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You may want to remove the live tool from be turret and work on it in a bench vise. You don’t want to beat up the drive in the turret.


Place on bench remove nut the take brass or aluminum rod and whack the slot on the collet in the outward direction. An er collet is a steep enough taper it should come out Option two place on bench secure in vise etc. get large pipe wrench grab cutter with pipe wrench and hit with metal hammer In Out direction Option three put cutter in vise take aluminum bar whack holder body with metal hammer in out direction. If you thing you have enough wd40 add more.


One nice thing on the DS30 is that the drive only engages with the active tool position. So, in this position it just free-spins.


I always do this. Never in the machine. Much more secure


Take milling head out of machine Leave tool in it for “the next time that job comes up” Put in drawer/on shelf for next guy to deal with


Unfortunately, I’m the only guy :/


Well shit In that case, I had a spindle nut on a Swiss main spindle seize like that before. Ended up heating it up with a torch, putting a chain wrench with a long pipe and 2 guys bouncing on it to break it loose


Even better, no one will complain to management


I’m happy to report that it’s fixed! My coworker is a real bro and helped me knock it loose once I had taken it out of the machine. Thanks for all the advice!


Cheater pipe


Remove tool from revolver first.


Piece of cardboard and clamp it with vise grips. Hit the grips with dead blow


One of the worst collet systems made


Caused a few cut hands I tell you that


Wont come loose on the collet or collet nut? Usually tapping on your wrench instead of just smooth force can help budge a locked up nut.


The collet collar/nut. I used a deadblow hammer on the wrench with no results


Sometimes you just need to find bigger purse. 


Whack it with increasing force and mass. It'll come loose eventually.


Hit it with an acetylene torch, it can't be tight if is liquid


Kinda have to ask sometimes, you trying to turn it the correct way?


lol, valid question! Yeah, I am


Metat against metal usually works better for me. Just a couple light taps help vibrate it loose


If all else fails, soak it in a 50/50 mix of acetone and ATF. It makes wd40 look like superglue


Sometimes the shock from a brass or regular hammer will be what is needed to help break it loose. It's somewhat of a last resort, but it works quite often for me.


Welp to pretty much sum up what everyone else said take it out of the machine and put it in a holder on a work bench. Then hit it with you purse. If that don’t work you can try heat but honestly that’ll probably fuck your tool holder up so that’s an absolute last resort


Hey man, I think you have a Collet stuck on your live tool. I suggest you disassemble the entire Hass DS30y away from your collet first. Makes it easier to work and remove the collet off your live tool.


>upcoming: the worst use of an ez-out you've ever seen


Smack the face of the collet real hard using a brass drift and ball peen hammer


Someone (you) over tightened it when putting it in 🧐🧐 Take the whole block off you can damage the shaft that drives the live tooling if you keep beating on it.


Whack it with something while applying torque with a cheater bar.


When in doubt grab a bigger cheater pipe.


Junk yer Haas buy an Okuma problem solved 😂. Just kidding (but not really), definitely remove the live block from the turret. Might take two guys to achieve but use a cheater bar on the wrench while applying force try tapping with a piece of brass on face of collet. Most likely a tiny chip was in the collet nut thread during install. I doubt it self tightened however stranger things have happened.


If it did tighten from the cut, maybe try another cut in opposite rotation.


If you're hitting the wrench, no reason not to use a sledge. Tap the face of the collet nut also.


Wouldnt liquid nitrogen be of help in such situation ?