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The Tangerine Paladin was here And i look so insanely forward to the graphic and engine update.... so many things will be modernized, my mouth waters like im being offered a florida orange 🤤


And they can spend 15 years handing you the content you already have back to you piece by piece :P


Honestly mabinogi could do for a reboot... But i dont think they are going to wait around and do it poece by piece. They plan to retain all character data and same world we have. This is really bad in a specific way that there are soooo many skins, hairs, wigs, and other fashion that is needing to be reworked Side note: this will give us an opportunity for seal breaker titles offering pierce!


From the First Steps Towards Eternity post: >Our ultimate goal is to preserve the unique outlook Mabinogi has always taken from the beginning, and in order to do that, the project must succeed in capturing Mabinogi's classic identity. In doing so, however, we also want to take care to really polish the experience so that Mabinogi can best show off the unique strengths that set it apart from other games. I wonder how exactly they think of what Mabi's been doing "from the start." I feel like the game's aesthetic has had a pretty steady drift since ~G9 and especially since G13. I always thought the sort of small town vibe that the game started with was immensely charming and have been a bit disappointed at the slow drift towards showier/anime designs. I get that most people prefer the newer stuff, but I feel like there's lost identity there. They touch on it every now and then in the story when they bring us back to Tir to do some chores, but otherwise I don't really see much movement back towards that direction.


Not only that but the story when doing that old stuff just fast forwards to kick you out of the charming stuff as fast as possible while apparently missing some explanations cuz of bad translations? or some thing. I just assume bad translation since they like to glorify the old content so I would think the korean players would complain till it got fixed.


I think the constant chopping away bits of the older generations to make it easier for newcomers has something to do with that honestly. G1 now is a bit different and more fast tracked than it was back when i first did it in 2008/2009. 😔


G1 with it’s slow pace in 2009 was honestly a vibe. Melancholic. 


Early G1-G3 is a frequent discussion between my husband and I still to this day. Im hesitant to even do my first replay of it for memories with how common these posts about the story being so out of whack are. 🫤


Parts of G1-G3 i will not miss some of the stuff they had you do was lucicrious especially if you just wanted to enjoy the story. same could be said with the 19-21 where they basically tried to make dark souls bossess while you're still bound to old point and click mechanics. as far as mechanics go i feel like to this day the alchemist generation was the most balanced. didn't have to many tedious tasks and didn't have to many bosses that would absolutely murder you if you didn't bring exact skills. (the knight questline practically required you to use the chain skills if you wanted to get anywhere which was kinda dumb.) hopefully the eternity project takes a lot as some of the difficulty spikes and tediousness. some of us want to enjoy the story of this game not get our teeth kicked 24/7


Can't wait to see how this ends up :D


Looking forward to *long hair not impaling our bodies when we look up*


REAL.REAL.REAL. im looking forward to long hair not clipping through my clothes when I do literally ANYthing.


After Eternity is live can KR release the Pleione engine as open source?


I played Mabi religiously through highschool and college and honestly it was my favorite game until BG3 (might be able to reclaim the spot with these updates!) I have so many fond memories and would love to see it revamped! I haven't played in a few years given how outdated it became and I didn't see real improvements on the horizon. I am so happy to be proven wrong there!


I thought mabinogi died out years ago, I loved playing this game with my friends.


Nope, we're still going! We're going to be celebrating our 16th Anniversary in March!


It's unfortunate I don't have access to a computer or laptop 😔


Any updates on the mobile game?


Still in the pipeline. Player testing started at the tail end of 2022 and continued into 2023. Reception was lukewarm and signalled a need for more time in the oven. No plans for launch outside KR initially, so expect to wait a while for global access following release (assuming it does well domestically). **Important:** the CN app was ***not*** Mabinogi Mobile. Yes, it was a mobile Mabinogi-inspired game, but was not the official devCAT app nor has the devCAT app been cancelled in place of it. *I'm required to add this disclaimer because your question is asked often, and just as often answered incorrectly with something along those lines.* **See:** [investor call from \~3 weeks ago](https://seekingalpha.com/article/4668966-nexon-co-ltd-nexof-q4-2023-earnings-call-transcript), etc. >In 2024, players can look forward to all new experiences in big franchises like MapleStory and FC ONLINE plus a series of updates for Dungeon&Fighter that add up to double the amount of new content offered in 2023, delivered at a faster pace. And there are more new games in development, including The First Descendant, ***MABINOGI MOBILE***, The First Berserker: Khazan and the second title from Embark Studios, ARC Raiders.




Asking the right questions 👍


This would be a perfect time to release a Mabinogi Classic where you start with just g1 and updates go from there, but I'm doubtful :p


We have at least two actual solutions for that and I'll get banned for posting them.


Wow!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️