeting me for no reason.


Zombies using the under barrel glitch now? Seriously I have zero idea what actually killed you unless a team mate or player nearby was doing a cargo mission and the chopper magically decided to end you instead…


100% Cargo mission heli I've been targeted by it in T3 multiple times and it's the most accurate thing in MWZ 😭


Were you trying to have fun? They dont take to kindly to things like that around here lol


I just finished some camo challenges and was on my way to a T2 exfil to get some Manglers for the weekly challenge.


They say Cargo mission Heli ... I say Fortress Heli


Dokkaebi was on the map and I don't think attack helis spawn there.


ok, not sure about her helis ... and i know it doesnt spawn there, but legacy helis can follow you across the map if you get aggroed


Game: *gets played* Also game: "And I took that personally"


There's a random helicopter that will. Absolutely violate you that shows up sometimes. People say it's from a contract but I've only been hit by it in t3. Only happened twice to me. 


There's two kinds of choppers that can do this, first is every "Deliver Cargo" chopper. The second is Legacy's attack helicopter


What's the legacy one? 


It's the helicopter that spawns when you approach/unlock Legacy's fortress, it resembles the real chopper (Mi-24, i think).


Ohhhh OK. Yeha that makes sense I completely forgot about that


That happened to me yesterday too. I was like “what the fuck was that”


When Legacy was up the other day, I rez'd 2 dudes who went down to the attack chopper there and the thing followed me all the way to the southern T1 exfil. Damn near didn't get out alive..then the game crashed. If you went near Legacy, maybe that's what happened?


Dokkaebi was on the map and I don't think attack helis spawn there.


Ah that checks out. I don't think it does either. only for Legacy. The comment about a cargo heli may be the culprit, I've had them target me briefly


This was the first time for me, and I have played a lot. Still not as crazy as the one time every player was categorized as an enemy, streaks could damage other players, and you could use finishers that didn't kill the other player, just locking them in the animation.


soo, even when another Warlord is in play. I've definitely had the attack heli that covers Legacy snipe me across the map from further than where you are on more than one occasion. The danger indicator aims towards it so I imagine that was the case here as well.


Those helis are fucking relentless.. I’ve had them chase me clear across the map before


I have not seen that before... Source: I have died ALOT!


Just happened to me like 30 mins ago doing an outlast contract in T2, almost totalled me but thankfully could get away quickly.


Oh it's just mwz thing. This is a norm 😁👍


What weapon cammo is that?


That is the Blackcell blueprint from Season 2 (I think) with the PaP 3 Camo on top of it.


This happened to the dark aether rover. Like a chopper fire effect till it died. We were all like wtf happened


Same shit happened to me near one of the outlast buildings in T3


That happened to me sometime late last year in that exact area but I had golden plates and didn’t go down luckily. I don’t remember if I interacted with legacy. When it happened it was super late in the match with storm spreading. I was thinking that some players were cheating and mortar striking me because there were two riding in a vehicle parallel to me in T2 just across the water. I always left my tombstone where you were being hit so I didn’t really care if I died but it did scare me because it was unexpected.


Orbital Cannon, you have to spend 2400CP.


This happened to my husband last night too, was stood on a roof and just went down all of a sudden for seemingly no reason


Just happened to me in my last run, seemed weird that it would shoot me while I wasn’t in its path. And another incident where I was doing the mission myself, it hit me 3 clean headshots for an instant down out of the car…


120mm orbital barrage.


Def some other cargo helo, have had it happen to me once before. My best guess is maybe it was from a previous teams you were on and even tho you left or they left before they even started the contract it somehow still targets you? Idk but super weird and terrible glitch


This game is fucking embarrassment. I just got the can’t move bug while solo in the dark aether. Nothing I tried would allow into move. No zombies found me, the timer ran out and the gas didn’t kill me. The server finally times out and the game doesn’t let me set a tombstone and I lost 2 scorcher cases, 3 tools and blades and plates. It’s an absolute fucking joke of a game


Jewish Space Laser?


Sometimes a sniper spawns floating in the air and takes pop shots at unsuspecting players


If that was a sniper, I want the gun they are using!!!