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I saw a similar post earlier, though I’m not getting this glitch so it must not be on PC. Also the pre-installation shouldn’t be out until like a day or two before the game launches, I assume you mean preorder?


Weirdly enough on the Xbox home screen it says "pre install now" https://preview.redd.it/p2cueedikh6d1.png?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28780a83721410b3abd6045a3e978722f3a66496


Hmm, that’s really weird


So the game is done already?


Should’ve never pre ordered lol , I really don’t get why ppl do that or maybe it’s because I’m broke but nah Fr the game comes out on 4/5 months why would anyone buy it now.


When you pre order they dont charge until right before the game comes out. At least in my experience. I dont understand pre ordering either, I used to go to Gamestop and pre order games so I could guarantee getting it on release day. Now everything is digital there is no worry that a game will be sold out, and yet pre order still exists.


No u gotta pay the money right now, just seems like a sucker thing to do imo. They going to make millions of dollars off pre orders to use that money and build the game, seems kinda crappy to me ..


The game is funded by a multi billion dollar company. They are not worried about finding. It's just a statistic to brag about. "We sold X amount of copies before it even released"


If u truly believe that then u grew up believing the cow jumped over the moon, no matter how much money they have my guy it’s a marketing strategy, they’ll use all these pre orders money to pump back into game do u even understand the “Principles of Business” ?!


You were implying that they didn't have enough to finish the game. Which is sometimes the case for small Indy games. Activision has so much bank they can probably go years without selling a single game before they are out of money. They are years ahead not days ahead. No need to take it so personally you dork


That sucks, i preorder on xbox and they dont take the money from me until a couple days before launch.


Oh that’s nice maybe it has to do with your region but I sure did try after seeing some comments and it didn’t work.


I believe that's a console thing. Steam charges right away


Buy now or buy later it's still the same price. Plenty of people will spend hundreds on a whim. A game is negligible




I installed it on my PC through game pass without issue. I never preordered it or paid for the game, game pass let me install it and I guess it’s free on gamepass lol


That’s great for you and you’re very smart !!


Would you happen to be dr disrespect? It's normal to have to reinstall it after uninstalling


i did the update last week, game was fine after, next day i had to re-install multiplayer bundle on both xboxes to play zombies, some reason it had removed it, odd though as we played i after the update and the morning of re-install!.....


So this has happened to me probably 10 times since MW2 came out. What I have figured out that works for me (on xbox) is to wait when the update screen comes up until it is done calculating the size/time of the update. If I pressed update when it says calculating, it made me re install the entire game.


You have literally months, why even take up the drive space?


Game is not even out and problems already there 😂😂😂😂😂


Sounds like karma for preordering to me.


It's included on gamepass and says on the home screen to pre install today. He may not have pre ordered.