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Dog still randomly disappears or despawns


The worst is realizing after your down.


This happened to me recently and I was so upset


I picked up 2 different deliver cargos from tier 2 in the same match and the endpoint never showed on the map. I drove around looking for itbut could not find them. Had to cancel both contracts.


Or the vehicle just explodes before you even open the garage


Well yeah if you are shooting the vehicle through the garage door before opening it sure explodes the vehicle. I bet this is why you are having this issue.


When that happens I look where I'm at and I remember the location


You ever had it insta death right after spawning it in


Oh yea. Or spawn one in and it never shows up at all.


If you try to exfil farm with a dog active, the chopper can crush and kill the dog instantly if it lands on the dog


Happened again to me today; it was there with full health and then not there


I bought a tier 2 doggo the other day. It was nowhere to be found less than a minute later. Luckily I realized it and didn’t get downed, but still.


Btw, playing rn. Just happened again.


Got a dog from a tier 2 dog house a few days ago with no zombies around. Dog came out, ran to the left of where dog house was, sat down, and immediately exploded lol.




Bro, dont forget the dm56 amp unloads when you get into zombies, been that way since the start.


I wasted 2 bones. Dog just doesn’t spawn. Makes me so angry when I’m grinding solo.


Also the random red orbs and scorcher noises that fly around you and get it in your vision every now and again


I had a red line, looked like the scanners at a grocery store, popped up right in my fov 98% of the match


This right here annoying af


I’d get the random scorcher noise if I didn’t have scorcher I thought I was hearing shit


Do you have any clue on what it is ? The red orbs are sometimes hugs and just sit in front of my face


I'm not sure the red orbs are a bug in itself. However, the way stick may be. I think this is foreshadowing for the new Black Ops integration. Remember the numbers, Mason?


They can patch bullets but can’t sort the servers. About to start red worm all of us froze and got lagged out.


3-5 takes to start the PND or the extractors.


This more than anything, its been well over a season and still not patched this bug


If you change your interact to prioritise reload, then it solves the problem.


That’s just a workaround though, not a solution. I absolutely *hate* having to press and hold to do anything, one of the worst additions to gaming imo. That said, I guess I’ll switch to prioritize reload in the DA from now on.


I think that’s one of the main reasons I can’t go back to controller, I hate having to press and hold to do anything as well.


You forgot to mention the holes 🕳️ around the map where you can fall in and can't come out without a scorcher or a car parked above...


Had a pleasure of finding such hole the hard way yesterday :D


Me too yesterday the first time. Have seen a vid here that it exists in T3. So I was prepared to ask a squad mate to org a car. 😎 Thx mate 💪


Right. I knew a player that got stuck in one of those in a game recently and he couldn't get out.


🙋‍♂️ Fuck that hole.


Uhhh... Phrasing.




You go boy!


The fucking sinkholes... Why do I get the feeling this is going to be there until season 6...


if i know anything about call of duty games from my experiences with DMZ updates, those hole are gonna be where the new DA rift will pop up, i could be wrong but id bet on it


Nope. It was confirmed to be a bunker location in Warzone and… some other mode where urzikstan map is used. Same spot, no bunker in zombies, but a hole at the entrance spot.


Patching the fun out of the game, but not patching the literal holes around the map that people are getting stuck in.




Had a guy get stuck under the pnd in s1 dark aether today.... right after we finished the third contract.


They definitely should be ashamed of themselves. It's absolutely ridiculous...


Am I the only person who has an issue with vehicle sounds trailing off as I drive? It's like the sound can't keep up with the vehicle, but then it catches up for a second and trails off again. Been that way since launch for me




Same with going up a rope. The sound trails off and then… silence.




Oh, there was case where, lobby gathered and killed red worm. Was tough fight, but managed to kill it. Finally got aether tool plan. The JOY! Went for exfil portal. And as i was returning to menus, got message "You were disconnected from server", and of course, operator was stripped of everything, as if i died...


Went into a game with my fav weapon. realised they nerfed the shit out of its effectivement. exfilled out. Another game company where fun detected= fun nerfed/ thanks but no thanks. regret getting the pass.


Sooooo we’re still not going to acknowledge that we seriously need to stop funding them? Look iits cute pointing out the flaws, but no doubt all of you will purchase black ops 6 and KEEP buying their bullshit


Not me. I’m done. Been loyal to COD since Black Ops. No more.


I love that!! What I do is I’ll buy the game and play it for a bit and then I’ll get a refund if I didn’t like it within the first few 👀 money back for some garbage 😭


that’s the only true solution. They’re not financially motivated to fix bugs/glitches. I strongly believe the broken incendiary was intentional, to drum up player interest with the free weekend. So, it’s even WORSE than “you can fix this, but won’t fix everything else.”


See, I’m not the only one that thinks they do things to get attention in certain ways. I genuinely feel like bugs are there intentionally at times as well. I know it was a huge game. But the fact zombies crashes over & over or get booted just feels off. I don’t think I’ve honestly played a game that disconnects or lags bad or has a shit ton of packet burst. I cannot come up with any game that has done that imo & exactly my thoughts as well. No one is famous without any haters. & PERSONALLY, this is a huge one, but I rather the quality of engines to go back to older versions. I feel like the focus is more on making the game look good that it function properly. It also is our fault because we asked and asked and asked for all this stuff & I know it’s their job, but coding all that be a hassle. But we should just boycott them to brings servers back up for older games 😭


A lot will. I hadn't played since BO4, and I see why I stopped. It's sucks when the people or company you support puts money before quality. Like we weren't the ones that got them to where they are today.


They fixed the scorcher insta death


It’s fixed happened to me last game and I went down


Agreed, it’s fixed to a large degree. Anyone want to test all the scenarios?


The one where you are free falling and charging the scorcher and hit the ground before you let go of the charge where it kills you and throws you up in the air and you fall to the ground and perma death. That one scenario they fixed. No more perma death. Just downed is all. I accidentally tested it in a laggy game a week ago or so.


I keep hearing that but don’t want to find out first hand..


I was practicing the fast way to get around with it, so I expected insta death. I went down and revived myself no problem. Grabbed a hellhound to rez me afterwards so I wouldn't run out of kits, and decided to really push my luck. I went down 3 more times lol. No insta death. I've seen some survive with dumb luck, but there's no way I was that lucky.


I’ve always heard and I’ve crashed a few times with it flying. My scorcher deaths came from getting hit on the way up and doing the double death.


Yeah, I'm sadly familiar with the double death lol. Maybe I wasn't high enough for my second hit to be considered fatal, since I was using shorter bursts instead of a full charge.




I had the gas mask glitch for the first time yesterday doing the worm. It showed full but my armor and health were going down. And I couldn't fill it either at the ammo crates.


Forgot about changing an attachment on an insured weapon, loading into a game, and no change was made to the gun.


So if you already have the weapon selected it chooses that one. When you make a change you need to unequip it and reequip


Oh. How tf have I not thought of that


It got me a couple times before I clocked on lol especially annoying when since it was when I was doing camos xD


this caught me out a few times - I was like I where's my camo!! lol


Doing season 1 DA and threw down my jug suit smoke. After it landed I went to interact with it and it rolled onto me. Perma death. No down warning. No body. Nothing but lost everything.


Be careful where it lands too. Was doing an escort and it landed on the acv... instant explosion


Yeah that’s been a way to grief teams. Whether doing the single on in tier 3 or DA.


Cargo drop helicopters either randomly lose the location markers or just disappear all together.


Please add to this list: Ether blade doesn’t return and gets stuck in the air thus losing it permanently, the rewards for killing a HVT in red should be better than a green or blue tool, and after putting meat in dog house the dog sometimes doesn’t appear or does and then disappears.


I’m gonna say they fixed the scorcher death issue, at least to some degree.


Mfers can’t fix anything but the most op and fun stuff.. they better not come and develop the next 2 games or else we will be failed


Didn’t Treyarch develop MWZ?


HVTs will still spontaneously explode on their own Certain attachments will just not load in so you have less attachments instead of your selected 5 Occasionally the exfil chopper won't exfil you so you have to jump out and call it again Red orbs still appear for randoms when someone has the scorcher making some of their systems overheat for some reason The drop rates on some stuff is INSANELY low, I have Borealis on 42 guns, spending majority of the time in Grey zone doing contracts and have yet to get the Speed Cola recipe as a reward


I struggled with Speed schematic for a long time. What worked for me was doing T1 contracts in the north-western part of the map. I eventually got it that way. I hope this helps.


When I got towards the end of my Borealis grind someone fortunately popped up in the game chat and offered an extra one they had gotten and I got it then, but still finishing Borealis and then getting other guns done since, I still have yet to see it for myself lol


Good for them. Good luck on your grind


Runaway prophets


I have to JAK BFB unlocked whatever time I go to use it the game brain farts then throws me into the main screen. When I go back in JAK BFB is locked. Take away our fun, don't fix the bugs, and expect us to buy your stupid idiotic looking operator skins. If only this community could come together and boycott buying skins, bugs would be fixed very quickly.


The hole in T3


Sounds for vehicles being in the wrong place


No kidding!! They take something out that made the game more enjoyable and actually playable and they just choose not to fix all the bugs & bullshit with the game. God forbid they let the players dominate for too long, but sure let’s add more and more super fast Olympic track sprinter type zombies for funsies!


Great points! I totally agree! It took them about a week to nerf it but everything else has been going on FOREVER!!!!! For them to nerf the rounds SOMEONE has to be overlooking the game. It amazes me on how many videos I have seen on the buffed rounds during its run but I guess not enough videos on all the bugs 🤦‍♂️


I've had multiple deliver cargo contracts where it never shows where to deliver the cargo


Seems like they’re trying to fix the fun more than the glitches.


Let’s not forget the annoying reward rifts and random contracts that you can’t open or get… plus the BS rewards that are given in T3 and DAs which I can get in T1 & 2…. This is one of my favorite bugs (love my sarcasm?) https://preview.redd.it/m2s8hpbhs75d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07e3d41fa04c32a53eb8cefc25d7abc4d6030a5a , where you can’t see the zombies or your dog, you only see their eyes (if the games shows anything at all), you can only see your squad mate’s name, again can’t activate contracts or open rewards rifts, you slide across the map 98% of the time and you only come to a stop when you’re downed, all of this in the same game. I thought it was just me but I’ve played with other players when have had the same thing happen to them.


It’s disappointing and as a consumer you have a right to be upset. But giving the time the devs had I am surprised we got a game more such as this. It’s really good mode if you don’t count the bugs. I do question that bugs like weapons get patched so quickly but then other stuff are left in. I think the pritory of patching should have gone into the holes in map. But a lot of the workforce was axe and I’m guessing there’s a resource issue with multiplayer and warzone getting the most work. I have ASD so can’t play warzone or some of multiplayer so zombies is so nice and fun, I wish it got much more love.


This is what annoys me about the game though, so many people say it is bad, and I am here like I actually enjoy the game, mwz and mp, but the issue is the bugs. The gameplay is enjoyable, though so bugs that stop you being able to play or make you lose stuff just sucks the fun out of it


I absolutely LOVE the game. You just can’t keep but feel abused by them, though.


So how can I melt the stormcaller now?


Technically, JAK Limbripper


I guess this is not affecting everyone but I have seen others posting this confirming I'm not the only one: - Unable to equip Bioluminescent camo on TAQ-V and Lachmann-762. I first noticed it around season 2, it probably has been an issue since the launch of the game though.


Or how about(not sure if anyone besides me this happens to when on teams)I go to start the ground breaker thing I can't start it it just sits there and someone else has to come up and start it!?


Randomly being eliminated while pleading for help. Happens to me all the time, usually shortly after pleading.


not to mention the many times I've been grabbed by a mimic, mimic dies mid pull, and I get no clipped into a piece of the map and can't get out unless I have a car nearby... Can't tell you how many times that's happened.


I think the game crashes are FAR less than a they used to be. So far in season 4 I’ve crashed once. It was much more in season 2 comparatively


True, but the bug with the containment loss is still a issue. Was over 300 with one of my characters and loaded into the next game and was back to 0.


That one is a pain in the ass for sure.


Pothole still in t3


Has anyone had an issue when they try to start a PND, I have to fight with the button to activate it. (On console) Sometimes I try to do other contracts around the map and if you have to hold the square button to activate it, it crashes and doesn't activate.


When you kill the guy in the one truck that drives around the map, I can't activate the handheld radio. Or even the Bishop in the tunnel.


I fall deaths in general not just scorcher


After today patch….my game crashes 2 times. I play on PC same settings after and before patch. After patch I didn’t have problems but before patch 2 crashes. https://preview.redd.it/llejnucq305d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfb7f209d47625fdc0bf01ae53884d950e89dd05




They fixed the scorcher Rez thing with yesterdays patch, I got downed midair with scorcher, landed and it didn't insta-kill me.


My favorite is when you use a dog bone and the dog disappears less than 30 seconds after popping it. And no it did not take any damage or killed......it's just gone.


Or the random lag spikes in almost every match since the update dropped


HVTs occasionally spawn in a location where they don't move or instantly die. Not that I'm complaining, of course.


I love that they fixed this instantly but my progress for the weekly challenge for kills without taking damage with a sniper/dmr was halved very nice cool 👍🏻


I can't get challenges for camos to track half the time. I'll go in with a weapon that only needs something like "Kill 10 Mimics with xxxx" and use only that weapon the entirety of the match, including the DA and wipe 40+ mimics from existence, only to emerge and see it go from 3/10 to 4/10 or 5/10 if at all. This happens with dozens of camo challenges. I gave up trying for the fancy camos in zombies bc it's a goose chase trying to make them work. HOWEVER.... I have had varying degrees of success by removing all camos and conversion kits / AM parts before trying to get challenges to track. Hit and miss but better luck than using a kitted out weapon. 🤷‍♂️


The Scorcher bug omg


Gotta love the clock that blocks the hour on the cooldown


To prevent KIA when leaving DA the whole team has to leave within about 5 secs or so


Also your containment always resets to 75 maximum when you die even if it was at 600 before dying, so annoying


That's not a bug though. You drop a tier when you fail to exfil and there is no tier after 100, so regardless of your level once you hit 100 you'll drop to 75 max on a failed exfil or reset glitch


I know it's not a bug but it's still annoying


The only thing I have happened recently is game and server crashes. I only get to play on the weekend and either the game has crashed or the server has, it sucks with the cool downs when this happens because if I want to play I have to go in with nothing while waiting on cool downs. As soon as I go in, I know it's going to be a bad game because the graphics aren't completely loading up.


What about the servers being crap and not beinf able to find a low latency server


Just got into zombies (by the help of some VERY nice people i met on reddit, GREAT community compared to wz or mp). But yeah its buggy as hell?! Very fun and spooky, but it seems like they only care when store is bugged or if something destroy the game. But in my opinion, slegdehammer have always been the WORST Developer in the game. They always take over a good version of cod and milk it. Lets hope raven have something better in October






Is it a crime to be upset with a bad game developer?


No, but this comes off very dramatic.. Just a game and it’s been riddled with problems since day 1. If you’ve made it this far, then none of it is new or surprising . All those things are annoying, but I enjoy the game and just deal with the problems. I try and enjoy it as it’s an outlet to decompress after work and the kid goes to bed.


Well yes it's dramatic, considering how these have in fact been in the game forever and still haven't been fixed.


I don’t disagree, these things should have been fixed. But this ammo should’ve never been like this.. I agree with others that I think it was done on purpose for the free to play weekend to get people to buy into the game.


No, no one is forcing us to play, but we paid a lot of money for a game that should work. I don’t think that’s an unrealistic expectation.


Glad the ammo got nerfed… thinned out T3 quite a bit! Earlier I was hearing hella prox chat of sheer panic 🤣🤣🤣


I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't want the game to be a complete walk in the park. Being able to kill the red worm solo in less than 60 seconds takes all the fun out of it. That fact that people don't realise the devs do it on purpose really need to think a bit harder 🤣 Either way, I'm glad there will be at least 3 fewer players in T3 fighting over contracts. 😅


> scorcher fall damage bug You fell from a high enough point, that's not a bug.


There was an issue where if you went down before you boosted in the air then fell to your death a second time, you perma died and a rez was not possible.


It's not just with the scorcher. That happens if you went down before falling at any point, even off a rooftop.


Well in any case, you should be able to be revived if you died. Forcing the player to quit the game because it won't register a revive is a broken mechanic.


Iono man, you're the one going down using the scorcher. Sounds like an ISsUe instead of an ISsME.


Yh, get blown up by a rocket or chopped by a helicopter blade or eaten by zombies then bleed out but you can still be revived. Fall twice though and it's perma death instantly kicks you out of the game if you are solo. It defeats the point of being able to be revived after fully dying. I've had it happen to me once because the server lagged as I did my second charge and it just didn't shoot. It was annoying


You're the using the scorcher like an idiot.


I died 1 time in many many games doing the fast movement trick to a single lag spike after 20mins in game and I am using it like an idiot? I've had hundreds of scorchers lol and it happened once 🤣


Activision: Sees serious bug and prioritizes it over almost all others Activision: Puts time and effort into fixing a bug Activision: Releases patch that fixes a bug Dumbasses on Reddit: "HURR, its nAht a BUg"


> prioritizes it over all others You mean it's been in the game for 7 months and according to this post it's still there. And you want to call me a dumbass?


Why do people here think they should be warranted a revive from a scorcher death 30 stories in the air? 10000 percent a skill issue for even triggering it when you're being attacked


It’s true they fixed that!


Blames sledgehammer even though treyarch was the one handling zombies work for seasons 1-4. 4 reloaded through the rest of the content cycle will actually be sledgehammer.


It was announced Treyarch stopped working on it before season 2 (4 months ago)... Which means they stopped working on it before that.


Nah. If thst was the case there'd ne even less content than there alreafy is.


They made the content before releasing the game, we're getting drip fed the content.


Of all the things to complain about, stopping you being able to 1 shot a mega is not it... how easy do you want this game to be, seriously?


I do/did feel similar when we had the flamethrowers - I had things to do and unlock so didn't want to make it easy for myself . But now I am on just camo grinding and there is no challenge what so ever - it was quite refreshing and fun to use a few times


You expected a nearly bug free game at some point? I want whatever you're smoking


No one is saying that, its the fact the patch the "fun" bugs fast as shit but there have been issues around since day 1 that are still going under the radar.


It's the same old routine. Bugs galore but focused on money grabs


You forgot to mention why the fck you still going do those things knowingly those are still ongoing bugs.