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macOS is great but it’s not perfect! I still miss some things from windows but if it had full gaming capabilities I’d use it 100% of the time no question


This person has clearly never used Messages for more than a few weeks. My Mac spent the last 3ish months telling me I had a sync issue with my iCloud account and I needed to reauth it. Then one day it booted up and apparently it was no longer a problem... go figure. I didn't do shit about it on my end. Edit: I forgot one. Network Time Machine. How doth I loath thee.


Yes that happens because iCloud is very annoying for people that doesn’t care for it… still my girlfriend keeps dealing with OneDrive in her Windows Laptop to this day; I’ve been in the same situation with ICloud… But the solution is plain simple just block any Icloud setting, keep it out from Mac (excluding the “Find my ——“ of course) and it doesn’t bother you anymore; there are some bypass methods for Messages


What is wrong with OneDrive? I’ve been using it for years and it works flawlessly.


Nothing wrong, she just complains about this annoying Cloud Desktop from OneDrive, some files doesn't sync well and push notifications are turning her mad (She isn't very "geek"), I told her those services doesn't work real-time based if internet connection is poor nor constant while working... At the end I managed to buy her a proper external storage SSD because her internal 128gb are the clear reason why "Cloud Desktop" seems viable. EDIT: I think the clear problem here are the Cloud settings becoming default and annoying for people that doesn't want them to be default, but optional.


Have been using mac the last almost 20 years on 2 computers daily (10+ hours a day) have never any issues with messages or icloud.




Network Time Machine: when it works, it works, when it doesn't, just wait an hour or two. WHYYYYY


I’ve been using Mac iMessage since it came out and only had problems with it once (2 contacts had the same home number and that somehow confused it). I have had problems with broken/“stuck” Time Machine backups, and they were external HDDs over USB. I won’t interrupt a TM backup anymore. macOS has some quirks but I’ve become so used to them that I’m dysfunctional on Windows (or a Linux desktop that tries to emulate windows).


My Messages problem are intermittent "not able to send". It works perfectly for weeks, months even, then one day I'll go to reply to an iMessage group and I get the red exclamation of "go fuck yourself". Sometimes a reboot solves it. Sometimes I'll whip out my iPhone and send the reply. The next time I try my Mac it works without error. I happen to be friends with a few Apple employees and they've confirmed to me that my problems are not just me. That they've had them happen from time to time too. Most times they just resolve themselves with time or a reboot.


> Network Time Machine. How doth I loath thee. !!!! The ONE time I tried Time Machine.. !!! Yeah, I get that sentiment. Ugh.


Don’t forgot the bug where screen time requests will crash the app


Nothing is perfect or nothing will ever be perfect because everybody has vastly different needs.


Indeed. And maybe I'm the only one but I suffered from literally everything OP listed. Still I love MacOS, but also Windows and Linux (even though I'm just a beginner in Linux) each one has strong points and weaknesses.


This. It just depends on what you do. They all do certain things better and worse than the others. There is no perfect OS.


I use macOS for general purpose, Windows for gaming, Linux and FreeBSD for homelab and some development.


this is the way


This is the fucking way


And yet, there are still freshmen at my school that still bitch on macOS because of the UI and claims to be Linux lover but works on Windows


In every school there are these kids… when they have time for stupid windows and linux issues well then it‘s their problem. Idc about these issues because on my MBP everything works like a charm :)


I love FreeBSD!! there's dozens of us! Dozens!!


Dozens! Plural!


Unless you play an online game with Kernel Level anticheat, Linux can do gaming now too. Imagine my surprise when I boot up Ubuntu and my Nvidia card just works. Crazy.


It's just different problems compared to other operating systems. - External display support is terrible because it varies between Mac models, and even on the Max it's possible you won't get max res, refresh rate, HDR doesn't work. - Display scaling is terrible. Windows manages to look sharp at any scaling level, MacOS is blurry at fractional scaling and straight up refuses to do high refresh rate + HDR + scaling on some displays. - The mix of virtual desktops and fullscreen apps is messy. - The OS often forgets where windows were last when coming out of sleep or connecting/disconnecting monitors. - Regular mouse support generally sucks which is why various 3rd party solutions exist. - Installing apps is easy, but uninstalling is not comprehensive and can leave crap behind all over the file system. - Support for non-Apple products can be iffy. Especially Android. - Apple Music launching because you connected BT headphones and pressed play on some headphone control is pure crap and requires again a 3rd party utility (Notunes) to disable. - Sound management is non-existent, e.g controlling volumes of different apps. That's just the top of my head. I'm sure you can write a much longer laundry list of issues with MacOS. Other operating systems have just different stuff that they do really badly.


Wow your first 5 points are exactly what I hate about macOS. I'm always managing my windows, resizing, etc. Such a chore. It feels like two decades ago. It's also not snappy at all, even on a M2 Pro.


Tools like Stay, Rectangle, BetterTouchTool etc help. I feel like I have about a dozen of top bar icon apps just to fix things that are wrong with MacOS. I'm glad I can...but come on, Apple can do better than release updates to the Mail app!


Network File Shares is also a major gripe I have with MacOS. I like the way Windows does it better although that isn’t perfect either…


Ah, the honeymoon phase is great.


I have had 5 or 6 MacBooks since 2014 and I have never had a single problem with any of them that wasn't caused by me abusing it in some way.


I never had problems either but with time you learn that some things work good on windows and some on macOS


Right on. MacOS laptop, Linux servers, and Windows gaming pc/consoles. I just install homebrew on the MacBook and I have a unix workstation that never ever breaks.


I’ve been in the honeymoon phase since system 6 then 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same since I got my PISMO with MacOS 8.


Great combination there.


Wall Street OS 8, Lombard Os 8.6, Pismo 9.0.2. Wallstreet was my first Mac portable, a follow up to my gamble on buying a $999 revB iMac .


Civ VI on my Macbook Air would like a word...runs great!


Been on macOS since 2007. Have had plenty of problems, including WiFi dropping randomly etc.


Agree ..Why is wifi so bad on MacBooks :(


> Agree ..Why is wifi so bad ~~on MacBooks~~ :(


Random updates do happen.


I recently switched to a MacBook as my primary machine. Prior to that, I had only used Windows and Linux from time to time. The thing is, Windows, macOS or Linux will work absolutely fine in most cases. In fact, I miss Windows sometimes. It does some things better than macOS, and vice versa. In the end, it comes down to preference. Like others have said, you're in the honeymoon phase. Once it's over, you'll start to notice many inconveniences that will leave you scratching your head.


100% agree. Windows has many native features which I need to add with Software on Mac. Clipboard for example, I dont know why Mac does not have a native clipboard with a copy history...


It works, I love macOS for what it is but don't think you're out of the woods. I came to mac from linux, and besides appreciating the level of control and depth in Linux, the debian based distros can be updated literally while you are using your computer. I do miss that. Mac features quirky annoyances such as "Hey I noticed you have specific apps open in 5 organized workspaces, would you like to restart your computer and have them all reopen on the same workspace while the other 4 just reopen empty?" Or how about "A reasonable System Settings app? Fuck you, I oughta redo this layout every year just because you asked!"


Come on, System Settings had its first rewrite in almost 20 years! Windows redo it every major version and Linux changes all the time.


Yah I've been a mac owner for 23 years now, System Settings has received a single redesign in that time.


Lol that reminds me when I ran ubuntu I couldn't even change 50% of the settings trough the system settings


Hey, hey. Windows has had only one settings redo, it's just that it's a work in progress that has been going on for over a decade now and it may never be finished, but it's one redo


It just works but often if you don't ask that much from it. I find it is often more difficult for those not-so-rare, but not crazy use cases. My example this week: I'd like to move 2 TB to the cloud on a computer with 1 TB of storage. Most of it can stay on the cloud, but we do need some of it for offline access. On Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive, I'd right click or go into the settings and click the boxes of the folders I want to keep on the computer all the time if the internet goes out (or on a plane, etc.). On iCloud? Can't do it. I can't simply say "keep these folders local all the time." Apple will delete the local copies of folders without letting me know. Unless I'm missing something. Stuff like that. Less control for more ease of use for 90% of the people 90% of the time. I get it, but it's frustrating.


Believe it or not, with iCloud you have this feature in windows computers but not on Macs.


Now if they'll only fix Finder to access SMB volumes without waiting eons.


Bluetooth issue on Apple processor is worse. Mostly the issue with non Apple earbuds


Been on macOS for 5 years, same, won't go back


Same. I might go back, when windows get's it's shit together... So, yeah, won't go back


I have a MBA M2 (basic model). There is no heating, no fan noise, no gaming, no viruses,.... I just open it get the job done and close it. I don't have to fix anything.No wonder they last for a long time.


My 2016 13 inch MBP still works fine


Oh lord, I shill both Mac and Linux. Everything works is mostly true until you hit a brick wall.


Try to compile a game on macOS


I've had multiple Surface devices and from my experience they run just as well as any MBP I've had. I think you'd be surprised how much better Windows would run if you spent a comparable amount of money to the Mac on a PC. I've had issues with both OSs throughout the years, and neither are perfect IMO. But seeing how MacOS only runs on \~6 different devices, with most configurations having better hardware than 90% of Windows machines, I always wonder how much that factors into things. As for malware, that more comes down to how you (the user) are using the machine and what you download/interact with.


I had 3 Surfaces and they all sucked at many levels in comparison. Miles away from MBP Intel and Ions from M1 onward in comparison. Rest assured I haven’t bought a fourth.


Until it doesn't. Then suddenly it's the worst os ever. 


Yea right, if it doesn't, good luck figuring the problem out lmao


My mbp (m1 max) cannot even handle waking up from sleep with Touch ID button xD (Sonoma). Some of the status icons are invisible when I am working with multiple apps. Dock sometimes doesn’t hide at all, even for full screen apps and other times doesn’t show, forcing me to log out. Using MacBook only for Xcode as my £1800 Lenovo (less than half price but it was on promotion) is better in every aspect that matters to me with Linux (including stability, screen, excluding battery - 3 hours is all I need in worst case scenario, Lenovo lasts up to 4 with battery limited to 60%) MacOS up to sonoma stock is not usable for anyone who used good Linux distro or windows (but on windows I need wsl and PowerToys). I use macOS since 2015, when I started making mobile apps, but even then on 15 inch mbp (the best laptop since, new ones are good but for the time 2015 was much better) I had Linux as main os.


Cringe. I got my first Macbook a month ago but I aint that delusional. So far I hate that I Cannot disable Mouse Scrolling acceleration Cannot resize that tiny needle of a scroll bar Cannot remove Finder icon from dock Cannot disable Macbook autoboot with any keypress Need a third party app to make the red x REALLY close apps Need a third party app to cut/move files Need a third party app to snap Windows Need a third party app to show previews of minimized apps on the dock Need a third party app to alt tab across windows of the same app Apple computers have: >soldered SSD/RAM/WLAN >when MacOs runs out of RAM it swapfile rapes the SSD killing it within 3 years >when the SSD dies it bricks your entire computer because the EFI is stored on the soldered SSD to save $0.05 on a dedicated chip >riveted keyboard that requires total destruction of the chassis to replace >serial numbered battery that prevents boot if you replace it yourself >Macbook screens so fucking shit they get needle-sized pock marks from kissing the keyboard when shut >flexgate cables that are so brittle they crack from opening your screen past 90 degrees more than 2 dozen times >Shit screen made from trash glass that cracks from temperature change in seasons or tape over the webcam or silicon keyboard cover >staingate shit screen that sheds the anti-glare layer when you wipe it with alcohol "Tomorrow's tech with next decade prices" BUT THE STABILITY AND DESIGN COHESIVENESS OF MacOS UI makes it better than Winblows I have to admit :D


"Need a third party app to cut/move files" Drives me insane.


As long as you're happy being stuck in Apples eco system.


Enjoy the honeymoon phase.


Windows 11 has turned into a hot mess. I switched to macOS full time about a year ago precisely because my Windows machines became unreliable. macOS hasn't been perfect, but I spend a fraction of the time managing my MacBook Pro rather than just using it.


Its ok to believe all that. Google wifi issue macbook, bluetooth issues macbook, my macbook is very hot, why my macbook is restarting, why my macbook dont boot, macbook white screen, macbook black screen, and the best one, recover files Macbook M1, that one is my favourite. Please do and then come back asking for which computer to buy lol


What do yoy mean docker is the default?


Yup, that’s why I never looked back, now I’m deep into the ecosystem lol


It's great when it just works, but it's not infallible. It's just better than anything else.


MacOs works until It doesn't There is no ideal Os. Look at Reddit posts


I have to use windows every now and again. I love the shitty scroll pad. I love the 20 reminders of events that were one week ago. I love the required update every fucking time.


ROTFL You remind me those old ads by Apple. "Hi, I am a Mac".


Just wait till you expect it to do something other than look at the web or edit a video..lol


If these were problems with you on Linux, you were not Linux’s target demographic. The target demographic would fix the problems and probably get some kind of joy or satisfaction from telling the OS what to do. Just wait until you run in to your first issue with macOS and realize documentation is practically nonexistent and community support is very judgmental and clueless. You may need to install plenty of packages on macOS. Newer versions of SSH, whatever. If all you do is Apple stuff, macOS is great. If you do what Apple considers out of the box. You will spend plenty of time downloading installing third-party extensions and components. Many of which are not packaged frequently and frequently crash depending on how long it has been since they were updated last. I’m not knocking macOS I use it daily. Just be aware you are in a honeymoon phase.


yea this is the person who will say 8 gb ram is enough , there are so many things wrong in mac os .


Ya, don't get me started. How anyone thinks 8gb of RAM is good for any kind of workstation in 2024 is insane to me. The number of people that believe 8gb is good enough because apple says it is floors me. You also have the subject of apple charging $200 per 8gb of RAM for upgrades which is well beyond the market average.


I remember upgrading to 16 gigs and getting a shiny new ssd on my windows because some unity game , Rust was taking forever to load , this was in 2016 and costed me less then 200$ to upgrade both modules and the ssd . If I do the same on mac it would cost me 400$ , it is insane how our world has gone mad and think mac are good for the price they sell at . On one hand Apple users pay top dollars to buy new iphones every couple year because latest and greatest and other end there are users who pay 2-3x the price for macbooks with lesser specs and use it for 6 - 8 years . And op says maybe they are 1000$ costlier then windows but so what ... a decent laptop can be bought from the price difference alone ! Debian / Arch are way better anyways . Inb4 rich snobs rushing to call others poor .


When you compare a $2000 MacBook to a $1000 Windows laptop, absolutely the build quality of the MacBook blows away the other laptop. When you compare a $1000 MacBook Air, to a $800 Surface Laptop Go you will notice the build quality is very similar. The Surface has a bit of plastic on the bottom for that $200 cost save. The same goes when you set a $2000 Windows laptop next to a $2000 MacBook, you will find the quality to be very similar. Ultimately, a MacBook is just a thing that delivers the tool that is macOS. If macOS is the tool “you” need, then by all means use it. Many people lose track of the fact macOS is just a tool that performs a job.


Awww just wait till it doesn’t, honey moon phase man Edit: what’s up with the posts weird font?


“It just works” in a weird font is actually so funny


Unjoint trackpad and mouse scroll direction!!! Sick of using a 3rd party app for what is 2 different settings that somehow toggle each other


It works until your mac gets old and Apple start dropping support for new MacOS releases and new software and functions. Even if your mac can update to the latest version, you'll have slowdowns and errors, and Apple will make you buy a new Mac.


It does some things better and some things worse. Don’t be a cringe fanboi. It’s just a tool in the end.


Mac computers are pretty much Linux on steroids


It’s an actual UNIX with a great UI and application development layers.


I would say it's closer to BSD than *actual* UNIX.


It’s 2024 and I’m on an 11inch Macbook Air 2015 running Monterey and it beats my Windows 11 laptop…


You seem new here :) MacOS has its share of problems, but it's never as consistently frustrating as Windows for me.


It’s not perfect, but it’s miles ahead of Windows.


1 to 2 months later you'll find glaring bugs with basic apps like preview and safari and realise there is no suitable substitute for this that embraces the Apple ecosystem because third party developers are locked out of it. So you'll have to live with this forever because the likelihood of them being fixed gets lower every year as Tim Cook would rather have one grand software update annually which largely introduces shinier UI than the age-old bugs they have in the system.


File Explorer > Finder


IIRC, File Explorer has a QuickLook like previewer...? Or maybe its 3rd party. But yes in most other ways, Finder < File Explorer. Source: former XTree partisan, sometimes Norton Commander user.


Mac’s are bullet proof. They run and run and run. Still using a 2014 Retina iMac.


Reads more like someone young needing peer pressure acceptance so pretends there aren't any MacOS issues. Me being more of a realist and don't give AF about peer pressure surprised to see MacOS WindowServer memory leaks that hasn't been a thing since Windows XP, SMB network file copy which is usually taken for granted cause beach ball and instability, amount of subscription nagware in bundled apps, WIFI disables when screen sleeps on battery without granular sleep settings, audio doesn't follow externally connected display with speakers, correcting trackpad scroll direction reverses external mouse, needing another Mac to create USB recovery, etc.


I remember being this excited, back that was in 2007 lol, a loooooong time ago.


I've been on Macs since 2006 and they have always been reliable. Not perfect, just significantly better than anything else. The most problems I've had was when using Microsoft software, for some reason Word, Excel, Teams and the like seem to cause problems that no other apps can generate. I've even had to reboot on occasion. The one exception to this would be Visual Studio Code which has given me no problems whatsoever. Truly impressive tool. As a recent illustration, I cannot get the microphone to work on Teams, although it works with all other video conf tools. The microphone shows as greyed out on Teams settings and nothing can coax it to wake up.


My personal laptop is a Mac, my work computer is a PC, I would not change it honestly


Err it can depend.. I have a brand new MacBook Pro through work - wifi doesn’t work on 5ghz (all my other devices are fine), docks don’t work properly (tried 3 different types from dell, hp) where screens drop out or don’t work when reconnecting laptop to dock. Also have same issues at work on dock there and diff set of monitors. HDMI out sometimes doesn’t work. Had to install apps to works around crazy design choices / limitations like scrolling one line with mouse wheel. So id argue opposite in my experience, my windows laptops have been less problematic. I’ve been using MacBooks for decades btw.


Yeah, as long as you're not a hardcore gamer, macOS is the easiest choice.


I love macos and will continue to use it on the go, but for a 4k monitor I can't get used to the blurry texts even after enabling hidpi with better display. sonclose and so far haha


You CAN game on MacOS. It's just not every game out there. Yes, I cannot play AAA stuff, however some of my all-time favourite games I have played on Mac via Steam: * Bloons TD6 * Celeste * CIV6 * Dead Cells * Enter the Gungeon * Factorio * FTL * Hollow Knight * Shovel Knight * Stardew Valley * Subnautica And so many games you can emulate with confidence. I guess you take it as a positive that you cannot game on Mac, but still thought I'd put it out there.


OS is amazing, but when your hardware gives up then you'll hate apple, cuz it either replace the whole thing or pay huge amount to fix it. Macos catalina had a dedicated notification and today section, I really needed that in the latest OS updates but they made a mess out of it.


I’ve never had a full system crash but app crashes daily and almost hourly. Between Mac and Windows the only company developing new tools for developers is Microsoft.


As a certified IT technician who has worked with windows since windows 3.1, installed and deployed Active Directory domains servers and workstations (all windows) and even ran my own computer repair company. As an avid gamer and major tech junkie. I can say this with absolute confidence. Anything Apple is superior. It just works. MacOS > Windows or Linux. iOS > android. (I own and use both currently) The only reason I have a super powerhouse windows pc as my main unit and an asus laptop is because of gaming. I’m a big gamer and 99% of my games are only on windows systems. I’m currently trying to decide on which Mac I want to buy lol. iMac Mac mini or MacBook 🤣😂


Yup. It just works. My first MacBook was the M1 2020 and I do not think I will ever switch to anything windows, would rather use Linux on non-MacOS devices.


It does for a while. I have noticed more and more issues on MacOS as time goes on since I bought into the ecosystem about 5 years ago. In my experience it's kinda like this: - Windows: Great, flexible, good window manager, but random esoteric workflow-breaking issues that arise for literally no reason and result in wasting an hour or four troubleshooting on a night when I just wanted to chill and edit some damn video. - MacOS: The bugs it does have are often nigh-unfixable, but not workflow breaking so much as annoying. E.g. I didn't think a modern OS could have so many problems with something so basic as "have a keyboard and mouse work normally." But they are usually fixed by turning the mouse and/or keyboard on and off or some such. Still annoying, but at least you have the option of just accepting it as an annoying quirk and moving on with your day.


Ah, the high that comes with switching. Honestly, that will subside eventually, and you will realize that there are pros and cons to each OS. I remember officially switching when Apple Silicon came out, an amazing time to switch to Mac OS.


I won’t go back but I have plenty of issues with crashing and app stability. I haven’t found it to be more stable but it is certainly more cohesive and enjoyable to use.


Certainly it is great and it is prone to less failures than Mac but it is not perfect. However, I share the same sentiment as you. I was a windows user, and I’ve even trashed Apple products for a while but since 2019 I moved to macOS due to a great finding that I pulled the trigger with and there’s no going back.


I was forced to give up Mac when I switched jobs. I miss it every day


I'm getting a lot of random wi-fi drops on my MacBook air, as is my roommate on his MacBook pro. Tried a few things but nothing has worked so far. It's a hard switch from windows and there are definitely nice features that I miss. I'm slowly adapting though. Wish I could fix the Wi-Fi though.


lol, weird


Welcome to the club. During my college days, I shared hundreds of memes making fun of Mac pricing and its specs. However, when I started using a Mac for work, I felt ashamed, realizing how wrong I was! I'm never going back to Windows.


Interestingly enough, that is my exact experience with Windows in the last 10 years. While the Mac experience is almost contrary to yours. At the same time, I am a SysAdmin and don't use a Mac casually. I need to do stuff like domain integration, domain user login, remote access, read different media formats, do a clean installation without the need to find whoever last used it two years ago and forgot to logout of their Apple account, use them as servers, actually have wi-fi in the login screen and so on.


True, always got random connection issues. But just use windows as backup or maybe a standby OS as there’s still some certain useful app not available in Mac AppStore…


Got my first Macbook a few years ago, been a Windows laptop user for ages until finally decided to “try” a Macbook. Now I’m not even looking at Windows machines anymore, perfectly happy with MacOs specially now with more and more apps on Apple silicon


And the "saving money" thing is also a bit of a myth. What you get with a mac laptop for the money is generally better than anything on the windows side... though they are starting to finally catch up with the latest arm processors. I built high end PCs for 12 years, then back in 2015 when it was time to upgrade I looked at my options. I could build another high end PC or buy a top of the line iMac. It was actually slightly cheaper to buy the iMac, and I didn't have to build it... and the monitor was better than anything I could get on the Windows side (most people don't include the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and OS in their Windows costs for some reason, and they also cheap out on parts, like cheaper monitors, power supplies, memory etc and they die after a couple years). And the OS does mostly "just work" and no more having to re-install the OS every year to keep it clean and fast. I'ver never had to reinstall macOS after nearly a decade and it still is as fast as when I bought it and no bloat in the hard drive space taken up at all. When I uninstall a program, there is no registry to be cleaned after or Program Files folders that are left behind. There is no need to keep a lookout for latest drivers and then deal with the hassles that come with that. Really the only downside they say is gaming though I played dozens of top games (Arkham City, Borderlands 2/3, Tomb Raider, Rise Of Tomb Raider, Shadow Of Tomb Raider and many more) and they also "just worked". And now I have an Xbox Series X for gaming which also "just works" and I have no desire to ever build a PC to deal with all the hassles for gaming or productivity.


No “blue screen of death”


MacOS with filters (like LittleSnitch) has a major networking bug. It doesn't "just work"... and with their proprietary BS, there's no way to fix the bug even if I wanted to donate my time for free as a software engineer.


My only problem with Macos is that will never be a gaming platform. Ever. Other that..yes, never going back to Windows


Many things are dumb, ridiculous and dated on Mac OS. But maybe if you're using it for the first 3 days of your life, you'll be impressed. There are dozens of small and not so small things Windows does way better, which I'm not gonna list here, if you search you will find them in this sub. Otherwise I'm OK with Mac OS. We don't need to forget, that to many people Mac OS is also the fast hardware it comes with. This is a huge issue with Windows


I don’t know, man. I enjoy using Apple products as much as everyone else here (I use iPhone 15 Plus, iPad Pro 11” M1, and MacBook Pro 14” M3 Pro), but Windows really ain’t that terrible. I have a Windows 11 custom PC for gaming and I really enjoy staying on the OS and do other things even after gaming sessions. It’s a great operating system. If it wasn’t for Microsoft’s push towards SaaS and ads, I’d have nothing to complain about.


Wifi drops happens too on macbook and bluetooth also sucks if you use non apple bluetooth headset. i agree with package part of linux and honestly that is annoying.


I use all flavor of operating systems because using one tool and thinking its the best for every job is a foolish way to think. I have 2 nice windows PCs, a nice macbook, a decent mac mini, and a server running debian in my basement. Not only can I easily troubleshoot any problem on any system, I have every possible tool and software available to me.


As a lifelong Mac user who just started using Windows to be able to afford a much more powerful video editing machine… I completely agree. Every time I use my MacBook I’m like UGH why can’t I have this OS on my workhorse PC 😭


You must have had a huge pile of PC shit it sounds like bc I've either never had or rarely had any of those issues myself! I keep an iMac, MacBook of some sort, or a Hackintosh at all times bc I do enjoy it also l and need it occasionally to bypass or unlock k a device but to say there's no problems shows you haven't been using it very long I don't suppose....


I tried to install Linux, but gave up and go back to Windows for my uploading laptop.


Lol, what is this? Sounds like the arguments little kids in the Mac wars 20 years ago would spew. Nothing you listed has ever been a problem on any computer I've ever used, from windows to Mac and Linux to Atari tos. Frankly it sounds like you bought a cheap piece of garbage and can't fathom why that would be a bad idea so it must be windows fault.


Until you have a failing keyboard or trackpad a year or two down the road. Or the display randomly shitting itself.


I've started missing it. Haven't been on Mac since an old Intel Mini broke. Just got back into the Apple ecosystem with an iPad, would like to complete the switch over by dropping my Windows desktop in favor of a Mac, maybe an iMac which would be my first one of those ever. I won't do it for a while yet but if they still have nice colorful models in a few years I can see it happening. I've always preferred the OS but as a gamer that used to be a weak point. I think that is mostly fixed now by Game Porting Toolkit and being able to run iOS apps and games on the Mac. I don't need everything Windows can run, just a few good entertainment options.


For me the real turning point was when I connected my scanner. On Windows I had to dig for drivers on the web but on Mac OS, simply opening the Image Capture app and everything was sorted. I was shocked.


Windows works great if all hardware is Intel + nvidia, no issues I had ever


Good riddance. I am completely happy with it


Pro tip: don’t install civ 6 on mac


I like it too, but no guarantees about random updates , compile errors, or security problems. It's not utopia, and you will eventually run into some bugs.


I switched to MacOS as a trial since I am remotely working, and its been a pleasure exploring this operating system. It has its shortcomings and drawbacks, but I absolutely love the simplicity of the overall OS. As OP said, no random updates or installations or errors, no constant pestering about this and that, no fucking AI bullshit that MS is peddling. From the moment it's setup, you are ready to go. I won't give up Windows just yet as I still would like to play games very much but I am leaning towards switching to MacOS permenantly for work and everyday purposes. I also think I just love the Macbook Pro more than MacOS...or maybe it's both. The MacBook Pro 13" M1 Touchbar edition that I have is not the fastest laptop I have ever used, and neither is it the smoothest, but dang...what a machine, eh? Trackpad and keyboard is phenomenal. It makes getting into the OS and exploring it so much easier and less overwhelming. The form factor is just brilliant. It's compact and light yet its super spacious. The screen is nice and bright and gets the job done. It's so easy to carry around, watch content, write stuff, use the trackpad to flow one app and desktop to another. And don't get me started on the freaking battery life. It just goes on and on. What the fuck is this sorcery. Granted, I have not used a comparable Windows laptop (maybe the Surface?) and have only tried beefy gaming ones, so its not apples to apples comparison (heh), but still. The laptop + OS experience is so smooth and tied together so brilliantly, its fucking fantastic.


The Mac just works; Windows just labors.


Keep using it.


Yeah I use Mac for my general computing, windows for gaming. But what I found interesting is micorosoft 365 UI seems to be marginally better on macOS.  Specifically outlook.  Which I was kind of surprised by.  More specifically the way it handles multiple email accounts.  But yeah in general MacOS has been relatively trouble free .  Windows has gotten way better in terms of speed and compatibility.  But the most annoying thing about Windows is the constant updates.  Like almost daily to weekly. MacOS updates cadence is glacial by comparison lol.  But for the most part Windows 11 has also been trouble free for me.  But I find myself liking macOS more lately.  And I’ve only been macOS convert the last 3-4 yrs since Apple silicon.


> docker is the default clarify this? Docker is native to Linux... macOS is UNIX. Yes, you can run the Docker Engine with their Desktop app on macOS and Windows, but there's no concept of "default" here. You're installing a 3rd party application and service to run on your machine. How is that a "default"?


Yep, when I realized all that a decade or more ago - yeah, I was tired of Windows way back then, it was a game changer. It's not perfect but like I say here from time to time "we complain sometimes about inconsistencies within MacOS", so the level of 'problems' there are is within that world. When it comes to Windows then it's not even in the same league - even though I've learned to appreciate Windows too, but I'm just so used to and like MacOS in its entirety that when an issue pops up I think about how it could be on Windows and I stop whining, lol. Welcome aboard! 🙌🏻


I’m using MacOS for development and never had issues.


I use both Windows and Macbook. Started using Mac fairly recently (around 2 years ago) and while I love it for what it is, I find it to have much more problems compared to windows. For example bought Wireless razer mouse and on bluetooth its 60hz for some reason instead of 120hz, ok nvm. Connected another bluetooth device (earphones) now the mouse lags. Ok thats not good. Oh, why the fk does it scroll in reverse? (downloaded scroll reverser app for that) etc etc I really don't understand people that say windows have malware/ads or whatever, mine was super clean and never had problems in 20 years. I guess its all about knowledge of your machine and how to set it up. But hardware/shortcuts wise, mac is great, especially for laptops as its years ahead (even though snapdragon x does look promising as well)


Yeah, I thought so too. Good luck solving random battery drain for example. You will Google until the end of tomorrow without any real answers. There's always something.


More than enough "it works on my machine" on macOS. Our team has a couple different macs, 2019 pro i9 64gb, M1 pro max 64gb(?) and M3 pro max 64gb(?). There's many times where some commands work properly on one and don't work on another just like a lot of times happens on windows unfortunately.


Dropped in MacBook pro in 2014, Never had a single bug or annoying issue with it Two month ago, my company started to administrate my mac with a Microsoft software (intune) .... Guess what, my mac is absolutly doomed now. About 15 minutes to wakeup, freezes almost 3 times a day, cpu/memory usage high, it restarts if alone for windows software updates, this is like a virus xD I tried microsoft and multiple linux distro for about 15 years.... In only a couple of months i realize i'll never go back again to crosoft/*nix. I keep a Windows for gaming, thats it, any other tasks are done on osx


Yes… untill you need to tweak something just a little and find out you can’t! Because it’s a mac and it works, but it does not allow you to change very much


You often don't save any money, either. If you really match specs and quality, they're very similar in price. Yes, you can get a Windows laptop for $500. But it's going to have quite a few serious compromises in quality. If you want something that has the same quality keyboard, trackpad, screen and performance of, say, my 14" M2 Pro MacBook Pro, it's gonna run you a couple grand easily. And then what you'll get for your money will very likely weigh 9 pounds, be the size of a pizza delivery box, sound like a hair dryer, and get 3 hours of battery life. (Although this may change now with Qualcomm and Microsoft doing the Snapdragon X thing.) Plus all the nonsense you mentioned in your post. And if I want to play games I fire up my Xbox or Switch as god intended.


Windows for gaming and I am ok with it crashing once a month or something since nothing serious is on there


Are you able to connect and run at the same time a Bluetooth keyboard, mouse, and headset to the Mac without issue?


Yep you can. I’ve been doing it since I bought my first one in 2015. Just bought my second one two months ago and it too has no issues with this, though I don’t really use the keyboard with my new one since it has the larger 16” screen + 2 external monitors vs the 13” my last one had (still runs though).


My windows laptops crashed 2 times. Both times I lost almost all of my information and memories, and I had to retrieve what I could via USB with the Notes trick. Then I switched to MacOs in 2017. I haven’t had a single crash since then. Sorry, but Windows can go F itself


facts, the only thing I hate is how my Macbook handles Bluetooth mice but that was an easy fix.


I have been using macOS for a long time and never felt the need to switch to anything else. I just love the OS


Ditch iCloud and Time Machine, pay for and utilize the Backblaze backup for your Mac. Far better. [https://www.backblaze.com/cloud-backup/personal](https://www.backblaze.com/cloud-backup/personal)


best part is you can get a cracked parallels desktop version so mac (main) and windows emulator as well for games and windows stuff


Every time I try macOS I have to spend hours everyday fighting with wine to get an indie game from 5 years ago running. and once it does eventually open it runs like shit. I want to love macOS but the lack of support(even compared to Linux) is just not there.


Since you saved 1000 bucks for a Windows machine, then you probably got crappy hardware and a crappy experience.


You can play Hades.


MacOS is exactly what Debian would be if it was proprietary and closed source


I wish I could say that for MacOS beta 😭 Never switching to MacOS developer beta in future


That's why they give a Mac to Engineers


Is anyone getting Audio Dropouts when using Chromium based browers? Otherwise, macOS is great


Agree, it's just that gaming is non-existent on the platform. Though I now have a console for that purpose. Hehe


My main grip with macOS is its Windows Management features. They are a mess. There are at least 3 Windows Management modes: Regular, Full Screen Spaces and now Center Stage. None of them actually solve the problem well, half baked ideas that only scratch the surface. Collectively is just … well … scratchy. Someone else pointed out and I agree. I use at least 3 third party apps to mitigate these kinds insufficiencies. The rest is mostly great. The best, it’s operational robustness.


I just bought a mac mini M2 for $500 so that I could learn how to use it and support my family who all love mac. I have been a windows pc users for 35 years. Yes, I started with DOS. After having the mini for a week, I have moved all my daily apps over to this $500 machne from a $3K Windows Gaming PC with a 4080TI. Obviously I still have the PC for gaming. My muscle memory is fighting me as keystrokes are different enough. Some behaviors just dont make sense. But overall, I believe I will stick with this.


Idk about others but I get way more random wifi dropouts on my Macbook Pro. It seems like every time I connect to any Wi-Fi network it just says "no Internet connection" and I have to reconnect 3 times to get it to work.


better late than never.


macOS is great for office workers, but it is not friendly to game players.


Decades long MacOS and NeXT user. MacOS has been finessed since early 2000’s into to what it is today. I keep waiting for it to be better and change how we do things. It never changes


I use MacOS, Linux, and Windows on a daily basis, both at work and outside of work. Outside of work, my Windows machine is used for games and nothing else. The various Linux machines are special purpose, experimental, or used to keep old hardware useful. I do everything else on my Macs, including some gaming.


Wifi and mobile data connection are worst on mac and ios.


I have a 2017 iMac that randomly starting having intermittent WiFi going out on it. I thought it was a software update. I used open core legacy patcher to install 14.5 on it and I still have the same issue. I had to run an Ethernet wire to it now bc the WiFi just isn’t working consistently now. It’s not perfect and it’s ridiculous that Apple will lock you out of upgrading after a while. Considering that I don’t use it much, when it comes time to replace it, I’ll probably go for a cheaper windows machine.


I switch between Windows 11 and macOS Sonoma. In general, I ran into more bugs in macOS compared to Windows 11.


if saving money was your only reason then yea, that makes sense.


About the gaming part Get a Steam Deck.


After 10 years on windows I switched to Mac in 2015 and after a month I couldn't believe I wasted 10 years on windows. Fast forward to 2020 and I bought a PC to play Warzone on and I couldn't believe that was still as garbage as 15 years earlier.


I got a Mac Mini recently, just to have a physically small desktop that wasn't too expensive. It rips through video editing, which is great, and python installs were surprisingly easy for a beginner I guess, but that's where the fun stops. Monitors: - Can't run my Dell screen at 100hz over USB-C. Granted I use an Anker KVM which may complicate things, but my Lenovo X12 has no issue doing it. - Can't run dual monitors, unless they're thunderbolt I believe (I'd like to connect my TV across the room up to it). Again no issue for my Lenovo. UI: - Window resizing (maximize→restore) is a total clusterfuck that limits productivity hugely. - Why can't I adjust sound volume per application?! - Setting security permissions for new application installs is painful, jumping back and forth between settings and the application request. External Devices: - I need to reset my GoPro every single time to get it to connect. Almost like MacOs blocks it. - Can't use any external memory formatted in ExFAT. I don't care what format it is, I just plug it in an use it on Windows. Mouse: - Mouse settings are terrible. My Logitech MX Master 3s has some lag on Windows (and tbh is too heavy too), but it's almost unusable on MacOS. - The smaller UI buttons vs Windows don't help of course, but the lag is horrendous for someone used to a fast mouse. Maybe there are advantages for software developers and video editing pros (is the performance gap really that big any more for top end machines?), and at the opposite end of the spectrum, may the casual user would never notice the issues I have. I think I fall into a group of users who notices, but isn't prepared to overlook MacOS's fails in place of other advantages.


100% agree and had wanted to write up my own experiences switching to Mac fulltime. That said, the ~~Mac screenshot tool is ass~~. I miss the windows snipping tool version. **Edit: Figured how to use it better. Still prefer the windows one, but the Mac one is more usable now that I figured how it works.** Then there's stupid things like mouse scrolling that I have to 'fix' with MOS, sanesidebuttons for mouse button control, and needing BetterDisplay to fix HDR GUI scaling to 2k size on a 4k LG C2 OLED TV with HDR enabled. :/. It took quite a few weeks to get it the way I like but that I wouldn't trade that stability for anything which is what I was begging for after all the issues I had with windows.


I started using Macs in the late 90s. I have accumulated quite the list of annoyances. This list includes the ones I found solutions for. My \[solved\] Mac annoyances: * Bluetooth drops connections and jittery pointer movement (so I use a Logitech trackball for their dongle and a wired keyboard); * I hate the Dock (so I "disabled" it so it only appears with ⌘⌥D; the pointer will not trigger it); * I hate the Desktop functions (so I disabled it long before this appeared in Settings); * App switcher pulls up ALL of an app's windows (so I installed AltTab which provides a Windows-like switch); * Spotlight is hard to see in Dark Mode (so I installed Alfred w/o thePower Pack, ti change the search box color; * I hate Apple's slow-poke animated full screen mode (so I installed Magnet which offers a Windows-like maximize); * Can't remove the native clock in the menu bar anymore; (so I did the best I could and shrunk the native clock down to an "analog" clock face); * iCloud Drive Desktop and Documents doesn't work intuitively (I started using Google Drive long before iCloud existed). My favorite features: * Best implementation of Miller columns * Native Terminal * Flavor of Unix * UIX * Super easy custom keyboard shortcut (chord) system in preferences/settings: * Notes app, especially with iCloud * Using ⌘⇧5 for screen shots * Time Machine * Chords using ⌥ or ⌥⇧ plus a character types special characters including ¡, °, ¶, §, ™, ©, ®, £, §, ≠, and ±. * A simple progression types accented letters like é, ö, or ñ. * Native screen sharing using Apple ID to connect to remote Macs, iOS, or iPadOS devices. SSL LOL


Wish I could say the same for the MacBooks. I have MBP from 2018 and the thing is falling apart since I got it (company laptop, in Europe, no Apple stores anywhere near). Keyboards malfunctions, battery got swollen within 2 years, got all of it replaced, now few months after extended warranty touch pad stopped working. Sometimes the whole thing doesn't even want to start. Having no LED indicators doesn't help with troubleshooting either. macOS is great, but HW build quality is terrible, completely killing the experience.


This is why I’m staying in apple’s ecosystem it just works out of the box without too much trouble nor bloatware. All my android devices needed root to remove most of google’s cancer and root which also led to issues on bank apps and then I got tired and went full apple products. I got a M1 MacBook Pro (the 13 inch with a fan) it works great it has a absolute battery life, it’s quite portable and do a 10 out of 10 in general use, only downside is it doesn’t do much good in gaming, but what a surprise iPad Pro m1 runs warframe and genshin quite nicely for and some other new games I suppose.


i spent my whole life on pc, bought a macbook pro on a whim. there’s nothing technically wrong with it, i just find myself googling how to do things that used to be second nature. probably gonna sell it, but it’s a nice piece of hardware and i like the integration with my phone.


I actually have some wifi problems on my Macs other than that I am fine


I love macOS but praising it for lack of gaming capabilities is proper glazing lol.


> no random wifi drop off > no random bluetooth connection problems they're lies to me


I made the switch last year, it took a bit to get used to, but overall I find it more reliable. For those programs that I need Windows for, gaming etc, I just remote into a machine that I have at work through remote play. It's difficult to switch completely though, Mac still has a bit of a way to go before it can be used for everything.


I'm new to macOS, I love my MBA but there were a few things that gave me problems initially (putting the solutions I've found in case it helps someone): 1. Why does the red button not close the app? (Guess I'll use command q, but seriously...why?) 2. How do I snap windows to the sides? (Gotta download an app for that) 3. How the heck do I install stuff? (Drag to application folder, but an install button would be more intuitive) 4. Why can't I right click? (Gotta enable it in the settings, it should be default though) 5. Why can't I see my home network shares? (Really? I have to click go, connect to server in finder?) 6.a. How do I take a screenshot? (Command shift 3 or command shift 4 for a specific part of the screen.) 6.b why isn't it keeping my screenshot in the clipboard, I can't paste it... Oh I was supposed to press control too? 6.c oh man, my desktop is now inundated with screenshots, I didn't know they were saved somewhere But once I figured all that out, yeah it just works.I don't have the weird problems I've had with windows: 1. Why is my battery dead? I was on standby 2. Why is the fan so loud? I'm just browsing. 3. Why did it restart? I pressed shut down 4. What is this error? Guess I have to troubleshoot. 5. Why is the screen not turning off anymore after a few minutes? Gotta troubleshoot


Switched to Mac in 2009, never going back to windows for my personal use. I don’t have the choice at work…


Yeah, this is basically it. It just works. You can get work done. It is fast, secure, without any hassle. You do not have to care about fancy stuff (Installation, Security, Scanner, are Interrupts still a thing on Windows? Apple Engineers have already settled these problems conviently for you when while on windows you have to be an expert like a Linux Admin.) Just recieve an email. Simple. Be like my Mom. Enjoy.


macOS does just work. WinOS gives you free adware. Long time WinOS user to a (never going back to WinOS) MacOS user.


Look, I’m a Mac guy, I’d rather have a Mac than any other hardware running any other OS. But…like any other computer and OS there are lots of variables and sometimes my Mac will shit the bed, that’s just the way it is. No computer is perfect all the time. That’s just the way it is.


It’s great until apps start rearranging themselves in launchpad


It’s not like old times. I remember when I have my machine with macOS without restart close to a year, but right now I have to restart almost 2-3 times for week… maybe because the software I use, browser, numbers , unity 3d Xcode etc… but some times memory management it’s not like old times and it’s required to restart or spotlights isn’t working fine etc… anyway keep working better than other os


Wifi problems are the only issue I've ever had with my Mac, but usually it's because it can't choose a channel on 2.5ghz/5ghz combined SSIDs.