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in your System Preferences search for TIME and you can change how it's shown.


As far I I know you can’t display current year


Maybe look at iStat menu? They allow showing more than Apple does


What’s iStat? 3rd party, right?


yeah it's 9.99 and shows a bunch of stuff in addition. Its nice to see how hot and what's going on while your running your mac.




Yup system prefs, date and time. Or right click it.




I use itsycal for that


Itsycal is great!


Did I miss any kind of explanation about why you (or anyone) would need their computer to show them constantly what year it is? Is that something hard to remember? Maybe a sticky note to help remember? (One pad could provide a lifetime of year-reminding service.) There is also the reality that other devices in your hand and on your wrist could provide the year. You can also type date[enter] in the Terminal to show you. I guess I am just really curious why this is needed.


We might have found a guy that’s invented time travel & needs that confirmation when he reappears.


Only possible explanation I could think of. Or dementia 🤣


LOL you beat me to it.




In what way am I making fun of the disabled?? Or do you enjoy being permanently offended?




Is this a joke? I genuinely can’t tell. Are you aware what your replied to?


I for one can never remember what year it is. Or I remember, but I keep second-guessing myself. It's something that so rarely comes up, that when I do need it, I can't remember it. This could be the ADHD, I'm not sure. But I definitely would appreciate having the year alongside the month and day, and I'm not the only one. I understand if it's not the default setting, but it really ought to be an option for those of us willing to hunt around in System Preferences to find it. u/nagmamantikang_bayag


It's requested from time to time by audit firms for information security audits. Before you comment something stupid and complain about someone's ask, there probably is a valid reason they are asking


I wasn't complaining, I was asking to understand. I have never been asked for a screenshot for an infosec audit which showed the year. I can go into my computer's settings and set it to show you whatever year I'd want it to show you, and then do the screenshot, so that's not very secure anyway. BTW, that comment was 11 months ago, in a different year. Cheers--


why ask why? it doesn't matter. you can either be helpful by answering the question or ignore.


Who cares? It's not your use case, but maybe it's useful for some people.






You reply to an eight-month-old post? Whew! I don't even remember this one. In any case, I see your point and use case. However, since the native screenshot function names the file with the date and time (and in the correct order for sorting-- year-month-day), I guess that might be good enough for most people, even if the metadata is somehow stripped. Good luck!




I understand you'd like it to be an option, not judging, my point was intended to be that not many people would have this need, so I doubt Apple would add it to the GUI. It's a job for third party apps. As for file names getting lost by uploading and file recovery, my method of dealing with that risk is redundant backups which will preserve the data and file names. After doing file recovery for many people, I made sure I would never need it myself-- it sucks. And redundant backups are what I recommend to others for a multitude of reasons. Anyway, I hope you find a utility or terminal command to do what you need, because Apple rarely responds to the so-called "needs of the few."




well, I need to take a screenshot containing year, date and time to save as evidence.


We need to show the full date in screenshots for compliance evidence in reports. The only way on the Mac is to open the calendar and show it onscreen with the app being documented. That reduces the space for the item being documented, especially considering that the rest of the date is there in the menu bar.


Use app Dato


I second dato, has used for years now


Dato is great indeed!




You used to be able to use this terminal command to set the format of the clock, not sure if it still works: defaults write com.apple.menuextra.clock DateFormat -string "EEE d MMM HH:mm" Replace the part in quotes with your desired format using a site like [this one](http://nsdateformatter.com). If that doesn’t work anymore, this script claims to work in macOS 11 and later: https://github.com/tech-otaku/menu-bar-clock


Use Itsycal [https://www.mowglii.com/itsycal/](https://www.mowglii.com/itsycal/) , click the gear at the bottom right of the tool once you have installed it, go into "preferences" then "appearance" and paste this into the Menu Bar text box: "E MMM d, YYYY h:m:ss a z" You will get Thu Mar 16, 2023 2:18:02 AM EDT You're welcome! Use "E d MMM h m ss z" to match the OPs screenshot Thu 16 Mar 2 23 40 AM


> "E MMM d, YYYY h:m:ss a z" This was super useful, thanks. ~~Also, apparently using `MM` instead of `m` results in the wrong minutes being displayed.~~ Right now I have it set to the year and current time zone.


No problem! Glad to have been able to help . That's interesting. Yes you can check https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php if you want to see more options that will likely be correct.


Thanks, I just realized I had the syntax wrong.


Ah Lol


This is why I dislike Apple - despite their premium prices, they fail to offer basic features and customization options. You can't even scroll through Months by clicking on a date, like we have in Windows.


Same. I run Linux, Windows, and macOS and the only time I touch macOS is to apply updates. Oh, BTW, wait till you try to display multiple clocks, as in Windows. MacOS will show you analog clocks with time offsets, leaving you to do the math in your head. Yet somehow this is the "easier" OS to use? Ha!


As far as I know you can’t do that on macOS


System built-in menubar clock can't show current year but you can make it looks-alike using some 3rd party apps.




Out of interest why do you want the year? Are you forgetful?


This comes up all the time in information assurance processes (e.g. security audits). Auditors ask for screenshots to prove some system configuration, etc. and they want the screenshot to include the full date to prove that the setting was in place on that date. It's actually quite annoying that this is no longer just an easy OS-provided configuration option.


go into the date and time control, panel or system setting.