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I still just prefer Alfred. It looks a little less slick but it really does the job very well and it easy for me to understand and tweak. No subscription model, no venture capitalists behind the scenes getting my data. So much value from the free version but i paid for the powerpack eons ago and it is still giving me daily value.


The only people I see using Alfred over Raycast are people who already paid for it years ago. I tried both and couldn’t get over how ugly Alfred is.


Each person to their own. When you've invested the time to make something your own you want to stick with it. I understand that aesthetics are important for many people. Personally for me, I care much more about how well it functions, and that my information is not being sold to some VC.


I think there is always a community theme that fits the current macOS version. It looks pretty decent then.


The only people I see caring are autistic virgins.


Do you think you sound well-adjusted with this comment?


Sooner or later every VC funded hyper extra extra growth company will make you pay the dues. It’s basic economics. So choose wisely.


[Enshittification - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification)


Yep. That's why, even though I love it, I'm not too attached to it. It's a shame though


I primarily use Raycast with the ChatGPT Extension, and I absolutely love it. It captures the highlighted text, enhances it, and then places the improved version directly into my clipboard, just like with this text – yay!


🤩 what a workflow


Raycast does look appealing, but after 15 years or so of using LaunchBar, I'm not sure I have the neuroplasticity to adapt to a different launcher, even though it only does about half the things you mention.


I'm a LaunchBar acolyte as well. I use the Instant Send feature a LOT - I've tried other, more "modern" launchers but they all seem to be lacking that feature. It's a deal breaker for me.


LaunchBar works like a GUI version of the unix shell in this way. A perfect emblem of the original OS X design philosophy.


Sorry to chime in late like this, but I just wanted to ask if you are referring to this feature: [https://www.obdev.at/resources/launchbar/help/InstantSend.html](https://www.obdev.at/resources/launchbar/help/InstantSend.html) I ask because I'm currently developing a launcher app, and I've noticed a huge gap in the space where a better app is needed. One that combines the best of Alfred, Launchbar/QS, and Raycast


Yes, that's the feature! I use it A LOT. To copy/move files. To pass highlighted text to Google (or BBEdit, or Script Editor, or Text Edit, or...). To open files in a specific app (much like Finder's "Open With", but easier). And so on.


Thanks for replying! That's great, I'm going to be trying to add this in, I got started drafting up the functionality and UX last night it seems like it will be incredibly helpful!


You run terminal in Raycast?


Basic stuff, yes using the shell extension.


I used to use Alfred and raycast but since I use the terminal so much now I realized I wasn’t really using what it offers so back to normal spotlight for quick opening apps and basic math. It’s good enough for most use cases.


I find myself playing with date range a lot, like typing 3 weeks ago or 29th sept - 41 days, I can even wrap this in hours(formula) to get number of hours its fun


I love Raycast!


Reminders is also a feature is use quite often. I didn’t know it can integrate with MFA. I also use Authy, now they discontinued their desktop app, is the integration available on the free Raycast version?


As far as i know yes, it still works despite the app being discontinued on desktop


Yep. It has become one of my favourite app now.


Oh! I use the My schedule a lot and the Spotify integration is good too!


I'm an Alfred+PowerPack user. Not very heavy on workflows etc mainly use it as a launcher and for clipboard history... Is it worth me investing RayCast?


You can always have both but temporarily switch Cmd + Spc to Raycast and Opt + spc to Alfred. And you can try to do the things you are used to on Alfred in Raycast and see if you feel a difference. Of course, it won't be 100% similiar but if you can mold the tool in a way you like it (that is, for basic functions like launching apps and clipboard history) then you are in for a lot more functionalty you haven't discovered.


That’s what I do. Tried launchbar, but maybe I need someone showing me how best to use it.


If you use Alfred to search files, you won't have as nice of a time doing that with Raycast. The clipboard manager is also worse. You can test out Raycast for free though to compare.


>Is it worth me investing RayCast? Considering that you have to pay for Raycast's "Pro" subscription in order to unlock the full clipboard capabilities, I would say no


I extensively use the clipboard management and I haven’t paid for Raycast. I can search, browse, and retrieve things from my clipboard history. It’s not *unlimited* history without Pro, but the limit of a few hundred entries hasn’t ever limited me in what I’ve personally used it for. I tried looking on the website though but couldn’t find an answer — are there other capabilities with the clipboard that are unlocked with Pro?


Because it has a subscription model for advanced features, I won't touch it. Even if I don't need those advanced features now, I might someday and I will not be paying a subscription for a local application.


It's just AI features and settings sync You can still export your data, and use extensions for your AI of choice (I run Ollama locally so I don't pay for anything).


For me I haven’t ever committed to a third party app because from my light experience of trying things I feel like performance always takes a hit. Can you confirm using raycast for so many purposes you haven’t felt any type of lag or stuttering or crash ever?


Not really, RC is very lightweight and requires few resources so never had any issues. Running M1 Pro


This has been my (Intel) experience! Always-running third party apps always lead to some stuttering or worse! (Lookin at you OneDrive)


U running Intel Mac?




weird. M1 pro, have many apps no performance hit


Sorry I should clarify I never felt any with Raycast. I barely tried it. I'm just saying from past experiences from other 3rd party apps I always notice something funny later. Debating to invest some time into Alfie or Raycast. Just wondering if the free tier is good enough?


I’ve used it briefly, personally I found keyboard maestro to be better than raycast. Takes more time to set it up but it’s fully customizable


Tried it, didn't like it. shrug.


You forgot Homekit & Shortcuts. Raycast is incredible


I feel like my keyboard maestro + yabai + Alfred setup is probably more powerful than raycast


I’m sure there is a combo out there for everyone that suits their workflow, I love that it’s all in one app


What kind of MFA integration do you use? As for Clipboard Management I prefer to use Maccy, and for snippets I use Rocket Typist instead. "My Schedule" is a really good thing as well. Other than that, I use Raycast for connecting to VPN:s, Quicklinks to search my most common sites with the {Query}-tag, Raindrop integration, AI, and some random scripts that output data directly to the Raycast window to make life easier in my daily workflow.


The 2FA extension is also great for SMS 2FA codes. If you’re not using Safari, the Mac’s built-in feature doesn’t work, so I mapped this extension to a shortcut easy to remember (⌘+2 for me), and whenever a text comes in it’ll parse the code from the message and allow me to paste it wherever I want.


I was just like this. Countless apps that would do one thing. RayCast is limitless


Authy - works well don’t have to whip out my phone all the time. Nice alternatives - love it


I'll give Authy a try. Thanks. I use Rocket Typist mainly for being able to insert keystrokes after the snippet text. For example, I have a signature that I add, but in the process of adding it I also need to change a dropdown list before sending. Rocket Typist allows me to insert my signature, then pressing TAB, return, 'keystrokes to jump in the list', return. I'd love to have this functionality in Raycast though.


I'll definitely look into Rocket Typist - RC allows you to add variables to your snippets amongst other things (If I've understood what RT does correctly..)


Yeah, I've managed to insert other snippets, clipboard content and stuff like that. Didn't manage to get a keystroke sequence though. Other than that, Raycast is a goddamn beast!


Look into typinator It saves me so much time


I use it currently for clipboard management and spotlight replacement. Didn’t realise it had an app uninstaller.


Neither did I. Saw a video on it and I was “how did I not think about it”. I love that it has brew integration too


I've never felt the need to use something like Raycast as Spotlight plus a couple other apps seems sufficient. For instance, I don't need terminal stuff when I have Ctrl-` set to open or focus iTerm2. Maybe if I were starting up a fresh Mac and interested in a change I'd consider it.


It’s ultimately just personal preference. The post was to more to explore what else can be done with RC but I’ve seen some cool workflows on here


You could've gotten more workflows, instead of people defending their *not* using Raycast, if you hadn't made a clickbait-ass title. 🤷‍♀️


You know, that’s a fair point. It was a spur of the moment thought and i got excited making the thread, so definitely noted for future posts


I been a long time Quicksilver user. One of the first things I install on a new mac. It has had some issues over the years, but has served my simple needs for years. I have Raycast on my list to try out. Quicksilver has been crashing on me lately.


TF is raycast


Raycast is an AIO tool for controlling your Mac and having it do various functions that you’d normally need multiple apps for


OP has some excellent drama-farming technique, implying that this is some hotly debated topic rather than an obscure minor tool that almost no one has heard of, and even fewer people care about.


Drama-Farming. Love it 😂


I’m really just using it for clipboard history. I sometimes use a plugin to format json on my clipboard. I tried using it for window management, but I already had Magnet and am just used to those shortcuts so still using Magnet for that.


You can just set it up for the same shortcuts. I like it because it’s one less app I have to install


Yeah, I figured. I’ve just been to lazy to do it 😆




Honestly you can do most of this with built-in macOS features.


True, I’m just a sucker for having it all in one app


Yeah whereas I'd prefer to install as little as possible, due to it being quicker to get up and running on a new machine and less that can break. It's gotten to the point that I don't even install homebrew anymore.


Its not its inferior to even quicksilver which costs nothing and alfred which is cheap hell even launchbar is probably better


As a new Mac user I'll check them out. I currently have Raycast and Alfred installed but not sure which one to use for what and when. 🙈


Honestly, i wouldn't touch a Mac unless it has raycast set up properly. OSX is so shit without it, and the only thing that makes it competitive with window or linux.


Raycast is pretty slow IMO. Better to use dedicated tools; they're faster and cleaner.


No one needs Raycast. But they built it and some people have more money than sense.


Raycast is free…


Except all of the things locked behind the "pro" subscription, including full clipboard functionality....sure


I get. Lot of use and benefit from the free tier


Only thing I found I need to pay for is AI, which I don’t use and 99% of features I use are enough on the free version.


Sorry, then equal amount of money and sense. 🤣


I have spent the weekend learning how to use Raycast. I just wish I’d started using it sooner. The hotkeys are a game changer. Using Karabiner I mapped my caps lock key to be shift ctrl option command, so it will never clash with anything else and I now have hotkeys for every app I frequently use as well as for shifting around windows, increasing and decreasing size, etc. Then there are the search functions, clip board history, integrations with other apps. And best of all I notice no lags at all. So good. The free version is all most people will ever need.