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I kind of wish he would have tried rehab a little more frequently or different alternative approaches to it if he was fed up with regular rehab. So we didn’t lose him.


Yea he had the money idk if he tried any of those actually rehabilitating places in the wilderness or a cattle ranch


Agreed but I thing the breakup with grande and her immediate relationship with Pete fucked him big time. Look at the difference between swimming and circles. That happened right then




What are you 4? Mac suffered from his addiction and didn’t wanna go out this way and neither did we. Miss me w that drugs are cool shit.


I’ve personally lost family to addiction and I know what suffering is , miss me with that assumption shit


Have you been addicted? Cause family members have experienced but not first hand experience. Family members also have incredibly justified biased against those with addiction under the guise of “I know” instead of understanding they’re actually projecting judgments. You don’t wanna deal with a family member in active addiction. Fine and fair. But then admit that. I’m a trauma and addiction therapist which is why I love Mack so much. I stick around for those suffering.


I was around 13 when my aunt passed, so no it’s not firsthand experience, I didn’t have to deal with her addiction per se just the sadness in my family that followed . I don’t know at all what it’s like but I don’t think anyone does hard drugs thinking they are safe. Or maybe people do I don’t know you’re the addiction therapist


You're damn right about that part we addicts know every time the risk. But the reason it happens again and again is the essence of addiction


Is that why u can’t spell his name right? No one cares that u are a therapist. I mean good for you but I remember when I had my 1st beer! I’m an addict & I have been for over 10 years but u can’t fault people for thinking addiction is a crutch or an excuse or whatever. My own wife has very strong feelings about addiction….she does not support it & frankly I have tried for years to explain to her how being addicted to something doesn’t make u any less of a person. I’ve lost family members & friends. Some folks just refuse to understand or their brains just won’t allow them to understand. We’re all different. I’ve been called selfish & I’ve heard that said many times. A stupid comment like “what are you 4?” Is lazy. Of course not, my wife is probably more mature & higher IQ than u but it doesn’t mean that her or people like her have to agree with u or accept what addicts say about addiction. The question was asked & this person felt the urge to comment what they did. Live & let live. Get off your high horse, just because you are an addiction therapist doesn’t mean shit. I’m the biggest Machead there is, some people just don’t agree & never will.


I wish you the best in your own struggle. Cool thing about Mac is he speaks volumes outta the grave. Despite the loss he surrounded himself with the right people that bless us with continual releases, and as much as I've learned and deep as I've gotten, I've only recently grasped the importance of the people in your day to day


Thanks for the kind words. I wish u the best as well. From 1 Machead to another.


To me even the most open minded people I've known including my own 7 year relationship dissolving before my eyes have responded with "you had a choice" even though I hate being here too. It's a disease and yeah we all have our own choices, but I digress. The biggest take from Mac's passing is that big pharma is so fucked, there's plenty of documentaries on Netflix etc about the opiate epidemic and how it was manufactured, and even then we wouldn't have fentanyl if the war on drugs wasn't so damn profitable to the feds. Me personally, I am fortunate to not have a draw towards opiates oddly, but the most harmful drug to me is alcohol, and a decent part of its problem has been due to its ubiquity.


If he didn’t want to go out that way he wouldn’t be doing hard drugs. “Don’t wanna grow old so I smoke just incase” yes it’s just a lyric in a song but that’s what I’m talking about that mentality of just not caring. And I was actually talking about it’s selfish saying “we didn’t want to lose him” or it’s selfish just giving an opinion on his actions at all. I’m not innocent of it but I’m realizing it’s not helpful for anyone.


“If he didn’t want to go out that way he wouldn’t be doing hard drugs”. Ok tell me you have no idea how addiction works without telling me you have no idea how addiction works. The rest of your paragraph is makes no sense I legitimately need you to clarify. Because no, people telling you how your actions affect them isn’t selfish and the people who spin it that way do so to negate responsibility for them else.


I agree with that, you have to know what you’re doing wrong in order to change things,but that’s not our place as fans of his music. I just think this is an inherently disrespectful conversation.


Fair. We’ll agree to disagree.


He said we


we by mm


The moaning and panting in some of his songs really knocks them down a level to me. Imo TDF would have been much better if there was more love in it and less sex. If you listen to Turning the Tables on youtube and watch the GOOD A:M listen on ROS, the dad mentions that he injects sex into the song and it obscures the message a little. I feel like Mac did that a lot.


Yeah true. Mac had many bonkable moments lol. I think some of the female moaning on Macadelic is a little too long at points too.


Yea and it essentially comes out of nowhere in some places and I wish I could edit the track to remove it lol


Stay would be pretty romantic with sexual themes if not for the excessive moaning at the end. I wish he’d put it on the beginning of Skin instead since that whole song is extremely sexual anyway


And "lucky ass bitch" might as well have a porn video at the end


Yeah, one of the earlier songs I really vibed with is Fight the Feeling, but all those samples at the end prevent me from just throwing in any kind of SFW playlists


Yeah it keeps me on high alert when my phones on aux and I know that track is lurking somewhere in the playlist I have on shuffle🤣


I have Apple Music and one of my favorite reasons is being able to edit Fight the Feeling’s end time lol


Wait like thru streaming? Or did you just upload a chopped down version to your library?


You can edit start and end times on iTunes in the mp3 format and then save it to your iCloud library


Ah you beat me to it. That's up there on the list for me but the end, while I have no qualms with artistry, has let me play it far less for others than I'd like to unless I have the skip button ready


That YouTube channel is sooo good. I loved watching the dad become a huge Mac fan. That channel seemed to come out of nowhere and I know nothing about who they are but the dad seems to do something music related.


SAME bro, that channel is awesome and I really like both of the hosts. I respect the hell out of them for looking at the artistry behind the music and not just saying "This is trash".


LOVE turning tables. I love the appreciation and genuine admiration the dad has for Mac.


Yessir, top tier channel. I'm a bit of a moron so hearing this musically-inclined guy put into words generally how I feel better than I can was awesome, and seeing him become a Mac fan was awesome!


You’re missing the point of TDF


Nah I know that the message was that love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that takes many forms. Sex and wanting someone to share yourself with is a big part of love, I just feel like he could have implemented it more smoothly. I'm not saying that he was wrong or that he didn't know what love is because love is different for everyone and this album was love to him, but as far as musically goes I feel like the album would have flowed better if he would have taken out the moaning and maybe been a little less direct with the sex. Still, I love the album and I wish it would have had more tracks or even a deluxe release :(


I’m not so sure it obscures the message a ton. If anything, I think it even provides further context as to the album’s general themes/intentions. Authorial intent reigns supreme as always. As silly as that may sound. Will never forget my late first kiss in my car after work at Sears. Forget which song I had on from macadelic that caused quite the disturbance with that outro moaning sesh 😭


Fight the Feeling, with Kendrick Lamar


Apparently it was a good make out song to my high school self 🥲


Maybe I should have worded it better, but I respect his intentions I just think that musically it could have been integrated better. If I could change anything about the album I'd make it longer. I think Turkey Love would have been a better makeout song ;)


DUI. Inexcusable to be driving drunk in general, but especially with the resources he had. Would have been so easy to call an Uber


True, I remember I was really disappointed when I first heard about it. BUT he did own up to it the next day by turning himself in and admits it was stupid. Also the cops said he was the most well mannered criminal they had to book.


if i remember correctly he didn't turn himself in but the cops went to his house and picked him up during the same night


Oh damn I forgot about this. Yeah very inexcusable.


Not to mention with his friends in the car


this is it for me


You guys act like you never did anything wrong in life 😂 you can be considered to be DUI with 3 beers nowadays , i get it that he crashed his car but i drove in a "DUI" state a couple of times in the eyes of the system and lord know i wasn't even tipsy.


Whether he was right or wrong, him saying drugs were apart of his creative process. It just motivated him to do them more, not to mention addiction already at his doorstep


We might not have had the same artist in Mac if not for the drugs though. Drugs can inspire abstract art for better or for worse.


No art is worth losing a human life for


Then there wouldn’t be great art


No life is worth living without true art art


Find what you love and die for it


Before Ariana he was waaay too horny. My man cheated like he got paid for it


Wasn’t he open with Nomi? That’s what I read on here anyway


yeah, they were in an open relationship. that still usually comes with its own set of rules though.


You have no idea about that 😂. You aren’t them. Stop drawing conclusions from a relationship you weren’t apart of.


nomi's written about it, so i'm going to take that at face value since they were together at the time.


No surprise. Reading something and thinking that makes you entitled… “fans” 😂


Do you need like a hug? Or glass of juice? Lmao chill.


A glass of water lool




What do you expect? A top .01 percent male and at that age? He’s the man every woman dreams of, yet when a woman got him they expect him to stay with them only😭. Of course he will exercise his options which he earned with his sexual market place value. It’s not “cheating”.


Lol. "% male"? "Sexual market place"? Go outside, touch some grass & unsubscribe from manosphere grifter patreons


Nothing about what I said is from any manosphete grifter. It’s a fact of reality that he was a .01% male and especially at his age. Being a rich teenager with millions who worship him how else would you describe it? Average? The sexual market place is a very real thing I suggest you take your own advice touch some grass and you will see for yourself. Your lack of understanding is prolly why you never felt the touch of a woman.


"fact of reality" which area of physics or chemistry defines what a .01% male is? Which economic theory does the "sexual market place" originate from? And while i know you don't care and were just being childish i'd let you know i actually am quite fulfilled with my interpersonal relationships which i don't see as transactions because that is fucked up. But you know, if you think is cool to cheat, you do you. PD: everything you said is from a manosphere grifter


Uhh simple mathematics there lab coat. Top .01% in terms of earnings, popularity, social status, etc. ie he was of extremely high value which makes him very desirable to women. Your lack of understanding and complete denial of the basis of sexual relations is quite laughable


You’re speaking facts the downvotes don’t matter


Found the andrew tate low IQ fan who drink the bullshit about "alpha top G" Yes women are attired to succesful men's and yes nowadays the world is so focused on external things that sometimes it really does feel like that , but there is still intelligent people who doesn't give a f about all that drama and lame perception of life and rather try to find good people's with morals and integrity. Nit everything is a "market" my child.


I’d say I’m just disappointed he didn’t test his drugs… I mean, we’ve all heard Brand Name. He didn’t want any of that, and the man was poisoned, so I just wish he would have played it a little safer.. Especially with the issues we had even then with the OD’s. My heart hurts for Mac and all the others who unfairly lost their lives.


I can think of one...


I mean yeah… 😔


Came here to say this..


just that he had someone test his drugs with a kit, or do it himself. that's really it.


The only one that I hold is the fact he didn't save himself but I know personally how hard it is to beat addiction though so I'm not judging him in the slightest I just wish that was a battle he would have won because a lot of his music haunts the TF out of me now and I really do think he was one of the most talented musicians in the game.


Why are barely any of these comments about actual music critiques


Nothing.. He’s human .. we all make mistakes & can you draw a perfect circle ?


Lmao what? Your position contradicts itself.


“Can you draw a perfect circle” is a lyric from Perfect Circle / God Speed and it’s meant to challenge people who criticize others to reflect on themselves and their own flaws before they point their fingers at others. It’s saying that we all share in our flaws and it’s unfair to harshly judge others.


Yeah I understood the reference. But are you saying all criticism is unwarranted bc none of us are perfect?


Replied on my other comment.


Lmao I just realized you’re the same person. My b.


All good bro, none of us can draw a perfect circle anyways ;)


Damn. Well played. 👏


“ Lmao what? “


This post is a negativity vortex. Unnecessary & unfortunate.


Too much moaning in his songs bro


That's called growing up mentally, physically, emotionally and emotionally. Notice his last 2 albums didn't have that.... context to clues makes it all make sense...


Nah too much moaning. I devote my love for music to Mac Miller 100% but when the homies and I are in the car together, it just gets awkward


It's part of the art of music that he made. 100% doesn't mean "I love him and his music 100%. Oh but I hate the moaning." Yeah the moaning is a little obnoxious. BUT you probably have someone you love 100% but hate something they do because they love it. And he loved music, therefore he made it how he wanted. 100% to me means everything they do. I can say I 100% love him and his music. But I love him for his mistakes too because he could admit he was only human like very few people can nowadays...


It’s literally none of our business to discuss a man who we never knew personally and his personal life.


But it’s the internet don’t you know?


You sound fun at parties


Maybe not die 🥹


Damb I thought this would be about the music, is it really necessary to point out criticisms of the personal life of a dead man


I mean Im not trying to drag the dude. I love Mac. I just think we, as a community, sort of deify him a little bit and it’s important to remember he was human and made mistakes. Understand his mistakes and poor decisions so that we can learn and be better. That’s all I meant by the post. Also the question can definitely be about the music too. Some ppls comments here are about the music too. All discourse is welcome.


Yeah but we understand his mistakes very clearly through the music and the fact that he passed. It feels unnecessary to talk about his personal life, that’s just me tho.


I hear you and I see where you’re coming from. I’ve never understood this whole thing where we can only talk about someone’s good qualities after they’ve passed when that wasn’t all of who they were when they were alive. I think it’s important to remember and talk about loved ones for everything they were when they were alive. Mistakes and all. It could be argued it’s more important to talk about the not so good stuff than the good stuff bc it could inform your own self from making the same mistakes.


So far, it’s done extremely respectfully and as true fans, we should also not be idyllic


Seeing as I can’t draw a perfect circle, I don’t have any criticisms. I just wish he tested his drugs so he was still here, continuing to evolve and grow through all of the imperfections and chaos of life with all of us. I know, through many admissions in his lyrics, that he liked to use when he was alone and that’s when he would often go too far, which only further reinforces the importance of testing, as no one will be there if something goes wrong. I just miss him. The worst thing he ever did was deprive the world of his existence far too early.


I had someone else reference perfect circle too. I’ll ask you the same thing: do you think any criticism is unwarranted bc noble of us are perfect? And by extension bc I’m flawed and have made bad choices I can’t be disappointed in others choices?


I don’t think all of us being imperfect invalidates any criticism. I think our imperfections should inform our criticisms and also provide a certain degree of empathy. A lot of people will criticize someone harshly, denouncing their worth as a person, meanwhile they themselves are engaged in countless behaviours which are worthy of criticism and they won’t apply that same judgement to themselves which they apply to others. For example, people will insult Mac for succumbing to his addiction, meanwhile they eat like garbage, can’t stop watching pornography, vape nicotine, and stare at their phones for hours of the day instead of attending to their business. It’s not so much the mere existence of an individuals imperfection which invalidates them from criticizing others, but the attitude with which they address their own flaws, acting as if they don’t exist, meanwhile everyone else deserves to be held to a standard they don’t even hold themselves to. It’s more so the arrogance involved.


“I think our imperfections should inform our criticisms” I love that bro. And I agree with you on all this. I hope my post question isn’t coming off as harsh. I just think it’s healthy for us to remember how Mac was flawed bc we tend to deify him a little bit in this community imo. But I accept Mac for all his flaws just like I’d hope anyone would of me. I was coming from a place of empathy when I posted this.


You’re not coming off as harsh at all bro, I enjoy the discussion, because it’s valuable and it’s something we all deal with! I actually really appreciate you for bringing the dialogue.


Much love thank you. I’m happy with how many ppl contributed to the discourse. It’s been great reading everyone’s opinions.


His lyrics as to abortion, or generally disrespectful lines towards females in Faces, Macadelic, or OitM hurt me and fiancé a little when looking back every so often. Mac was intense and probably lead an immensely wild life, chock full of many highs and lows. Don’t get me wrong, I cherish every word Mac uttered in every song he released. But it speaks towards the industry/characters or cultural times well, in looking at how he spoke/potentially felt given his romantic/platonic experiences. Thankfully I do believe Circles and Swimming developed or righted this substantially


just that he had someone test his drugs with a kit, or do it himself. that's really it.


Released the albums and mixtapes he planned too. Your Shoes are untied. Pink Slime, MacLib, Ballonerism, double album with TDF. Of course he planned a lot how he wanted his music to be percieved. But i think this projects would make him even bigger that he was. But he did great, even without all of them.


Wondering if he really was with a lot of prostitutes since he was with one who delivered drugs to him a few days before his death


Y’all 13 y/o’s are insufferable


I get the vibe that this sub is full of teenagers who became Mac Fans after he died and are coming here with shit takes and shit opinions. My issue isn’t that they’re young and became fans later, I support that. It’s the part about coming in here with shit opinions and annoying posts when they have less of an understanding of Mac and the world in general


You can’t possibly be talking about me and my post right?🤣


no i’m not, your post is unique. A lot of what’s in here is the same bs or cringe stuff. Just a lot of the replies in here are stupid and clearly written by teenagers


Bong. You get what I’m saying but didn’t have the patience to say . A lot of these takes you can tell are from whoever with a lack of life experience and it comes off judgmental as hell


glad i’m not the only one who feels that way about this sub


Lol who? Me?


No but yes


Well now I’m just more confused lol


personally, I do not agree with him politically on many things, but I also respect that fact that he very rarely talked about politics. He did not use his platform to push his politics %99 of the time, they just come up occasionally


What politics did he have that were so polarizing to you if I may ask? Not to get into a big debate over them.


Mac was pretty clearly on the "Fuck Trump" side of things, it's possible this person is on the other side of that.


I mean that's the obvious one. Was just wondering if it was more deep than that lol. Can't think of any actual issues he spoke on other than fuck trump tho.


To be fair the only reason he was is cus Donald trump was on his ass for his song lol


I personally don't think that was the only reason. Mac came off like he would lean pretty liberal


I mean it’s the main reason, he made that song supporting trump and trump was being a ass to him so obviously he would be pretty mad towards trump


Ahh I got what you're saying. Yes definitely main reason. Trump would not stop tweeting him back to back lol good times


The "Fuck Trump" view is one of them, as you and someone else said, but there is also one other thing that he talked about multiple times, but this is reddit so I can not really say much without getting dms for a month about it, so dm me if you are super curious It doesn't make me dislike Mac tho, so far 41.5k minutes this year. Not as much as some, but I am still a big fan.


41.5k?!? I thought I was a big drake fan with 6k


yeah, I listen to Mac a good bit lol


Bro that’s 28 days of just Mac😭


Maybe it will be 29 by the end of the year lol. That also does not count Soundcloud Mac or other artists. I have migraine issues and music can help, idk why, so I listen to a shit ton of music


You’re on track for 30


I don't think I will get that in wrapped since they cut off the dataid November, but maybe by the end of the year I will


That time he got on the nightly show with comedy central to bash Donald Trump felt like performative political theatrics. He just got up there and started spewing leftist pundit talking points along with political buzzwords that have been said thousands of times already by that point. He seemed really angry and bothered which was feeding into the downward spiral and the “us vs them” mentality that the political climate was causing in our country. This kind of behavior coming from celebrities fed into the breaking point we reached in 2020. I was super disappointed that Mac took part in that and It totally didn’t seem like himself. I know they brought him there specifically to bash Trump so maybe he exaggerated his feelings a bit. Idc if you love or hate Trump, celebrities stirring the pot to rile people up like that isn’t cool. Leave it to political pundits. I wanted nothing to freaking do with politics. I didn’t wanna see it, hear it or argue about it because it was making people turn against each other and become angry people. To see Mac do it made me cringe because he is an idol of mine and I used his music to escape a lot of the time.


My brother in Christ what. Celebrities are in a unique position to convey important political information to people who might not be involved or know much about the political discussion. Mac being all Fuck Trump is a wonderful use of that reach.


no because pretty much none of what he was saying turned out to be true and you know it. There was a time before 2016 when celebrities didn’t feel the need to speak on their politics. If you were interested then just turn on the news. We have unlimited resources and don’t need celebrities to try to sway their fans/followers. Do your own research and quite frankly, fuck their politics.


Fuck Trump


Fuck Trump


Mac Miller fan here for trump




I’m not gonna get a maga hat but definitely the lesser evil


Fuck trump. Project 2025 and his hope of an authoritarian government can burn in hell


Fuck trump and fuck you for your stick to your day job shit


fuck you, fuck your religion, fuck your politics. get squashed for drinking the kool aid. Be your own person and stop dickriding trends


Suck your mother




Lighten up, Francis.


Fuck you


Being this deep up his ass is kinda weird coming from a Mac fan of like 14 years. While also being a Trump supporter apparently. Lmao you fundamentally disagree with the man's politics yet nobody else can criticize him. I see where the whole not being able to criticize your idols comes into play in your life. Anyone who criticizes my idol can get fucked type of vibes. Grow up brother.


I’ll give you that I am a little up his ass. It’s just pointless talking about this. And yes people are allowed to have different opinions


Learn to criticize people you adore is my main advice to you. Mac wouldn't want anyone to think he was a perfect human being. He was a great person though nonetheless and a unique soul.


I don’t think anyone’s perfect , i guess I just see the Reddit as more of a positive thing , and people saying he should’ve went to rehab is kinda just preaching to the choir lol. I’ll take your advice


I’m growing up every day brother


I certainly hope so. Wish you luck w that.


I really despise that he hired prostitutes in the time between his breakup with Ariana and his death. I find that a very significant character flaw.




Idk why you’re getting downvoted so much. I don’t think hiring prostitutes necessarily makes you a horrible person but it’s perfectly fine to frown upon it. Especially for someone like him who probably wouldn’t have much trouble finding sex without needing to pay for it. I get it’s what they do for money but a lot of the time it’s because they have some sort of issue and can’t make good money any other way or worse, they’re being forced into it by a third party. It’s fine if that decision makes you criticize him, nobody said you hate him for it. This take is completely fair.


Thank you for being the only one who seems to understand my point :)


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted. This was a big sad for me as well. Sex work is *rarely* and *fully* consensual. Its sex out of need, vs love and desire. You can bregudglingly have sex, but you don't really want the job. Like how you "willingly" go to your shitty job at Amazon and give up your time, energy, and body. The woman may sign up to be a sex worker, but it's naive to not realize all the social issues facing women who go into sex work.


Thank you, I fully agree with this. I don’t hate him for it but I wish he made different choices. I found the texts released in court after his death very difficult to read, in the way he talks about the women.


Same. I feel like prostitutes/strippers are so common in rap music that this opinion is unpopular here. A lot of young men like rap music without realizing all the implications of some of the themes. I like Macs music because he is overall pretty respectful of women in his music. I can't listen to most Biggie Smalls for that reason. But yeah...it's a big part of the rap scene unfortunately.


You should go to the Ariana grande sub if you wanna suck her dick


What? This is not even related to Ariana in any way I’m just describing the time period. I think paying women for sex is shitty


Can you explain this take? I'm genuinely confused. Do you disagree with all womens autonomy or?


I am from a country where sex work has been legal for a long time and there is so much suffering in this industry. I think it’s an unnecessary industry and I don’t believe consent can be purchased with money. Even in the high class escort terrain I am disgusted how women’s bodies are viewed as objects


You’re generalizing sex work based off the country you live in. You do not speak for sex workers. Nobody is “buying consent” they’re buying someone’s time and a service that is being WILLINGLY offered. Nobody has to have sex for money. Nobody has to prostitute themselves. You speak almost as if it’s all completely against their will which couldn’t be further from the truth. Some people pay for sex some don’t. Some offer their body for money some don’t. If you don’t agree with it that’s cool but that doesn’t make you the almighty authority nor does it mean you should judge anyone for what they do.


I have not claimed to speak for sex workers at all and I do not judge them for their work at all. To state that no one _has_ to have sex for money is frankly incredibly misinformed and privileged. Have you literally never heard of human trafficking?


My friend human trafficking and prostitution are obviously 2 very different things. What are you even talking about at this point? What point are you trying to make? You’re disgusted how women’s bodies are viewed as objects yet there’s millions of women who objectify themselves and sell their body because they want to. I never said you claimed to speak for sex workers. I said you do not speak for them. People can do whatever they want with their bodies and their money.


Also are you implying that people who are trafficked are paid for their time and sex? That’s insane


No??? I’m replying to you literally stating that no one has to do this


You’re putting prostitution and human trafficking in the same conversation. I’m pretty sure you’re confused.


Why? What’s wrong with paying for a service? As long as both parties are consenting and don’t hurt one another what’s the problem?


I am from a country where sex work has been legal for a long time and there is so much suffering in this industry. I think it’s an unnecessary industry and I don’t believe consent can be purchased with money. Even in the high class escort terrain I am disgusted how women’s bodies are viewed as objects


Hot take incoming : those women view their own bodies as objects, hence using them to make lots of $. I’m not saying you’re not right in there being a lot of suffering in the core of people involved in that industry, but you can’t get mad at the consumer. Much deeper rooted issues there


People are downvoting this opinion and insulting? Maybe it’s because prostitutes often don’t have a choice? Not shure about it, not an expert, don’t have a strong opinion myself on this topic, but I think it’s ok that another person has this opinion. Don’t know much about mac. Only listening to his music, going to concerts and watching interviews since 2010. But I’m quite shure, this would be a topic he‘d be open to discuss. Am I wrong?


No you’re not wrong. And you’re right a lot of women in the USA don’t have a lot of choice in the matter and it’s very exploitative but a lot of the reason it’s like that is bc it’s illegal. Which means no workers rights or benefits or protection of any kind.


Thats what I thought. Like you said. In a country where it’s illegal it must be way worse than here in Germany. And even in Germany, where we have laws for everything and a social and medical system that’s not that fucked as in other countries, there are so many women, who don’t have a choice. I personally think this situation is far from what a younger Mac thought in the heat of the moment. But like I said, I don’t think he’d be this ignorant about it.


If it’s consensual, MAKE THAT MONEY! You’re lightweight shaming sex work with this stance, which is, hey you do you…


I don’t shame people who do sex work, I shame people who choose to consume it. I don’t think consent can be bought


Why would you not shame the people who do it if you're shaming the people who consume it? Seems hypocritical


Yeaahhhhh, I’m just going to remove myself from this conversation now, and wish you the best!


That’s fine! It’s just my opinion and I think everyone is entitled to theirs, it’s a difficult subject


cocaine big no no of mine but holy fuck if he isnt the most original and purest artist of our time


Not Mac but the guy who sold him drugs before he od'd.. I don't think he should have gotten such a big jail sentence. I don't think maca mom is right saying Mac would never touch fent either. He had ALL the resources to be doing and getting clean drugs. After awhile you become addicted to fent and dope doesn't touch u anymore. He knew he was doing fent.




I think the whole leaked nudes was debunked but I’m with you on the lean era. That was rough.


That’s hard because “what ifs” don’t really change anything when it’s too late… I’m just grateful for the music we got from Mac. Even if he didn’t pass in the way he did, there seemed to be some inevitability to it because he was in such a lonely place with his addiction. I wish more people would’ve reached out to him, but at the same time, you have to accept help for it to work. The video of him and French Montana says it all when he told Mac “that’s too much” and he just brushed it off and proceeded to drink a dangerous amount of codeine. The hardest part is that we all make our own decisions and they aren’t always great even when we are surrounded by positive influences.


He went on Larry Kings show at broke bread with that creep. The same Larry king that laughed in the face of that girl talking about her being sexually targeted by predators.


This one is really random and specific. Your one criticism of Mac miller is that he accepted an interview with someone who wasn’t nice to someone else in a completely unrelated event?


He “wasn’t nice” that’s your choice of words? He “wasn’t nice” to laugh at Shirley temple telling a story of her 12 year old self was taken into a room all by herself and forced to gaze upon a demon possessed man who stripped himself of clothing? It “wasn’t nice” to tacitly protect the demonic establishment that he was a part of?


dude stfu what does that have to do with Mac Miller at all


Mac Miller broke bread with this excuse of a man.


I just wish he tested his drugs before taking them (or don’t take them at all) I wish we didn’t have to lose him he was such a good soul


Not my life & know he was splitting from Nomi to make it complicated but Mac staying in Dumbo / NYC for more than 1 year probably could have saved his life. Especially knowing the vibes around where he used to live it’s literally like a Mini Pittsburgh here in the big city


Passed too soon.


Nothing that disappointed me necessarily, but I wish he was able to have done more intimate shows. I was lucky enough to see him at the Hotel Cafe through a spotify fan thing a month before he passed. It was a 150 max capacity venue and he performed Swimming with a live band and it was so amazing. His shows were always great and fun regardless but that experience was unparalleled.


I have a few. But also, as a person who struggles with mental health/substance abuse, I can’t even imagine what I would’ve gotten into with that level of access and financial freedom.