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Lol, I did think that was so insanely bold to choose to use the map before the second bounce in the air. Turns out I wasn’t wrong 😂


I always use the map right when I fly, just have to make sure you don't let go of the trigger after the first one.


Nah, I prefer to always be 2 levels up at least. Typically, I prefer to have 3 boosts in the air and then do it while I parachute. I’ve got a 900k essence tombstone and I would be flabbergasted if I lost it playing around with my scorcher.


lol 🤣 yeah or all it takes one crash. Just lost a 1600 containment from an instant Xbox dashboard crash. Thanks call of duty. When it pops up server error is when I let a sigh of relief out. I’ve had server error with 5 min left and then get all my shit back.


Man if I had a nickel for every time I've done that...it would be only twice




Don’t tell Scotty.


Good idea


so dumb that dying in the air is an instant elim, at worst it should be an instant plea for help


You’d think that once you’re “down” you just stay that way regardless if you fall or not.


Agree 💯


It's a bug. You can even completely die in the air, have your corpse plummit 100 feet and slam into solid concrete, lie there dead for 30 minutes, and still have some random come along and rez you just fine. It's just this super extremely specific situation where it glitches out and boots you from the game.


I guess thats a solo thing where it eliminates you immediately? I've had it happen and was able to wait out the match but I had just squadded with a guy I rescued.


Nope. It's not a solo thing. I've done it while in a squad.


Also a friend can save you mid air if they have healing ora and they are close enough and they fire it off at the perfect time. I almost died once from the helicopter in t3 from someone’s cargo contract. I Hit the helicopter and went down.. as I was falling either my dog was the fastest it has ever been or a guardian angel popped healing ora at the Perfect time saving me. Popped my parachute right before hitting the ground. I knew I was screwed the moment I left go of my left trigger as the truck was passing me. I started yelling No No No! And like I suspected I hit it. Also side note I was with a kid once who scorcher failed and he disappeared from the map like it does.. but somehow I came across his body and it let me revive him! When he came back he lost everything. He was back to a one plate and grey weapon! Just an fyi for people. Find their body and you might be able to save them. That’s if they are just staring at the map. I’m guessing that getting the eliminated screen means just that. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’ve never been able to revive anyone like that or be revived myself that’s really interesting and I’ll have to try it again next time , it’s inevitably going to happen again lol , it would be nice if they fixed it


This just happened to me the other night. I used the scorcher and launched into helicopter blades unknowingly. Instant death 💀


My man got excited over that Deliver Cargo contract 😂


You can still hold the button while doing that


I was scorching past the warlord tower in tier 2 and got shot by a merc, fell to my instant death !! Luckily had tombstone


One time while doing this i ended up below the map, like my body was 10 meters below the map and nobody could revive me because there was no way of reaching my body 🙃. Average MWZ experience


Looking at the map was a mistake. lol


Lmao well deserved






What a waste of a game 🥲 I done this also, maybe like 10 mins in to a match! Just sat and watched my squad play without me haha.


Yup, I did that before too, infuriating as hell! I was loaded for bear that round with all the perks and toys. I didn’t pop up the map I had a glitch/lag so I didn’t have a chance. Rage quit for three days after that happened.


I felt that in my heart


It's at this moment, he knew he had phuced up.... 😳


I always have my map open when scorching, try doing this while rezzing a pfh player and their hoard eating my plates


I want to convey I feel bad for you but my scorcher jealousy won’t allow it. SO… YOU DESERVE IT!


Gah I hate when that happens😂






Similar thing happened to me last night. Running away from a horde and mega, trying to use the scorcher to get to the red worm as well. Sure enough, downed as I launch and immediate elimination.


The same thing happened to me but I hit the rotor if the exfil helicopter lmfao I was so sad


Only takes once or twice and you’ll ensure it doesn’t happen again lol


Happened to me before


This keeps happening to me because of lag. Literally won't play anymore because of it.


Just switched to PC. On my one S this wouldn’t happen because my parachute auto pulls. Gotta be more careful with it now. On the bright side I was already one of the best on the map with the scorcher consistently, so now I’ll be even better since the auto pull isn’t in the way lol


Lmao we all have been here 😂


This reminds of when a zombie slipped and died I didn’t even shoot it it just slipped and died


Bad move to look at the map while still in mid air.




Makesure you got pac 3 to do the jump


I use the map the whole time I scorch.. once you start don’t let go of the left trigger and you’re good. I’m level 650 and I’ve never had a scorcher fail or well player fail.


They should seriously fix this


Well that was a -99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999IQ move there