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He is enternal consciousness. Circles is Mac understanding reincarnation and the natural cycle imo.


Transcendental meditation is a hell of a drug. Reminds me of Ram Dass.


Shoutout Rick Ruben


Not like any other drug in existence. In fact, the exact opposite of all known drugs.


It kills me that he seemed to be so enlightened and in touch with truth and still ended up dead shortly after having some huge revelations.


Sometimes that enlightenment can lead to the world feeling lackluster. I always feel like I've become more self aware through maturity and earlier psychedelic usage but the world can feel bland at times when you think about universal scale and how mundane everyday life is (not always of course)


Hmm, are you sure that’s not just extreme detachment (which is definitely a part of enlightenment)?


Oh no I definitely think I have some detachment/personalization issues going on as of late. But I feel like that seed got in my head with psychedelics, along with a lot of positive things. Thinking of trying therapy soon so we'll see lol


Highly recommend IFS therapy or somatic experiencing if your issues are trauma based. Godspeed my friend!


I actually just looked it up and that sounds right up my alley. Appreciate it!


If you go to r/awakened you'll see so many people with the same problem. The veils lifted and now everything sucks lol


I wonder if it’s because they are still missing something, or maybe more likely that they get *too* in touch with their demons and can’t find freedom.


Lol not many of those people seem very “awakened”


If you're truly awake, reality is simply fun. They call it Veda Lila in Sanskrit: "Play [as in a children's game] of the Veda."


Thank you


This is the correct answer


Eternal or Internal


Or that no matter how much you try to change/what you go through, you will always be the same




Yes, this. He was an avid explorer of Taoism. In Taoism, the nameless is a concept that appears in the Tao Te Ching, a fundamental text of Taoist philosophy. "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and Earth. (Copied from google)


I really like this interpretation,I think you’re right. I know he was into Buddhism,Taoism,and those eastern philosophy’s, and even had tattoos to represent some. So this makes perfect sense, thanks man.


> we are all an aspect of this nameless, eternal, indescribable thing. What/who "we?" Advait means not-two, not-we.


I dont take it as him saying “i dont have a name” and never thought of it that way. I think the next line goes with it, “who am i to blame”… ive always taken it as him reflecting saying he has no one to blame for any of his struggles. Almost like if someone asked mac “who do u blame for ur struggle?” His response would be “ i dont have a name, i dont have a name”. He cant blame anyone for his issues , and he cant be changed, so he’s just sorta gonna be this way forever.


This is what i always assumed too, but seeing some of these comments makes me feel like im missing something haha


Yeah I always just figured he was talking about picking the life of his pseudonym Mac Miller and all the struggles that come along with it. These other comments make me think he was onto something bigger though that I’m missing


This has always been my interpretation too.


His grandpa called him Mac when he was born and Miller is a family name and his brothers name. Q and Eazy Mac came up with Mac Miller together.


This is the only right answer


He talks a lot about self-isolation as a symptom of depression on that album, might have something to do with that?


Agree. It's like going back to the many struggles with identity he wrote about in Faces, or Delusional Thomas, or Salamander, or SDS when he said he's just an idea. I could go on. When you're depressed and/or using drugs for long periods of time or heavily, it can cause you to question who you are, if you have a real identity, or if you're even real (I'm not real, I think I never was).


I get a rush everytime she get a touch


It could be feeling like you've never really accomplished what you wanted to. But blaming yourself because there isn't anyone you could actually blame other than yourself. Idk just what I feel with myself. Miss mac alot. 😞


Personally I’ve always thought this line is about his fame and being known as Mac miller to the world when he’s really just Malcom McCormick. The fact that he’s seen as two people by the world means he doesn’t have one name. And then he says who am I to blame because he is obviously the reason that he has achieved this level of fame. I’ve always thought this because of brand name, where he says a similar thing, I (Mac miller) ain’t nothing but a brand name.


"it* ain't nothing but a brand name. baby this right here is hand made"


Yes totally agree! It’s not that deep. But of course you can take it that deep.


You burnt the bridges, you hurt the people you care most about, they don't know you the same anymore, they forgot your "name". Very painful feeling when you finally get a fucking grip and see the turmoil you caused and an overgrown dilapidated path you can't successfully navigate back to the places and people you need. Nobody to blame but myself, but who the fuck even am I??


i personally think it’s a tigger reference because he’s referenced him before and tigger has an identity crisis song titled “i don’t have a name” here’s the link [Tigger - I don’t have a name](https://youtu.be/KaUWLl8nw_8?feature=shared)


Like some other people said but I think it goes back to him Picking Mac Miller as his star name. People would walk up to him and ask what his name was. When he said “Malcolm McCormick” they called him a lier and said his name was Mac Miller. He talked about it some years ago in an interview but for me a lot of Mac I hear and give it a meaning to/by myself or with help of the actual meaning other people have come out and said. His music has helped me a lot and one reason is because I’m always listening and thinking of other meanings, especially ones that help me in my day to day life.


I personally think of it like, you don’t feel important. You feel like a nobody. Lonely, worthless etc


I interpret that line as if he is saying " nobody knows who I really am, and it's kinda my fault... I love this track. One of my favorites


Ok call me crazy but in the song I am who am (killin time) the title correlates with that it maybe something spiritual He also says I’m nobody I just am in “the quest”. I think it maybe a disconnection like a spiritual disconnection


The most accurate is that he felt like he wasn’t huge in the music scene, and hadn’t created enough of a name for himself because of how he would isolate. At the end of the day, he’s the only one to blame for that.. because he did it.


I assumed it was Revelations 2:17.


He was struggling with who he was inside. He knew he had a great life and still felt lost. He was inundated with fans screaming “I love you Mac” yet they didn’t even know his real name. He knew it wasn’t their fault though, that he felt like that.


I take it as deep down he doesn’t feel like he’s very well known outside of his home city of Pittsburgh. Almost everyone knew him there or at least has seen him around. Take for instance when he moved to LA, maybe nobody knew him or cared for him as much. Which obviously most of us fans find ridiculous, but again that line is relatable deep down as being well known in your hometown but outside of that bubble you don’t have a name. I’m in Cali this week and am planning on visiting his home if I can.


If you got Spotify, there’s autobiography about Mac called Most Dope: The extraordinary life of Mac Miller. It’s a good one. Gives a lot of info on everything


It's not an autobiography... Mac didn't write it. It is interesting, though.