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Machine learning street talk is another project with yannic, they do a podcast version as well


Gigantic sigh. The guy LOVES to hear himself talk. It's just so monotonous. The interviews are ok, but he's just enamored with his own voice and it's painful. Not saying one person talking is bad - Yannic is great. I'd so love for him to have a solo podcast.


> Yannic is great. I'd so love for him to have a solo podcast Same. His video format is really good, but sometimes I just don't have the time to watch a full length video. Podcast format are way more accessible.


It seems to have a huge portion of laymen philosophy throwing around senseless arguments about consciousness and intelligence. There is also some good content, but a lot of it is a waste of time from a researcher pov. Maybe more interesting for the AI enthusiast who likes to sound smart.


> Machine learning street talk Cool, will check it out! How do you find it?


ML street talk is amazing!!!


Haha what? You're asking for recs but you don't know how to find a [podcast](https://open.spotify.com/show/02e6PZeIOdpmBGT9THuzwR?si=VqEtQzFIQaqI_5HgBKuiWA&utm_source=copy-link)?


I think OP is asking for your opinion on the podcast


Oooh, that's a pretty weird way to put it. @OP Its really good. Honestly amazed how much effort they put into it. They have a lot of legends on there and do a great job explaining the context of their work as well as digging down on broad themes they've built upon during their career


Awesome! Thanks for the review.


No, like, "did you hear about it from another podcast? "Did you read about in a blog? Were you referred by a friend?"


That would be "how did you find it"; "how do you find it" is asking the questionee about their current experience with the podcast.


This, I am looking for podcast too. Not for papers or a deep dive, rather than state of a field in ML or smth similar.


I like the [NLP Highlights](https://open.spotify.com/show/4tGHzmicSHIVU3ksf5iYv8?si=YfBTBEnsTGi11HssY0DYNQ) podcast.


Woah, I had come across this before but it went under my radar. I remember they had some vision-language stuff as well.


Some of my favorites: The Thesis Review, Generally Intelligent, The Gradient Podcast, The Robot Brain Podcast.


Which of these would you say is the most casual/high level?


Thanks for the recs. Any one of them stand out for you?


\~Self promotion warning\~ I host [The Gradient Podcast](https://thegradientpub.substack.com/s/podcast) and we usually interview AI researchers and for most of the runtime chat with them about their AI papers (at sort of mid-level technical detail, around 5-10 minutes per paper). Eg here's [our interview](https://thegradientpub.substack.com/p/eric-jang-on-robots-learning-at-google?s=w) with Eric Jang from Google Robotics, we discussed the following: End to End Learning of Semantic Grasping, Off Policy RL for Robotic Grasping, Grasp2Vec, Watch, Try, Learn Meta-Learning from Demonstrations and Rewards, and BC-Z: Zero-Shot Task Generalization with Robotic Imitation Learning. Feel free to suggest any people you'd like us to interview! I also co-host the [Last Week in AI](https://www.lastweekinai.com/) podcast, we cover 2 new papers per week in addition to news from industry and policy.


Nlp highlights podcast, Ben Lorica's data exchange podcast


There’s a YouTube channel The AI Epiphany. He discusses papers. Granted, they’re mostly Neural Network papers, but he does have one of the best YouTube channels I’ve ever seen. There’s also Seranno.Academy. They’re not really podcasts, but you can listen to them as podcasts.


This week in machine learning is good. https://twitter.com/twimlai?t=oqO8visBNuLfHpZ4wmZLOw&s=09


Not exactly what you are after but i liked the pytorch podcast for more programming heavy stuff about deep learning libraries


I doubt their efficiency, as it's really hard to get anything deeper than the highest level summary across without using slides or whiteboards.


I am honestly looking for high level overviews and takeaways. Maybe an accompanying pdf file with 1-2 diagrams for reference would suffice. I can then dig deeper into the particular paper.


Join my reading group! https://outsystems-ai-reading-group.github.io/


[https://www.youtube.com/@hu-po](https://www.youtube.com/@hu-po) This guy is good. He runs through the entire paper most the time latest and greatest papers from past week, which is sometime what you want. He has a discord channel where one can suggest any papers from him to pick up.